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Tagged With "Forty-Seven"


Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
I just created my own YouTube channel doing product videos with future ones planned mostly focussed on MS365. ... and I am working Linkedin a lot more in different ways. Most of the people I know say they have never gotten a lead from Linkedin. They think of this site as a static business card talking about who they are and not what they can do for the customer. They never post to Linkedin. Like most things, Linkedin requires almost daily work to...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

Art Post ·
SSG that's an awesome video! You can send links to clients, and direct them to your channel. It's a virtual demo that keeps on giving. Kudos I have some of the same issues with getting appointments through Linkedin, however I know of several peeps that use Linkedin as their only source for prospecting and they are doing well. I will keep working it since I have a Navigator account now
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
I thought this would be appropriate to start off today's blog Another closing day and I ain't got no orders I got some opportunities 'cause i just made some calls How I wish I had someone to sell to I'm in an awful way Right, so juiced up the lyrics a bit from the Sam Cookes rendition of "Another Saturday Night". My personal favorite is Cat Stevens version. If any one else would like to fill in the rest of the lyrics, then have at it. Could be a fun exercise for everyone! It was another day...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Five of Sales

Art Post ·
Day Forty-Five and in no time it will be a full quarter since being optioned to the home office. Our blessed Governor post this on Face-book today and the response was WILD! Of course you can only guess at who captioned it with "The fool on the hill". Within a few short hours there were more than 5,000 responses with 90% or more of them being negative. Geesh I wonder why? Monday was a good day since I was able to roll through my list of things to do pretty quickly. In addition I also...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Six of Sales

Art Post ·
Yesterday I had my first appointment in the field in more than two months. It was time to get back in business attire, that meant the dress shoes needed to be shined, the pressed slacks removed from the closet and of course that neatly pressed dressed shirt that's been on hiatus for the past 10 weeks. Looking in the closed I spotted a nice blue shirt with very think white lines and thought that would do the trick for the day. As I reached for the shirt I thought that this can't be my shirt,...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
I am so looking forward to having an extra day off next week! The last 75 days have been extremely stressful. It will be nice to have three days to wind down a bit. Does anyone feel like me that this year is taking forever to unfold? Most years it seems that the months and quarters fly by. So far this year seems like everything is going in slow motion. I had a plan for today and it consisted of researching three possible existing clients for upgrades along with prospecting via the phone,...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Two of Sales

Art Post ·
This will probably be one of those shorter blogs tonight, however you never know once I start writing. A few minutes ago (it's 10PM) I just set an appointment for this Friday with a net new production prospect. I had emailed him earlier in the day and a few minutes ago I received the reply that yes Friday at 10AM works. Let me touch on the email a bit. The subject line was "hope you are well" and the base of the email spoke more about new 5th station color technology that could increase...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
Many times you'll see me use the phrase "the harder you work the luckier you get". Many years ago Jack Carroll (Partner with Century Office Products) use to tell me this every time I brought in a decent size order. The first time I met Jack was way back in 1986 and that was the year I started my dealership Atlantic Office Systems in New Jersey. After selling the business to my partners in 1998 (best thing I ever did) I took a sales position with Century Office Products in New Jersey. I...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
Seems every morning is identical to the last one. What keeps flashing through my mine is Bill Murray and Groundhog Day. Still no end in site for the lock down in the tri-state area. The infection rates continue to increase each and every day. Enough about the bad stuff. Let's focus on the good stuff. Today was CRM day and what I called soft prospecting today. The first course of action was to weed out the crap (all the small stuff) and maintain a better focus on those larger accounts. I...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
Thirty-seven business days now since I was optioned to working from my home office. The average number of selling days is twenty-two per month. Five days from now it will be two solid business months and 66% of the quarter. Our fearless and blessed Governor just extended his Executive Order for his Emergency Act for another thirty days in the State of New Jersey. I'm kinda torn about this now, 30 more days of working from home could be a good thing since I'm on such a roll and who wants to...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-One of Sales

Art Post ·
I guess the day is not over until it's over. Tonight I received text from a good industry friend of mine with some rather bad news. Seems two calls went out to two groups of employees from Canon. Those that were on one call were laid-off with no future employment, those on the other call were furloughed and hopefully will be getting their jobs back at some point in time. My source could not tell me how many were affected but stated "a large group of employees, each call was no longer than 15...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

Art Post ·
This is the first night since I started writing this blog series that I wasn't sure what I was going to write about. After 43 days of writing how much more can you cover or how much more content can you provide for other peeps with help they might need. Tonight I'd like to cover a few things I've been doing everyday other than taking the occasional break and lunch. Many weeks ago I learned that I can't work with the TV on in my office. It's too distracting especially when I have the news on...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Four of Sales

Art Post ·
It's 10:36PM on a warm night in New Jersey. Finally we have a day in the low eighties and there was no wind that blew in from the ocean. When that wind comes off the water we can be anywhere from 10-20 degrees cooler from inland parts of Jersey. There's also a chance that a week from today we just may be feeling the effects of a tropical storm that is suppose to move up the coast. If this storm becomes a tropical depression that stormed will be dubbed Arthur. What a great way to start off...

