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Tagged With "Saturday Night"


Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Part Two: Leasing News Exclusive: The Opposition and How Senator Steven Glazer Got SB 1235 Passed (Part 2 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor The bill was "Engrossed and Enrolled" and presented to the Governor at 5 p.m., September 12th, awaiting his decision to sign or veto. How He Pushed It Through the Legislature What are the takeaways from this interview and SB 1235? ▪ First , I Was Surprised at the Overwhelming Support of Trade Groups for the Bill. When he rattled off the...

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

Art Post ·
thanx for nor grading my English!!! most threads are done at night and I'll admit, I'm much better at selling than writing.

Re: Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person "Stranger Things Can Happen"

Art Post ·
More snow for Friday night of this week!

Re: Ditching the Polo Shirt Can Increase Your Sales

WF ·
I've been an outside rep in both office technology and healthcare/IT. I am 43, so kind of on the cusp of old/new dress code. I would say to know your audience and where you are. When I visit Northeast customers/suppliers I dress how you said you do. I was just in Texas and I wore an untucked polo. Sounds sloppy to some I guess.... but the rep I was with who wore a jacket was laughed at by the customer and said "why on earth would you wear that here?" The rest of the night I was the one...

Re: How to Add More Selling Days Without Really Trying

Larry Levine ·
Art right on dude! Time management is our best asset and killer at the same time. To be successful in sales is not 8:00 to 5:00! Before 8:00 after 5:00 PM even a late night, Saturday or Sunday. Take at least the 1 hour most reps can truly not account for (if being honest) and reinvest back into being productive. Right here is 5 hours per week. Sunday is a great time in the morning to prospect and send emails to executives. This does work.

Re: How Social Turns Sales Reps Downtime Into Prospecting Time

Art Post ·
Over the years, having the ability to post, comment, share and like content day or night is awesome.
Blog Post

Selling Copiers "The Rep that BS's the Prospect"

Art Post ·
I apologize for not being able to write as much as I usually do. December was a rather busy month, in fact the busiest December in years. Cheers to that! It all started a few weeks ago when received a lead (yippee) that was labeled "looking to lease a printer" . I wasn't excited about the word "printer". However, a lead is a lead and follow up has to be immediate when you get a new lead. The Call I was able to connect with the prospect that day on the phone. I was asked if I sold Canon, I...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
One of my goals for this year is to garner more leads. You can do that with generating educational documents. I wrote this blog a few years ago, hope this helps. 31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (2 of 31) Enjoy the threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (2nd Week of January 2004) Art Post · 1/12/143:32 PM it... Ricoh Dealer Meeting 1/8/04 9:48 AM Topic by Boston Mike Ricoh Dealer Meeting - Las Vegas, NV...
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To Ricoh "What I Want for Christmas 2018"

Art Post ·
I always like to start these Christmas blogs with a small story about Christmas tradition in other countries. In Ireland, people celebrate Christmas in much the same way as people in the UK and the USA , but they also have many of their own Christmas traditions and customs. Christmas for Irish people, who are Catholics, lasts from Christmas Eve to the feast of Epiphany on January 6th, which some Irish people call 'Little Christmas'. Epiphany isn't now widely celebrated in Ireland. There is...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in July 2003

Art Post ·
It's Sunday night, I start vaca on Wednsday of this week. Not a lot of stuff from last week, except for the additional tariffs that will go into effect the first week of August. We're not sure if copiers are included this go around. Enjoy the threads from 156 years ago this week! Sales Training Help 7/15/034:56 PM December 31, 2011 - Sales Training Help - Click Here Industry Analysts, Inc. has been developing customized industry training programs and materials for over 30 years. Major...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in August 2008

Art Post ·
A little of news this week is that the US Dollar is growing stronger vs the Japanese Yen. When this has happened in the past Japanese copier manufacturers have decreased pricing here in the States. When you couple this with the Chinese tariffs that may go into effect this week, it could mean that our industry may not see price increases. Japanese manufacturers might just bite the bullet on the increases in order to keep boxes moving out of the plants. BTW, the dude in the picture, had just a...
Blog Post

