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Tagged With "Special Effects"


Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
More than a few copier/ printers are manufactured in Thailand and the Philippines due to low labor costs. I do not know but I think these products tend to be more low end A4 and printer products. I think most A3 product is made in China. I can only speak for Toshiba but I know the majority of North American toner is made in North Dakota. As I am from Canada, I am hoping with fingers crossed that this very likely US tariff war with China will not effect us.

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
Canada charges a 270% tariff because the US has a massive over supply of milk production. If US dairy product was to enter Canada without tariffs it would destroy our perfectly working dairy industry. Why should the USA be allowed to destroy our milk industry so as to partially solve a problem created within the USA? Besides, how do you think Canada maintains its "free" single payer health care system. It is by charging high taxes on all consumer purchases. I do not think that anybody thinks...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
The Trump Administration today announced plans for a new round of $200 Billion worth of tariffs against China. Copy machines were on the original list but but were taken off leaving parts and consumables subject to a 10% tariff. It seems most suppliers have not taken actions to increase their prices. On the new list which could go in effect sometime after Aug 30th are: 8443.39.20 Electrostatic photocopying apparatus, operating by...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Old Glory ·
I, for one, don't care much what Ricoh thinks about my selling options. Tariffs also have a way of redirecting business decisions. China may sease to be a viable place for manufacturing. No manufacturer has 100% of their maunfacturing being done in China. No matter what, the effect of any tariffs will be watered down by whatever manufacturing that is being done elsewhere. I would really love to see something that tells what % of manufacturing is being done in China broken down by...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Old Glory ·
from today's Leasing News. Ralph Petta Reaction to Tom McCurnin's "Is the Disclosure Too Complicated? of SB 1235" [ ] From: Ralph Petta President and CEO Equipment Leasing and Finance Association 1625 Eye Street, NW * Suite 850 Washington, DC 20006 "Allow me to take exception and set the record straight with respect to Mr. McCurnin's statement in his September 21 article(1) about passage of disclosure legislation in California, SB 1235 that...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in December 2013

Art Post ·
Okay, we're back to doing three of these a wee. Where we look back on the threads from, 5, 10 & 15 years ago Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Canon U.S.A. Unveils Océ VarioPrint 6000+ Series of High-Speed, High-Volume Digital Production Printers Art Post · 12/5/139:45 PM deliver critical savings to print providers. This black-and-white printer is ideal for burgeoning industries -- such as on-demand, digital book printing -- due to its registration accuracy, outstanding...
Blog Post

Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Art Post ·
First off, I'm no expert in the equipment leasing business; however, but I have some peeps that are. A few days ago I caught a thread on Linkedin reposted from @KeithHachey (Americorp Financial LLC). See the pic below. The first item that caught my eye was the hashtag #leases and then the text at the bottom for "Impact of Senate Bill 1235 on Equipment Leases. Of course I followed the link and it lead me to the web site for the State of California Legislative for Senate Bill 1235. Bill 1235...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in July 2003

Art Post ·
It's Sunday night, I start vaca on Wednsday of this week. Not a lot of stuff from last week, except for the additional tariffs that will go into effect the first week of August. We're not sure if copiers are included this go around. Enjoy the threads from 156 years ago this week! Sales Training Help 7/15/034:56 PM December 31, 2011 - Sales Training Help - Click Here Industry Analysts, Inc. has been developing customized industry training programs and materials for over 30 years. Major...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in August 2008

Art Post ·
A little of news this week is that the US Dollar is growing stronger vs the Japanese Yen. When this has happened in the past Japanese copier manufacturers have decreased pricing here in the States. When you couple this with the Chinese tariffs that may go into effect this week, it could mean that our industry may not see price increases. Japanese manufacturers might just bite the bullet on the increases in order to keep boxes moving out of the plants. BTW, the dude in the picture, had just a...
Blog Post

3 Dead Giveaways That You Are An Empty Suit

Larry Levine ·
A true sales professional thinks before they act. They plan, prepare and practice as they build a structure of success. They lead with intention, and become the example. A great sales professional is precise with their decisions by aligning their vision and values to earn the respect of their clients. With purposeful intent, they engage in heartfelt activities benefitting those around them. And this is what your clients and prospects crave, right? They deserve a sales professional who is...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in November 2003

