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Tagged With "Spring Training"


Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
We generally do not build in prepaid copy/ print blocks into our leases. We do give away free copy prints up front but only intended as a short term bonus. We do normally charge a $25.00 minimum monthly maintenance fee but have waived that until the economy rebuilds momentum. I am in Canada, lease vendors are currently offering 90 day payment deferrals added back on at the end of term for those customers who request them. Leases expire every month and customers are happy with the equipment...

Re: The A4 Challenge or Opportunity

fisher ·
In my experience A4 machines are as much or even more hassle than an A3 machine to install and train which I do myself for the customer but my income off of the sale of the A4 device is a fraction of what it would have been had I sold an A3. Beyond that most A4 machines lack a document feeder built to handle the page volumes of walk up copying and scanning my customers do. At the end of the day I have to make a living so I spend my time on A3 opportunities.

Re: Five Tips for Better Scanning of Documents with Your Copier

Kyocera Guy ·
Even though we try to educate it seems we still get calls on lines on scans/copies. I know it's fundamental but when you train on a new unit always show them how to clean the scan glass/slit glass and how to troubleshoot the lines.
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3 Things Sales Reps Need to Do To Help Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Levine ·
To everyone in sales, you can perform much better and become more successful, if you just learn to master with consistency the basics. Vince Lombardi , the great Green Bay Packers coach, once said that football comes down to only two things: Blocking on offense and tackling on defense, and those are the basics his teams spent 80% of their time on in practice. Many analogies have been made between sales and sports. It’s often been said the one key fundamental principle in sports is to focus...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Third Week in August 2003

Art Post ·
Seems like I may have misplaced a week. Last weeks thread was the first week of August, however I had notes in from the second week. Well, it's time for the third week in August notes from 15 years ago. Check out the awesome story from Old Glory below or click here Remember the 1035 Scanner/copier story? High-Speed Copiers: 8/19/037:29 PM begin? Does it require a dedicated salesperson ? Who are the best prospects? What are the best selling strategies? Perhaps any discussion of the topic...
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Slumps Happen... 3 Tips To Beat the Sales Funk

Larry Levine ·
Just keep swinging... It’s happened to all of us: One month, we're hitting home runs out of the sales ball park; the next, we're swinging and missing on every sales opportunity. We've all been aboard the sales train wreck before. You fail to secure an important sale. You have a series of bad days. Worse, you struggle to sell to your own clients. You can't seem to disentangle yourself from its deadly grip. You're in a sales slump. Even heavy sales hitters have bad days, bad months and even...
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Selling Copiers in the Eighties with Roland Tolan

Art Post ·
Roland and I found each other about 6 weeks ago on Linkedin. Seems Roland and I have a similar background with selling copiers. We both started in the eighties. While I was on the East Coast and Roland was on the West Coast. We've never met but hoping our paths will cross soon! How did you find your way into the copier industry? In 1985, I was 23 years old. l was ready to join the sheriffs department in Los Angeles CA., my mom begged me not to do it. A friend of mine was a salesman at small...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for April 18th, 2020

Art Post ·
MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling. We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional options for asset...

Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

Art Post ·
I like 11.!! I even like the rules better. Your thread also reminded me to add this. 12. Reps, especially new reps would be in charge of training their customers on how to use the system. At first, they would travel with the solutions engineer or (me) and watch them train the customer on how to print, copy and scan.
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Are Your Salespeople Providing a Reason to be Hired?

Larry Levine ·
All human beings are entrepreneurs. When were in caves, we were all self- employed... finding our food, feeding ourselves. That's where human history began. As civilization came, we suppressed it. We became "labor" because they stamped us, "You are labor." We forgot that we are entrepreneurs. - Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner and microfinance pioneer In the start-up of YOU , Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha share how you can accelerate your career in today's fiercely competitive,...
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5 Reasons Why I'm Going to Spring Break BTA in New Orleans in March!

