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Tagged With "Microsoft Exchange Server"


Re: Ricoh Launches New Aficio MFPs With App2Me Solution

Art Post (Guest) ·
Whenever possible, if the customer has a server. I state that we'll install on the server and then your IT person can share it out to others. If the answer is we don't have IT, then it's a billable project for us if they'd like us to do the job.

Re: Q. How does your company handle networking charges?

VinceMcHugh ·
I think we all struggle with where to draw the line. The point I make with my Sales force, as well as with my customers is if you come in one day and you can't scan to email, but it was working fine yesterday the customer perceives this as "my MFD is broken" because one or more of the functions have stopped working. But most of the time nothing on the MFD is broken. The configuration is the same as it has been for the last 6 months (or 2 years). What most often has changed is something on...

Re: PDF Direct Print

jswinberlin ·
Update: To use the "scan to copy" feature> In Web Image Monitor add a destination with Protocol FTP where the server is the IP Address of the device. Under folder authentication use admin w/ password of admin. With this, you can scan to an archive folder and the "scan to copy" destination and acheive 2 things at once. You can also scan from a black & white MFP that has color scanning to a color printer for poor mans color copying.

Re: Cloud Poll

Art Post (Guest) ·
PPDM is a free software package from Nuance that is bundled with most Ricoh MFP's. One license only, allows the user to connect via server to set customer scan applications at the PC. Like scan2excel, scan2word, scan2sharepoint (i believe), plus searchable .pdfs, pdf fillable forms, data extraction (have not used this yet). SAS, software as a service. Most companies are moving to this model such as Print Audit has now done with Print Audit Secure. Other SAS models would be Document Mall from...

Re: Dell Power Server Power Supply

Art Post (Guest) ·
Montecore: Thanx for this, I worked on this server before just for software. I got a call that the server is making a noise, when I stopped in I heard a described as a continuos whine coming from the power supply. With your information I think I'll go back and make sure the noise is not coming from the hard drive. BTW what is MB?? nevermind got it "motherboard", once you get past the big 50 it gets a little tougher to recall somethings. Thanx for the help. If the whine is coming...

Re: Dell Power Server Power Supply

montecore ·
Just because there is a whine does not mean PSU. What are the symptoms besides the whine? A whine is usually a dying fan. Does the server boot to the OS? You need to isolate the where the sound it coming from. It could be very dirty inside if that is the case take an air compressor with forceful air and blow it out good. There is 1 or 2 ball bearing fans in the PSU that can be very dirty. Or there can be a case fan that is very dirty. Usually when a HD fails you will hear an audible clicking...

Re: Scan to folder and Server 2008

VinceMcHugh ·
Check the firewall settings on the 2008 Server. Sometimes an update will reset them. If the 2008 Server sits on their LAN with a hardware firewall between it and the internet, then you could turn OFF the firewall as a test and see if that fixes the problem. If it doesn't then its not the firewall, and if it does you could open up the SMB ports and test scanning to folder again.

Re: Prisim Doc record

Shaja ·
We have used DocRecord internally at our dealership for the last two years. I like it; I find it pretty easy to administer and our end users think it's intuitive and friendly. I can't speak to integration with your specific platform. But, for automation it's just a matter of setting up a process with a watch folder through DocRecord's Automation Server tool, and programming a one-touch button on your MFP that scans into the watch folder. PS - we're a Konica Minolta dealer. :-)

Re: Scan to email with Office 365?

Art Post (Guest) ·
can't scan to email after switching to office365 from local exchange server rated by 0 users 4 Followers 12 Replies | This post has 2 verified answers | This question is answered Hubery Posted on 2011-Sep-29 3:05 AM Hi All, we used to have a local exchange server to handle all the emails, we just moved to the online office365. Everything is working fine except scanning stuff to emails ( from our sharp printer ). I've attached a screenshot for the settings. I have also changed the SMTP port...

Re: Is there any way to make Plotbase 3.7.1 work with W7

Art Post (Guest) ·
XP Virtual Server, no I'm not aware of this, did you do a search on this site for plotbase and see what comes up? Anyone else have any ideas?

Re: Scan to searchable text PDF

VinceMcHugh ·
Canon has it as an option, but it is done completely on the ImageRUNNER-Advance MFD, no back end software or server required.

Re: MS 365 Question

montecore · are giving the business away because you could be hosting the exchange server for them and all the revenue would come to your company. With MS365 they are paying MS to have a piece of the cloud and be there host. You could control all of that many SMB's do not want anything to do with the cloud because of security and they want to have control.

