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Tagged With "Gray Magic"


Re: Six Reasons Why Copiers Leases Can Cost You More Than You Signed For

Art Post ·
I received the below message via email yesterday. It's from Kevin Clune (President of Clune & Company LLC). I've known Kevin for years and appreciate his insight with leasing. Art, we haven’t talked in years but I still follow p4p. I liked your article about copier leasing but I thought I’d show you the attached marketing piece which shines a spotlight on some of the leasing industry’s most effective/injurious revenue enhancers. It’s a constantly evolving landscape as our industry is...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Some great threads here, especially the blog series I wrote for "31 Ways to close more copiers sales". Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Pacific Office Automation Helps Local Children by Matching Donations in the Fox 12 Holiday Toy Drive Art Post · 1/2/1410:14 PM Pacific Office Automation Pacific Office Automation ( ) is a leader in managed printing solutions and document management software. Since 1976, Pacific has grown to become the industry’s...
Blog Post

Change is Good, Especially When it Comes to Scanning Documents with Copiers

Art Post ·
Change is good, right? I'm going to change is even better. Being the same old you and doing the same old thing when presenting copiers can be prove to be a bad thing. Everything is changing at break neck speed in our industry. Thus last week I thought I would change it up a bit. Instead of providing the same old boring talk track of speeds and feeds. I opted for making one short power point presentation (5 slides) that centered around scanning workflows. There were no pictures of copiers, no...
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A Few Copier Vignettes from the Late Eighties & Nineties

Art Post ·
The picture in the header showed our demo room back in either 1989 or 1990, might have even been 1991. As you can see by the photo Atlantic Office Systems (the first one in NJ) was Authorized for Adler Royal, Brother, and Tele VaxaFax (facsimile). Sometime later Adler Royal was purchased by Mita and the Adler Royal brand was changed to Copystar. I thoroughly hated the name Copystar because there was no brand recognition, at least with Adler Royal, our clients knew about Royal typewriters. We...
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Attention Sales Leaders... Are Your Sales Reps Sales Enabled Or Self-Enabled?

Larry Levine ·
Sales enablement, a catch-all phrase with many meanings. What is sales enablement and what purpose does it serve to those in sales? Sirius Decisions says, “The purpose of sales enablement is to ensure sales teams have the skills, knowledge, behavior, and tools needed to engage buyers in rich conversations.” Question to all sales leaders... One of the biggest buzzwords in sales these days is "sales enablement." While we all appreciate the new platforms and content that our companies provide,...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (First Week of February 2005)

Art Post ·
Struggle, struggle and more struggle seems to the topic for the month of January. I'm in a slump and need to pull out of it. Today I had three planned calls after driving back from our 2020 Kick-off meeting yesterday. It was more of laying the seeds to reap in coming months, actually more like the third quarter for this year. Two calls went well and the other company moved on me. Thus, I need to do more leg work. Seems next week will be a complete week of working the phones and emails! Enjoy...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
Do you want to relive the madness from 5 years ago when Sharp was sinking fast? If so we've got many of those threads in this weeks edition of what went on in the copier industry 5 years ago. Foxconn and the people have done an excellent job in rebuilding the brand, the programs and adding quality dealers! Enjoy These Threads from 5 Years Ago This Week! Bid Tabulation for Canon, Lanier & Toshiba for 180 plus Copiers Art Post · 2/7/1511:41 PM...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of April 2015)

Art Post ·
For each of the next few blogs I'll be inserting some tips from what other dealers and sales peeps are doing on a daily basis from around the globe for staying relevant with their clients and prospects. 1. Promote yourselves and our business daily on social media Enjoy these incredible threads from 15 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Third Week of April 2005 Art Post · 4/12/157:15 PM . Built-in Wi-Fi in printers could make a tech's 4/18/05...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the Second Week in April of 2015