Four Glorious Reasons Why You Should Attend BTA National Conference in NYC

Art Post ·
Every year I try to attend at least one BTA event. This year I'll be attending my first ever BTA National Conference in New York City on September 19th through the 20th. I haven't decided if I'm going to take the SeaStreak ferry from Highlands or have a Uber buddy of mine drive me in on the 19th and pick me up on the 21st. I'm pretty lucky that I think I have the best view of the NYC skyline in all of New Jersey, others might disagree, but I've got one heck of a view. One of the events that...
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Your Copier

Art Post ·
Earlier today I was posting some news articles on the site and thought I'd play some eighties tune to pass the time. One of the songs that I haven't heard in some time was "Your Love" which was performed by Outfield. The lyrics were simple and short, thus I thought I would write a parody based on "Your Love". Yeah, I know it's screwy, but I actually had some fun with it. You can click the here to hear that song. You can ready my lyrics below. Wish I could sing it for everyone, on second...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in August 2008

Art Post ·
Well it was ten years ago this week that the news broke about Ricoh purchasing Ikon. Ten years later the Ikon purchase was a bust with Ricoh writing off millions in future profit & revenue. That's what happens when you purchase a company that can't spin a profit. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 08/24/08 Neal · 8/28/087:52 AM in the United States: o The current Digital Print Center (DPC) sales & marketing division will be disbanded § This...
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5 Tips to Help You Increase Your Sales in 2019

Art Post ·
I started to title this blog and then stopped because I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with this. I wanted to write about the start of the new year and what reps can do to increase their skills and sales from last year. The first thing we need to do is to forget about last year. Whether you were a winner or a loser last year is over! An old saying in sales "is that you're only as good as your last month". Now is the time to forget about last year, now is the time to set your sales goals...
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Seven Great Reason Why I Love Working @ Stratix Systems

Art Post ·
It's a late night for me just like many other nights. While I was walking our dog, a little light snow began to fall here in Highlands, NJ. At this time of year, along with not much traffic I can hear the rumble of the waves that are peppering the beach. Sometimes it's times it's nights like these that I get to remember about how good things are and how fortunate I've been through out the years. A little more than ten years ago the copier company that I worked for was bought by Stratix...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of March 2014)

Art Post ·
Wow! Hard to believe that the end of the first quarter is a mere two weeks away. Twenty five gone and Seventy five percent of the year left. How is your first quarter going? Would love to hear from you in the reply section of this blog! These were the top threads from 5 years ago this week. Enjoy Konica Minolta Honors Pacific Office Automation of Beaverton, Oregon with 2014 Pro-Tech Service Award for Service Excellence Art Post · 3/19/1410:16 PM Colorado. The company is also one of the...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Third Week of March 2009)

Art Post ·
I'm booked for ITEX 2019! I'm pretty excited about going. I'll be arriving late on the 22nd and then taking the red eye out Thursday night. I'm hoping to see many P4P members, connect with new peeps along with visiting our sponsors and exhibitors. Hit up the reply and let me know if you'll be there! Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Introducing the NEW bizhub PRO C65hc Digital Color Printing System 3/16/0912:58 PM Marketing Bulletin Bulletin #08-GB-120 Date: March 16, 2009...
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OMG, it's a Brother "Part 3"

Art Post ·
It Tuesday evening, just past midnight my time and a little past nine pm Vegas time. The flight out to Vegas was comfortable and a nice flight. I had five hours to reflect on meeting Peter (my brother) at McCarren airport. About a week ago I had suggested that he pick me up at the airport on his way to Las Vegas. Peter agreed and the time was coming to and end when we finally would meet in person. For the last three weeks we've been chatting on and off. With most of the calls was more about...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Third Week in October 2008

Art Post ·
I like to start these updates with some interesting things that happen to me in the last week or so. I received two leads and closed both of them from Linkedin. It was net new clients reaching out to me via Linkedin and requesting to set a meeting. Yes, this was the first I ever had two in one week. So I keep moving forward and keep growing my connections because you just never know when one of those calls might be for 20, 100 or 1,000 MFP's #nevergiveup Enjoy the threads from ten years ago...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of March 2014)