Re: MS 365 Question

Art Post (Guest) ·
montecore: Thanx, guess I'll have to wait until we get info about us hostinbg the exchange server. I'm a novice will all of this however I will learn! Art

Re: .

Larry Levine ·
There are numerous brand names out there. I Use Print Audit/PCS Director. Papercut I hear is good. It depends on what is best for the client and what needs to be tracked. In addition, some of these have to reside on the PC and some on the print server.

Re: MPC2500 migrate to MPC3002

txeagle24 ·
I don't think there is a way to do this. I remember thinking it was possible and then having to print all of the files off the old machine & scan/label them for the customer. It was a doctor's office that stored all of their paperwork in their Document Server. Biggest beating ever!

Re: MPC2500 migrate to MPC3002

Old Glory ·
I don't think you can extract anything from the Document Server without the File Format Converter and I wouldn't offer up any guarantees that the conversion would be acceptible.

Re: MPC2500 migrate to MPC3002

Art Post (Guest) ·
so, I was able to see the documents in the document server, but couldn't do anything else with the MAC. There was a send to button, but was diabled or not working. Guess I need the ffc board. Doe anyone have one for a Ricoh MPC2500?

Re: 240WD

fisher ·
What type of user is it and how heavy is their usage???? Do they have a service contract with you to cover that Plotbase server? Did you offer them a contract on the server? You may be able to sell them on the benefits of the scan to folder capabilities and the fact that the new model no longer needs that extra PC running Plotbase. Beyond that I'd say get another PC and reload plotbase but they need to be aware that the technology is moving forward and plotbase will not be supported forever.

Re: 240WD

Art Post (Guest) ·
I have situations like this before, even though the 240W is only six years old, keep in mind they were around for almost 4 years! Ricoh has now listed them as "limited parts" or something to that effect. This is the first item I would tell them about. There has got be advantages moveing to the W3601 for them. Are they scanning if so, are they only scanning as a .tiff. Are they emailing the scans as .tiffs or are they converting to .pdf, if they are converting to .pdf, have they considered...

Re: Windows 8 Compatability

SalesServiceGuy ·
FYI. To be technical, Windows 8 introduces SMB V3, improving security features among other things. Although supposedly backwards compatible with SMB V1 & V2 found on most current MFPs, the transition is not quite as seamless as Microsoft hoped for. SMB V3 will likely require firmware updates from all of the copier manufacturers to be compatible. I have no idea on the Universal Print drivers until you try them. It is only a short time...

Re: Smart Device Print and Ipad

jswinberlin ·
The best solution I found was a Lantronix print server that uses Airprint and picks up any Airprint printers on the network. The home version supports 2 network printers and I think 1 USB and sells for about $100.

Re: Windows 8 and SMB scanning

jswinberlin ·
Sorry, here is the attachment.

Re: Ricoh CW2200SP & CW1200 Brochure for jp

Kitz ·
Easier to read

Re: Cloud Storrage

Jon Selman ·
I actually got a hold on their IT department. Turns out they currently have an FTP server set up. The marketing department uses it to send/receive to/from clients. He said he has a Sharp AR-M700n. After taking a quick look through the service manual it looks like scan to FTP is a standard feature. He mentioned the fact that the accounting department could probably use the feature as well sending/receiving files from their parent company in NY. I'm not going to make money off this advise but...

Re: Interesting Apple/Mac thread for PS printing

jswinberlin ·
There are some workarounds to printing without the PostScript option from Mac OS. However, like most workarounds they have limitations. It is frustrating that you can buy a printer for a few hundred dollars and print from Mac but a $5k+ MFP requires an additional $700 -$1000 investment. Does anyone know if you have a Mac with OS X Lion or Mountain Lion (which has AirPrint built in) if you can print without the PostScript option? I've recently had a lot of iOS (iPad and iPhone) customers...

Re: Kofac Card

Art Post (Guest) ·
From: Graham Sent: 12/11/2002 9:46 AM Kofax is actually Scan Capture software that you can scan in to from our scanners and then send the documents to a PC and then tell it to send it to a file server, e-cabinet or something like that.

Re: Scan Router Questions

Graham ·
From: Lee Sent: 5/10/2002 11:11 PM If the person you want to email is set up in ScanRouter Pro as one of the 200 users, their name will show on the display of the machine. You could select them and the email server would route the scan to them via email. I worked with an installation on a 220 with a Japanese company in Smyrna, TN. The Pro server was in New York. All I did on my end was tell it where to look for the server and we were in business. Thanks! Lee

Re: Can We Do This?

