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Tagged With "Makers"


Re: Ricoh PBM 350 Plockmatic Booklet Maker pricing

Kitz ·
You are correct...

Re: Ricoh PBM 350 Plockmatic Booklet Maker pricing

msaeger ·
Yes there is no PBM500 you get the 350 and the upgrade kit which consists of an additional circuit board that goes into the operation panel. What do you have on there for 11k just the saddle stitch part or do you have the face trim and book fold?

Re: Ricoh PBM 350 Plockmatic Booklet Maker pricing

Art Post ·
Just the PBM 350 and the upgrade kit, no face trim nor book fold

Ricoh Booklet Maker on C842DN compared to C6503

Art Post ·
One of my clients has the SP842DN printer with bookletmaker and also have the C6503 with bookletmaker. Even through the print speed of the 842dn (60ppm) and the C6503 (65ppm), the SP 842DN will not start printing the next booklet until the booklet finisher has ejected the booklet. The C6503 will continue to make prints and does not wait for the booklet to exit. Are there any work arounds to get the SP842dn to behave more like the C6503?

Ricoh SR 3290 Booklet Maker Question

Art Post ·
The SR 3290 booklet maker is offer for the new IMC 4500 and 6000 series. I'm curious if this booklet maker has an internal stacking mechanism. Meaning that while one booklet is being ejecting the next booklet is being stacker so there is no close down with the print process. The SR3270 is not capable of this. BTW, the product launch documents are terrible for the new IMC series. Hoping anyone can help on this since Ricoh did a recent purge of marketing and product peeps.

Re: 5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

jswinberlin ·
Art, great article. I was listening to a podcast the other day and they were alluding to the fact that cold calling is dead and social media marketing has replaced it. While I believe both are necessary, there still doesn't seem to be any substitute for face to face contact. You get so much more information! As Frank Betcher puts it in his book "How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling", if you "act" enthusiastic you will become enthusiastic.

Re: 5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

Art Post ·
JS: Thanx for the comment. Yup social media is here to stay, but, it can be so impersonal. Too me, social media marketing is akin to radio, in order for it to have a lasting and dramatic effect. You have to develop a strategy and do it over and over for a long period of time.

Re: 5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

Jeff Datkuliak ·
I always enjoy reading short reminders regarding this and always share with our sales team. The key for me is that I enjoy talking to and engaging with new folks. When I stop thinking of selling or "trying to out-talk" someone and focus on how our services can help them improve their business, the exchange is fun!

Re: 5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

This is a good point. The problem with most people cold calling is that they get that "defeatist" attitude when someone is rude to them. Kill them with kindness I say! I always put it like this, if I see a place that I don't know about...I think, well...if I don't go, I don't know! For every 5 people that are rude, there are 10 that are pleasant and willing to talk to you for a few minutes. Keep Up The Grind!

Re: 5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

TimB ·
Nice post. Truly, "Attitude is everything". Whenever I get a bit gun-shy about making cold calls (which is more often than not, I confess) and the seeming 'wasted' effort it can feel like, I remember some sage advice my wife (a.k.a Head Cheerleader) gave me one time, which helps: "Honey, remember, you're just looking for the live ones."

Re: 5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

Art Post ·
LOL "just looking for the live ones", awesome

Want Decision Maker Access? Getting to the C-Suite and Keeping Their Attention

Art Post ·
Want Decision Maker Access? Getting to the C-Suite and Keeping Their Attention by Print Audit Is there anything more frustrating than moving through a 6 month solution sales-cycle only to discover your contact isn’t the one who signs the contract? Especially when they told you they were the decision maker? And then you either lose the deal or it falls into limbo? Read more of this post
Blog Post

5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

Art Post ·
What exactly does a Cold Call mean?   To me, it's the first contact with a potential prospect by either a phone call or stop in.   Funny, I was looking for some images on google for "cold call" and ninety-nine percent of those images...

Ricoh PBM 350 Plockmatic Booklet Maker pricing

Art Post ·
I'm looking at the Ricoh pricing sheet. I do see the PBM 350, but not PBM 500. However there is an upgrade kit to the tune of almost $9k. So, I get this right, you need the PBM 350 for $11K plus (you can make 140 page booklet), or you get the PBM 500 upgrade kit in addition to the PBM 350 for $11k. That's $20K to have the ability to make a 200 page booklet. WTF! Does anyone else see this, is there something I'm missing? Art

What is the Hardest Part of Your Job When it Comes to Selling?