Art Post ·
Avoid Insulting the Customer Obvious, right? Well, people do it without even realizing by using comments like "did you understand that?" and "are you following what I'm saying?". This automatically shrinks the customers' intelligence and ability to catch on. It is down to your own ability to make the customer understand and therefore if you feel the customer is failing to do so, use comments such as "did I explain that clearly" and so on. Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week!
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of February 2010)

Art Post ·
I mentioned in the previous blog that we had our Kickoff Sales meeting for 2020 yesterday. Rather than drive the three hours home I opted to stay over night and leave first thing in the AM. 2019 was a very good year, I was back in President's Club for the 7th time, got me a $50 gift card for winning a contest at our branch. Maybe an old timer like me can win the Grand Prize next week, we'll see we have some talented peeps and all will be out for the glory. It's time to bring out the old dog...
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Selling Copiers in the Eighties with Roland Tolan

Art Post ·
Roland and I found each other about 6 weeks ago on Linkedin. Seems Roland and I have a similar background with selling copiers. We both started in the eighties. While I was on the East Coast and Roland was on the West Coast. We've never met but hoping our paths will cross soon! How did you find your way into the copier industry? In 1985, I was 23 years old. l was ready to join the sheriffs department in Los Angeles CA., my mom begged me not to do it. A friend of mine was a salesman at small...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
It's Friday night and late. Tuesday evening I traveled to Atlantic City for our annual showing of wide format copiers and white boards. Our event started Wednesday in the AM and lasted until 1PM today. I'm getting too old to put in 10 hour days on the show floor (lol). I love doing them because of the interaction with potential clients and you never know who you're going to meet. We brought the BIG 65 inch white board and it was the sizzle that we needed to catch all of those prospects. All...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirteen of Sales

Art Post ·
I was hoping that day thirteen would be a lucky number for me. It wasn't and I'm still hanging in their with zero orders since I started working remotely. I had a tough time going to sleep last night, the mind was still running, thoughts of what to if this that or the other thing happens. Even with two sleeping pills it was not a good night. Think I finally dozed off somewhere in the 1AM area. Thursday has started just like every other day. By 8am I was at the PC and going through my CRM to...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Sixteen of Sales

Art Post ·
This blog will be one of the longer running blog series. NJ just locked down for another 30 days, that statement from the Governors Office came today. In addition an additional lock down was placed on all county and state parks. While it seems that the infection rate is slowing down, the media is mostly giving us the bad along with a few specs of hope here and there. I follow the numbers on a daily basis but I'm somewhat concerned that more peeps will be out and about as the better weather...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Fourteen of Sales

Art Post ·
Arriving home from Aruba on the 2nd of March and all was fine on that late evening ride from Newark Airport to my home in Highlands. Never ever did I think I would be confined to my house for this long. Never ever did I think that I would go three weeks without an order. Never ever did I think I would be trapped in my home office and not be able to meet and greet prospects and clients. Never ever did I think that a virus could virtually bring a country to it's knees. This is our new normal,...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighteen of Sales

Art Post ·
Make no bones about it, I'm mentally drained. Jersey is still the same and I don't want to keep harping on what's going on here. What was cool today is Greg Walters & I had our third installment of "How to Sell Copiers in the Age of Corona Virus. For those that haven't caught the first three episodes it's basically me and Greg talking about what's going on and shooting ideas back and forth. What I liked about today is that we turned the mics on to hear from others in our Zoom meeting. We...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Four of Sales

