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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One

Art Post ·
Over the years I've spent many days working from my home office. One thing I have going for me is that my office office is much bigger than my cube! Today was a little sobering since I'm not sure when I'll be back in the office, could it be two weeks, two months or the end of the summer? All uncharted territory for most of us in office equipment sales. Today was the first day of our marching orders to work from home. However, I did have to make a trip to the office to get a few addition...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One

SalesServiceGuy ·
I have been working out of a home office for most of 40 years. If your employer gives you the correct piece of paper, saying you must work at home, there are some great tax benefits. You can claim your office space, the path to your office space, the path to your bathroom, any office equipment storage space and maybe a front room where you receive couriers. Ask a friendly sales rep to meet you in that front room at least once for a sales meeting and an alibi and bingo you can claim that as...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One

Kimberly ·
Look at all the restaurant industry is doing to save its business. Office equipment reps millennial and younger are looking for a 2 week vacation, while us in the in the business for years have seen some of this such as the housing collapse and 9/11. Interesting as they support the Bernie type politician but when you ask them to pull together for the team and region to remain profitable to put off layoffs they claim excuses.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One

Art Post ·
Thanx Kimberly I was looking for a two week vaca also, but my reasoning is that the entire nation should shut down except for essential services.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One

SalesServiceGuy ·
That would be know as a "stay-cay". Yuk! Yuk! Where I am as of today, all bars and restaurants are to be closed except for take out services. Real bad news for waiters/ waitresses. I sure hope this does not extend into the summer tourism business which in Atlantic Canada is like the 3rd biggest industry.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Thanks for the mention and glad to see getting a hold on Zoom it's a great product and more of the world will be using it. Stay well my friend.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Thanks for the mention and glad to see getting a hold on Zoom it's a great product and more of the world will be using it. Stay well my friend.