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Tagged With "Muratec Dealers"


Re: Savin Dealer LOW price

Neal ·
Well, when the buyer is looking for someone to service his two Savins in a couple of years because the original dealer went bankrupt, maybe he'll understand the phrase, "you get what you pay for"

Re: Another Ricoh Dealer Takes on Konica Minolta

KenMark Office Systems Joins Elite Konica Minolta Dealer Channel Massachusetts-based Company to Offer Award-Winning Lines of Konica Minolta MFPs, Production Print Systems, Printers, and Software Solutions Ramsey, N.J. and Mashpee, Mass. - September 15, 2009 - Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta), a leading provider of advanced imaging and networking technologies for the desktop to the print shop, today announced that KenMark Office Systems (KenMark) of Mashpee,...

Re: GR firm wins Muskegon school district's copier bid

Not only did Office Machines Company (a SHARP Dealer) lose out to IKON, the following Ricoh Family Group Dealers lost out to IKON: Lanier = Advanced Imaging Solutions Ricoh = Applied Imaging Savin = Adams Remco This trend will continue, wherein more and more IKON wins are realized at the expense of the Independent Dealers.

Re: Color MFP Trends, Tactics, etc

"4) Improved Consumable yields and costs * Konica Minolta continues to shift its color MFPs away from using imaging units featuring both drum-developer to offering separate mono developer and drums. This provides greater cost benefits for mono output and allows lower Mono CPC. Konica Minolta also increased toner and other consumable yields in its latest generation and forthcoming Color MFPs." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Konica Minolta Boosts Productivity for Small- to Mid-Sized...

Re: GR firm wins Muskegon school district's copier bid

Neal ·
I understand that these dealers are part of the RFG, but they are also dual line dealers. Advanced Imaging recently taking on Canon and Adams Remco using Toshiba, especially for bid situations. Not as familiar with Applied Imaging, but I believe they are Canon also.

Re: Need help with Pay for Print Solution

John ·
Guys, Just an FYI. I am a Ricoh only dealer. Been on the hotel for awhile. We have looked at the Hotspot printers but it doesn't solve the walkup and print from a USB issue. John

Re: Color MFP Trends, Tactics, etc

Art Post (Guest) ·
I have one of these in the P4P market, after 4 months all seems well and customer is satisfied with media offereing and quality. The one thing that has changed for this unit, since its the same engine as the MPC6000 and MPC7000 is that default from the factory is 11x17 single click and lower consumable costs. Making an inroad will depend on how dealers will position this unit, dealers more than ever can now be competitive with single click 11x17, and if you're going to play in the P4P you...

Re: Weekend Industrty Notes from 09/20/09

Neal ·
I was with a KM dealer that was doing that with a couple of C500's.

Re: Weekend Industry Notes from 10/04/09

JasonR ·
Wow, they've been around a really long time!

Re: Senior VP wants P4P Access!

Old Glory ·
You didn't say whether this individual worked for a manufacturer or dealer. I would be curous to know.

Re: Senior VP wants P4P Access!

Quote: originally posted by Art: "My thoughts, why are you trying to hide your who you are?" You definitely asked yourself the correct question. The p4photel has become the most informative and honest forum to share ideas, experiences, and strategies for success. I would hope this is not compromised in the future, due to censorship or spin. For example, we heard that XEROX had an army of 'bloggers' trolling the internet to promote the ColorQube and to combat any critical assessments. The...

Re: Konica Minolta Adds Regional Aftermarket Managers

UPDATE: I understand that Konica Minolta has filled all of the Aftermarket Manager positions for each of their four (4) Independent Dealer Regions.

Re: Sharp Helps Dealers 'Align' for Success at 2009 National Dealer Meeting

Sostilio & Associates did not have a very favorable review of the SHARP 'Align 09' Dealer Show and mentioned that SHARP "did little and offered less to neither raise the attendee’s spirits nor make a good argument to be a Sharp dealer if you want to sell A3 product." Moreover, there wer no 'show promotions' and during the Awards Ceremony, SHARP Branch personnel were given awards. I was wondering if anyone attended this Align 09 Dealer Meeting and cared to provide feedback, since this...

Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?

merlin ·
There were many questions I had, but the real question is define cost? Does cost includes overhead , sales commissions, taxes,dealer salaries,gas, lights, heat. You know all the expenses that's goes into running a company. That is cost. Not want the dealer accuracy pay for the equipment.

Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?

5050 (Guest) ·
Merlin -- you are absolutley any business there are several costs. but you never know if a dealer had special terms with a their manufacturer to order x amount - or if they were trying to acheive a certain level to hit their quoata or win some award? Really hard to speculate on a business model which we don't know anything about. But the one thing that I do know is that - these idiots are everywhere..... And quite frankly -- the people who want that type of partnership would by...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Canon and Océ: More Details Canon and Océ: More Details By Cary Sherburne on November 19th, 2009 Océ management conducted a well-attended press teleconference today to provide further details of its acquisition by Canon. Jan Hol, who was interviewed earlier by WhatTheyThink, was on the line from Europe, and North America was represented by Mal Baboyian, president, production printing systems, Océ North America, and Joe Skrzypczak President and CEO of Océ North America. Océ reiterated that...

Re: Canon Buyout Marketing Dollars

Larry Levine ·
Yes, they have a pool of dollars to target any IKON account, Xerox direct, or any acquired dealer by these corporate goofs. We are a Ricoh and Canon dealer so we even get the Canon generosity. I can always be emailed for further information.

Re: Canon Forums

Art Post (Guest) ·
Yeah, it's fine to do that here, this forum is dedicated to Canon and is secured for only Canon dealers, direct and other support people from Canon. So, if you need to ask Canon questions this is the forum. If you are a dual line dealer you would also have access to the manufacturers forums as well. Hope this helps! Art

Re: Calculating Lease Costs and Effective Purchase Price W/O interest

CashGap ·
You're getting good answers, but sometimes the third of fourth approach to answering the question helps. Not to imply that the previous answers are incorrect or incomplete. 1. "Lease Rate" is a convenience, given to you so that you can multiply your selling price by a number and end up with a payment acceptable to the lessor. 2. The "Short answer" from your leasing company is "We'll do that deal for 36 months at 0.0302". 3. The "Long answer" which they will seldom give you is: - We believe...

Re: Ricoh Pro C720

Tripper ·
Do you think that this product will only be available to the limited number of previously authorized C900 dealers? Or have you heard that it will now be open to the general dealer community?

Re: Ricoh Pro C720

Art Post (Guest) ·
I have not heard, however I'm hoping that this can be a dealer unit. Anyone else hear anything in reference to trippers post?

Re: Ricoh Pro C720

Jrlz ·
Just a guess, but this is baxically a slowed down C900 so I would think it would be handled like the C900 in the dealer channel.

Re: Lexmark A4 lineup

txeagle24 ·
The solutions range in price from $99 to $599, depending on the solution, but the dealer has some control over the price. There are really only 9 core models (3 printers, 5 desktop MFP, 2 console MFP); the remaining 7 models are simply different standard configurations that are available. All products share the same user interface at the MFP and range in speed from 40ppm to 55ppm.

Re: RISO Signs Vendor Agreement with Sir Speedy, PIP Printing, and Signal Graphics

Art Post (Guest) ·
There's some questions in reference to the Witt and Riso deal: 1) It seems like any sales would be credited to Witt and not the local dealer. Can anyone verify this?

Re: FREE Admission to ITEX SHOW courtesy of P4P Hotel

Anyone have feedback from the recent ITEX Show in Vegas? Big hype for the 'hybrid' Dealer and MPS, yet not much discussion afterward?

Re: Matt Espe named CEO of Ricoh Americas Corp

Art Post (Guest) ·
To: All Ricoh Americas and IKON Employees From: Matt Espe Date: March 30, 2010 Subject: Ricoh Americas Leadership Structure and Integration Planning I am excited and energized to lead Ricoh Americas into the future. Since joining IKON eight years ago, I have worked very closely with Ricoh, first as an independent dealer and even more closely over the past 18 months as a Ricoh company................