Art Post ·
I'm about to make my first ever trip to New Orleans for BTA's Spring Break event. A fewmemories come to mind when thinking about New Orleans, The Super Bowl (many of them, in fact the first ten), Mardi Gras, NOMDA Show, and Katrina. Since I'm going to be a newbie in New Orleans for March 18th & March 19th, I'll be staying at the BTA recommended Intercontinental New Orleans. Similar to last years event at the Grand Floridian, IBPI is hosting their event on March...
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Does Your Copier Dealership Offer A Bakers Dozen?

Art Post ·
It was the Eighties, we were in New Jersey, and I was leading the pack of six copier sales people.  We were all in our twenties, single and making oodels and oodles of cash selling plain paper copiers!  Station wagons, hatch backs, pickup trucks, copier guerney's, rolodex's, change for pay telephone calls, yellow page books, business street directory books, mucho phones, mucho demonstrations, delivering your own copiers, and training end users were the staple of the copier...
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Selling Copiers “The Good Ole Days”

Art Post ·
  Selling Copiers “The Good Ole Days”   Pac Man, Space Invaders and Donkey Kong were cool, everyone was wearing Raybans, Nike Sneakers and Members Only jackets.   In 1982 I sold my first copier, I started in the...
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Five Take Aways from BTA Spring Break in New Orleans

John Anderson (Guest) ·
BTA SOUTHEAST REVIEW SPRING BREAK- NEW ORLEANS March 18 th and 19 th 2016 This was the main focus and theme of the BTA Southeast event in New Orleans this year. Are you embracing the managed IT services opportunities within your customer base — or are you leaving money on the table while risking having your customers stolen by the competition? Managed IT services cannot only provide a new revenue opportunity, but can also help to diversify your services offering and protect your base. Many...
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Sharing your story on LinkedIn

Larry Levine ·
Let’s face it; we live in a world of constant change. Today it is cloud computing, mobility, big data and information management services. Who knows what the next five to 10 years hold in store for us.   As I look back to when I first...
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UC Davis Health System experiences another email breach

Art Post ·
Another healthcare organization has experienced a data breach, and this time it had nothing to do with electronic health records. Instead, the incident was caused by unauthorized access to an email account. The University of California at Davis Health...
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Selling Copiers "Did We Create Our Own Commodity"?

Art Post ·
Since I've been selling in the industry for far too long, I've been able to see the transition the industry has taken over the years with our products. Years ago copier sales people not only sold the products, but we were also...
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If I Were King of My Sales Department

Art Post ·
Since, I've had so much time in the trenches, I've seen many sales people, and sales managers come and go.  I understand that many Sales Managers are some times handicapped with what they can and can't do.  But, If I were King and I had...
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The Transition of the Copier Industry "According to Art"

Art Post ·
A blog from the past.  Enjoy!!   Part One:   Once upon a time (back in the early eighties) we sold copy machines.   It was a simple business. We had maybe three models of plain paper copiers. I can remember the EP (Eny Paper lol)...
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Five Reasons Why You Should Attend BTA Spring Break @ The Grand Floridian

Art Post ·
I'm all in when it comes to an educational event, especially when it's at The Grand Floridian located in Disney World. I'm also a big fan of getting out of cold and damp North East in late March. Maybe think about booking a few extra days and make it a mini work vacation trip. The BTA rate for the Hotel is pretty incredible. Reason One: BTA is offering two for one registration for BTA Members. Thus two attendees can attend for the price on one. Reason Two: Where their is mystery there is....
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HP, Samsung and the Uber Factor

Ray Stasiezcko ·
HP, Samsung and the Uber Factor I am reminded of how Status Quo thinking is so attached to one's emotions. As you read this give your imagination power over your perceived reality. This will spark things you might not want to think about, but probably should. I have argued the point that it’s not about how many pages experts say are printed. The disruption coming quicker—well it’s here!—is based on how many manufacturers can survive the consolidation, how technology will reshape the printing...
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Why Sales Teams Should Stop Using LinkedIn