Fuji Xerox Multi-Use Copiers at Seven-Eleven Become First in Japans Convenience Stores to Provide Square Prints of Photographs

Art Post ·
TOKYO, December 4, 2017 – Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. and Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd. will launch the Square Print service Note1 on December 5, by enhancing the functionality of the multi-use copiers installed at Seven-Eleven stores across Japan (19,970 stores as of the end of November). At the same time, an English version of the free app, Seven-Eleven Multicopy, for smartphones and tablets will be launched so that foreign visitors can conveniently utilize the multi-use copiers to print photos...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Seven of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
Four things you should do tomorrow. 1). Toss your toothbrush. Get a new one with a plastic cover! 2). Start cleaning your cellphone twice a day 3). Start changing the pillow case on your bed everyday and wash in hot water. 4). Start cleaning your computer keyboard or tablet screen twice a day. 5). Use the speakerphone on your cellphone or landline as much as possible to minimize contact with your face.
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Fifty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
Have you ever finished a day and everything was a blur? Kind of how I felt after I clocked out about 6PM. I never been a big drinker and I might indulge once a month but I will be ready to tie one on after we've emerged from these uncertain times. Yesterday I made the first contact with an existing client via email to alert them to recent research that I completed about reducing their total annual costs. Those costs included the lease and the maintenance & supplies. The reply was "yes,...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Sixty Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
Tuesday the 23rd of June marks the end of my sales quarter. For me there are three days left to see if I can hit my goal of $300K for the quarter. What I can tell you is that it's not looking that good as of today. With the order I received yesterday I'm thinking I'm sitting around $249K. Earlier in the day I emailed out the order docs for the wide format existing upgrade and I'm hoping to have them back tomorrow. I could be at $262K by tomorrow and then it's the two days left to the wire.
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Sixty Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
I had no idea it was 11:30PM! I'll make this a short review since it's so late and there's much to do tomorrow. I received my order for the existing wide format client this AM. Thus I'm around $262k for the quarter. I had some clean up to do with emails in the AM and it was time to leave for the NJ office. Yes, I was back to the office for the first time in 67 days. I needed to print off by side-by-side report in color and a few power point pages for my net new drop-off aka meeting. I'm not...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Seven of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Seven of Selling Copiers Earlier in the week I would have bet the ranch that my forecast for $20K would come to fruition this week. I had the verbal for the $20K mid day on Tuesday, prepared all of the docs on Wednesday because there were a few moving parts to this order. However those best laid plans of mice and men sometimes don't happen. I'm sure my DM was busy with other tasks and the thought of dropping everything so I could get the documents...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty-Two of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty of Selling Copiers A very interesting day for me today. Today marketed the first day in 142 days that I spent the entire day in the field! In addition I stopped by the office for a few minutes to pick up a small A4 black MFP that I wanted to deliver to a net new account. My first appointment was early in the day with a net new account. I had to be there by 9AM, thus it was time to make sure I left my home office by 7AM. In most cases with...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty-Eight of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty-Eight of Selling Copiers It never ceases to amaze me how one day can be so great and the next day can be so challenging. The challenging part was the essence of my day today. I wasn't able to move any deals further along until the last 30 minutes of the day. My net new opportunity is having some issues with getting approved because they are "new" in business. I would have never guessed it the setup that they have and I missed the mark by not...

Re: COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty-Eight of Selling

Toner in my Blood ·
Appreciate you sharing your stories- with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Not too much different for us here in North Carolina. Grinding it out is still the best way to make things happen.
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Seventy-Seven of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Seventy-Seven of Selling Copiers Off to the races! I'm now in the last month of the selling year. Just like any other year I find myself behind the eight ball again. After some research today I need to secure about $80K in orders for December in order to meet my annual quota. I have that content/hardware appointment tomorrow at 11AM. I believe this is the 7th meeting we've had in the last 30 days. I'm hoping tomorrows meeting will be the last and we...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Forty-Nine of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Forty-Nine of Selling Copiers Within a week or two at least here in the Northeast we'll hit the one year mark for COVID19. Two hundred and sixty-five days would mark the full year of selling days, but that doesn't include holidays so the real number is probably 21.5 work days a month which brings us to two hundred and fifty-eight days. At this point in time it's really hard for me to process how long this has been going. Some news in New Jersey, our...