Tagged With "Post-Virus"
Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!
Although I am 60% on board with your move to A4 strategy, most of the rest of the stuff you are posting is "knocking it out of the park"! I would like to see a poll. As a business owner, during COVID-19 would you prefer? 1). No lease payments for 90 days 2). 1/2 price lease payments for one year The auto industry is pushing no payments for 90 days but I think business owners are more concerned about cash flow for the next year. I think the correct strategy is to offer as part of your...
Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!
SalesServiceGuy, I would suggest that a payment strategy is not something I see valuable at all. Customers need help deferring payments on what they already own. In all do respect. A payment strategy is not helpful to end user strictly based on selling a new MFP. The Imaging Channel's resellers who only sell print equipment are going to find themselves in serious trouble. Customers don't need to upgrade their all already oversold A3 to another one. Dealers should credit back the unused...
Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!
We generally do not build in prepaid copy/ print blocks into our leases. We do give away free copy prints up front but only intended as a short term bonus. We do normally charge a $25.00 minimum monthly maintenance fee but have waived that until the economy rebuilds momentum. I am in Canada, lease vendors are currently offering 90 day payment deferrals added back on at the end of term for those customers who request them. Leases expire every month and customers are happy with the equipment...
Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!
SalesServiceGuy I will discuss this more on tomorrows "End of The Day With Ray!" Have a great evening
Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!
I have to dial back the 1/2 price payments for one year. Most SMB business will only get lease approved for a six month Step lease. So for those customers wanting to preserve cash flow, a six month 1/2 price lease cost followed by a 60 month regular cost lease would be the best offer. On a $5k lease this would add approx $139.00 to the total finance costs spread over 66 months ($2.00 month).
Re: Top 100 2016
Enviado desde mi smartphone Samsung Galaxy.-------- Mensaje original --------De: Print4Pay Hotel < alerts@hoop.la > Fecha: 20/09/2016 17:22 (GMT-03:00) A: Gustavo Zurueta < gzurueta@procopias.com.ar > Asunto: New Clips Posted By printguy
Re: In Search of the Office Imaging Industry’s Top Sales People
I just do not understand why this is necessary. Unless of course you and Art are on some sort of a reward, working for or with the US Inland Revenue people ? We all know who we are, that are any good at selling !!! I do not see any real benefit other than those with Narcissistic tendencies.
Re: In Search of the Office Imaging Industry’s Top Sales People
At least with this award not everyone will get a trophy~
Re: In Search of the Office Imaging Industry’s Top Sales People
What about the direct side Art?
Re: In Search of the Office Imaging Industry’s Top Sales People
Larry: Both Direct and Dealers are good!
Re: The Week in Imaging Honors Art Post One of Most Influential in Imaging Industry
Way to go Art!
Re: Hackers can crash your printer, how to not let it happen to you
good blog to send to your customers
Re: ManagingThe Imaging Channel's Crisis
This is probably bull**** and you know it - especially with the nexera or whatever commercial in the end of the post Nobody knows what tomorrow brings. China has been up and running for days already. absolutely no need for predicting the end of the world and scaring people your advice is so obvious that if you don’t follow them by now you should not run your own business i am not in the USA but in Europe and my country is hit hard by covid19 - we are halfway through a lockdown I am just...
