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Tagged With "Eighty-Four"

Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Four of Sales

Art Post ·
Tomorrow is going to be awesome! Finally some sun and some warmth with temps in the seventies, we might be a little cooler at the beach but I'll take it over the cold and damp days of late. Tonight's going to be a really short blog, it's late and I'm beat plus I'm looking to get a head start on tomorrow. Two meetings were on tap for today. One of the meetings was to move a BDR opportunity closer to the finish line which we did. My other meeting was with a Municipal IT DM to ask some...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Four of Sales

Art Post ·
It's 10:36PM on a warm night in New Jersey. Finally we have a day in the low eighties and there was no wind that blew in from the ocean. When that wind comes off the water we can be anywhere from 10-20 degrees cooler from inland parts of Jersey. There's also a chance that a week from today we just may be feeling the effects of a tropical storm that is suppose to move up the coast. If this storm becomes a tropical depression that stormed will be dubbed Arthur. What a great way to start off...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Seventy Four of Sales

Art Post ·
Well another blog I did't think I was going to write this evening. Late in day I was able to catch a news interview with our Governor. This is the same Governor that shut down indoor dining the day before it was scheduled to open yesterday. He puts the blame on other states that are seeing infections increasing because those states have opened indoor dining. Thus he elected to shut it down. He also based the decision on activities from the last weekend where many bars were packed and peeps...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Seventy Four of Sales

Martin Hofman ·
enjoy your rest!
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-One of Sales

Art Post ·
Just a little heads up on a recent chat I had with my son a few days ago. My son went to Staples and Best Buy the other day to get a new printer. Since his wife is working from home as a para-legal she still needs to print. They had an older inkjet but even I couldn't get the heads unclogged. I recommended that he get a small black laser print. After visiting both Staples and Bet Buy neither of them had any laser printers under $500 in stock! Yes, standalone printers sales are up. That tells...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Three of Sales

Art Post ·
Only 5 more days for four full months of selling days that I've been working remote. You may have noticed that I've been skipping a couple of days here and there with blogging on this series. I had no idea that Covid19 would last in to the summer and usually my summers mean less posting of blogs and more time spent enjoying the great weather. Just a short recap for Friday. I was able to secure two orders for two net new companies. However the revenue fell short of what I was hoping for. With...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Three of Sales

Always motivating to read your posts Art and to appreciate the grind. We're all in it together, the way things look now, for a while longer yet. 200 miles is a good bit of distance for two appointments, I bet you're wishing you had some time or it was socially acceptable for some cold/warm calls in between! Don't let the blog rule you, enjoy the weather and what helps keep you calm! Have a great rest of your week!
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Four of Sales

Art Post ·
I had no intention of writing a blog tonight. Last I wrote on Wednesday was to look for another blog in this series for Wednesday night. This morning I received the email below from a long time Print4Pay Hotel member. Art, I love reading your stuff and sharing some with our 15 sales reps. You have inspired them and me many times. We are all working from home here in the Midwest at Sumnerone. We just finished up an $850,000 hardware June which was good and 75% were new accounts. We think July...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
That magical day has arrived! Eighty-Eight business days since I was optioned to working remote. Four full months from the home office, four months with only four in-site appointments, and four months of stress. Four months and still no sign of when offices in New Jersey will be full staffed again. Even though the number of COVID illnesses and deaths are at the lowest point since the first week of March. At the end of each day I'm mentally exhausted, thus the reason for not posting on Friday...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Nine of Sales My day started at 5AM with a short trip to my back yard to see the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean. I was attracted the hues of orange, purple and blue that was getting ever so bright to the east. After 45 minutes it was time to get ready for my 7am appointment. I arrived early and met with the decision maker as we both kept a six foot distance. I did the measuring, took the pictures, check the electric and it was time for a short chat on...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
@TML thanx Mike OBX should be fun! It's been great beach weather in NJ. Inspections are really tough with COVIS luckily this was a one person shop and he could schedule the inspection

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Nine of Sales

Art, wish I was as close to the beach as you! We're counting down the days until mid-August when we've got our OBX vaca planned. So soon, yet so far away! Today's post mentions your further qualification / inspection of the installation site. This is something that so many (myself included) sometimes fail to do. The manufacturers sometimes throw a kink into the works with the power. For example Canon's iRc5535/5540 require a 15 amp plug while the iRc5550/5560 require a 20 amp plug. Just...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Thirty-Four of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Thirty-Four of Selling Copiers On Monday of this week which was day 132 I wasn't in a good place. All of the hard work that I put in wasn't going to come to fruition for September. All of the calls, emails, inmails, posting content on Linkedin and my own Jersey Plotters site just didn't get me to where I wanted to be. It was the end of a quarter and a quarter that I had a decent shot to rack up some bonus dollars. In the end I finished with one of...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Eighty-Four of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Eighty-Four of Selling Copiers The blog I wrote last week centered more about how I feel about the state of our industry. There's no getting around the fact that business is not what it used to be for copiers. But who the frak needs copiers when you can also offer up content solutions? Today I received a referral for a content opportunity and it's going to be a decent sized one. Thus in the last 30 day I have three content deals working. Yes, one of...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Ninety-Four of Selling

Art Post ·
Well......, nothing today. I wasn't able to connect with any one of the five opportunities today. All I can say is thank goodness there are still two days left! I'm sure some are probably trying to avoid me like the plague at this time, however that's not going to stop me from going my job tomorrow and day after tomorrow. I was able to get some prep work for some of the accounts that may have a chance of moving forward in January. There was no sense if making a ton of calls or emails since...