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Tagged With "Laser Tone"


Re: ManagingThe Imaging Channel's Crisis

Anders And ·
This is probably bull**** and you know it - especially with the nexera or whatever commercial in the end of the post Nobody knows what tomorrow brings. China has been up and running for days already. absolutely no need for predicting the end of the world and scaring people your advice is so obvious that if you don’t follow them by now you should not run your own business i am not in the USA but in Europe and my country is hit hard by covid19 - we are halfway through a lockdown I am just...
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Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Ten, Course One

Art Post ·
In the past I've called my self a hunter of wide format devices. I'm know moving on to call myself a hunter for color labels, which will lead me to placing net new label presses. Over the last month or so, I've noticed multiple rolls of color labels in Wawa's, Quick Chek (both of these are gas station/food markets here in New Jersey). In addition I also scoped multiple rolls of labels in McDonalds and Dunkin Doughnuts (or Dunkin as they have re-branded). See and ye shall find color labels...
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Selling Copiers "Reading Between the Lines"

Art Post ·
Cone of Silence Muchof the content that I use for my blogs comes from the daily grind of selling hardware & software. There will be days when I hear something unique,have a conversation witha client or aspark if imagination that will cause me to write. Actually, yesterday wasone of those days.Our VP of Major Accounts came over to my humble abode of 24 square feet and asked me about an he email he had received from a potential...
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BYOB... It is Not What you are Thinking...

Larry Levine ·
    Those good ol' college days... What to bring, a six or twelve pack? Case or Keg? Those BYOB quandaries. This quandary had me thinking, is it appropriate to BYOB to your own sales party? Of course it is as you should always be  Building Your Own Brand. "Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms." Simon Mainwaring We all agree, a company's brand is one of the most important factors to its ongoing...
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5 Substrate Solutions That Can Help You Sell More Hardware

Art Post ·
Just yesterday, I had to chance to visit my guru of envelope printing.    He produces full color envelopes of all sizes to the trade.  The current process for hardware has been the use of LED color laser printers.   ...
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31 Ways to Close More Sales #29 of 31

Art Post ·
Geesh, two more weeks and this blog series is over!  I will be putting the entire 31 parts up as one document once the series ends.  The document will be posted in the "clips" section of the site, and will be listed under "Helpful Sales...
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5 Reasons Why Cold Calling is NOT Dead

Art Post ·
What exactly does a Cold Call mean?   To me, it's the first contact with a potential prospect by either a phone call or stop in.   Funny, I was looking for some images on google for "cold call" and ninety-nine percent of those images...
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New Vertical Market for A3 Color Printers

Art Post ·
Dang, picking up a solid lead on a Saturday is a wonderful thing, right?   So, I was out to do my Saturday AM ritual of dropping off and picking up my dry cleaning.  By the way, why is it that we sales people can't claim dry cleaning as...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (4th Week of November)

Art Post ·
It was ten years ago this week. The 2003 Heritage Classic is played in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the first outdoor ice hockey games in the history of theNational Hockey League. Over 50,000 spectators watch the two...
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The Mirror Never Lies...YOU Are The Reason Social Isn't Working For Your Sales Team!

Larry Levine ·
The digital business world is constantly changing as social media outlets allow companies to be perceived as interactive and relevant to prospects and their clients. There is a demand for a more personalized message from companies, especially so from executive leadership and management. "In today's hyper-connected, information driven world, CEO's and senior executives alike are expected to have an active social presence. Brand image, brand trust and a company's long term success depend on...
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Temporary Growth

R.J. Stasieczko (Guest) ·
Growth through acquisition will always underestimate the need for innovation, and participants will determine that growth by acquiring more of the past is time based, and never leads to the future. Over the last decade, most that pay attention to disruptions and the fallouts they cause will recognize a commonality. That commonality is: organizations of dying industries or deliverables believe acquisitions, over innovation, will save them. The fact is, acquisitions made during a market shift...
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Carolina Wholesale, the Eighties, Nineties and Today

Art Post ·
I’m digging into the memory banks for this. From 1986-1998 I was the Founder of Atlantic Office Systems in New Jersey. In the beginning Atlantic Office Systems was not an Authorized Dealer for any manufacturer. Atlantic Office Systems rose from the ashes of Copy Machine Specialists (Authorized Minolta copier dealer in central New Jersey) after they closed their doors in early 1986. I still remember the end quite clearly. There was not enough cash to make payroll for everyone, and as we...
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The Ten Yen Trip

Art Post ·
I guess this could have been my first blog! Back in 2002 I wrote a journal while on a Ricoh sponsored trip to Japan. I found it today buried in the forums when I did some searching on threads from 2003. It does bring back awesome memories and I thought it might be a good read for all. Please enjoy and feel free to comment at the end in the reply section June 4, 2002 To Japan and Back: Tales of a “Sell the Solution” Winner “Sell the Solution,” a successful nationwide sales contest organized...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of September 2009)