Re: ManagingThe Imaging Channel's Crisis
Anders, You read this the way you wanted. I am by far NOT predicting the end of the world. I am predicting the end of customers in the Imaging Channel being oversold based on outdated business processes. The technologies being exposed to organizations today will change their business processess and cause a speed up to the SMB's digitization. Regarding NEXERA they are the only organization in the world with data on service activity based on nearly 5 million devices. The article was written to...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2014
Enjoy the threads from 5 years a go this week! Topic Five Vendors Earn Winter 2014 BLI “Picks” in the A3 Color Category Art Post · 1/23/145:35 PM buyers. Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U .S.A., Inc. Konica Minolta bizhub C 364e Outstanding 31- to 40-ppm A3 Color MFP Konica Minolta bizhub C 454e Outstanding 41- to 50-ppm A3 Color MFP KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc. KYOCERA TASKalfa 5551ci (Also sold under the Copystar brand) Outstanding 51- to 60-ppm A3 Color MFP Ricoh Americas...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Last Week in January 2014
Dang, there's a ton of content here! Check out the blog series for 31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales #25 of 31 , there are 31 in total and I'm trying to get them all in a collection for us. Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago 4thWeek of January 2004 Art Post · 1/26/142:19 PM the new product.http://support. ricoh .com/bb/html/dr_ut_e/rc2/model/ c 32_38/ c 32_38en.htmJG Toshiba America Business Solutions Introduces The...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 5 Years Ago (1st Week of February 2014)
Were you in the industry five years ago? If not some of these threads will shed some insight on what was the top threads 5 years ago this week. If you've been in this industry longer than five years, then many of these threads may bring back some memories. In any case enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! EFI Launches Fiery Digital Front Ends for New Konica Minolta Bizhub Presses Art Post · 2/6/149:20 PM EFI Launches Fiery Digital Front Ends for New Konica Minolta Bizhub Presses...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2014
One of my goals for this year is to garner more leads. You can do that with generating educational documents. I wrote this blog a few years ago, hope this helps. 31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (2 of 31) Enjoy the threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (2nd Week of January 2004) Art Post · 1/12/143:32 PM it... Ricoh Dealer Meeting 1/8/04 9:48 AM Topic by Boston Mike Ricoh Dealer Meeting - Las Vegas, NV...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in September 2013
Konica Minolta and Komori Debut World's First 23"x29" Digital Inkjet Press at PRINT 13 Art Post · 9/5/137:08 AM today's highly competitive printing marketplace. Delivering a high level in print quality coupled with impressively fast make-ready and open systems architecture, Komori presses help printers achieve the higher productivity and efficiency levels essential for increased margins and business growth. Komori America Corporation headquarters are in Rolling Meadows, IL with sales and...
Switchfast Launches MaxPro Secure for a Comprehensive Approach to SMB Security
Switchfast Technologies , the leading provider of managed IT services and security for small and mid-sized businesses in Chicago, today announced the launch of MaxPro Secure, built to provide SMBs with a full suite of managed cybersecurity services. “Security is crucial especially for small businesses,” said Jim Anderson, CEO of Switchfast. “Studies suggest that 60 percent of SMBs go out of business after a data breach — not to mention the brand equity cost. Switchfast’s MaxPro Secure...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of March 2014)
Wow! Hard to believe that the end of the first quarter is a mere two weeks away. Twenty five gone and Seventy five percent of the year left. How is your first quarter going? Would love to hear from you in the reply section of this blog! These were the top threads from 5 years ago this week. Enjoy Konica Minolta Honors Pacific Office Automation of Beaverton, Oregon with 2014 Pro-Tech Service Award for Service Excellence Art Post · 3/19/1410:16 PM Colorado. The company is also one of the...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of March 2014)
Avoid Insulting the Customer Obvious, right? Well, people do it without even realizing by using comments like "did you understand that?" and "are you following what I'm saying?". This automatically shrinks the customers' intelligence and ability to catch on. It is down to your own ability to make the customer understand and therefore if you feel the customer is failing to do so, use comments such as "did I explain that clearly" and so on. Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week!
As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?
As sales/ service people we are introducing ourselves to new people everyday in the hopes of making a sale and earning an income. Our Sales Managers push us to make more cold calls every day to make quota. ... but are we putting our personal health at risk? ... should we be practising "social distancing"? ... should we just kind of float for a few months and hope this goes away? ... will potential customers seeing a new face (your face) coming though their door a health risk? I do walk...
Canon to close 5 factories due to virus
Canon to close 5 factories due to virus - announced that it will be temporarily closing 5 of its factories due to supply shortages caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak - scheduled to last approximately two weeks. - Affects 5 facilities based in the Oita, Miyazaki and Nagasaki prefectures of Japan
Blog Post
ManagingThe Imaging Channel's Crisis
In this article, I will share what I envision coming, and some things dealers can immediately do to soften the impact of that vision. As the Industry's Customers investigate and explore their current circumstances so, must the dealers who sell and service them. Any mis-alignment will prove way too costly now and in the future. Over the last couple of weeks, the industry has been dished a new reality. The work from home business model is now mainstream, and many, including me, believe there's...