Art Post ·
So it was fifteen years ago that Ricoh launched the first GBC puncher. I remember it well, chads were evenly distributed through out the entire device! One of my accounts had to vacuum their GBC puncher once a week. Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Toshiba America Business Solutions Introduces the Flagship Model in its Workgroup Color Printer Line Boston Mike · 11/10/036:05 PM in TABS color printer product line. Boasting a powerful 600 MHz processor and 256 MB of standard RAM...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of March 2014)

Art Post ·
Avoid Insulting the Customer Obvious, right? Well, people do it without even realizing by using comments like "did you understand that?" and "are you following what I'm saying?". This automatically shrinks the customers' intelligence and ability to catch on. It is down to your own ability to make the customer understand and therefore if you feel the customer is failing to do so, use comments such as "did I explain that clearly" and so on. Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week!
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Two of Sales

Art Post ·
Today is the day! Spent most of the morning prepping for two on-line meetings from about 8AM-10AM. I wanted to make sure I had shot at getting at least one of these in before the end of the month. Both are with two existing accounts. My first meeting was 11AM, my second was set for 2PM. I also spent about and hour getting connected to Microsoft Teams which is also one of our requirements while working remotely. More to come on this. Just about 10:AM I received an email from my 2PM and he had...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Five of Sales

Art Post ·
I'm not sure where to start...., the fact that the tri-state area is closed except for essential businesses, New Jersey is now in the top three of Corona Virus infections, the 8PM-5AM curfew in effect in NJ, the State of New Jersey releasing 1,000 prisoners from jail because they may have been exposed to the virus. I guess my message to everyone is that every day that passes we're getting closer to the day that all of this will be over. The fact that I'm continuing to work and prospect (not...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of April 2015)

Art Post ·
Since the last two to three weeks have been less than perfect I figured we could reminisce when times were better. There's a cool little story about and event that took place in Jamaica while on a Presidents Club trip with Dr. Feelgood. That link is below! Enjoy these awesome threads from five years ago this week! Konica Minolta acquires printing business of Monotech Systems Art Post · 4/7/1510:05 PM NEW DELHI: In a bid to have direct interface with its customers, Japanese printer firm...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twelve of Sales

Art Post ·
I'm going to start this a little different tonight. I'll start at the end of my day because that part of the day had a profound effect on the rest of the evening. Earlier in the day I text'd one of my clients that I have an opportunity with. The text was simple with "how you holding up". Since the churches are closed in NJ, I opted for the text rather than the call. I was also mildly concerned since there were many cases of the virus in his town and he's a bit older than me. Thirty of forty...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2015

Art Post ·
I've been in the copier industry for 40 years. Our industry has always been somewhat recession proof since we provide technology services. With another round of lay-offs in recent weeks it seems our industry is not immune to COVID19. We must be prepared for doing business in a post COVID19 business world. Which means protection of our workplace along with putting safeguards in place to protect our clients while we are in their place of business. These plans need to be developed and finalized...
Blog Post

Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Sixteen, Course One

Art Post ·
Over the last few years I've blogged about the importance for dealers to diversify to other avenues of print. Especially if they want to stay in the "break and fix" model for servicing and selling devices that print. One of those opportunities is color label printing. The list of the types of color labels is enormous. Bumper stickers, political stickers, custom groceries, branding, safety, food labels, CBD, beer & wine, cannabis, the list goes on and on. Post COVID19 recovery will...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the Third Week of May 2015

Art Post ·
Saturday morning here in Jersey. Looks like it's going to be a nice day while the we are still in lock down. I'm seeing more cars than every on the highway leading to Sandy Hook, thus the order of stay home is not being heeded by the regular people of NJ. Which is a good thing because people need to be living their lives as they want and not by what the government mandates. Enjoy our marvelous threads from five years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years...