Art Post ·
Labor Day Weekend is upon us. There's only a few things on my mind tonight, first is to get finished with the updates for the site. Secondly a little worried about my friends and colleagues in Florida. The last one is the end of the third quarter and the end of the month. Not this month but September. I'm like WTF, it's not even the first on the calendar month and I'm jonesing already. We close our month early, I've got a decent pipeline, but most of its 50/50 at best. In addition I've got a...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Last Week of July 2014)

Art Post ·
Yesterday marked the end of the month for me. Thus we have seven months in the books and so far 2019 has been awesome. August brings us those "dog days" of summer and many objections due to vacations, not enough time, get back to me after Labor Day or you can't get anyone to respond. I get it, and I've adjusted my habits over the years. August needs to be one of the biggest prospecting months in the year. The time you spend prospecting in August will pay HUGE dividends moving into the last...
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Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Eleven, Course One

Art Post ·
Living and working in New Jersey is no easy task. I've been doing that for the past 39 years in the same territory, some have said "who has it better than me?". Well not me, even at the ripe old age of sixty-two I'm always looking for ways to increase my sales or knowledge of print. What's really excited me the last couple of years is the huge opportunity that's out there for color label presses. At a recent food market, I noticed that every container of prepared food was accompanied by a...
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Being Comfortable With Yourself Can Go A Long Way in Sales

Art Post ·
Be creative, be authentic, be knowledgeable and be passionate are all great traits for sales people. For most sales people it takes time to feel comfortable with who you are and the message that you want to bring to your clients. It's not something that you can change over night. It's something that successful level sales people develop over time and sometimes it's coupled with trial and error. The great thing is that we all learn from our mistakes. Trust me been there done that. Clients Can...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of April 2009)

Art Post ·
There's a nice write up below with comments about the 2008 Ricoh dealer event. Even in 2009 "industry change" was on everyone's mind. Just goes to show you that time does not stand still, and everything changes Please take the time to read the comments from Old Glory, IT Dude, and GMAN (all stilll current P4P members). Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 04/05/09 Neal · 4/7/096:25 AM is required by its banking covenants - Oce’ won a “Best of Show”...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Fifty-Two of Sales

Art Post ·
I received my early constant contact numbers from the email I sent yesterday. It was a little better than I thought for and much better than the first. 17% open rate and 5% click through. That translates to about 120 opens and 6 of the opens clicked through. I even had multiple clicks from multiple people. The plan is not to call the clicks right away but to collect some data on who is clicking what. I'm thinking after 120 days (4 campaigns) I'll be able to generate some net new leads. The...
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Periscope, Let Clients Explore Your Copier Dealership & Build Lasting Business Relationships

Art Post ·
Make no bones about it, I'm a junky for technology. I had heard about the periscope app about a year ago, but never downloaded the app. The periscope app allows users to stream video from their Apple or Android device from wherever you have a cell or wifi connection. Users of the app can access the periscope global map and see icons of where users are streaming video from. About a month ago, we had a blizzard here in the northeast, with some additional time on my hands I thought it would be...
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Every Morning Sales Professionals Reflect And Recharge Themselves With Ikigai.

Larry Levine ·
We all know that in order to maintain peak performance, achieve remarkable success, and to lead a positive sales lifestyle then we must recharge ourselves regularly. There is a great saying: Our mind, body and energy function just like smart phones. We need to recharge ourselves from time-to-time to prevent burnout but also to maintain healthy work performance. How you start your morning dictates how you feel, act and decide the rest of your day. What does your morning routine look like?
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This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago First Week of October 2011 One of the items I do with Linkedin on most days is to find an interesting thread from another person/company. Once I find that thread I then read the thread an not just the headline. My goal is to share that thread with my peep but to also insert a comment in the share that makes the share my own twist on what was posted. Enjoy These Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago This Week! Notable Solutions, Inc. Announces Major...
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Lead for Fleet of Laser Printers

Art Post ·
click image for web link
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Lead for 510 MFPs w/36 Million Black and 14 Million Color Page

Art Post ·
see attached document
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Lead for High Volume Laser Printer in Connecticut

Art Post ·
see attached file
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Why Subscription Models Are Best for Managed Print Services

Alex Cribby ·
Why Subscription Models Are Best for Managed Print Services A subscription is a consumer or business agreement to pay a specific amount of money every month to receive a product or service. Utilities such as electricity, water, and sewer, could all be considered subscription services. Internet and trash are two more monthly payments deemed essential for both businesses and homes. Other non-essential subscriptions have always existed. For example, magazines and newspapers have run on a hybrid...
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Attention Sales World... Are You Having Connecting Conversations With Your Clients? Would You Even Know?