Art Post ·
For those of you that are new to the industry, there's a cool blog I wrote about making the phone calls. Believe it or not the phone is your friend. You can read that here or below. Fourty Eight Hundred Phone Calls a Year Can Equal a Lot of Dough! Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago this week! Bid Tabulation for Xerox_Sharp_Samsung_Canon_Kyocera.pdf Art Post · 4/14/1512:55 PM Topic Konica Minolta Expands and Enhances Corporate Communications Team at US Headquarters Art Post ·...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
It's late and the last post of the night for me. Enjoy! bid tabulation for Ricoh Toshiba Xerox.pdf Art Post · 2/21/1511:05 PM Blog Post This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Fourth Week of February 2005 Art Post · 2/21/1511:36 PM Canon and would appreciate any and Xerox6030 With P/S 2/25/05 10:23 AM Topic by Guest Does anyone know anything about The Xerox 6030 wide format copier that prints and scans and how it compares to the Ricoh 240 Ricoh MV310 2/24/05 7:28 AM...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Last Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
There's a cool thread I did years ago about the history of the fax. We sold tons of faxes in the eighties and had a lot of fun doing it. It was not uncommon to sell multiple units along with boxes and boxes of thermal paper. There's also a cool thread about some fun that we had with selling fax machines. Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Konica Minolta Rewarded for Sustainable Investment Standards With Globally Renowned Distinctions Art Post · 2/24/1510:41 PM improve our...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for March 14th, 2020

Art Post ·
MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling. We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional options for asset...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of March 2015)

Art Post ·
I arrived back in town from Aruba late on Monday. Yup, I took a vacation and rarely accessed the internet! Yay for me. To say the least I came back to state that is in pure panic mode with corona virus. Tuesday was not so bad as four opportunities went HOT. Did the work that I had to and subsequent days produced almost nothing, no email responses, no phone call responses and in four days I was only able to set four meetings for next week. Starting on Monday I'll be sending ZOOM requests for...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of April 2015)

Art Post ·
Since the last two to three weeks have been less than perfect I figured we could reminisce when times were better. There's a cool little story about and event that took place in Jamaica while on a Presidents Club trip with Dr. Feelgood. That link is below! Enjoy these awesome threads from five years ago this week! Konica Minolta acquires printing business of Monotech Systems Art Post · 4/7/1510:05 PM NEW DELHI: In a bid to have direct interface with its customers, Japanese printer firm...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2010

Art Post ·
Years ago I use to burn the late night candle pretty often. In some cases I would still find myself emailing a prospect at 2AM in the morning. In most cases the email was to schedule a meeting for later that week. Those late night emails was just something I was use to. It wasn't until one of my clients made mention of the email that arrived at 2AM. Of course he didn't see it until he arrived at work. But this client went on to tell me that he wished he had more sales people like me, meaning...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2005

Art Post ·
Back in 2005 I was just 2 years into having a real web site for the copier industry. I started back in 2000 with an message forum with MSN communities. It was really cool because there was no on-line forum where sales people and principals could chat, share ideas, share war stories, share information, share competitive info and the list goes on and on. Twenty years later there is still no site like the Print4Pay Hotel. Did I do something right? We're still the only site that allows members...
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It's the 21st Century, Is your Sales Team Stuck in the 1990's?

Larry Levine ·
1988 has some great significance to me. As a raving Los Angeles Dodgers fan, I cringe knowing this was the last year they won the World Series. Kirk Gibson’s infamous homerun trot is a distant memory. More importantly, this was the year I...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago 1st Week of November 2005

Art Post ·
Kudos to the Kansas City Royals!!!  I thought the inexperience of the Mets playing in the World Series would be a strike against them, and it was.  After many years of being cellar dwellers, my Mets came around this year to at least gain the...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago First Week of May 2005

Art Post ·
Geesh, now ten years does not seem that along ago when you look at some of the model numbers posted in these threads!.  Back in 2005, meant that I had been selling Ricoh products for just about 7 years.  This year will mark 17 years selling...
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Nine Reasons Why I'm Going to BTA's Winter Break in Orlando!

Art Post ·
I missed out on the Winter Break event last year due to a snowstorm here in Jersey!  I was pretty bummed, who from the northeast wouldn't want to get to Florida in March.  March is one of my least favorite months of the year in Jersey, on...
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The Most Interesting Woman in the Copier Industry!

