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Tagged With "50PPM"


Sharp MX-M5050 & Sharp MX-5070

Art Post ·
Can anyone help? What's the difference between these models? I' seeing that they are both 50PPM and almost identical

Re: Sharp MX-M5050 & Sharp MX-5070

Clinton ·
Her you go: MX-xx70 units have 150 original SPF (for greater ipm); Serverless Print Release; Compact PDF; Scan with OCR to docx, exlx, pptx; PS3; Wireless; Hide-away QWERTY Keyboard; 500GB HDU; 1.9 GHz; Walk-Up sensor MX-xx50 units have 100 original RADF (for "normal" ipm); 250GB HDU; 1.75 GHz; no Hide-away QWERTY Keyboard; no OCR; and no Walk-Up Sensor. The other mentioned features are available OPTION$.