Graham ·
From: Lee Sent: 5/31/2002 11:11 PM I hope the customer realizes that the $700 a year really doesn't cover a whole lot, since almost everything in the machine is considered a supply item. I played around with a 220 once doing what you are talking about. The 220 had the ability to print straight TIFF files. I took a 350 with an Axis 700 scan server and plugged in the IP address of the 220 in to the Axis 700 as a destination. When I selected the 220 destination on the Axis 700 and scanned my...

Re: Scan Router Lite and XP

Graham ·
From: Graham Sent: 9/6/2002 8:50 AM Ok...Here goes.... First, on Ted's issue, DURING the initial install of Scan Router Admin, you have to choose RUN AS SERVICE and it will start up and run in the background all the time when the computer is re-booted. I have done this on 98/ME machines, NT 4.0 Server and Workstation, Win2K server and Pro, and WinXP. If you don't run it as a service, you will from time to time have it arbitrarily (sp?) suspend services which is a real pain. On Lee's issue,...

Re: Scan Router Lite and XP

Graham ·
From: Graham Sent: 9/6/2002 9:25 AM I haven't been able to find it as an option after the fact, the only two things that I can think of are... Try putting the "Delivery Server" option in the startup menu (It is in the Programs/Scan Router menu from START... OR... Backup all of the settings and accounts, uninstall Scan Router Admin then Reinstall and restore your backup. Choosing Run as Service also allows NT and 2000 Server and XP Pro to route scans when you are physically logged off of that...

Re: Scan Router Lite and XP

Graham ·
From: Ted Sent: 9/9/2002 8:10 AM I guess I spoke too soon on Friday. One of my SR installs is screwing up. This is the first one to do this. The SR Admin is on a Win2000 NT Server. We set up one Save as Windows File on this server. Then we set up 7 workstations with SR Link. This was all done on Thursday. All of the PC's saw the Delivery Server when we set it up, and they scanned fine on Thursday & Friday. This morning, none of the PC's using SR Link can find the Delivery Server. They...

Re: Scan Router Lite and XP

Graham ·
From: Lee Sent: 9/9/2002 5:30 PM We saw something strange like this last week. Everything was working fine, and had been for months. All scanning stopped and they were unable to browse to the delivery server. The network admin did his troubleshooting, deleted and reinstalled the server software, and even tried another computer. When we visited the customer, we suspended the services and then went under maintenance and selected recover. All of a sudden, everything started working. Whatever...

Re: IP Printing

Graham ·
From: JasonR Sent: 9/25/2002 7:28 AM Well... 1. Could we plug an Aficio 1022 w/scan router lite and have the docs directed to the printer for IP printing? ? i dont understand this question, if you have a mac, you dont have SRL, if you are scanning the document and then immediately printing it out... isn't that normally called "copying"? 2. Is IP printing controlled by Smart Net Monitor? If you are on a Mac, you dont have Smart Net Monitor. On OS8 & 9 you use "Desktop Printer Utility" for...

Re: IP Printing

Graham ·
From: ricohaficio Sent: 9/25/2002 7:40 AM ----- Original Message ----- From: salmonrive To: Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 9:37 AM Subject: Re: IP Printing Jason: If my post seems confusing it probably is because I am when it comes to Mac's and some of the scan router lite issues. Here's what I would like to do. There is an existing MAC network in a school that has forty class rooms, each class room has a mac that is on the network. The Server is a Mac, and...

Re: IP Printing

Graham ·
>From: Docusultant (Original >Message) Sent: 9/25/2002 8:53 >AM >I have spoken to our printer >DSM at Ricoh, we were talking >about scan router lite and >macs. Yes, I realize it can't >be done. However, he >mentioned that the printers >have the capability for IP >printing? A few questions. > >1. Could we plug an Aficio >1022 w/scan router lite and >have the docs directed to the >printer for IP printing? No, this is not a capability of any of...

Re: Konica

Art Post (Guest) ·
From: ricohaficio (Original Message) Sent: 3/21/2002 2:43 PM Konica Business Technologies Announces Partnership With Equitrac Corporation, Offering Advanced Document Accounting to Customers Konica Business Technologies, Inc., a provider of digital imaging solutions and a subsidiary of Konica Corporation, announced a partnership with Equitrac Corporation, a provider of Document Accounting Systems (DAS) and automated Cost Recovery solutions. Through this new relationship Konica will now be...