Larry Levine ·
I know what you all are thinking.... Rationalization runs rampant as mental justifications sets in... "We are three years behind major cities in technology" "This is small town USA, very few of our clients have LinkedIn profiles" "Our clients aren't social" "We have a great client base" "Can't expose our competitor's to what we are doing" "I am too old for this social stuff" (Attention Boomers) More rationalization from sales reps... "Prospects are not returning my emails so I will stop...
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Will H.P. Uber the Imaging Channel

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Well, with recent events everyone finally got to see some of the future. The news of Samsung selling their Printer line to H.P. defiantly captured my imagination. As I read the comments and listen to the chatter I am reminded of how Status Quo thinking is so attached to one's emotions. The title of this post is what the Imaging Channel should fear most, this article will lead you to my titles definition. As you read this give your imagination power over your perceived reality. This will...
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How Far Out On the Pier Are We?

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Recently I had an opportunity to speak to industry peers at the RT Imaging Summit-Americas in Cancun This article shares my thoughts of the event. As the Summit in Cancun, Mexico got under way, my mind went to the pier across the road, right off the beach. I began thinking how far down the “pier” the imaging channel has gone over its decades-old life. Just how much longer can we walk the planks of the pier? Using this analogy, the planks are the customers of print. How many new planks, if...
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A Professional Athlete Puts In The Hard Work - Can The Same Be Said For A Copier Sales Rep?

Larry Levine ·
"Without hard work and discipline it is difficult to be a top professional" Jahangir Kahn Can this same message reign true inside the copier channel? Can this message be applied to a copier sales rep, YES! There is no free ride to success as some copier sales reps may think otherwise! There is no easy button to press! There is absolutely no easy way to become successful. Without hard work, dedication, an extreme tolerance for frustration and setbacks you can never become a sales champion. If...
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Are we Lying to Ourselves?

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Do you ever wonder why, during a dying industry, or the collapse of a deliverable many continue selling themselves on their relevancy while their evacuating customers define them as irrelevant? Think about this. Innovative organizations understand the importance in selling relevant products, while dying organizations stay obsessed with selling the relevancy of their soon obsolete products’. Look at Sears, just one of the many brick and mortar retail organizations which continue the delusion...
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Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Rod Nafziger

Art Post ·
A few weeks ago Jack Carol send me a message on facebook and stated that I should get in contact with Rod "RJ" Nafziger. Jack made mention that Rod made his mark in the industry with selling Apeco copiers. Rod and I have been connected on Linkedin for years, but for some reason I never knew his back ground was copiers. For all these years I knew him as the A rtisan Gelato Maestro of Venice! How did you find your way to the copier industry? I began my career in Cable Television out of...
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Art Post ·
Fifty Billion! (No, not dollars in another government research project on some frog croaking program that we don’t know what is accomplished). As noted in a number of recent research studies and articles, this is the estimated number of pages sent last year via fax, and a very significant portion is accomplished using older, less secure fax devices, fax boards in copier/printer devices or fax servers over costly analog phone lines. Growing Shift There has been a growing shift over the past...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for December 8th 2019

Art Post ·
December 8th MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling. We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Third Week of March 2008

Art Post ·
One of the threads below references e-copy software. I loved that software! Used it everyday and it was so easy to train users on how to work the software. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week. Weekend Copier Notes from 3/14/08 Neal · 3/16/087:44 PM 5000 which has 20” wide paper path, runs at 500 feet per minute, and sells for $5,000,000.00 (IBM InfoPrint 5000 and Xerox 980 sells for $3,000,000.00 each) - Kodak claims to have sold 500,000 desktop color inkjet printers in 2007.
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Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Eight, Course One

Art Post ·
Here's a short story for all. About a month ago my wife asked me to go shopping with her because of a recent snow storm here in the East. I don't like food shopping, but at times I do need to do my part. My wife took me to some new fangled market, and I must admit I was floored with the quality and selection of the foods that were offered. However what intrigued me the most is that 25% of all the products for sale had a custom color label. There were hundreds if not a thousand of these...
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The Ten Yen Trip

Art Post ·
I guess this could have been my first blog! Back in 2002 I wrote a journal while on a Ricoh sponsored trip to Japan. I found it today buried in the forums when I did some searching on threads from 2003. It does bring back awesome memories and I thought it might be a good read for all. Please enjoy and feel free to comment at the end in the reply section June 4, 2002 To Japan and Back: Tales of a “Sell the Solution” Winner “Sell the Solution,” a successful nationwide sales contest organized...
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Part 2 - Hacking increasing by 1600%* - 6 issues impacting Data Security?

