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Re: 3D Printers & Copy Machines "is there a common thread"?

Czech ·
Hey Art, We just got a desktop 3D Printer in our showroom. I expect it will do great at getting IT folks in for demos. The technology really is cool! But that's about it. From what I've seen, 3D printers have 0 practicality in an office or business environment. Perhaps the occasional school will purchase one. A lot of dealerships sell telecom services on top of copiers. It's a very similar industry: - 5 year contracts - upfront hardware revenue that can be purchased or leased - reoccurring...

Re: 3D Printers & Copy Machines "is there a common thread"?

Art Post ·
Czech Thanx for the response, 3D printing is here to stay. However, it's not about now, it's about positioning your dealership as a technology leader and innovator. 3D printing sales will grow. I look at the 3D industry and am comparing it to the copier industry in the early 70's.

Re: 3D Printers & Copy Machines "is there a common thread"?

Rogue ·
Personally, I think you're right on with your ideas about 3D. I don't know if it will ever have the acceptance copiers had in their heyday, but right now, it's a product looking for a market. I saw something intersting on TV involving a 3D printing application. The company (which was not involved in any medical field) found it could use it's 3D printer to produce a prosthesis specifically designed for children. Children grow and therefore quickly outgrow their artificial limbs. This 3D...

Re: 3D Printers & Copy Machines "is there a common thread"?

Czech ·
Originally Posted by Art Post: Czech Thanx for the response, 3D printing is here to stay. However, it's not about now, it's about positioning your dealership as a technology leader and innovator. 3D printing sales will grow. I look at the 3D industry and am comparing it to the copier industry in the early 70's. I have no doubt that 3D printers will stay. The technology will only get more and more innovative. Is it technology that dealers will adopt? I'm sure many will try. It may be too soon...

Re: 3D Printers & Copy Machines "is there a common thread"?

Art Post ·
Rogue: Thanx for the response! Time will tell, and over time they will get faster and additional materials will come to market for building all types of items. Take the copier industry and what if you had a 3D printer that could print on demand 25% of your parts. Reduce back orders, cut inventory, enhance the customer experience. It's just a matter of time

Re: 3D Printers & Copy Machines "is there a common thread"?

Old Glory ·
I know your comparison is very conceptual but there really is less commonality than you think. In the beginning copiers needed nothing but an original needing copied and the copier could fill the need. No variance in throughput, no variance in input. With 3D you have a variance in throughput that spans a very large Gamut from plastics to polymers to metals and unlike a copier, the hardware for each is radically different. Then you have the input. You can have a need and a printer and still...

Re: 3D Printers & Copy Machines "is there a common thread"?

exit148 ·
There is an interesting article in the April 2015 edition of the BTA Office Technology Magazine. I can't seem to get a link to it but it interviews dealerships who have been selling them already. Article is named "The Next Dimension: Are 3D printers a good fit for the BTA Channel" By Brent Hoskins. Maybe someone can post the link??
Blog Post

3D Printers & Copy Machines "is there a common thread"?

Art Post ·
That was the deal when I was in grammar school in the sixties. If you needed a copy of something, you went to the local library.   I guess what I remember most about those machines, is that a copy cost a nickel, the top of the copier had a rubber...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago Last Week of July 2016 Right, tomorrow starts my first sales day of August. With a pipeline that is over flowing I'm hoping for great month that will make up for the last two. August will be a short month with only 21 work days, thus it's time to kick some ass tomorrow! Enjoy these awesome copier threads from 5 years ago this week! Canon U.S.A. Helps Maximize Micro, Small And Home Office Business Efficiency With New Series Of Wireless Inkjet...