Art Post ·
What started as a great head start for August sales turned into a crap show leading up to the last day of the month for me.  I had 36K booked at the end of the first week, thus needing a minimum of $25K seemed like a no brainer,...
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Five Reasons Why You Should Attend BTA Spring Break @ The Grand Floridian

Art Post ·
I'm all in when it comes to an educational event, especially when it's at The Grand Floridian located in Disney World. I'm also a big fan of getting out of cold and damp North East in late March. Maybe think about booking a few extra days and make it a mini work vacation trip. The BTA rate for the Hotel is pretty incredible. Reason One: BTA is offering two for one registration for BTA Members. Thus two attendees can attend for the price on one. Reason Two: Where their is mystery there is....
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Why We Love 21st Century Sales Transformation (And Copier Sales Reps Should, Too!)

Larry Levine ·
Throughout my career as a copier sales rep, I was always frustrated by the perspective that copier sales reps were not viewed upon positively like other professionals — accountants, engineers, financial planners, marketers – and instead they were viewed as lone wolves, undisciplined rebels, spoiled brats used car sales reps who functioned independently of the rest of the organization. I believe most of my own success inside the office equipment world was deeply rooted inside one word...
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My Top Five FAV Print Devices from Graph Expo in Orlando 2016

Art Post ·
After all these years, I finally attended a GraphExpo show! If you're a hardware geek like me, then you owe it to yourself to get to next years Graph Expo event. The information I collected will help me when compete and help me win new deals. Away we go with my Top Fav Devices from Graph Expo: Epson ColorWorks C7500G Color Label Printer The Epson ColorWorks C7500G is an inkjet color label printer. Capable of printing @1200x600 dpi, uses a Wausatch RIP, and can print multiple full color...
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57 Days of Selling "Day 51"

Art Post ·
Count em, six fracking days left in the year! As with most of my months and quarters it seems that hitting or not hitting my numbers is going to come down to the wire. Why is that? I'm thinking I can answer that. My answer for coming down to the wire, is because I was not able to develop enough opportunities to meet my opp goal of $600K. To date, I believe I'm somewhere around $350K in opportunities. Having the $600K in opps around the first week of December would have given me a cake walk...
Blog Post

It is the 21st Century… Are you integrating social into the sales process?

Larry Levine ·
Throughout my career as a copier sales rep, I was always frustrated by the perspective that copier sales reps were not viewed upon positively like other professionals — accountants, engineers, financial planners, marketers – and instead they were viewed as lone wolves, undisciplined rebels, spoiled brats, used car sales reps, who functioned independently of the rest of the organization. I believe most of my own success inside the office equipment world was deeply rooted inside one word…...
Blog Post

We're Talking 'bout Practice... Yes, Sales Reps Need Stinking Practice!

Larry Levine ·
"I know I'm supposed to be there, I know I'm supposed to lead by example. I know that. And I'm not shoving it aside like it don't mean anything. I know it's important. I do. I honestly do. But we're talking about practice, man. What are we talking about? Practice? We're talking about practice, man!" Alan Iverson What a fantastic quote which segues wonderfully from... Can You Imagine A Professional Athlete Operating With A Sales Reps Mindset? The roadmap to success for an elite athlete is...
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Six Chat Questions with Jon Langdon with DocuWare about DocuWare 6.10

Art Post ·
Six Chat Questions with Jon Langdon with DocuWare about DocuWare 6.10 Just a little bit of background for everyone. Jon Langdon is Vice President for Product Strategy & Quality for DocuWare. In December 2015, we had the chance to chat with Jon about Dealer Value with DocuWare version 6.8, DocuWare Forms, Mobility & SMB adoption. Thus, I thought it would be a good time to check back in with Jon and chat about the latest version DocuWare 6.10. Art: Hey Jon, did I see that you received...
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57 Days of Selling "Day 26"

Art Post ·
It was a late night last night, I finally got to sleep around 2AM or maybe 2:30AM. The election had me riveted to the TV for hours and hours of counting votes, percentages and listening to commentary. Rather than give you my journal for the day, I thought I would share an email that I just sent to a net new account that I had an appointment with today. The end of the appointment was somewhat humorous. The client had back to back appointments, my was first and then the competition followed.
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57 Days of Selling "Day 32"

Art Post ·
Yes, I had a late start today. Been battling a head cold, sinus thing the last few days and it's been a little bit of a struggle to get going. I had scheduled my own little technology refresher today with one of our reps from Ricoh. I find more and more clients/prospects that are interested in printing from their smart phones. Thus, I wanted to do a refresher with connecting the smart phone and running through some of the features. When I arrived, my rep was waiting for me (my apologies...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of November 2014)