Dan Taylor ·
In this series of articles, we will cover a number of topics around security 1. What is really going on? 2. Why is this happening? 3. Who are they? 4. What are the different types of threats? 5. What can you do about it? Part 2 - Why is this happening and why is the security discussion different now? In the second part of the series, in this article, we cover the key 6 reasons this happening and why you should be looking at security differently. 1. Availability of Hacking Software - “There's...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week of March 2003

Art Post ·
Geesh, can I start? For those not in the copier industry fifteen years ago you would know nothing about Jim Ivy from Ricoh. I don't want to rehash the past, but check out the links and you'll read how an elite executive was arrested. I don't even want to talk about what he did. Happy to have seen him go directly to JAIL! Canon & Heidelberg Renew Digital...... 3/1/031:03 PM sales abroad. A variety of high-volume digital black and white printers are manufactured by Heidelberg Digital L.L.
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Truth or Consequences, In business it’s not a Game

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Those as old as I am will remember Bob Barker’s first game show, Truth or Consequences. This article is not about Bob or his game show. However, the title of that famous show is a catalyst to the message. Recently I had the opportunity to speak with a business consultant or business coach as he called himself. This consultant worked in a different industry than the industry I call home. It’s always interesting to explore the thoughts of others too many become static as they live in the...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Last Week of August 2007)

Art Post ·
This week, there's an excellent sales tip that we posted ten years ago. The tip goes on to explain that you have the believe in what you're selling. You also need to believe in yourself and your abilities. We all have slumps from time to time, some just happen for no reason and others are self created (not prospecting). So, when the going gets tough, get back to prospecting, it's jut good medicine. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week. Only on the P4P forums! c411DN Ricoh Printer...
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"Selling & Desire" Let Me Tell You a Short Story

Art Post ·
The Desire Let me tell you a short story. At the age of 23, I had just completed my first six months as a copier technician. Prior to getting hired as a technician, I was hired for a 16 week boot camp to learn how to repair copiers in 1980. At the end of the 16 weeks of training, we were sent out on interviews with local copier dealerships in New Jersey & New York. All 22 trainees were hired within a few weeks. At six months, I had my review with the Dealer Principal. He stated, “Art...
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Eight Baseball Idioms for the Office Equipment Industry

Art Post ·
The smell of spring is in the air, along with the completion of the first week of the 2018 Major League baseball season here in the US. Last year Chris Polek (Owner of Polek & Polek ) and I collaborated with our first baseball themed blog for the office equipment channel. "Nine Innings with Polek & Polek" was a hit with our readers. Chris & I have teamed up again for this year blog which uses common baseball jargon and how that jargon translates to the office equipment channel.
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DocuWare Cloud Keeps Donations and Data Safe for Community Blood Center

Art Post ·
Cloud document control software and volunteers help nonprofit positively impact society A nonprofit blood bank in Florida is utilizing DocuWare Cloud to store donor records and standard operating procedures manuals. Digital document control speeds up retrieval times, increases staff productivity, and reduces errors. Digital records also facilitate easy compliance with FDA guidelines and reports. The solution is so easy-to-use that the nonprofit can utilize volunteers to digitize records...
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The Commuter Train

Ray Stasiezcko ·
The Commuter Train runs the line, nothing different than the day before. Is your business like a Commuter Train? running down the track of sameness every day. Well, many businesses do just that. They ride the train to sameness as they say, they hate status quo, or how they will never be content by a false sense of security, all the while exclaiming - their business is greater than all their competitors. Here’s my thinking; So many businesses have already determined their destination, and...
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Knowing the Cost of Indecisiveness