Re: Matt Espe named CEO of Ricoh Americas Corp

Art Post (Guest) ·
Mentioned in the Dealer Conference Call: Committed to Dealer Channel (6 times) Committed to "Rules of Engagement" (3 times) interesting comment: "ways to support your leasing needs" by Hickling or Hicklin "this multiphase process will take time"

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

txeagle24 ·
Email I sent to the email address referenced above: How will the changes that were announced today affect the RFG Dealer Channel? I work for a Lanier Dealer that was formerly a Gestetner Dealer. One of our primary concerns over the past several years is that RBS & IKON consistently undercut us on price, not only for hardware but also for service & supplies, which is where we make our profit. Additionally, there are currently 9 other entities (including RBS & IKON) in the...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Old Glory ·
What makes you think that Ricoh has any major level of concern about dealer profitability? Maybe behind closed doors their perspective is that dealers are a necessary evil for the time being until Ricoh can get the coverage they need from Directs. Every box they can sell, even heavily discounted, is more profitable to them then any box that you sell. The Rules of Engagement may have been put in place to stem the tide of defections because they still need the independents for now. In 2-3-4...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Regional Vice Presidents (Wholesale) will not have responsibility for IKON, nor RBS. This had been erroneously reported in an Industry newsletter. Each Regional VP (Dealer) will maintain responsiblity for Ricoh / Savin / Lanier Dealers only. They simply report to IKON leadership now.

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Art Post (Guest) ·
It will be interesting to see where the loyalty lies with this group of execs. I can remember shen they brought in Jim Ivy in Feb of 2000 (gee, it's been that long!), he moved in most of his guys from Savin. For the most part Ivy did an excellent job with Ricoh and Savin. I'm thinking Ricoh turns even further away from the Dealer Channel in the years to come.

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Laxfan25 ·
Old Glory, you are way off-base regarding profitability to Ricoh on an $8,000 sale through the dealer or through their direct channel. When Ricoh sells to the dealer, the dealer is responsible for all ofthe end-marketing expenses related to the brick-and-mortar + sales rep expenses. When Ricoh (or other mfrs) run their own branches, there is a tremendous amount of overhead associated with that operation. Hence, this is one reason why Ricoh's dealer division, while smaller, was the only part...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Deanw ·
I think we make an error when we assume that Ricoh selling a machine to an end user for $8k is the same as Ricoh selling a machine to a dealer for $8k. When Ricoh sells a machine to a dealer for $8k they are done, when Ricoh sells a machine to an end user for $8k they have other costs, including paying the street rep and his manager so I don't think it is not true to say the $8k is the same to Ricoh from either source.

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Mega ·
It would seem that it all depends on where you structure your profitability. Since Ricoh is a Japanese manufacturer and sells its product to the US Ricoh company and then US Ricoh sells it to a dealer or direct, the profits can be structured to be very little if any in the US and very profitable in Japan. Ex: cost to manufacture is 10, sell to US mfg. sales concern for 20, US concern sells it for 22, dealers or direct sell it for 24. The cost of goods to the US is high and the profits remain...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Pirate Mike ·
Something to think about as well, adding to what was mentioned by Mega. The Japanese division is making the bulk of their profits on the manufacturing of toner. That is the money tree for them. They sell to Ricoh USA and they work through their channels to distribute the boxes. The ultimate goal is to “place the box” Ricoh USA makes their overhead by the profit on the box moving it to the Dealer and other channels. The profit make by selling the box is what keeps the “Reps paid and the...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Old Glory ·
All good points. To bring things back to the domestic front, at least at $8,000 (using the previous example) RBS and IKON have some profits to contribute to the "brick and mortar" where it is ground zero for the dealer.

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Art Post (Guest) ·
Ricoh Covergence is next week, would love to hear everyones take on Espe and the others, of course with a dealer meeting they'll sign the praises of the dealer, however there may be a slip up or two and would like to hear those. Can anyone take pictures while they are there for us? I can then post on the boards here for all of us.


Old Glory ·
I'm fine with sales reps who choose to take on the role of consultant in this area but liable??? I am not seeing that at all. Someone needs to help me understand how a dealer is liable if no promises to wipe the HDD are made. That's like accusing the Tooth Fairy of teaching kids it's OK to sell body parts for just seems like too big of a stretch to me. I see manufacturers being held liable long before a dealer would be brought into the fight but even that is a stretch.


SalesServiceGuy ·
I think that many used copiers available for resale still have the original dealer sticker on them. This would be the first step a lawyer would take to attach liability. It seems odd that either 3/4 or 4/4 of the copiers that the CBS reporter picked were Toshiba. Balanced reporting would suggest he should have bought a mix of machines. It also seems very long odds that 3/4 copiers the data expert examined had large amounts of personal data on them. The report seems a little contrived to me.

Re: Does your Copier Service Contract still reflect 1970's Analog Copiers?

