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Tagged With "Copy Camera"


Re: A Couple of True & Not So True Humerous Copier Incidents

Kyocera Guy ·
On a cold call I stopped in at a doctors office. The Office Manager was so glad to see me. She said that she was having fax issues and every time they received a fax it jammed. I told her I wasn't a tech but I would take a look. She escorted me to the fax and I looked down to see some questionably cheap paper. I simply asked if she had tried changing paper. She said "I don't have any control of the paper the hospital sends when they fax me." OooooK. She obviously didn't understand the...

Re: A Couple of True & Not So True Humerous Copier Incidents

Art Post ·
Kyocera Guy, that was awesome!

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

Art Post ·
Almost three years ago, I wrote the above blog. I want to do a 2015 version. Please either post here or go to the forums and write a short paragraph about how your company is giving back to the community so that we can post the 2015 version of "Those Magnificent Men (Women) and Their Copy Machines". It would be great to see how we all contribute. Please post below. I re-posted the older version on the blog tonight also. Here is the link for the forums.

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

Larry Kirsch ·
Terrific. All supporters are to be commended for their generousity and support..

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

David Broaden ·
Hey Art, Really admire your efforts in our industry and with your blog. Its been a long time resource to keep me updated in our industry. I will be celebrating 14 years at Martin Group, and was happy to see us represented in the list above. We are as enthusiastic as ever in supporting our communities, and below is a quick write up we refreshed to be current. Martin Group in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: Is a regional power house in the office equipment community. With 35 years in the industry, and...

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

bfox ·
Hey Art, what do you recommend to transport copiers… ie stairclimbers or general devices to move copiers around re installs etc.? Thanks for your help. bob

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

Art Post ·
we have stair climbers when no elevators are available, other than that, we are shrink wrapping and use the cabinets, except when they are console.

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

bfox ·
What brand do you suggest? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

Art Post ·
can anyone help bfox, I'm not that familiar with the manufacturers for stair climbers. I found this on the web

Re: Top Ten "Why Copiers Should Have Warning Labels"

Jason H ·
These are great!

Re: Top Ten "Why Copiers Should Have Warning Labels"

Art Post ·
Ty Jason! Had fun with this!! Ty for the email about your rep, that was very humorous sale!! Maybe post in on the forums?

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

muleyman ·
First is this your actual reply to the account looking at thoseToshiba products listed (455 & 305)? If yes and they have a great history with the Toshiba product, telling them there a "bottom dweller" would make anyone think that you're only wanting to sell them what YOU'RE offering. The models they requested are older models of Toshiba and who knows if they've worked well for them or not. Also if you research the Okidata product, most of their MFP's are based on the Toshiba platform now...

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

Art Post ·
Actually, I did not mention that I am offering any equipment to them. I'm not even sure where they are located, I'm not looking to sell them, All of the recent MFP's that I've seen at the shows have pretty much the same GUI> I do remember something about a more robust partnering with Toshiba/

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

TimB ·
FYI: Toshiba, overall, is in the top ten for R&D Spend-to-Sales ratios. "Bottom dweller" really is not a fair use of words. With any device manufacturer, product is only as good as its dealer support. Get references if need be. RE: maintenance; The asker is talking B&W devices not color. Regardless, get the maintenance. Fewer spikes in copy quality or hardware issues because you'll make that phone call to fix rather than putting up with poor copy quality, etc. for fear of how much it...

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

Art Post ·
TimB: Thanx for the comment! I believe you with the top ten in R & D for Spend to Sales ratios, but I don't R & D being conducted for copiers not like Canon, Xerox, KonicaMInolta & Xerox. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it must be a duck. Toshiba's market share over the last ten years in the US has always been at or near the bottom of the pack, thus they are cellar dwellers, bottom feeders, in the US market. You are correct with the MA, they were not asking for...

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

EByers ·
Art, I like your general guidance to the initial poster, and I won't grade your writing since this isn't an English class. In regard to this brief post conversation, I think honesty is the best policy with customers and with ourselves. Yes Tim, they probably are in the top ten. However, the customer was asking which is the best. By rankings in the market place, the top seven do not include Toshiba. They fall within the bottom 7% of market share for shipments and the bottom 8.6% for market...

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

Art Post ·
thanx for nor grading my English!!! most threads are done at night and I'll admit, I'm much better at selling than writing.

Re: Can I Copy Mixed Sized Documents on a Copier?

SalesServiceGuy ·
I disagree. Most law firms and many insurance companies still have a commonly re-ocurring need for mixed size originals. I am currently working with one European shipping company based in NA that wants to do do mixed size originals with a mix of A3 and A4 documents. I say it cannot be done as the paper is all of different widths. I am hoping that my unscrupoulous competitive vendors will admit to the same..... not likely!!! They want the sale today! Please advise.

Re: Can I Copy Mixed Sized Documents on a Copier?

jswinberlin ·
A3 (11 x 17) and A4 (8 1/2 x 11) can be run at the same time with auto paper select making what you put in what you get out using mixed-originals and the mixed originals setting. The sizes you mention are European, but I'm sure they will work. As long as it's a standard document size it should work.