Larry Levine ·
What adjectives are you using when engaging in conversation with your clients? The words and messaging you use will either connect you to your clients or disconnect you from your clients. Think about it. The language you are using right now with your clients is it clear, concise and full of familiar words? To quote John C. Maxwell, Are you communicating or connecting with your clients? Interesting statement to ponder, isn't it? Connecting and communicating often are used interchangeably.
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago Third Week of February 2013 Chuck wrote this many years back.......... Elite P4P'er Art, quite a few years ago I copied from this site one of the most profound things that I had read about Customer Service. I've tried to search your archives with no luck so I'll re-type it here and if can find the source to attribute please post since it is not my intellectual property. Here goes . . . WHAT DO CUSTOMERS REALLY WANT? Enjoy these awesome copier threads from...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in Copiers Five Years Ago First Week of May 2018 Real Copier Sales Karl · 5/1/1812:34 PM So I need to get better at cold calling, I was wondering if you all could share what you say when you walk into a business cold calling to find out about there copier needs and not get blocked by the gate keeper? Great threads and replies to Karl more here Enjoy these awesome copier threads from 5 years ago Konica Minolta’s Workplace Hub Employs ScienceLogic’s new Artificial Intelligence...
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In A Sales World Sorely Lacking Trust, Noodle On This... First Impressions Are Lasting Impressions.

Larry Levine ·
As we kick-off our time together, please allow the above quote to simmer a bit, and now think about the perception of salespeople. I believe people's initial judgments and perceptions of salespeople are influenced by their past experiences. If you all buy into phrase, "Perception is reality" , then what's the perception of salespeople in looking at this through the lens of your clients or future clients? To quote, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, Are your first impressions, encounters and...
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Lead for ManagedIT Services (4 Year Term)

Art Post ·
see attached file
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Don't Let A Leaky Sales Funnel Get the Best of You: Clamp Down on These Three Things.

Larry Levine ·
When it comes to growing your sales, what are you willing to do to drive a continual flow of new business? What's your plan, process and procedure towards keeping and growing your existing client base? A smart, forward-thinking sales professional doesn't chase new business at the expense of their current clients, instead; they leverage their clients to help them nurture and grow new business. Building an ever-flowing relationship funnel becomes mission critical in creating a sustainable and...
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Relationships Do Matter: How to Avoid Being Relationally Vulnerable.

Larry Levine ·
This quote suggests that vulnerability is closely linked to truth and courage. It implies that being vulnerable means being authentic and honest, even when it's uncomfortable or difficult. Despite the potential discomfort, vulnerability is portrayed as an act of courage rather than a weakness. It suggests that by being vulnerable, individuals can show their true selves and build stronger connections with others. It encourages authenticity, builds trust, and fosters true togetherness in...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago First Week of June 2019 Real Copier Sales Has anyone run into Xerox sales reps quoting a lease using the phrase "Lease Minimum Payment"? What sort of hocus pocus is this? What sort of surprises would the customer get if they signed the lease? If there is a "Lease Minimum Payment", what is the "Lease Maximum Payment"?... . more here View These Awesome Copier Threads Below Lead for Fleet of Copier, Scanners and Printers in Connecticut Art Post ·...
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When You Align Your Heart You Grow Your Sales.

Larry Levine ·
In this quote, Mark Twain suggested that in the pursuit of love, one should be guided by genuine emotions and sincerity rather than calculated strategies or intellectual reasoning. What this quote is truly emphasizing is the importance of emotional honesty and vulnerability in forming authentic connections with others. I ask all of you... What are you doing to form authentic and meaningful connections with your clients and for that matter, your future clients? Furthermore, What are you...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago Third Week of July 2014 Real Copier Sales (10 Years Ago) Nice post. Truly, "Attitude is everything". Whenever I get a bit gun-shy about making cold calls (which is more often than not, I confess) and the seeming 'wasted' effort it can feel like, I remember some sage advice my wife (a.k.a Head Cheerleader) gave me one time, which helps: "Honey, remember, you're just looking for the live ones." ...... . more here Check Out These Great Copier...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago First Week of September 2009 Please visit FMD Distribution LLC and follow their Linkedin page Real Copier Sales Well, after fighting the worst highways in the Nation, I finally made it to Flushing Meadows in Queens, NY for the US Open on Friday. Not to mention that I drove around CitiField and LaGuardia Airport TWICE! more here Check Out These Great Copier Threads from Fifteen Years Ago This Week 2009 REGIONAL SUMMITS DEMONSTRATE TOSHIBA’S COMMITMENT TO...
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MSP & MSSP & IT Industry Notes for 9/15/2024

Art Post ·
Sponsored by September 15th, 2024 Arcoa Group Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have the expertise, certifications,...