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Tagged With "1975"


Why isn’t print dead?

Art Post ·
The rumors of print’s death have been circulating for a long time – in fact, the first recorded use of the term ‘paperless office’ was all the way back in 1975. However, while print may look somewhat different in the digital era, it's far from over. Why isn’t print dead, then? Well, while a portion of paperwork has moved to digital, we won’t see printers go away anytime soon. That’s because there are so many continued drivers for paper. So, if print is dying, it will be a really long, slow,...

Re: Why isn’t print dead?

fisher ·
For the first time in my 30 year career in this industry, I really do feel like it is dying. We were on a bit of a sugar high in this industry during the Covid years and it feels like the bottom is falling out. The reliability of equipment made over the past five years combined with reduced demand on those units and much higher lease factors has customers not upgrading, taking buyouts on leases and downsizing to consumer grade devices to meet their reduced print needs.

Re: Why isn’t print dead?

Art Post ·
@fisher I agree, seeing some of the same with my clients. Higher lease rates, higher hardware costs and higher ma pricing has produced a recipe that I'm not fond of. I have at least 30 clients with devices that are more than ten years old. In addition we are still offering MA agreements as long as service is making a profit. There are times when I'm called in to get problematic devices out of the field for service, a some point in time service need to help sales as well