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Tagged With "Dixon Brings in new Canon"


Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler

Art Post ·
That's correct, it was discontinued in lieu of the new MP 501SP & 601SP

Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler

Czech ·
If it helps, Canon A4 staplers are usually around $900 whole sale.

Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler

Art Post ·

Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler

BCarroll ·
$650 on a B&W A4, $615 on a color A4. Ricoh is missing the boat one this one...

Re: A Classic Way to Create a Sense of Urgency in Your Prospect [Roleplay]

Art Post ·
Ok, I get it, you bring out the pain in advance and have the customer tell you in advance what will happen if they don't act now. All of this is easier said than done.

Re: What's the weirdest place you've sold a copier to?

Kiwispike ·
About to hit 17 years in the industry now so seen a few.. Sold a scanner to a strip club, I was new to the industry and just a teenager at the time - made the mistake of asking what they wanted to scan Had a "serviced" copier in a massage parlour (inherited the install base so I cant take credit for this) Sold/installed copiers/MFD's to both of the last two Prime Ministers offices/houses Installed a fax machine INSIDE a jail, there was a very dusty gap and some cables on the desk so I asked...

Re: What's the weirdest place you've sold a copier to?

Picking up a signed order in the morning for a Canon color with hole punch and staple, from an Amish farmer-printer. Best two parts of the qualification process was having to run samples of a digital plate to run his offset presses and ensuring the power was in spec to be run off of his diesel generator/alternator set up. Oh yea, and he's got a tow motor we have to use to get it to the second floor. Been selling almost nine years and have been in lots of unique places too. Starbucks roasting...

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 44"

Jason H ·
Love it Art! I had a day of running around with a networking luncheon followed by a training for a new device that I sold earlier in the month and stole from Sharp. I was extremely late to the party with this deal but they already had a canon that was very old and decided they wanted another canon and on top of that wanted someone to deal with local over Sharp and Ricoh direct. Then I was walking into the grocery store on the way home and got a call from a person I quoted a machine to about...

Re: COVID-19 Impact on Dealers and the Channel?

Art Post ·
I was on the MPSA call today. Here's some points of interest I was going to post on another thread but will put it here for everyone. One major MPS company reported 29% decline in pages or revenue Another major MPS company reported a 71% decline Healthcare for one of those clients saw a 40% increase More inquires from clients in respect to file sharing and content Expecting continuing decline for another 30 days in revenue and prints First week of April they hit bottom and has stayed that...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

Ray Stasiezcko ·
SalesServiceGuy, I would suggest that a payment strategy is not something I see valuable at all. Customers need help deferring payments on what they already own. In all do respect. A payment strategy is not helpful to end user strictly based on selling a new MFP. The Imaging Channel's resellers who only sell print equipment are going to find themselves in serious trouble. Customers don't need to upgrade their all already oversold A3 to another one. Dealers should credit back the unused...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
We generally do not build in prepaid copy/ print blocks into our leases. We do give away free copy prints up front but only intended as a short term bonus. We do normally charge a $25.00 minimum monthly maintenance fee but have waived that until the economy rebuilds momentum. I am in Canada, lease vendors are currently offering 90 day payment deferrals added back on at the end of term for those customers who request them. Leases expire every month and customers are happy with the equipment...

Re: Canon Production Question

Kevin Foley ·
While our Canon dealership sells neither product line, I'm pretty sure they're open to dealers. Canon's website shows a few dealers in our area for both the varioprint and imagepress models you listed.

Re: Need HELP! Kyocera Color A3 question

dimaxusa ·
Top three points I make when against Kyocera. #1. Take them color samples from your device and any Kyocera because the color output is sub par on all units. If you don’t have access to one look in your crm for an account you co-exist with Kyocera in. Or the next time you have a knock out make some samples and keep them in a binder. If color quality is important to the customer it will be a win. Another point is showing them you get what you pay for, meaning 3 tier color is what they have...

Re: It’s The End Of The Day With Ray! 2020 Who Will Educate Endusers

Art Post ·
HI Ray and Happy New Year! The A4 Revolution will not happen until those A4 manufacturers provide A4 print devices with the A3 cost per page model along with advanced scanning and finishing. You're right that's there's only a small percentage of users that need 11x17. However 11x17 is only part of the picture with end users needs. Larger document feeders, and stapling is still a requirement in many offices. As you know we could debate this until 2021 or longer, but the end game is advanced...

Re: It’s The End Of The Day With Ray! 2020 Who Will Educate Endusers

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Art, Thanks for comments it's conversation which starts change. There is way more applications for A4 MFPs than those few applications you suggest. The large disruption will be from those who can isolate the realities of the customers needs and sell based on those realities. Declining Marketplaces are disrupted when the old way continues delivering to all the market's customers the same way they did before the decline. The old way needs to focus on the realities of over 80% of the market...

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Jason H ·
It will be interesting to see what the manufacturers allow and don't allow. As of right now they are still very against e-Commerce and listing things on websites etc. I can only speak for my experience with Canon, Sharp and Brother, but they do not want things done via the web.