B13555 ·
Can you give us some idea - just curious - what push-back (if any) you have had? Most interested in: "...reasonably protects the confidentiality of any customer information stored on the copier’s Hard Drive, in case that Hard Drive is replaced or the copier is eventually disposed of. It is the customer’s complete responsibility to manage their Hard Drive’s information security upon disposal" (maybe too soon for you to comment). and, do you get questions about ..."Whenever possible, to allow...

Re: Does your Copier Service Contract still reflect 1970's Analog Copiers?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Over my 15 years as a Sales Manager to 23+ independent dealers, I have seen many situations where dealers simply has far too simplistic service contracts that had not been updated ever. They mostly involve billable Pro Services, unstable Power Supply, two competitive vendors trying to flip each other's Service Contracts and Fuel Surcharges. (I have a large geographic territory with lots of driving.) I once sold two connected copiers to a law firm. They decided to upgrade from Novell 5.0 to...

Re: Ricoh MPC4000/5000 Need help!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Dan: Thanx, can you also send me the msrp for the hot roller and pressure roller if there is one and also the dealer cost if you have it. Thanx

Re: Mark Pollack Joins Konica Minolta!

Rick Backus ·
Congratulations to Mark. He was always an inspiring speaker at the Ricoh dealer meeetings. Lots of energy.

Re: Ricoh Canada Inc. and IKON Office Solutions Inc. Officially Amalgamate as Ricoh Canad

SalesServiceGuy ·
There will be a lot of P-offed Ricoh dealers in Canada that will begin to search for alternate copier suppliers. I have one that switched a few months ago. They stated that as an independent dealer, Ricoh Canada treated them poorly, like a branch office. Ricoh Canada has grown so big with rules ands procedures it is hard to get anything done quickly or easily.

Re: Marketshare

GIntel ·
Ricoh and Canon both say they are number 1 in the US and they are both right depending on how you are counting. Canon includes its desktop MFPs that sell in retail and Ricoh includes all MFPs priced above $1,000. Both include products that sell through any channel, but Canon has far more retail products that skew sales share in its favor. By Ricoh's math, it is number 1 with a 23.1 US share, followed by Canon. Ricoh also stated that it had the #1 color mfp share in 2009 (7 straight years)...

Re: Industrial Label Printers

yeti ·
what type of printers? production printers? Riso? I've been dealing with a dealer who sells nothing but production printers in Michigan he told me there has been no drop in sales for him over the past couple of years. now he's looking and becoming a Riso dealer to increase his fleet offerings

Re: New Samsung 11 x 17" Colour MFPs due Oct 01 USA

lep524 ·
Our dealer rep from Sammy was in late last week to discuss what we need to be able to handle the 11 x 17 release. In Canada they say it will be a 35 and 45 B&W and a 25 and 35 colour. Part of what they see is the ability to bid for larger deals where there is a need for SOME 11 x 17 but they can still do large part of deal with A4 product. He said they expect it for first quarter 2011. They know they are going to be an also ran in some ways but if they get the CPC in line then we know...

Re: Does any National Copier Vendor still have their own in house leasing service?

SalesServiceGuy ·
In Canada, I have the strong impression that GE is trying to get out of the "small ticket" copier leasing business. Just last month, we did a Balance of Payments on a GE lease with a differnet leasing vendor (MCAP). Once we were funded, we gave the customer a cheque. The customer promptly paid GE. GE came back this week asking for a $400.00 Premium fee for early contract cancellation. The customer refuses to pay it. As this fee was not documented anywhere that we can find in the original...

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

Jrlz ·
Ricoh product ranks at the top of the industry. That being said, selling today is about far more than the box. What other value can you bring to the table with a given vendor/dealer? How about professional services, managed print services, software solutions, etc... I would take all of these into account when contemplating a move. If you are with or go to a dealer that only sells "boxes" you are limiting your self.

Re: Another Ricoh Direct Give Away

Headshot ·
Hey, I'm a new RBS rep, I mean reallly green. Just started out in the business. FYI, I've been told to stay away from dealer accounts. I admit, it can get sticky when proposals are thrown around; but generally we have been instructed that its a "hands off" customer. There isn't some corporate push to squeeze dealers out is all i'm saying. Your point on margins is noted. I'm just confused that this is somehow something new. If Ford sold cars directly, I'd expect them to be a little cheaper...