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Tagged With "Monte Jensen"


Re: Selling Copiers "What Would You Do"?

Monte ·
What brand does your cousin want? Monte Jensen 415-286-1127 > On Jun 4, 2014, at 2:34 PM, Print4Pay Hotel wrote: >

Re: Selling Copiers "What Would You Do"?

Art Post ·
Originally Posted by Monte: What brand does your cousin want? Monte Jensen 415-286-1127 > On Jun 4, 2014, at 2:34 PM, Print4Pay Hotel wrote: > Monte: I've already figured something out, I was looking to hear from others as to that they would do, when they are faced with the same scenario. TY for wanting to help

Re: How Scannx Changed My Fear Of The Library Coin Box

Art Post ·
Monte Excellent blog, I was not familiar with Scannx and agree that we all should have this arrow in our quiver. Cant wait for your next blog

Re: How Scannx Changed My Fear Of The Library Coin Box

John ·
As someone who has placed a solution for a library I completely agree.
Blog Post

How Scannx Changed My Fear Of The Library Coin Box

Monte ·
I'd like to thank Monte (p4photel member for sending me this blog the other day. After 15 years of writing blogs for the industry, it can get interesting to try to write about something new. Monte delivers with this nice blog about copiers and coin boxes How Scannx Changed My Fear Of The Library Coin Box I don’t know about you but in my 20+ years of experience in our industry whenever a client came to me wanting a solution for a public library that included a coin box or some other pay model...
Blog Post

Why a Copier Salesperson Loves to Sell DocuWare

Monte ·
You probably don’t know me but I’ve been in the industry now for over 20 years and have been fortunate to be successful selling Canon, Ricoh and Kyocera products in both hardware and software sales. I remember when I started it was all about hardware. I used to say “black and white paid the bills and color sent me on vacation”. Back in those days a color sale would be $40,000 plus and would always be a generous commission. I remember speaking with another colleague of mine back then who had...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Last Week of February 2005)

Art Post ·
Why would this week be different than the rest of the weeks in February? Since I depleted by pipeline at the end of the year it's been quite the struggle to rebuild. Thus I'm no where near where I need to be with February coming to an end on Monday for me. To make matters worse I'm off to Aruba the first week of March for our Presidents Club Trip. I was able to add a couple of large opportunities this week, one for MNS and the other for 30 plus devices. At this time both are March or April...
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Selling Copiers "Awesome Email from P4P Hotel Member"

Art Post ·
In a recent blog "Dirty Deeds from a NJ Dealer", I had an email from a valued Print4Pay Hotel member.  But before I post the rest, let me digress for a moment.  I did not expect a reply to my recent blog, however receiving an email...
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Scan2Cloud Solution the Alternative to eCopy

Art Post ·
When you've been in the busy as long as I've been you see many reps come and go, however for those of us that stick around we have a tendency to never leave the business.  I met Monte through the Print4Pay Hotel forums many years ago, it may...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Second Week of January 2003)

Art Post ·
Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week. Konica Minolta Corportaion Lee · 1/9/0310:22 AM of business in matured markets such as Europe, the U .S. and Japan. Both cameras and consumer imaging products and services serve to propel the brand image of the new corporate group. Medical and graphic imaging products and measuring instruments place effort into securing stable profits and achieving ongoing development. Common Function Companies Technology Center By integrating the technologies...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week of February 2003

Art Post ·
Ok, I get it, seems like 15 years ago there were some active weeks and maybe a few slower weeks with threads. What I did see is a thread from Monte! Which is really cool, Monte and I speak from time to time and we've developed a relationship over the years. It's really something when you can develop that kind of relationship by communicating in a forum. There's been many times that Monte helped me get a deal because of his knowledge and I'm sure I've helped him out a few time also. But,...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of June 2014)

Art Post ·
What's so special about June? Well, the end of June marks the half way point in most of our calendars for sales. Where are you with your goals, and your quota. The end of the year is now a mere 180 days away. Extra hard prospecting now will fill your funnel for the remainder of the year. Enjoy these threads from five years ago this week! Konica Minolta South Africa's new print management solution reveals significant cost savings Art Post · 6/4/1411:00 PM possibility of controlling access to...

Re: This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week of February 2003

Art Post ·
I have no clue who the old guy in the gray suite is! I'm thinking he was just happy to be in the picture!
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Ninety-Six of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Ninety-Six of Selling Where do I start since I've come to the end of my selling days for 2021? Do I start with the fact that I was down the last day of the year this morning and knew that anything can happen to screw things up? The year is finally over, it was the year that started when I got back from vacation this time of year. My end of year vacation is a stay at home vacation and it allows me to get some things done at home and just relax. I was...
Blog Post

The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago The First Week of March 2011 I have great news today! Every day that passes now is a day closer we get to spring and the end of the pandemic. One year and so many curve balls have been thrown at our industry, it's truly been curve ball after curve ball with the lockdowns, the pandemic, and recently the snowstorms. After seeing so many curve balls in row these curve balls are no surprise anymore and we have adjusted like any hitter in baseball would. Dealers...
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COVID19 Remote Working at Three Hundred Days of Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working at Three Hundred Days of Selling Copiers It's been eight days since my last blog and tomorrow marks three hundred business days of working remote since March of 2020. Jersey is just about wide open at this point however we are the only state in the continental US that still has a mask mandate and social distancing for indoor activities. The only other state with mask mandate is Hawaii. May May has been kind of up and down and with three days left in the month I may end...
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Better Call Art with Monte Jensen

Art Post ·
Interview with the man, the myth and the legend....Monte Jensen. Monte provides us with some really interesting tips and throws out a couple of bombs that can help every sales person in our industry!
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This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago Last Week of March 2012 With the end of March, it's only nine months until I can start posting the threads and links for the last 20 years in the copier industry. Transformation for us started about 5 years ago and now I like to state that we offer almost anything and everything for the office technology guru's. Come and enjoy! Enjoy These Great Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago purchase a new Kyocera color copier/printer/fax machine for $11,049...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago First Week of April 2019 Real Copier Sales First, I'd like to give kudos to the person on Linkedin who made mention of "investing" in yourself. Can't remember who it was and it might have been Earl Everson. Earl, if it was you thanx for giving me the idea to write about "investing in your sales career". If it wasn't you, I'll have to make sure that I thank that person...... more here View These Awesome Copier Threads Below 3 Reasons to Try a Live...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago First Week of June 2014 Real Copier Sales (10 Years Ago) I always strive to bring us ways to make additional sales. Just the other day I had a call from a cousin who needs "x" amount of systems in, well let's say a place that's not in "my territory". Better yet, he's more than a thousand miles away. ....... read more here Check These Great Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago This Week Konica Minolta South Africa's new print management solution reveals...
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Ask Us Anything XXI with Monte Jensen

Art Post ·