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Art Post ·
@Jason H it's my understanding that Canon has a rep dedicated to Amazon for the ImagePASS mfp's already

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Jason H ·
ImageClass?? If so that’s throw away junk just like the HP’s etc. I believe that stuff has been sold online for some time now. We don’t sell that series due to the extremely high cpc’s

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Monte ·
Interesting thoughts, Thank you p4p. I have sold Canon for 20+ years. Many years ago they listed the imageClass line (MFP's under 2,500 dollars) and the entire scanning line and Wide Format line. As such I stopped selling those products as I have always been compensated on hardware gross profit and there was none. Todays buyer is much different and has already done homework before I even get to speak with them. The mfr uniqueness has been commoditized and they all provide the #1 buying...

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Jason H ·
@Monte very true! Very well could be when. I will say with car buying, a friend of ours just bought a new car online - paperwork done digitally, car delivered to her house, and either a 7 or 14 day period that if she didn’t like it or want it anymore they come back and pick it up no questions asked. I often times get caught up in what “I” do and how “I” buy and not how “others” buy.

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Jason H ·
We definitely are not out chasing them but we are much more versed talking about them and the benefits of buying them from us rather than the big box store. It has led to some very nice MPS accounts for us this past year. I don’t have a final count but I believe we added about 3 million new clicks this year from printer sales. Not breaking any records by any means but adding an extra 50k or so of revenue never hurts. And thanks to brother for having a minimum advertised price online for the...

Re: Special Announcement from Art

gap ·
Congrats Art! Happy New Year!

Re: Special Announcement from Art

Art Post ·
Thank you!

Re: Special Announcement from Art

Art Post ·
My wife and the new grand daughter Tessa

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

I’m a little late to this party but had the thread open since it was posted. As a 35 year old i straddle the “millennial” and old school gap (in my opinion haha). There is value of ordering things online that can be commonly used or even basic electronics. But if it’s anything above basic, I still believe talking to someone even if on the phone, pays dividends. We recently bought a new vehicle for my wife and explored for weeks online our options, the new vehicles options, what the price...

Re: Print Copy Tool versus Plotworks

jdicarlo ·
John, The PrintCopy Tool compares pretty favorably to Plotworks. I attached two documents to this post. The Product Support Guide lists differences between the two products. The PowerPoint has screen shots of all the settings in PrintCopy Tool. I hope this helps.

Re: Ask Me Anything

Art Post ·
@TML Yup anytime there;s a new family member it over rides anything that has to do with business. Hope to have you on the next call. Just remember to RSVP on the calendar and I will send you the link

Re: Things getting weird for Xerox Dealers

Toner in my Blood ·
Very strange. I interact with the CRG on a regular basis and have had no indication of reduced staff, etc. I can’t comment on your issue with parts as we do not rely on xerox to send our parts, we stock and replenish out of our own warehouse. No substantial difference between xerox parts on b/o than Canon or HP. Not nearly as bad as Ricoh. We dropped the ricoh product years ago as we couldn’t handle the constant toner b/o issues. Parts I can somewhat understand, but toner? Hope that your...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Jason H ·
Interesting perspective. We constantly have the talks about competitive machines we took on service, especially brands we don't carry. I tend to consider is taking a Konica on service and then a year or two later upgrading it to our equipment net new business from the sales side. Obviously we had net new business on the service side but not net new for "x" with the equipment sale. I'd be interested to hear how others see this. I hear a lot of people say it doesn't matter but if I bring a...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Czech ·
I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business for their sales department.

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

jay robinson ·
I was wondering if the subject of those customers who were acquired through service was going to come up, & Jason's comment is certainly "food for thought"... In his example, he brought on the service customer (with the obvious intention of upgrading them at the first opportunity) & the dealer gets a contract & machine sale that they otherwise wouldn't have. Sounds like net new to me. In my experience, though, most of these service to machine sale conversions are from customers...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Jason H ·
Jay, We typically go after about any machine other than a Xerox. If someone wants us to service their machine and its not a complete piece of junk we will take it on and will get parts and supplies from dealers etc. until we can upgrade to one of our lines; Savin, Canon, or Samsung. We expect our reps to go out and take service agreements and we pay them the first months billing. Most don't like to mess with 30.00 agreements but they add up and eventually you find a big one. We had a rep who...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

jay robinson ·
We do almost the exact same thing... anything but Canon, Toshiba, & Xerox. If I could get Reps to bring in 4 figure maintenance agreements, life would be spectacular!

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Art Post ·
Originally Posted by Czech: I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business...

Re: Global Imaging aquires Conestoga Business Solution

Art Post ·
Global Acquires Pennsylvania-based Conestoga Business Solutions - Tuesday, July 07, 2015 Global Imaging Systems Acquires Pennsylvania-based Conestoga Business Solutions; Bolsters Xerox’s Presence in SMB Market LANCASTER, Pa., July 6, 2015 – Global Imaging Systems (GIS), A Xerox Company, has acquired Conestoga Business Solutions, an award winning, independent office equipment dealer in the Pennsylvania region. The company will offer the full range of Xerox office and printing technology, and...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

txeagle24 ·
In my opinion, Net New is any revenue stream you did not previously have. Take over service of a competitor's equipment = Net New. Replace that machine purchased from a competitor with one of your own = Net New. Take over management of their print fleet or IT infrastructure = Net New. Replace those printers or computers, Net New. Time comes to renew those contracts at a lower or identical service payment= Upgrade. But, if their monthly payment increases, the difference between the old...

