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Tagged With "Vegas"

Blog Post

BTA Capture the Magic in Las Vegas for 2022

Art Post ·
Most of my day was taken up with traveling and answering and sending emails on my 5 hour fight to Las Vegas. I was able to chat with CJ Cannata while at the Newark Airport this AM. I did take the wrong terminal to get my luggage which ended up to me a major drag. I was one of the first to get off the flight and then one of the last to get my luggage. Arrived at Caesars around 1PM and within an hour I was hooked up with Earl Everson for the rest of the day. Great chats about the industry and...
Blog Post

BTA Capture the Magic in Las Vegas for 2022 Day One

Art Post ·
Day one saw us with a 2PM start with Sharp's Mike Marusic (President and CEO) opening our event with a short welcome and some general statements about the industry. A few minutes after 2PM we rolled into the Keynote Workshop for Part One, which centered around disruption and how it could affect our industry. I found it to me interested because I believe our industry is ripe for disruption. Thus we worked in groups and cam up with a list for Amazon, Google, Uber an then that magical company...
Blog Post

Better Call Art @ Capture the Magic with David Clearman & KonicaMinolta

Art Post ·
Our chat at BTA Capture the Magic in Las Vegas in September. Can't wait for Orlando in the spring of 2023
Blog Post

Better Call Art with Harry & Earl at Capture the Magic in Las Vegas

Art Post ·
Better Call Art with Harry & Earl at Capture the Magic in Las Vegas
Blog Post

Better Call Art @ Capture the Magic with Zultys & Doug Cirbo in Vegas

Art Post ·
Nice little offering they have for dealers for VOIP services
Blog Post

Better Call Art with Anthony with In Time Tec

Art Post ·
Anthony Chen talks In Time Tec at Capture the Magic at BTA in Las Vegas