Ray Stasiezcko ·
During the transformation of a business or industry, it’s important to understand both the cost of inaction and the cost to respond. Many organizations plan their path forward they determine a budget, put together a proforma, assign the team and move forward enthusiastically. Going from where you are to where you need to be is not a journey for the indecisive. Today the greatest test of any leader is how they respond to innovation’s threat. Disruptive innovators using the marvels of...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Last Week of August 2014)

Art Post ·
To the bottom of the ninth we go with the Mets vs Braves. Mets are home and hoping we have a walk off win. We'll see! Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Topic Canon Adds AirPrint Compatibility to New imageCLASS Multifunction Printers Art Post · 8/26/1410:37 PM MELVILLE, N.Y., Aug 26, 2014 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Canon U .S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced that four of its newest line of imageCLASS laser multifunction printers (MFPs) support Apple...
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OMG, it's a Brother "Part 4"

Art Post ·
It's been about three months since my trip to Itex 2019 where I had the chance to meet Peter (birth full brother) for the first time. Yup, there's been a lot to digest since Ancestry gave me that DNA hit for a full brother. Just a few days ago I have the chance to meet Pete's daughter (my niece), she flew out to NJ with her Aunt. Such a smart girl for 11 eleven years old. We had the chance to go out to dinner and after dinner I took them over to Sandy Hook so they could have some fun with...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of April 2009)

Art Post ·
There's a nice write up below with comments about the 2008 Ricoh dealer event. Even in 2009 "industry change" was on everyone's mind. Just goes to show you that time does not stand still, and everything changes Please take the time to read the comments from Old Glory, IT Dude, and GMAN (all stilll current P4P members). Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 04/05/09 Neal · 4/7/096:25 AM is required by its banking covenants - Oce’ won a “Best of Show”...

Re: Five Take Aways from BTA Spring Break in New Orleans

Art Post ·
Nice job John!!
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the Second Week of June 2015

Art Post ·
Friday in New Jersey around 7AM. Overcast, damp and humid weather at the shore today. Of course today is the last day of the week. Should I ask what type of day is it today? What would be your answer? It's a great day to sell something! Enjoy these wonderful timed threads from 5 years ago this week! Print4Pay Hotel Enjoys a Day @ Ethos Technologies Art Post · 6/15/158:48 PM and asked if I was willing to travel to Ethos Technologies to meet with their sales people to share my knowledge of 35...
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COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty-Two of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Forty of Selling Copiers A very interesting day for me today. Today marketed the first day in 142 days that I spent the entire day in the field! In addition I stopped by the office for a few minutes to pick up a small A4 black MFP that I wanted to deliver to a net new account. My first appointment was early in the day with a net new account. I had to be there by 9AM, thus it was time to make sure I left my home office by 7AM. In most cases with...
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Attention Sales Leaders... Quit Chasing Tips, Tactics And Training Events

Larry Levine ·
What are you willing to do to change the course of your sales team and their results? Training, I get it, it is essential to consistent sales success; yet it often gets a bad rap or no rap at all. Ask many in sales, what comes to mind when you hear the word "training” Already been there done that It’s a waste of our time We already know what works Changing something now would be bad karma We're hitting our numbers (pure crap) Training takes us away from selling time At this moment, if you...
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The Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago for The Third Week in October 2005 Fifteen years ago the Print4Hotel was just turning 4 years old. What started as an MSN Community with a handful of members finally made the jump to a full web community in 2003. As I look back I'm proud of what we've accomplished to give the people in our industry the chance to communicate and share ideas with a global venue. Enjoy these cool copier threads from 15 years ago this week! Ultility Printer Models Guest ·...
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The Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago Last Week of December 2005 If you had to do it all over again, would you? My choice is no for many reasons. Never ever did I think I would have a sales career but this industry gave me second shot when I was young and had no direction. I must say that I'm very satisfied with the results. Here's to another forty years! Enjoy These Threads from 15 Years Ago this Week! New Ricoh Color MP Art Post (Guest) · 12/26/057:21 PM Ricoh reveiwed this unit in San...