Tagged With "complacency"
Blog Post
Sales Managers... How to Identify & Crush 5 Sales Settlers Signs Inside Your Sales Department
"The Status Quo Is Simply Unacceptable" Brad Henry, Former Governor of Oklahoma "Working the land "HOPING" for a fertile spring" Settling... Complacency, content, creatures of comfort; it is out there right now within the closets of sales teams. Lurking in the dark shadows of their successes, hiding where you least expect to find it is a great balancing act of excuses. It is the silent sales killer, lurking and striking sales teams without warning. It can bring even the biggest and brightest...
Blog Post
Lunch at the Terminal
Well, the day has finally come when what we thought was impossible is now not only possible it’s reality. It seems that things which challenge the concept of normalcy sooner or later prove that normalcy is never defined instead it’s only interpreted. Interpretation is the translation of those whom we collaborate. Today how and who we collaborate with will prove to be instrumental in our success. We can no longer seek only those who think like us in hopes for some improvement. We must instead...
Blog Post
The Customer's Answer Can Fool One Into Complacency
I recently read where someone asked a few customers' questions to prove that delivering products and services through outdated systems was still relevant. But what we don't know is how they asked the question. Were they explaining how they fit into the realities of a marketplace and can now help their customers? Or, did they phrase the question based on their own digital ineptness to save their outdatedness? Most in fear of a change to their relevance will present their outdatedness as...