Re: 5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

Art Post ·
JS: Thanx for the comment. Yup social media is here to stay, but, it can be so impersonal. Too me, social media marketing is akin to radio, in order for it to have a lasting and dramatic effect. You have to develop a strategy and do it over and over for a long period of time.

Re: Remembering the Signed Declaration of Independence, Preamble, Signers, Author – 1776

Art Post ·
After the vote, notice the silence, the silence was there to illustrate that all of these great men were now traitors in the eyes of Great Britain and could be hanged! We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to...

Re: Top Ten MFP & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2016

txeagle24 ·
Sorry for being the bearer of gloom & doom, but I think Czech is either being either overly-optimistic or things in the Great White North are just different than in the Southwest USA. Here are my predictions: Lease volume trends based on UCC filings from EDA show that 2015 placements have fallen by over 13,600 since 2013 (almost 10%) & are now at levels nearly equal to 2009 & 2010. Faced with increased competition for fewer units running less volume due to digitization, dealers...
Blog Post

How One Simple (Smart Phone/Tablet) Print App Can Help You Close More Orders!

Art Post ·
In advance of our Print Analyze App (smart phones & tablets) that is scheduled for February 9th & February 15th , I asked Jean Francois LE BRIZE to provide me with the same story that he told me at my first webinar a few months ago. Below is the blog from Jean: Thereis not a lot of software aimed at the salesman in the Imaging business. Among them, PrintAnalyze Full. PrintAnalyze Full is a cloud solution: the Salesman can perform audits, retrieve meters, calculate a...
Blog Post

HIPAA and cybersecurity: Is encryption necessary?

David Bailey (Guest) ·
Cybersecurity remains an uphill battle for all fields. Healthcare has remained a high priority, due to the highly sensitive information generated and stored by organizations within the space. HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and...
Blog Post

Email is alive, well and evolving

Art Post ·
Email is a part of everyday life. It should come as no surprise, then, that it is widely used in corporate environments. Many believe that email will not be around for much longer due to the adoption of social media, text and instant messaging and...
Blog Post

Lease Maestro Checks into Print4Pay Hotel

Art Post ·
Years ago I can remember reading an article that stated something to the effect that an average CEO achieved greatness by surrounding him/her with great employees.    I've always envisioned the Print4Pay Hotel forums as the place to go in...
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Buy from Direct-Sales Model or Buy from a Dealer?

Art Post ·
Recently this question was voted on by the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission of New Jersey.     The commission voted 6-0 to approve a regulation that  effectively prohibits companies from using a direct-sales model.  This regulation will...
Blog Post

The Death of Linkedin?

Art Post ·
When I first heard about LinkedIn I can remember that LinkedIn was a social site for professionals that would help you advance your career and help with finding new job opportunities. Personally, I enjoy using LinkedIn and I feel that LinkedIn is...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (1st week of October)

Art Post ·
I'll be you're wondering why the funky spaceman suit right? Back in October of 2003, China launched their first manned space mission the Shenzhou 5. Seems every week I forget to put in the additional search criteria for all of the manufacturers...
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HP & Sharp "What is Canon Thinking"

Art Post ·
Wonder what Canon is thinking right?  Do you think that HP ever contacting Canon about acquiring their devices for their foray into enterprise MPS MFP's? Just went you think you've seen it all, along comes a partnership where one provider...
Blog Post

5 Reasons Why Leaders Of Copier Dealerships Should Write Blog Posts

Larry Levine ·
Dealer principals and executives must keep up with the evolving business world to stay relevant and competitive. Employees, vendors, clients and potential prospects look to the top to communicate with you to foster trust and help them feel invested with the brand; your company. Show them you’re ready to have conversations by putting a voice behind your organization’s leadership. As a sales and marketing tool, blogging is all about reaching out and talking to the right people in a meaningful...
Blog Post

Attention Sales Reps: Is Your Digital Self, Digitally Referrable?

