Tagged With "$1M"
Toowoomba reseller deploys $1M Ricoh digital learning platform
Ricoh reseller Downs Office Equipment & Supplies has helped with the deployment of a $1 million digital learning platform throughout Our Lady of the Southern Cross College in Dalby, Queensland. The digital learning platform consists of 40 Ricoh interactive white boards linked to a learning management system (LMS), which connects to students’ laptops and allows them to access lessons and resources. The upgrade comes as a replacement for a number of ageing classroom devices and...
Kyocera Android app with 1M installs can be abused to drop malware
A Kyocera Android printing app is vulnerable to improper intent handling, allowing other malicious applications to abuse the flaw to download and potentially install malware on devices. According to a security notice by JVN (Japanese Vulnerability Notes), a state-supported portal dedicated to raising awareness on matters of security, the issue, the flaw is tracked as CVE-2023-25954 and impacts the following apps: KYOCERA Mobile Print v3.2.0.230119 and earlier (1 million downloads on Google...