Re: Can I Copy Mixed Sized Documents on a Copier?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Sorry, I meant to say a mix of A4 and Legal size documents. I agree most copiers should be able to do mixed size originals with a combo of A3/A4 and Letter-R/Legal. The problem I am having and I do not think it can be done is one of a mix of A4 and legal mixing North American and European sized paper in the same document. This is because the two paper sizes are of different widths.

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Wallingford ·
What came next with some dealers in the Oz market, was a guarantee that the client's copy costs would not rise annually, above a maximum of 10% which most clients would agree to. Or that it would only rise by the CPI, which these days is a joke of a deal, as it is only around 2%. But some now guarantee to hold the pricing for the term of the rental agreement, which at 5 years is just down right stupid.This has now become a lot more prevalent, as weak salesmen sell (if you can call it...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Art Post ·
Wallingford Thanx for this! From your thread I can tell we all have most of the same issues. Anyone else care to help with their first experience with CPC?

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

txeagle24 ·
I've only been around 9 years, but when I first started, we were selling the old Ricoh AP3800CMF (A3 color printer w/ a scanner kit attached to make it an MFP) since the 1224c/1232c was such a bust. In our Service Agreements, black toner was included in the CPP, but color toner was billable. When trying to get those customers to upgrade to the 2238c, I would create a cost per page analysis (since toner was included in our CPP for the 2238c) and had several furious customers who thought we...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

John Saramak ·
I remember it well and at ComDoc, in the early 80's we sometimes put the offer out there without it being a formal price plan. I think the customer realized that a lot of the toner they purchased and stocked was useless at end of the machines life. It was like a primer with a customer who had that and TCO on their mind, it was a way to close them. Equally, I remember taking it one step further in the early 90's with copy management - the first all inclusive (hardware, service, supplies)...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Old Glory ·
I remember a plan that didn't really take hold but it was a plan like the one John talked about and all accessories were proposed in the form of want a finisher, just commit to 10,000 additional copies per month. The CPC rate had an equipment portion attached to it so more clicks funded more equipment. If the CPC was normal plus .003, 10,000 clicks added $30/month which would fund $1,500 additional. Some customers that weren't willing to pay $1,500 would agree to 10,000 more...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Art Post ·
Wow! These are some awesome stories, I'm sure there are many more out there from some of our veterans, would love to read more.

Re: How Scannx Changed My Fear Of The Library Coin Box

Art Post ·
Monte Excellent blog, I was not familiar with Scannx and agree that we all should have this arrow in our quiver. Cant wait for your next blog

Re: How Scannx Changed My Fear Of The Library Coin Box

John ·
As someone who has placed a solution for a library I completely agree.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Two of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
The rules of video conferencing at home

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Two of Sales

Art Post ·
@SalesServiceGuy this is awesome!!

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Art Post ·
Wes also stated that early adopters will see greater profits with flat rate billing. Laggards will get in last and see the least amount of profit. Your statement about flat rate billing on RFPs will be more frequent in 2019. I receive many copier RF's Ill have to read them more closely to see if the flat rate is in the t's & c's

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Anders And ·
Will somebody please explain to me how you can offer unlimited prints at a fixed price, when your cost varies with the actual volume of prints? The only way flat rate is possible is the fact that print is declining, and you use that as a smoke screen. Flat rate is, as I understand it, like leasing or selling a car to a customer with free limitless gas and miles at a fixed monthly price. Obviosly you have to have escape doors in your t&c's - my customers will find out right away. When we...

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Art Post ·
I was hoping some one could chime on this. Let me see if I can get Ray's attention on this

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Anders good questions. Flat Rate billing is simply a billing method. The most vital component is understanding cost. Our industry has known customer volumes for decades. We also know it’s declining. Customers’ will not change printing behaviors based on billing. Obviously, each dealer will determine their T&C. The smart ones will focus on controlling cost of labor and increase their FCE, they will sell the right equipment in the right volume band, and they will understand the importance...

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Scotty ·
I believe it's location, location,location. What is usually hot in the city is not always taken up as practice in rural areas. With the help of units being able to email meter reads it removes the "annoying" part of collection meter reads. I am with the first guy as I am a long timer(35 years) and agree with his assessment

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Well, I am old timer too my friend. However, I learned along time ago geography does not stop progress. The new competitor who comes to the rural landscape won't deliver by the rules of the old way. I would image back when C.P.C took the place of the previous contract type. Many in the rural areas thought well, that will never happen out here. Well it did.

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Anders And ·
Thanks for commenting I am not worried about labor, I am more worried about consumables and yield parts. Our mif (mostly SMB) is producing less b/w and more color. And we have many customers who has outsourced large print jobs - fx. real estate agents who prints flyers. I am sure that they would bring that back home if the only cost is time and paper. So, some may change their behavior. Collecting counters is not a big deal any more - we are a Ricoh reseller (since 1980!) - and most of the...