Larry Levine ·
"Referrals aren't easily given. If you don't take the time to establish credibility, you're not going to get the referral. People have to get to know you. They have to feel comfortable with who you are and what you do" Ivan Misner How is your digital sales rep doing? I know, what the heck are you talking about? As a sales professional think of your online presence as the digital sales representation of you. How you choose to use your digital self will have a direct effect on your sales...
Blog Post

It takes Determination to move a Rock or change a Business

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Over the last few months, I have been talking with some Technology Channel leaders regarding my Vision of future Channel Distribution. A Vision I named “The Innovation Channel.” As these discussions take place, I am reminded of how determination lessens in value as some age. This thinking brought me to the creek which ran through the neighborhood I lived in years ago as a child. That creek we played in had a Big Rock; this Rock was obstructing the way the creek flowed down to the pond at the...
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Why Should I Talk With You Continued... Don't Be An Empty Suit!

Larry Levine ·
What makes you valuable as a sales professional? People won’t ever engage in a business conversation nor buy from you if they don’t even understand why they should pay attention to you. In Why Should I Talk To You? Does Your Value Proposition Open Sales Doors? I asked you to think about what sets you apart from your competitors? It is up to you to prove it. The sad state is most sales reps just don’t flat do it. Instead, they try to impress prospects with general promises, corporate...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Fourth Week of May 2007)

Art Post ·
What were you doing in 2007? Below are the all of the threads for the last week of May in 2007. Enjoy! Is Ricoh Corp Unfair to Ricoh/Savin/Lanier/Gestetner Dealers? 5/25/075:06 PM Reply Re: Is this True??? Xerox buys Global?? 5/26/079:20 AM , supplies and support they require." Global had other existing relationships with copier and printer companies before it was acquired by Xerox , including Sharp Electronics and Konica Minolta . Sharp will continue to sell Global products through at least...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Third Week of November 2007)

Art Post ·
Kinda hard to believe that the Canon imagrePRESS 7000v is now ten years old. Man does time fly by. Speaking about time flying by, we're into the last six weeks of 2017 also. Work hard because if you're not someone else is outworking you. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week on the Print4Pay Hotel Weekend Copier Notes from 11/18/07 11/19/079:14 PM market worldwide, the fact that it is a Korean company apparently gives it handicap it can not overcome. - Sharp announced it has renewed...
Blog Post

The Mirror Never Lies...YOU Are The Reason Social Isn't Working For Your Sales Team!

Larry Levine ·
The digital business world is constantly changing as social media outlets allow companies to be perceived as interactive and relevant to prospects and their clients. There is a demand for a more personalized message from companies, especially so from executive leadership and management. "In today's hyper-connected, information driven world, CEO's and senior executives alike are expected to have an active social presence. Brand image, brand trust and a company's long term success depend on...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of December 2014)

Art Post ·
It's late Friday night on the 20th. I have one more selling day left in the month, which is Monday. I think I've hit my annual budget, however as we all know to well those numbers can change. Thus Monday I'll be back at it trying get one or two additional orders to make it happen. I picked up a nice order this afternoon for one of the new Ricoh IM 600SRFs. Yes, they had an A3 device and I sold them an A4, it was the logical and right thing to do. See that @Ray Stasiezcko Read these awesome...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of September 2014)

Art Post ·
Sunday afternoon here, just about a quarter to 4PM. Also a beautiful day here in New Jersey. Summer weather for another couple of days. At 1PM decided to watch the NY Giants vs Buffalo Bills. Just like last week the Giants score early and couldn't score again. Frak me, it's going to be a long season. Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago this week! Benchmarked Sales & The Future of Selling Excellence Art Post · 9/20/1411:24 PM Blog Post This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment...
Blog Post

ARCOA President George Hinkle at the Fore on Capitol Hill

Art Post ·
By Michael Vosnos, ARCOA – Last month, ARCOA President George Hinkle was among a group of the nation’s recycling leaders who went to Capitol Hill to meet with Congressional leaders and Trump Administration officials. The group’s message to leaders was that while the nation’s industrial, commercial, and residential recycling infrastructure is strong, there are some key policy areas that require adjustment in order to yield larger economic, environmental, and strategic benefits. The recycling...
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Special Report! Collaborative Power

