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Tagged With "Sears"

Blog Post

The Wrecking Ball

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Recently while walking through downtown as I looked around at all the modification taking place, it validated my thinking of how nothing remains as it was once intended. The marvelous of technology consistently change our intentions and speed up the tenure of relevancy. Eventually, we need to bring in the wrecking ball and deconstruct the past to construct the future. Many will hope for more time, some will be victims of time, while a few others will continue being ahead in time. Sears is a...

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Re: The Wrecking Ball

Larry Kirsch ·
Well put. Define what the market wants. Cater to that and move in that direction. Sometimes easier said than done. Hire those who can assist. Use your talent to educate those within to move forward. Nice article. Plenty of opportunity to grow your business.

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Re: The Wrecking Ball

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Thanks Larry Kirsch

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