Re: Scan to E-Mail 1060

Graham ·
Ok....Found out my problem. I need to AUTHENTICATE with the SMTP server. Does anyone know how to do this from the 1060???

Re: Ikon Press Release iR 105+

Art Post (Guest) ·
Press Release Source: IKON Office Solutions, Inc. IKON Expands Production Color Offering With Canon CLC 3900 High-speed, High-quality Color Copier/printer Sets New Standard in Price-performance Monday October 7, 10:38 am ET VALLEY FORGE, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 7, 2002-- IKON Office Solutions, Inc. (NYSE:IKN - News) today announced availability of the Canon CLC 3900 copier/printer, targeting the growing number of businesses that require color in their daily document workflow. This...

Re: Scan to E-Mail 1060

Lee ·
Firts of all what type of email server are we talking about? I don't think the 1060 has the ability to authenticate (sort of like having a user name and a password on the email server). There are workarounds though. There is a setting within MS Exchange that allows you to set it where the IP Address of the 1060 is recognized and allowed to pass (see attached). We have had other situations where we had to use a freeware program called ArgoSoft to relay the emails to the mail server. If you...

Re: Doc Mall Questions

Graham ·
From: Lee Sent: 3/7/2002 6:11 PM MFP Requirements: Model: Afcio 1035/1045 Copy Model with 96MB Memory and NIB option. Printer Model (96MB Memory and NIB standard) Printer/Scanner Model (96MB Memory and NIB standard) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install the DocumentMall MFP Browser please follow the following steps. Step 1. Read the Document Mall Release Note 1.01 for a quick overview.

Re: Scan to E-Mail 1060

Graham ·
Well, I earned my money on that one... Here's the deal, I had to actually switch to another SMTP server for outgoing mail and do some DNS it works just fine.

Re: Scan to E-Mail 1060

Lee ·
Where there is a will, there's a way! I have a deal going on using 3900nf's as digital senders. This guy's clients all deal with the same people for their networking and software (ASP) and they won't let us connect our devices to their mail servers (especially since our guy is selling storage in competition with the ASP). We had the storage guy create a mail adress on his mail server for the customer and we connected to it with the 3900nf. This is the same deal I posted about a few months...

Re: Can Scan Router Lite do an FTP push as a pdf?

Graham ·
Are you wanting to push it to an FTP server??

Re: Can Scan Router Lite do an FTP push as a pdf?

Monte ·
Customer wants to use a 1035 scan a document and send it to a folder on the server.

Re: Do We?

Ted ·
This would not tell us how many Scans the machine has made, just the number of pieces of paper that have passed through the Doc. Feeder regardless of whether it was a copy, fax, doc. Server Scan, or actual Scan to PC. I think Art wants to know if we can count just Scans from the Scan Function. Does anyone know?

Re: CompTIA CDIA+(Certified Document Imaging Architech)

Jayson Gilbertson ·
Here are the certification objectives taken off the Comptia website

Re: Doc Server Scan Router

Art Post (Guest) ·
Thanx for the info Lee (you are on the money, again!), I spoke to our Product Specialist and she stated that you can enter a name at the MFP panel, send the doc, and then rename it and or move it an the Scan Server.

Re: Seperator Pages?

Lee ·
I'll try to remeber to look at this Monday...there might be a couple of options here but I need to research it: 1. If your set up is Client/Server, can't you turn banner pages on at the server and it will generate them? 2. If printing peer2peer (SmartNet Client,etc.) banner pages would be turned on at the individual workstation. 3. Some network cards can create their own separator pages. Thanks! Lee

Re: Paper Insertion from MAC OS 10.2 Jaguar

Art Post (Guest) ·
From: Lee Rummage ( Date: Thursday, March 06, 2003 10:22 PM From the Document Server you would be able to create chapters and insert blank sheets in between. On the 1060, you can define 20 of them, probably the same on the 1045. I'm not a Mac person, but in MS Office (Windows) I know I could set it up from page setup and pick the trays for each section, etc. Depending on what application your client is using you might be able to do the same thing. Anybody know how many...

Re: Scan to Email

Graham ·
Nope, just the e-mail interface built in to the 1060/75 print/scan option. One thing, if they are using some sort of internal e-mail server than you need to use that IP address as the SMTP (provided it is an SMTP server too) if not, then you are going to need to get the DNS and SMTP stuff directly from their ISP. If their entire network is behind some kind of internal software firewall, you will need to configure it to allow the 1060 to get outside of the firewall