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Tagged With "adopters"


Re: The Cannata Report 30th Anniversary Awards & Charity Event

Larry Kirsch ·
Thanks buddy.. Talk soon. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you..
Blog Post

The Cannata Report 30th Anniversary Awards & Charity Event

Art Post ·
This past Thursday night I was delighted that the great people at Muratec (thank you Lou & Jim)had invited me to sit at their table for this years The Cannata Report Awards & Charities Dinner. This was my third time in as many years attending the event, and it never fails that this event brings back all of those memories from when I started in the copier industry back in 1980. Starting at as technician, forced into sales (because I wasn't that great at...
Blog Post

The Kid that Never Quit "Part 1"

Art Post ·
At about 14 years old a kid starting running with the wrong crowd. By the age 16 years old that kid quit High School because was of an ultimatum by schools administrator "you can either quit or we'll expel you". Rather than getting expelled the kid opted for quitting. Up until this point the kid had never quit anything in his life. That kid had been adopted at three years old and had lived in a foster home from birth. Through out the years that kid always asked himself this one question,...

Re: The Kid that Never Quit "Part 1"

Martin Hofman ·