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Tagged With "Padding"


Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

fisher ·
If anything you should be bumping outright purchase prices and discounting leases. The customer who purchases their equipment outright keeps their equipment too long and may go elsewhere when the time comes to upgrade anyway.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Kyocera Guy ·
Maybe not such a bad thing. This makes shorter term leases with less interest more attractive and therefore leases can be turned faster as long as your not padding your leases to begin with.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Old Glory ·
This bill may not apply to Fair Market Value leases. There is no mention of establishing the residual value of the asset which makes the interest rate impossible to calculate. Is a .0278 rate on a 36 month FMV truly -0- interest? Of course not. If you don't end up with title to the equipment, you really haven't financed anything. What is the interest rate on a Hertz Car Rental? What is the difference between that an a 36 mth FMV other then the length of term?

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Hello Art and the rest of the P4P members - Our industry association (ELFA), along with several independent law firms that represent many of our industry members are reviewing this legislation to determine the actual effects it will have on the industry as a whole and to provide guidance so that our members will be in compliance with the legislation. What we know at this point is that is you are involved in offering financing to businesses in California, you will be subject to this...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Czech ·
Padded lease rates are used to "pad" the pockets of dealer principals who are taking commissions away from their sales people. It's a dishonest but standard practice that should be eliminated, so this sounds like healthy change in the right direction.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Art Post ·
In some cases, more is made on the lease padded rate than the salesperson makes in commissions. Others may tell you that they use the "padded" rates to create promo's for the reps. Do I look like I need an incentive to sell? Frak that, if you need an incentive to sell then you need to get a job at Mickey D's

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Here is a report from One of their legal editors is doing a three part review of this legislation. Leasing News Exclusive: State Senator Steven Glazer and the genesis of CA SB 1235 (Part 1 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor This is important not only if you are doing commercial business in California, but this may affect other states. If you are new to this, here is legislation passed both the assembly and senate, awaiting California Governor Jerry Brown’s...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Part Two: Leasing News Exclusive: The Opposition and How Senator Steven Glazer Got SB 1235 Passed (Part 2 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor The bill was "Engrossed and Enrolled" and presented to the Governor at 5 p.m., September 12th, awaiting his decision to sign or veto. How He Pushed It Through the Legislature What are the takeaways from this interview and SB 1235? ▪ First , I Was Surprised at the Overwhelming Support of Trade Groups for the Bill. When he rattled off the...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Part Three Leasing News Exclusive: Is the Disclosure Too Complicated? State Senator Steven Glazer Position on CA SB 1235 (Part 3 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor The bill to require full disclosure of interest rates is awaiting Governor Jerry Brown's signature. It was reviewed to be recorded and sent to his office late last week. It seems unlikely he will not sign it as it passed the State Assembly 72-3 and in the Senate 28-6 .It then will be up to the California Department of...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Old Glory ·
from today's Leasing News. Ralph Petta Reaction to Tom McCurnin's "Is the Disclosure Too Complicated? of SB 1235" [ ] From: Ralph Petta President and CEO Equipment Leasing and Finance Association 1625 Eye Street, NW * Suite 850 Washington, DC 20006 "Allow me to take exception and set the record straight with respect to Mr. McCurnin's statement in his September 21 article(1) about passage of disclosure legislation in California, SB 1235 that...
Blog Post

Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Art Post ·
First off, I'm no expert in the equipment leasing business; however, but I have some peeps that are. A few days ago I caught a thread on Linkedin reposted from @KeithHachey (Americorp Financial LLC). See the pic below. The first item that caught my eye was the hashtag #leases and then the text at the bottom for "Impact of Senate Bill 1235 on Equipment Leases. Of course I followed the link and it lead me to the web site for the State of California Legislative for Senate Bill 1235. Bill 1235...