Art Post ·
Blog Post

5 Key Ingredients Of A Nex-Gen Major Account Sales Program

Larry Levine ·
Major Account Sales Teams face numerous and daunting trends in today's highly connected, networked business world. They’re wrestling with major changes in their markets brought on by information-empowered buyers and the digitization within the sales channel. Growing competition, from established companies to tech savvy start-ups has placed even more pressure on sales margins and the effectiveness of sales teams to maintain clients or drive profitable net-new business growth. With all of...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Third Week of March 2008

Art Post ·
Interesting model numbers below. The 1224C the 1232C, the CL5000, this was the start of B2C conversions. I can probably count the number of accounts on two hands that don't have a color device now. Times sure do change. Makes me wonder what the next big change will be? Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week in March! Ricoh unviels 2090 3/20/036:47 PM subsidiary of Ricoh Company Ltd., the 67-year-old leading supplier of office automation equipment and electronics, with fiscal year...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Fourth Week of March 2008

Art Post ·
Interesting thread about "Sales People Ge NO Resect" with a crap load of responses. There are always two sides of each tale, and kudos for those that took the time to point out both sides. Weekend Copier Notes from 3/23/08 Neal · 3/23/089:25 PM Greenville-Spartanburg o Was authorized for Konica Minolta , Canon , HP & Sharp o Purchase price not disclosed - Adobe Corp. reported its worldwide financials for last quarter: o Profits rose 52% to $219.4 million o Revenue up 37% to $890.4...
Blog Post

Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Eight, Course One

Art Post ·
Here's a short story for all. About a month ago my wife asked me to go shopping with her because of a recent snow storm here in the East. I don't like food shopping, but at times I do need to do my part. My wife took me to some new fangled market, and I must admit I was floored with the quality and selection of the foods that were offered. However what intrigued me the most is that 25% of all the products for sale had a custom color label. There were hundreds if not a thousand of these...
Blog Post

Are You Creating Differentiation or Blending Into The Sea Of Sameness?

Larry Levine ·
People will not engage in a business conversation or buy from you if they don’t understand why they should pay attention to you. In Why Should I Talk To You? Does Your Value Proposition Open Sales Doors? I encouraged you to think about what sets you apart from your competition? It's up to you to prove it. I'm concerned as many sales reps struggle with what sets them apart from their competition. Most attempt to impress with corporate jibber-jabber and overused sales jargon. Chew on this...
Blog Post

Las Vegas Technology Sales Team Amps Up Their Social Sales Strategy

Larry Levine ·
Buying habits have changed. Social networks have forever disrupted the way people buy: IDC research in 2014 discovered that 84% of C-level and VP decision makers use social in the buying process. 50% of buyers avoid sales professionals with incomplete LinkedIn profiles. The good news is forward-thinking B2B Technology Sales Teams know how to capitalize on trends. To take full advantage of a trend, you need to do things the right way. Doing things the right way, this is what drives me as I am...
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Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Two, Course One

Art Post ·
Funny, I was hoping to post of these each week for the next 12 weeks or so. It's been a month since I posted the first blog for "Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part One, Course One". Color Label Presses can be used as seeding devices in larger Print4Pay opportunities, or help that dealer or rep get a conversation going with an account where they have never had any traction with MFP's or IT services. In addition, the competition is ripe for takeover. Let us not forget about...
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Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Three, Course One

Art Post ·
I'm back on a roll! Just a few days ago we posted up the second blog for "Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Two, Course One". We're off and running with Part 3 today. Color Label Presses can be used as seeding devices in larger Print4Pay opportunities, or help that dealer or rep get a conversation going with an account where they have never had any traction with MFP's or IT services. In addition, the competition is ripe for takeover. Let us not forget about the GP!
Blog Post

Imaging Channel, What’s Your FCE costing you?

Ray Stasiezcko ·
All service Providers pride themselves on their Service Departments FCE (First Call effectiveness). However many don’t know their FCE percentage and others aren’t sure how to calculate their FCE properly, or worse they are informed by consultants who lower the standards of measurement by including things like courtesy calls, which creates the perception of doing well above average. In explaining the cost impact of your FCE, I will first define a service call as an activity where a technician...