Art Post ·
I didn't have to do it but I did. Last week I sent an email to all the sales managers at Stratix with a cut and paste of Section 179 web site. Hoping that they would share will all of their sales peeps. It's crazy that when I speak about Section 179 most business owners have no clue what it is or how it can affect their profit margins. Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago this week! Konica Minolta Named Leader in 2014 Magic Quadrant for Managed Print and Content Services Art Post ·...
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Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Chuck Parr

Art Post ·
I had the opportunity to meet Chuck many years ago, thinking it was at one of the first Ricoh dealer events I attended back in the nineties. Chuck was one of the speakers and I was floored by his public speaking ability. Somewhere during those few days I made it a point to introduce myself to Chuck and thanked him for the awesome performance. How did you find your way into the copier industry? When I graduated from college in 1972 I and a lifelong childhood friend and I started a small...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of November 2014)

Art Post ·
Okay so what's the news for this week? Well I've turned in another crappy month. However I was able to add almost 10 opportunities for December for about $100K. Thus I have 25 opportunities to get closed before the end of the year. Oh the stress of all this! Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago this week! Konica Minolta Scores BLI PRO Awards Hat Trick Art Post · 11/20/1410:51 PM Konica Minolta Scores BLI PRO Awards Hat Trick This week, we announced the recipients of our annual PRO...
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Special Thanksgiving Message from the Print4Pay Hotel

Art Post ·
It's been somewhat of an interesting year for me in sales. My first eight months were nothing short of spectacular, however the last three months have been a real grind and no where near spectacular. Matter a fact the story has been under achievement to say the least. Thus I find my self in the same spot every year. One month left to go and I haven't written my ticket for annual quota and President's Club. But there's so much to be thankful for in 2019. We have an awesome collection of...
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Keeping the Audience

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Today's Over Confidence in Yesterday's Performance Can Empty the Chairs at Tomorrow's Play. Does the Imaging Channel have too much confidence in yesterday's relevance? A diminishing relevance either in a businesses' deliverable or a theatrical performance will lose its audience. It's Relevance, which fills seats. Today some of the Imaging Channel's actors have done an excellent job memorizing their lines in a play written 50 years ago. OK, the script has been updated, been modified, and at...
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Digital Upmanship! The New Competitive Threat

Ray Stasiezcko ·
This article applies to all industries, especially those consolidating or declining. Spending nearly thirty years in the Print Equipment and Services Industry; an industry known as the Document Imaging Channel. I have seen the glory days, and obviously, now I am witnessing its most challenging time ever. Today as print equipment, customers' continue in their digital transformations. They are reducing the need for printed paper. As the market shifts and consolidates, I am also witnessing and...
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On My Way Home!

Art Post ·
I wrote this blog more than eleven years ago. Thought it would be time for a repost. I was on my way home from Palm Beach, Florida (went there to watch my son's college baseball team) and the wife and I decided to get a drink at the airport in West Palm. I ordered two Bloody Mary's, one for me and one for the wife. After I ordered, the bartender asked if I would like a double for $2.00 more, I agreed and our bartended asked if I would like a triple for another two dollars, I agreed again.
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Last Week of August 2009)

Art Post ·
It's Friday night about 10:30PM here in New Jersey. Still watching the Mets vs Braves. Now the bottom of the 11th in a 1-1 affair. LFGM! Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Konica Minolta Adds Regional Aftermarket Managers GMAN · 8/27/092:03 PM . In the position, Gerry will be responsible for managing all aspects of Konica Minolta Dealer Aftermarket business (parts and supplies) within the entire East Region. Gerry joins Konica Minolta from Ricoh Corporation, where her most...
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Sales Professionals Are Self Enabled, Are You?

