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Tagged With "Corona Virus"


Corona Virus Survey & Chinese Production for Copiers

Art Post ·
Are you concerned that there might be a shortage of copiers coming out of China due to manufacturing plants shutting down?

As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?

SalesServiceGuy ·
As sales/ service people we are introducing ourselves to new people everyday in the hopes of making a sale and earning an income. Our Sales Managers push us to make more cold calls every day to make quota. ... but are we putting our personal health at risk? ... should we be practising "social distancing"? ... should we just kind of float for a few months and hope this goes away? ... will potential customers seeing a new face (your face) coming though their door a health risk? I do walk...
Blog Post

My Corona Tales from Today

Art Post ·
Yes, I went to the office today. Yes, traffic was light when it's normally jammed. Cell phone disruptions were common today with many "failed calls" in or out. Thinking that's due to the higher band width usage with many peeps using phones for hot spots or just on social media. Emails from clients after sending on-line meeting requests is low, emails from a few clients stating they are not taking ANY visitors. I had four appointments on tap for this week, two cancelled altogether, two...

Re: As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?

Art Post ·
Sorry, just saw this. I am not walking around with a face mask! There are 11.1 million people in Wuhan, China. Eighty K has contracting COVID 19, lets do the math. 10% is 1.1 million people, 1% is 110,000 people. Thus the 80K infected is less than one percent. Of those 80K, 3,800 poor souls have perished. Today China only reported 44 new cases. China may be on the down curve while other countries like Italy, and Iran are still increasing. As far as interacting with clients, handshaking...

Re: As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?

SalesServiceGuy ·
I would not believe anything that China says as far as Corona Virus statistics go. New York State today quarantined and entire one square mile of the State over Corona Virus fears. A Purel bottle (if you can find it) needs to be in your pocket. Too much Purel actually weakens your skin's ability to defend against germs. More and more companies, like Google, are asking employees to telecommute work from home. This may make it more difficult to get in front of some decision makers. I was at a...

Re: As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?

Art Post ·
Just some facts on the quarantine. I live in NJ, they are calling a "containment" zone. People can come and go as they please, they want to limit social gatherings and for those that need to self quarantine they are using the NY National Guard to distribute services along with food for those that need it

Re: My Corona Tales from Today

SalesServiceGuy ·
Clearly, the dominant story in the Office Products business right now is the drive to help people work remotely from home. Offices are now empty of people and there is little demand for work group copiers until the Corona Virus passes. I am seeing a big uptick in laptop sales and dealers selling IT services that enables workers to work from home. I did see this attached article.

Re: My Corona Tales from Today

SalesServiceGuy ·
People are buying cheap home office printers like low end Brother MFPs and inkjets with high operating costs. Probably great business for places like Staples. Office machine month to month rentals for key home office workers are on the rise as well. Probably a great time to use advertising to sell lower cost A4 product with home office delivery and install.

Re: My Corona Tales from Today

Art Post ·
Nice document I like it! Thanx for posting!

Re: My Corona Tales from Today

fisher ·
With Hurricane Sandy my sales got a much needed boost. I had customers needing temporary offices set up, damaged equipment replaced and even had new businesses opening up to work on the clean-up and rebuilding efforts. Had one customer alone that lost five A3 color copiers that needed to be replaced. It created a mini-boom. Unfortunately I don't foresee a bright side to this one. I'm thinking more along the lines of dark days we saw from 2007 to 2011 when businesses were closing and...

Re: As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?

fisher ·
I have zero fear of getting sick from this virus but I have a very real fear that my income over the next 12 months will drop from 25-45%. I'm pretty resigned to that at this stage. Batten down the hatches.

Re: As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Chances are you will get sick from with symptoms like the common flu that will pass in about two weeks. Corona Virus or not who knows, for most people, symptoms and recovery are similar. The large dent to our incomes through to Sept seems inevitable. The industry still needs highly skilled and motivated salespeople to get us through the next six months. We know these people "do not fall off trees" in abundance.

Re: My Corona Tales from Today

SalesServiceGuy ·
I had to park downtown today in the busy City core at midday. There was a string of empty parking meters right next to the building I wanted to enter. Totally unheard of! When I entered the building the Security guard stopped me to ask if I had recently returned from an outside the country trip in the last 14 days and if I had had any recent coughs or sniffles!

Re: As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?

gap ·
I see the traditional in-person/cold calling sales strategy shifting over the next few months. My company has instituted a work-from-home policy for at least the next few weeks (as are most businesses across the country). The front door is open b/c our CEO is still there answering the phones, but all employees are working remote. We also have a no guest policy and will not let any visitors inside the building. This isn't representative of all companies, but something to consider. That said,...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers During the Pandemic "The 2020 Review"

Art Post ·
Late March 2 nd (Monday), 2020 my wife and I arrived in Newark Airport from my Presidents Club trip to Aruba. It truly was a great week although we were peppered every day with news headlines with COVID19. I asked my wife “is this something we should worry about?” Tuesday and Wednesday of the first week back continued to be the normal selling days that I’ve been accustomed to for the last forty years. It was Thursday of that week when the North East USA when the news was stating to shelter...

Canon sues a production print customer

Art Post ·
Canon sues a production print customer Canon’s leasing division (CFS) filed a lawsuit against Copyinc of Corona, CA Claims that Copyinc failed to pay the monthly installments and others charges related to several lease agreements for production print systems Claims that it suffered damages of more than $1.5 million and seeks to recover along with interest, costs and attorney fees
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Five of Sales

Art Post ·
I'm not sure where to start...., the fact that the tri-state area is closed except for essential businesses, New Jersey is now in the top three of Corona Virus infections, the 8PM-5AM curfew in effect in NJ, the State of New Jersey releasing 1,000 prisoners from jail because they may have been exposed to the virus. I guess my message to everyone is that every day that passes we're getting closer to the day that all of this will be over. The fact that I'm continuing to work and prospect (not...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Five of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
In New Jersey, is the copier business considered to be an essential service? Copier dealers, for example, service equipment in hospitals and medical centers. Canada's largest province, Ontario, declared a State of Emergency yesterday. Sometime today we will find out if the copier business is an essential service.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Five of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
Ontario just announced 9). "Businesses that supply office products and services, including providing computer products and related repair and maintenance services for individuals working from home and essential services" ... are considered an essential service.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Five of Sales

Art Post ·
@SalesServiceGuy we are being told it is because we provide support to hospitals and municipalities