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Tagged With "Grind"


Re: Copier Sales Reps, Presidents Club & The Grind

Jackson ·
Well said Art, spoken like a true Jedi-Master. Do or not Do, there is no try ! Congrats on 36 years of selling copiers. I think ! LOL. I don't know whether to feel good or bad for you. There must be something wrong with all of us to stay in this crazy game that long. Keep the articles coming.

Re: Copier Sales Reps, Presidents Club & The Grind

Art Post ·
TY, Jackson. Feel good for me, because I'm a guru and I still love what I'm doing!!
Blog Post

Newly Revamped Print4Pay Hotel Website Provides Members with Added Features and Value

Art Post ·
           Contact: Art Post   Newly Revamped Print4Pay Hotel Website ProvidesMembers with Added Features and...
Blog Post

Copier Sales Reps, Presidents Club & The Grind

Art Post ·
I originally posted this blog back in 2011. As 2017 draws closer to closing, I thought it would be an appropriate blog for those of us that care about meeting or exceeding our quotas. I could only hope that what I share can help inspire those that are new to our industry. I really can't understand why there are sales people that just go through the motions and couldn't care less if they attained quota or was achieved Presidents Club. I mean, where is the desire, determination and dedication...
Blog Post

Grinding with the End of Summer Upon Us

Art Post ·
labor day