Art Post ·
Thought I would poll our peeps to find out what's the toughest with sales today

Sharp's Chris Johnson, Melani Patterson and Tony Titone Selected as 2022 Difference Makers by ENX Magazine

Art Post ·
MONTVALE, N.J. , May 10, 2022 / PRNewswire / -- Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America (SIICA), a division of Sharp Electronics Corporation (SEC), and Affinity Business Communications, publisher of ENX Magazine and ENX The Week In Imaging, announce that Melani Patterson , Associate VP of Sales, Strategy & Planning, Sharp Business Systems; Chris Johnson , Senior Director of Channel Sales, Central Region; and Tony Titone , Senior Product Marketing Manager, have been selected as...
Blog Post

Better Call Art with West McDonald w/TigerPaw at Capture the Magic

Art Post ·
Great to have some time with the CNM (Chief Noise Maker) with TigerPaw Br>

Ricoh makes acquisition in Europe

Art Post ·
Ricoh makes acquisition in Europe Announced it has completed acquisition of Albyco of The Netherlands Maker of finishing solutions for production print systems Purchase price not announced

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Enhances Business Solutions to Support Office Digital Transformation (DX) with New A3 Colour Multifunction Printers

Art Post ·
SINGAPORE , Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- FUJIFILM Business Innovation Asia Pacific today announces the launch of three new devices *1 for the Apeos series- all of which are A3 digital colour multifunction printers with features that enhance integration with business solutions, further strengthening the 21-year leadership position in A3 Colour Laser multifunction printers across a total of 11 Asian markets *2 . The flagship Apeos C7071 series redefines the product lineup of A3 digital colour...
Blog Post

Tell em Columbo Sent You!

Art Post ·
Last week I received a lead in my territory from our manufacturer!!!  OMG, these are rare nowadays!   Before I called the Decision Maker, I did my due diligence and checked the company out on their web site.  I got a feel for what they...

Re: Tell em Columbo Sent You!

Dr. Print ·
I would ask him - Who else are you going to involve in this process. If he mentions the name of the owner’s company, ask how do you know him. You may need to ask a follow up question to get to the owners name. If he does not mention the owners company don’t bring them up, you may end up putting that company in play. You never know how well he knows the controller. I might have 1,000 linked in connections, some of them I may not think of using. That’s my advice

Re: Tell em Columbo Sent You!

I agree with dr print. I always ask who my competition is and I know them well enough now to ask which rep it is. I've found lately with one company the owner has been traveling on appointments with a new rep. I've been using this to our advantage as the owner of that company is quiet an aged fellow that knows little about our industry anymore. Find out who your competition is and if that company is listed, ask how they came about selecting them (since you mentioned the incumbent is out).

Re: Tell em Columbo Sent You!

Carl Little ·
Art, I would not ask that question. They may not be in the deal and you do not need another competitor. I might ask however how important relationships are. That will tell you a lot about him. I also try to see who they do business with to try and connect with someone who I know that might know a c-level person inside your prospect. Just thoughts. Carl Sent from my iPad > On Feb 17, 2015, at 10:33 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < > wrote: >

Re: Tell em Columbo Sent You!

Art Post ·
Thus, I took all the comments and made zero mention of the LinkedIn connection. I did ask about all of the other players and received. Names of the three other vendors, machine models, and monthly lease pricing for each of them. AS predicted price will play the most important part of the buy in, however, I was able to get me and my company to the top of the list (did not give the price yet)m due to the knowledge that I brought to table for automating a workflow process. Gotta just figure out...

Re: Tell em Columbo Sent You!

Old Glory ·
If he gave you their lease pricing, he'll give them yours. You were right to hold that back and if price is all important, before I gave him mine, I would ask if all other proposals are in. If yes, then I'd ask, "If my price is best, any reason we couldn't go forward", etc. If price is all important and all prices are in, what else id there to do?

Re: Tell em Columbo Sent You!

Larry Kirsch ·
Simply ask what you need to do to obtain the business. If you believe the answer, you know what to do Art have paperwork approved. Best wishes.

Re: Tell em Columbo Sent You!

bandit41076 ·
"press hard, third copy is yours".

Re: Tell em Columbo Sent You!

Tim Cunningham ·