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Tagged With "Deborah Corn"

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Prospecting doesn't have to be a Field of Dreams

Larry Levine ·
Field of Dreams is a 1989 film, about an Iowa corn farmer who hears a voice telling him: "If you build it, he will come." He interprets this as an instruction to build a baseball diamond in his fields; after he does, Shoeless Joe Jackson and other dead baseball players emerge from the cornfields to play ball. Ok, what the heck does this have to do with prospecting? Ask any sales representative their strategic plan for developing business and listen for stone cold silence.
Blog Post

"Pamper the Sweet Tooth in Wartime"

Art Post ·
The information below was derived from a pamphlet that I found while cleaning out the attic.  The pamphlet was printing in 1941 and was titled "800 Ways to Save and Serve", which was designed to help Americans with the World War II effort....
Blog Post

Sales Reps Dream About Prospecting, Sales Professionals Proactively Prospect! Which One Are You?

Larry Levine ·
Field of Dreams was a 1989 film, based upon an Iowa corn farmer who heard a voice telling him: "If you build it, they will come." He interpreted this as an instruction to build a baseball diamond within his corn fields; after he does, Shoeless Joe Jackson and other dead baseball players emerge from the cornfields to play ball. You might be thinking, what the heck does this have to do with prospecting? Ask any sales rep to share their strategic plan for developing business and listen for...
Blog Post

Eight Baseball Idioms for the Office Equipment Industry

Art Post ·
The smell of spring is in the air, along with the completion of the first week of the 2018 Major League baseball season here in the US. Last year Chris Polek (Owner of Polek & Polek ) and I collaborated with our first baseball themed blog for the office equipment channel. "Nine Innings with Polek & Polek" was a hit with our readers. Chris & I have teamed up again for this year blog which uses common baseball jargon and how that jargon translates to the office equipment channel.
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Lead for Fleet of Lexmark Printers

Art Post ·
see attached file