Art Post ·
Yay! Friday night and the weekend lays ahead! Not so fast grasshopper since tomorrow is going to be in the high thirties and raining in the AM. Maybe we'll see a high of 50 degrees. Typically this time of year is prime for combing the beaches and finding money. Well not really finding money but finding sea glass, jingle shells and hard clam shells that I turn into wampum. For me each piece of sea glass can mean $10 a pop. The shells are worth the effort because I'll also turn them into...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
I thought this would be appropriate to start off today's blog Another closing day and I ain't got no orders I got some opportunities 'cause i just made some calls How I wish I had someone to sell to I'm in an awful way Right, so juiced up the lyrics a bit from the Sam Cookes rendition of "Another Saturday Night". My personal favorite is Cat Stevens version. If any one else would like to fill in the rest of the lyrics, then have at it. Could be a fun exercise for everyone! It was another day...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the Last Week in April of 2015

Art Post ·
Below are some of the threads that were popular 5 years ago this week. One thread that's great for newbies is State of the "Art" Sales Technology. Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago today! Multiple Copier Pricing Spreadsheet Art Post · 4/30/1511:12 PM Topic Fuji Xerox and Ricoh for the the Provision of Print and Imaging as-a-Service PlaaS Art Post · 4/30/1510:13 PM an option of two (2) one year extensions. The combined purchasing power of the Queensland Government has enabled the...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
Another day another dollar, you never know what tomorrow will bring you, the harder you work the luckier you get. If you're a consistent follower of my blogs you'll see that I use those statements quite often when blogging. I've never shied away from hard work in fact I quit high school in mid-way through the 11th grade because I wanted to make money. Yes, I had the desire and the determination to make money but I was missing one key factor. At sixteen I didn't know how to work hard or maybe...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
It's late and the last post of the night for me. Enjoy! bid tabulation for Ricoh Toshiba Xerox.pdf Art Post · 2/21/1511:05 PM Blog Post This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Fourth Week of February 2005 Art Post · 2/21/1511:36 PM Canon and would appreciate any and Xerox6030 With P/S 2/25/05 10:23 AM Topic by Guest Does anyone know anything about The Xerox 6030 wide format copier that prints and scans and how it compares to the Ricoh 240 Ricoh MV310 2/24/05 7:28 AM...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Last Week of February 2010)

Art Post ·
Recently we had a contest for all of the salespeople at Stratix. It was not a demo contest but more about telling the awesome Stratix story to our clients. There were judges and then group winners for each branch. The group winners would then have the face off. Years ago we had this contest and I failed miserably, I was so bad that I wanted to be shot. I have a hard time memorizing anything that has to be word for word, not sure what my issue is but I have an issue. This will make a good...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the Second Week of May 2010

Art Post ·
It's Sunday night just about 10:30PM. Not a lot of time to write tonight. Hope everyone enjoyed Mothers Day. Now let's go sell something tomorrow! Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Konica Minolta eyes bigger role in commercial printing Guest · 5/8/1011:14 PM Konica Minolta eyes bigger role in commercial printing LOS ANGELES, CA—Konica Minolta has targeted commercial printing as a key growth opportunity for the company. Executives made the announcement at an event earlier this...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
For some reason sleeping last night didn't go that well. I worked late and by the time I finished last nights blog my mind was running at full speed as I tried to get to to sleep. Too many deals in my head! Last night my wife mentioned that she wanted to go see our granddaughter today. Am I bad guy? All I thought about was how much I wanted to get done today. I had a 1PM appointment that I moved to 3PM with a net new suspect late yesterday. i made the time because it's what we do. This...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
Yay! It's 4:47pm and I'm getting to write my blog for the day. In order to stay sane with each passing week I'll turn to jibjab and create some ecards for my team members. It's easy to do because you can get their images from facebook, instagram or Linkedin. Today I had some extra time to search for ecards where I could input 5 people. No on is safe from these videos! I had time to cut three of them today. Just a few minutes ago I sent them to our team with the subject line "a little pick me...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
Sorry everyone, I'm going to make this short and sweet tonight. On a positive note today I receive and email from one of my clients that they like the first of 2 proposals that they reviewed and is looking at a May 1st timeline to move forward. Now I won't count my chickens yet, but that's the best news I've had all week. We scheduled a follow up in two weeks to see if we're still at square one with this virus. Oh ya, and this is a $60K opp. I had a chat with Greg Walters this AM and he told...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eleven of Sales

