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Tagged With "ImageQuest"

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WTF, Was My Response!!!

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Selling Typewriters to Selling Copiers was not a business transition; don’t fool yourself. I recently read an article where some in the document industry discussed that the industry’s actors could easily transition to IT services because the industry used to sell typewriters. WTF! Was my response. In November, I spoke at the BTA meeting in Asheville, NC. The topic, transitioning from a print-centric deliverable to an IT services deliverable. In this presentation, I went through some...

Re: WTF, Was My Response!!!

anthonyconstantinou ·
When we find something unusual, we always have such response in our mind, so not a big deal. You find that news unusual so you responded alike. No problem at all. __________________________ Anthony Constantinou CEO CWM FX