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Tagged With "circuit"


Toshiba's detector sniffs out spy chips lurking in hardware

Art Post ·
TOKYO -- In an age when corporations and governments have become increasingly targeted by cyberattacks, Toshiba and Japan's Waseda University have teamed up to develop a system that can detect so-called spy chips, tiny intruders in servers that are barely visible to the naked eye or are even incorporated in circuitry. Spy chips made headlines about two years ago when China allegedly planted the devices into servers, which reportedly reached 30 American companies. The tool, called HTfinder,...

Re: Toshiba's detector sniffs out spy chips lurking in hardware

Art Post ·
FYI We need to educate our clients as to where those devices are being manufactured. In addition it's these types of articles that we need to send them or provide a link to. This is the first anti spy chip detector I've seen and I like what I see.