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

wesmcartor ·
The difference in our iDaaS model is that volume DOES impact cost. Other flat rate model offer a rate with no impact on volume. Our program uses the current customer volume, service efficiency, margin expectations as well as our data on over 4 million devices to help remove the variables and concerns over switching to a no meter billing model. We can also adjust for color ratio's. So with the possible exception of print for pay, production and maybe some schools there is no reason not to...

Re: The Transition of the Copier Industry "According to Art"

Mike Hollander ·
What a great walk down memory lane Art! Even as recent as 5-6 years ago I was still installing hecons and coin counters. Also, we sold the analog copiers for almost retail price! They cost more to the end user then than they do today! Great stuff!

Re: The Transition of the Copier Industry "According to Art"

Art Post ·
Mike, that's awesome, thank you! I used to get so frustrated with the key counters, it seemed every couple of months someone was losing them or calling because they broke one. Art
Blog Post

Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Art Post ·
Well, it happened some pioneers in the print industry are delivering an as a Service model. The Participates of the Imaging Channel must respond and deliver print equipment, its supplies, it’s parts, and its labor to repair in this as a Service model. A fixed cost for a product which eats consumables. Some in the industry are beside themselves and will more than likely lose control in how they proceed unless of course, they move forward timely based on knowledge over desperation caused by...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Some great threads here, especially the blog series I wrote for "31 Ways to close more copiers sales". Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Pacific Office Automation Helps Local Children by Matching Donations in the Fox 12 Holiday Toy Drive Art Post · 1/2/1410:14 PM Pacific Office Automation Pacific Office Automation ( ) is a leader in managed printing solutions and document management software. Since 1976, Pacific has grown to become the industry’s...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 5 Years Ago (1st Week of February 2014)

Art Post ·
Were you in the industry five years ago? If not some of these threads will shed some insight on what was the top threads 5 years ago this week. If you've been in this industry longer than five years, then many of these threads may bring back some memories. In any case enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! EFI Launches Fiery Digital Front Ends for New Konica Minolta Bizhub Presses Art Post · 2/6/149:20 PM EFI Launches Fiery Digital Front Ends for New Konica Minolta Bizhub Presses...
Blog Post

How Scannx Changed My Fear Of The Library Coin Box

Monte ·
I'd like to thank Monte (p4photel member for sending me this blog the other day. After 15 years of writing blogs for the industry, it can get interesting to try to write about something new. Monte delivers with this nice blog about copiers and coin boxes How Scannx Changed My Fear Of The Library Coin Box I don’t know about you but in my 20+ years of experience in our industry whenever a client came to me wanting a solution for a public library that included a coin box or some other pay model...
Blog Post

Architect in New Jersey Adds Ricoh MP W7100

Art Post ·
front view It’s not often that you can place a Ricoh MP W7100 in the field. In most cases the Ricoh MP W6700SP is more popular because of the lower price point from the Ricoh MP W7100. It’s also about the print speed too. The W7100 will print at ten pages per minute. The Ricoh MP W6700 prints at 6.7 pages per minute. Our existing client had an older Ricoh W2470 (owned) and the Ricoh W5140 (end of lease) in place. However, their volume has increased to about twenty thousand square feet a...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week in August 2003

Art Post ·
There's an interesting thread below about the Riso V8000 which was a dual color single pass duplicator. At the time I was selling the Ricoh products and all we had was the Ricoh TCII. Where Riso developed a single device that was able to print colors, Ricoh came out with an optional slave device. You could not print to the Ricoh TCII, in order to get two colors in a single pass, you had to make the masters on a single color Ricoh duplicator. Once the masters were made you then had to...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Second Week in August 2008

Art Post ·
One of the last threads in this blog is Sales Tips , that was an ongoing thread ten years ago, I just read a lot of those threads and it's worth the time to pat those threads a visit. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 08/17/08 Neal · 8/21/086:53 AM attributed to an un-named IKON sales rep; “At the beginning of the month, we sell solutions (Documentum, Captaris RightFax, Objectif Lune, etc.), but by the end of the month we just sell copiers ( Canon...
Blog Post

The Copier Industry Fast Forward Twenty Years

Art Post ·
The year is 2039. It's hard to believe that it's been 15 years since the mighty Xerox Corporation folded. One remembers that statement in December of 2018 that touted Xerox "Unable to Adjust". My how the mighty have fallen. It wasn't only Xerox that fell to the paperless society that we now see today. Canon Let's take a trip back to late 2022, it was late in November that Canon announced that they were going to cease to manufacturing A3 multi-functional devices. That decision was made...
Blog Post

Stop Counting Copies

Art Post ·
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of March 2014)

Art Post ·
Wow! Hard to believe that the end of the first quarter is a mere two weeks away. Twenty five gone and Seventy five percent of the year left. How is your first quarter going? Would love to hear from you in the reply section of this blog! These were the top threads from 5 years ago this week. Enjoy Konica Minolta Honors Pacific Office Automation of Beaverton, Oregon with 2014 Pro-Tech Service Award for Service Excellence Art Post · 3/19/1410:16 PM Colorado. The company is also one of the...