Larry Levine ·
Question for all those in sales... Personal accountability, it's the foundation of sales success. How much of your success would you say is up to you? The choices you make, your actions and your behaviors will all make you or break you in sales. I wrote an article for my friends over at Vendor Neutral , Relationships + Human + Technology = Sales Success . Technology and sales enablement tools, they're not only helping sales professional’s gain momentum in their marketplace, they’re also...
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Practice! Who Needs To Practice... Salespeople Need To Practice

Larry Levine ·
What a fantastic quote which reminds me of a past blog... Can You Imagine A Professional Athlete Operating With A Sales Reps Mindset? The roadmap to success for elite athletes is based upon hard work, dedication, personal ownership and how it's all applied. Athletes understand they must commit themselves to all facets of training. They take extreme ownership, holding themselves accountable to the process. A growth mindset is such a critical component to the success of an elite athlete and a...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for July 28th, 2019

Art Post ·
July 28 th 2019 MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Carbonite Seeks CEO Amid Security Momentum, Data Protection Challenges Carbonite CEO Mohamad Ali steps down to join IDG as CEO Company hires executive search firm to find new CEO Before leaving, Ali outlined strategy that would allow security and data production systems to work together. Malware blocking and instantly recovering infected systems whenever possible NetGain Technologies announces new CEO Leading managed IT provider in for South...
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Sales Professionals Don't Finger Point, They Just Do It!

Larry Levine ·
In Sales Professionals Chase Excellence, Not Shiny Objects ; the overall objective was simple... just get to work and stop chasing shiny objects. What would happen if you got rid of the excuses, overcame your fears and squashed your ego? How would this change your sales results? How would this help you in prospecting for new business or enhancing your client relationships? The legendary Bob Proctor said it best... Blame is shifting the reason for something going wrong, to someone else. I'm...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the First Week of June 2015

Art Post ·
Enjoy these awesome threads about the copier industry 5 years ago this week. TOPIC Konica Minolta Launches New Dispatcher Phoenix Features for Educators ART POST · 6/5/1510:58 PM . Konica Minolta has won numerous awards and recognition, including placement in the Leaders Quadrant on the G2014 Magic Quadrantartner for Managed Print Services (MPS) and Managed Content Services (MCS). Konica Minolta has been recognized as the #1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier Market by Brand...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for May 30th, 2020

Art Post ·
May 30th, 2020 MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling. We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for June 13th, 2020

Art Post ·
MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling. We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional options for asset...
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The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week

Art Post ·
Side-by-side comparisons, does anyone make their own any more in the copier industry? Enjoy these great threads from 5 years ago this week! Canon U.S.A. Ranked #1 in Total A3 and Monochrome Copier, Monochrome Printer Segment 6 in Gartner Market Share Report ART POST · 6/25/1511:26 PM on Twitter @CanonUSA. +Based on weekly patent counts issued by United States Patent and Trademark Office. All referenced product names, and other marks, are trademarks of their respective owners. 1 Gartner,...
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The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week

Art Post ·
The Week in Copier Last Week of June 2015 It is vacation week for me for my day job, however there's no vacation for the Print4Pay Hotel work. My daily blog on working remote will be put on hold until I return. Who knows maybe something will break during the week that I'll be able to write about. Even though I'm on vacation we know we're never really on vacation anymore. Enjoy these awesome threads from 15 years ago this week! Canon U.S.A. Ranked #1 in Total A3 and Monochrome Copier,...
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The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week 2015

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week 2015 There was an interesting topic on the forums 5 years ago When is Net New Business not Net New Business? Dog days of summer are here and over the years I've always made the case that above average prospecting at this time of year will secure business for the last quarter of the year. Now is not the time to take a break because it's summer. Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Konica Minolta Announces New Sophisticated Variable Data...
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The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago This Week In 2010

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago This Week In 2010, The First Week in August What's in store for me this week? Still dealing with Corona Virus, New Jersey closed and a Hurricane coming up the coast. Forgot to mention a forecast of zero for this week. Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Canon Copiers Advancing the Frontiers of Digital Printing – Three New imagePRESS Digi Guest · 8/7/1011:02 AM C7000VP Digital Printer Since Canon entered the high-quality, high-volume digital...
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The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week In 2015

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week In 2015, the Second Week of August This would be the time of year when I'm looking forward to attending the BTA East Dealer Event that's usually held in late September or early October. One of the reasons I look forward to the event is because it's local. For the last three years the event was held in NYC. The year before that it was Baltimore, and before that it was in Connecticut. BTA East will not be happening this year do to COVID19. Kinda sad...