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Tagged With "Twenty-Eight"

Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Six of Sales

Art Post ·
Tell me how this happens? My wife starting ordering food from a local company in New Jersey. I like it, she likes it and we're pleased with the service and the food. We started using them at the end of last year so it's not a COVID19 thing. One of the things I like is that in every book there is a recipe, instructions and a gloss brochure. Yup you guessed it..., the documents are printed in color and it means potential prospect! Maybe production also. Inspection of the box provided no phone...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
Yay it's Thursday and that means it's time for the Greg & Art lunch chat hour! Today was a great chat session and there were some chats about post recovery and how we can add our experiences to our value proposition. Another awesome question was posed as to how dealers are getting their PPE gear. I never even thought about the PPE thing. Drivers, techs, installers and maybe even sales people could be required to don PPE gear when entering an office now and in the future. In addition we...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
I thought this would be appropriate to start off today's blog Another closing day and I ain't got no orders I got some opportunities 'cause i just made some calls How I wish I had someone to sell to I'm in an awful way Right, so juiced up the lyrics a bit from the Sam Cookes rendition of "Another Saturday Night". My personal favorite is Cat Stevens version. If any one else would like to fill in the rest of the lyrics, then have at it. Could be a fun exercise for everyone! It was another day...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
Another day another dollar, you never know what tomorrow will bring you, the harder you work the luckier you get. If you're a consistent follower of my blogs you'll see that I use those statements quite often when blogging. I've never shied away from hard work in fact I quit high school in mid-way through the 11th grade because I wanted to make money. Yes, I had the desire and the determination to make money but I was missing one key factor. At sixteen I didn't know how to work hard or maybe...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
Many times you'll see me use the phrase "the harder you work the luckier you get". Many years ago Jack Carroll (Partner with Century Office Products) use to tell me this every time I brought in a decent size order. The first time I met Jack was way back in 1986 and that was the year I started my dealership Atlantic Office Systems in New Jersey. After selling the business to my partners in 1998 (best thing I ever did) I took a sales position with Century Office Products in New Jersey. I...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
So much went on today and I'm not sure where to start. I'm thinking I won't get back to full time prospecting until next week and that's because I've be digging to try and hit that magical number of 200K for May. As of today I have about 30K in opportunities that could close in the next 2 days. After that it's going to be a struggle, however after tomorrow there are still eleven selling days in the month for me. What's good about the eleven days is that I still have more than 50% of the...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Nine of Sales

copyme ·
Awesome, congrats!

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
Thank you!
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Fifty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
Sales Journal Day 58 Yay, it's Friday and today was a good way to end the week, not the great way that I had hoped but we can't have everything our way. Not getting those things that we want will keep us on the path to the finish line. I had a bunch of items that needed to be completed before my 11AM appointment with a net new account. I was working by 7AM this morning working on developing a side by side comparison for the client. I took 6 key features that the client stated they had to...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
That magical day has arrived! Eighty-Eight business days since I was optioned to working remote. Four full months from the home office, four months with only four in-site appointments, and four months of stress. Four months and still no sign of when offices in New Jersey will be full staffed again. Even though the number of COVID illnesses and deaths are at the lowest point since the first week of March. At the end of each day I'm mentally exhausted, thus the reason for not posting on Friday...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Ninety-Eight of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Ninety-Eight of Selling Copiers One of my goals for Friday was to make sure that I reached my goal of contacting twenty-five businesses. The plan was to get them all done in the morning since I had I thought my afternoon would be spent with one appointment and the writing of the large net new order for $58K. Just about Noon I received an email from my VP about that potential order. I responded with "I'm being patient", he responded with "don't be patient after...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Twenty-Five of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Twenty-Five of Selling The last week or so with almost no orders has seen me fighting with myself. Am I doing everything right? Is there something I'm missing? Am I prospecting enough? Am I asked the right questions? What can I do to turn things around? I thought quite a bit about where I'm at for the month with 9 selling days left in the month last night. I figure that I'm right back to where I was in March & April where just keep making the...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Twenty-Six of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Twenty-Six of Selling Copiers It's 10:24 PM with a cool breeze blowing in from the Ocean tonight. After a frustrating four day work week I finally packed it in about 5:30PM tonight. It had been a long week of phone calls, emails, inmails and texts. I was able to get docs for a small A4 black device late today. I'm hoping that will be the order that opens the flood gates with my 25 plus opportunities. I'm going to get a little off the rails here for...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty-Eight of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty-Eight of Selling Copiers It never ceases to amaze me how one day can be so great and the next day can be so challenging. The challenging part was the essence of my day today. I wasn't able to move any deals further along until the last 30 minutes of the day. My net new opportunity is having some issues with getting approved because they are "new" in business. I would have never guessed it the setup that they have and I missed the mark by not...

Re: COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty-Eight of Selling

Toner in my Blood ·
Appreciate you sharing your stories- with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Not too much different for us here in North Carolina. Grinding it out is still the best way to make things happen.