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Tagged With "Inflation"


How to hedge against inflation

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the last time there was a recession I was trying to remember some of the talking points I used for our clients when it comes to leasing and how leasing can hedge against inflation. All of a sudden there it was in one of my emails, thought I would share: Inflation isn’t just hitting you at the gas tank; it’s hitting your customers’ budgets today and could impact their future acquisitions. Offering solutions through CIT can be a way to help your customer hedge against that by: Leveraging...

Two Great Talk Track for clients

Art Post ·
Reasons to Finance Equipment in 2022 – Inflation and Rate Increase Hedge What Is IRS Section 179 and How Can It Help Small Businesses?

Signs of recession?

Art Post ·
Signs of recession? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that inflation in the U.S. was 7.1% in November, 2022 Consumer price index of 7.1% Eggs up 49% in past year Airline fares up 36% Milk up 14.7% Electricity up 13.7% Groceries up 12% Chicken up 12% Baby food up 10.9% MSN MarketWatch reports that: $6.8 trillion in wealth has been lost by American households in 2022 25% of stock market value has been lost this year Nominal net worth fell 4.6% Market value of assets fell by $6...

Signs of recession?

Art Post ·
Signs of recession? Wall Street Journal article reports that 2/3’s of top economists at the United States' largest financial institutions are predicting a recession in 2023 Top concerns cited in the survey dwindling of pandemic savings decline in the housing market tightening of lending rules unemployment rates above 5% resulting in millions of Americans losing their jobs. Inflation began to increase at the beginning of 2022, rising at its fastest pace in 40 years currently sits at three...