Blog Post
Leasing in the Imaging Channel - Pre and Post-Virus
My friends, soon we will discuss the Imaging Channel's deliverables as Pre-Virus and Post-Virus. Over the next few weeks, we will all witness many unpleasantries. However, we must prepare, and as I have done for many years, I will continue sharing my thoughts and what I envision coming. Hopefully, helping everyone prepare. In this article, I will discuss Leasing Pre-Virus and Post-Virus. Will this Pandemic cause the same problems as the 2008-09 Financial Crisis regarding Leasing in the...
Blog Post
Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!
We have all watched our share of post-apocalypse movies. However, not too many saw themselves being chased by Zombies. The battle for the customer will be fought viciously by what I describe as "Zombie Companies." "A Zombie Company" is one in which its leaders continue attempting to deliver goods and services through DEAD concepts. In other words, organizations who fight against today's new market realities in hopes of lengthening the tenure of yesterday's relevance. This pandemic was an...
Re: Holes in a fence: How the approach to cybersecurity is changing
I am out of the office on annual leave until the 26th Jan. In my absence please contact 01983 406522. Thank you
Blog Post
How to have your showroom in your pocket. Perform an unplanned presentation/demo Periscope is a live video streaming free app for iOS and Android. Their motto: Explore the world through someone else's eyes. You can really see live what others are shooting in the world. Broadcasting can be public or private. PrintAnalyze is cloud software designed to help the salesman in the Imaging business. The spark came from Art Post’s blog. Yes, of course, the idea would be to present something that...
19 Shocking Sales Stats That Will Change How You Sell
I try to read as much as I can, and every morning I put aside 30 minutes to check out the latest posts from my favorite blogs and writers. In 30 minutes, you can only take in so much. Some posts I read thoroughly, others I open and close again within a matter of seconds. My favorite ones, I share with my team to use. Often, my sales-related decisions rely a lot on guesswork: When do I send? What will they read? In this post, I’m excited to share with you why sales stats are so important and...
The Top 10 Sales Blog Posts of 2015
Note from Art: Some awesome info below: As 2015 draws to a close, it's a good time to reflect back on the past 365 days. Maybe you crushed quota by the biggest margin yet ... or maybe you didn't even come close. Either way, 2016 represents a clean slate to replicate your success or correct your shortcomings. Want to double down on your winning streak or flip your fortune in the new year? Make reading a part of your reflection process. A helpful sales email tip, prospecting hack, or...
Blog Post
Holes in a fence: How the approach to cybersecurity is changing
The Sony Entertainment cyberattack is not yet old news. On the contrary, the breach is still affecting the idea of cybersecurity and how important it is for organizations to have protection in place. The mystery of who was behind the attack on Sony is...
Blog Post
The Week in Imaging Honors Art Post One of Most Influential in Imaging Industry
The Week in Imaging Honors Art Post One of Most Influential in Imaging Industry Ewing, New Jersey, May 28, 2013 – The Week in Imaging (TWII), a weekly online publication focusing on news, information, and commentary about the imaging...
Blog Post
Newly Revamped Print4Pay Hotel Website Provides Members with Added Features and Value
Contact: Art Post arthurkpost@gmail.com Newly Revamped Print4Pay Hotel Website ProvidesMembers with Added Features and...
Petronella Technology Group Asks Businesses: Are You Prepared for the Cryptolocker Virus?
RALEIGH, N.C., Dec. 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Here's how an attack from the Cryptolocker virus unfolds: when you attempt to access your business computer network, you instead find yourself locked out and all files strongly encrypted. Next, a...
Blog Post
In Search of the Office Imaging Industry’s Top Sales People
Isn’t it about time that the industry’s best sales reps were recognized in the press? Sure these folks reap financial rewards for a job well done, but how much of that recognition actually extends beyond their workplace? That time has...
The @Mentions Release
We've rolled out another major update, this one focusing on support for mentions, whereby you can specifically reference a community member so that they can be notified about the post. This was one of our most voted-on suggestions in our development queue. To use mentions, type an @ symbol and then begin typing the displayed name of the person you wish to reference. You'll see a dropdown menu of potential matches on the name. Select the proper person and a mention link will be...