Re: Target GP Margins

txeagle24 ·
Across the board, I probably average 12-15% margin above whatever markup management puts in before my "Sales Cost" is published. For printers & desktop A4 devices, I just want to get a bunch of them in the field running pages & making money, so I sell most of them at my Sales Cost. That recurring revenue stream & volume in numbers is more valuable than making a few extra dollars on the hardware. On larger A4 MFPs, I'll typically have a 20-25% margin, because I typically propose...

Re: Target GP Margins

Jason H ·
tx I agree. Our owner, who happens to be my father, is still trying to do things like its the 80's. We hold our own in a major market but we do not have the growth I want. It is tough to get him on board with anything new age as this is an industry he has made truck loads of money on doing it the same old way year after year.

Re: Register for BTA's Aug. 20 Webinar Focused on Proactive Prospecting

Art Post ·
Did anyone else catch this? I sat in for about and hour, although it was nothing really new, it did remind me of the basics. Actually there was something that I didn't even think of, when we're making phone calls, we are actually conducting "disruptive marketing", gee, never thought about it that way. I'll be posting the power point to the "clips" section of the our site either tonight or tomorrow. I did enjoy the presentation.

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
Jason, Talk to KIP again I have never heard of KIP asking dealers to stock machines(maybe one for the demo floor). Plus KIP is releasing the new 800 series next month and these machines look like they should be good sellers. 8 full color "D"s per minute and 10K less that the Oce colorwave. We sell or have sold all the major lines of wide format, KIP, Oce, Ricoh, even going back to Xerox. All our sales reps and techs prefer the KIPs. GR

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

chops ·
I'm wondering how the new KIP 800 series are doing. Many of my existing base w/ 5 year old + Ricoh's are asking if Ricoh will have something similar soon. Sounds like they won't? I can't believe that they aren't doing any R&D on it !!

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
KIP 800's are doing great!!! Every single customer that has demoed it has ordered one. We have installed 6 and all are running great with no issue, we another 12 on order. Only bad part is it is taking weeks to get them. We may never place a "new" monochrome machine again.

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
We are getting $.03 per sq ft. That is less than the monochrome machines, this is why I don't see us placing anymore new monochrome machines. We will place some refurbished ones to the customers that have to go low budget. Not only that it blows the Oce Colorwave away. We have a customer who makes these 20 ft full color GIS aerials that cost him $21.00 each to run on the Oce (his numbers not ours) we ran them on the KIP at a cost of $1.76.

Re: Nsi Autostore

John Mooney ·
Maven , What I tell my customers and when I'm out with sales reps is it's all about getting things done in less steps. I'm in the legal vertical so time is money and everyone has an hourly billable. Right now here's the average user scan: 1.) User walks up to MFP and logs in 2.) Finds their name via LDAP or enters manually and then enters client and matter 3.) Selects Scan to email 4.) Sends PDF to their email 5.) Walks back to their desk 6.) Finds Canon Scan 00034789* (or doesn't because...

Re: Nsi Autostore

John Mooney ·
Art, the big thing is for Nuance/Copitrak do this you need external tablets, and people are pretty sick of ecopy. We embed right in the MFP for Ricoh, Konica, Canon and Xerox so even if there's too many months left in the current lease we can embed the software in the current equipment and then just move the license to your MFPS when it's time to change hardware. I just did that with a POA rep in Denver, the customer had Canons and when they're ready switch we'll move it for a very small...

Re: Nsi Autostore

Art Post ·
this is a net new for me, at the end of their current lease. First meeting with them is tomorrow. Not sure of the existing devices yet

Re: Sharp M623

Art Post ·
ty, thanx, our company dropped BLI with the new increase

Re: Canon C10000 Press

Pricing came out yesterday. I saw it a Graph Expo. Canon will begin shipping once a dealer has trained techs. For us, the first class available is end of this month.

Re: Top Ten Copier Proposals & Quotes for October 2015

Andrew Quillen ·
I'm not in KC anymore Art. I've been in Delaware for the last 9 years. I had Gates BBQ ready to ship out some burnt ends on dry ice I'll be in NJ soon for Canon imagePRESS training. I'll let you know when we can get together for a New Jersey Hotdog! Andrew

Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I call Bull ****! At least for our industry, the copier industry! This may be true of a commodity (like envelopes, or coffee, or even a PC) but copiers, really MFDs require a lot of attention, both before and after a customer buys it. This article seems to be written by an old brick & mortar company that successfully transitioned to internet sales. This will work for any company that drop ships their products. And I agree that the MFD manufacturers would LOVE for this to be, or...