Art Post ·
WTF eleven days! Another late night issue for me again. It's sometime after 10PM, thus this will be another short blog again. Today our dealership had a TEAMS meeting set for 11AM. The plan was to lay out the strategy for the next 30 days or so. Yes, it seems like another 30 days of remote working is in order. I am also very thankful for that, because at least I have the ability to produce. I can't go over the details because it just doesn't make good business sense with competitors reading...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2010

Art Post ·
Years ago I use to burn the late night candle pretty often. In some cases I would still find myself emailing a prospect at 2AM in the morning. In most cases the email was to schedule a meeting for later that week. Those late night emails was just something I was use to. It wasn't until one of my clients made mention of the email that arrived at 2AM. Of course he didn't see it until he arrived at work. But this client went on to tell me that he wished he had more sales people like me, meaning...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
So much went on today and I'm not sure where to start. I'm thinking I won't get back to full time prospecting until next week and that's because I've be digging to try and hit that magical number of 200K for May. As of today I have about 30K in opportunities that could close in the next 2 days. After that it's going to be a struggle, however after tomorrow there are still eleven selling days in the month for me. What's good about the eleven days is that I still have more than 50% of the...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

Art Post ·
This is the first night since I started writing this blog series that I wasn't sure what I was going to write about. After 43 days of writing how much more can you cover or how much more content can you provide for other peeps with help they might need. Tonight I'd like to cover a few things I've been doing everyday other than taking the occasional break and lunch. Many weeks ago I learned that I can't work with the TV on in my office. It's too distracting especially when I have the news on...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Four of Sales

Art Post ·
It's 10:36PM on a warm night in New Jersey. Finally we have a day in the low eighties and there was no wind that blew in from the ocean. When that wind comes off the water we can be anywhere from 10-20 degrees cooler from inland parts of Jersey. There's also a chance that a week from today we just may be feeling the effects of a tropical storm that is suppose to move up the coast. If this storm becomes a tropical depression that stormed will be dubbed Arthur. What a great way to start off...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the Third Week of May 2010

Art Post ·
Saturday night here is Jersey. Was a great day to get things done around the house. Enjoy these awesome threads from 10 years ago this week in the copier industry! Konica Minolta Contributes to Minimize Environmental Impact with a New MFP for Emergi Guest · 5/17/1011:27 PM design, and reduction of packaging materials. Having excellent eco-functions and featuring Simitri HD polymerized toner with superior image quality, Konica Minolta will provide this feature-rich 3-in-1 model -- printing,...

Re: Sharp Watch....It's Like Playing Battleship

Art Post ·
Originally Posted by Jason H: Can someone with WSJ access post the whole article by chance? I read it on my ipad last night, however when I went to read it on my pc. I did not have access.

Re: Tweleve Days of Selling "Day 8"

Larry Kirsch ·
Best wishes. The harder you work the luckier you get... Best wishes...
Blog Post

How to Add More Selling Days Without Really Trying

Art Post ·
How many sales days do you have in a year? Betcha you don't know! Sales aka Selling days or how many days per month, per quarter and per year has been something that I keep an eye on. Try to take a sales day away from me because you want to close the month early drives me up a wall. Let's face it I only have "x" amount of days each month and I need to make the best of them. Some dealerships or direct branches will close on the calendar end of the month. Others will close the month early so...
Blog Post

#MPSisChanging "The Top 100 Summit = MPS Olympic Event"

Art Post ·
#MPSisChanging, everything changes, technology and innovation leads us to rethink what we've done in the past and how we might be able to gain the competitive edge and increase profits in the future.   Me, I'm an old dog in this industry,...
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The Cannata Report 30th Anniversary Awards & Charity Event

Art Post ·
This past Thursday night I was delighted that the great people at Muratec (thank you Lou & Jim)had invited me to sit at their table for this years The Cannata Report Awards & Charities Dinner. This was my third time in as many years attending the event, and it never fails that this event brings back all of those memories from when I started in the copier industry back in 1980. Starting at as technician, forced into sales (because I wasn't that great at...