Hackers can crash your printer, how to not let it happen to you
It's difficult getting into the mind of a cybercriminal, you never know how they're going to attack. Lately, they seem to be favoring phishing emails used to steal your credentials and ransomware that encrypts your critical files. Sometimes they get super creative so people don't see it coming. That's exactly what's happening now. Hackers have found a way to crash your printer, but you have the power to stop them. Is your printer secure? Security researchers at Trustwave say hackers have a...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Last Week of September 2014)
Enjoy these most excellent threads from 5 years ago this week! Konica Minolta and Kodak Showcase New Front End Solutions for bizhub Presses at Graph Expo 2014 Art Post · 9/25/1411:43 PM Konica Minolta and Kodak Showcase New Front End Solutions for bizhub Presses at Graph Expo 2014 Industry Leaders Drive and Manage Digital Press Solutions With Common Production Process RAMSEY, NJ --(Marketwired - September 25, 2014) - Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. ( Konica Minolta ) and Kodak...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of September 2014)
Had a pretty cool thing happen yesterday. I was visiting one of my existing accounts because they had a question on one of their higher end printers. The owner of the company then told me about a call he received from another business owner asking about how he likes his copiers. I was given the contact name and the company, since that company was only a few minutes away I was on my way. Stopping in un-announced is always a little dicey. The DM was in the office and I had to wait a bit, and...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of August 2014)
Some what of an interesting day today I arrived about 645Am to the office. Had to prep for a 10AM, 1PM and 4PM appointment, All were closing opportunities, thus I wanted to have all of the documentation ready to sign. First appointment needed to "think about it", not worried been doing business with him for 20 plus years and that's just what he does. But, I also delivered a side by comparison via email later in the day (stated he might be looking at another copier from another vendor). I'm...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of September 2014)
Wow, what a week? A couple of weeks ago I realized my funnel was sucking wind for September. With August ending on the 23rd by the time Labor Day was finished I'm already 28% into my month. In addition this coming Monday I have a charity golf event then Thursday and Friday of this coming I'll be in the Big Apple for the BTA East event. What's a sales guy to do? One is to prospect your ass off and the other is to try and make up some days. Thus everyday this week I was in the office by...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of June 2014)
What's so special about June? Well, the end of June marks the half way point in most of our calendars for sales. Where are you with your goals, and your quota. The end of the year is now a mere 180 days away. Extra hard prospecting now will fill your funnel for the remainder of the year. Enjoy these threads from five years ago this week! Konica Minolta South Africa's new print management solution reveals significant cost savings Art Post · 6/4/1411:00 PM possibility of controlling access to...
SPS Ranked No. 2 Among Inbound Document Management Providers
NEW YORK (PRWEB) August 19, 2019 Swiss Post Solutions (SPS) , a leading outsourcing provider for business-process solutions and innovative services in document management, has been ranked no. 2 globally in Inbound Document Management in the 2019-2023 Document Management Market Forecast by NelsonHall, a leading global analyst firm. “The increasing market share in inbound document management is a result of our strategic focus on people, processes, and technology on a global level,” said Joerg...
Re: Leasing in the Imaging Channel - Pre and Post-Virus
I have been having some arguments with my three preferred leasing vendors that with interest rates now at historical lows, their rate cards have not changed since Jan 2020 and earlier. I argue that their cost of money has gone down and yet they are charging the same rates. They counter argue that it has become more expensive to raise the necessary debt to fund new leases. I counter argued that most leases are renewals so they are not really funding new debt. I realize that argument is an...
Re: Leasing in the Imaging Channel - Pre and Post-Virus
I agree! Right now leasing companies should be full speed ahead to lock in new and existing clients for more years.
Re: As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?
Sorry, just saw this. I am not walking around with a face mask! There are 11.1 million people in Wuhan, China. Eighty K has contracting COVID 19, lets do the math. 10% is 1.1 million people, 1% is 110,000 people. Thus the 80K infected is less than one percent. Of those 80K, 3,800 poor souls have perished. Today China only reported 44 new cases. China may be on the down curve while other countries like Italy, and Iran are still increasing. As far as interacting with clients, handshaking...