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Tagged With "EBITA"

Blog Post

Imaging Channel, Some Questions, Some Thoughts, and Some Answers

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Why doesn’t the Imaging Channel’s Owners and Leaders pay sales reps 250k salaries with no accountability or quotas? Why do dealerships have millions in obsolete parts, spend millions on repairs and supplies, have a First Call Efficiencies’ or an FCE rate of less than 72% spend thousands doing Callbacks, spend thousands more on technical staff with very little Owner, or Senior Level executive oversite? Hum, read along and let me know your thoughts. Let’s talk about the sales rep who wants a...

Re: Imaging Channel, Some Questions, Some Thoughts, and Some Answers

Jf ·
When an industry is experiencing declines, it becomes an absolute necessity to extract as much cash from current circumstances while possible and reallocate it to diversity and transition. I have absolutely nothing better to say. Btw, Ray, it's the 2nd time I'm the first to comment...

Re: Imaging Channel, Some Questions, Some Thoughts, and Some Answers

Larry Kirsch ·
Nice Examples please? Your backround?

Re: Imaging Channel, Some Questions, Some Thoughts, and Some Answers

Art Post ·
Ray, nice, helps me understand the service pitfalls a little better. Also, I'm no fan managed IT.

Re: Imaging Channel, Some Questions, Some Thoughts, and Some Answers

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Thanks for reading Larry I have worked in the Industry for 27 years. Please visit my LinkedIn page. Have a great day

Re: Imaging Channel, Some Questions, Some Thoughts, and Some Answers

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Thanks Art, Managed Services is a deliverable description which means many things to many people. The facts are that Services are what built the Imaging Channel. Our future will only remain relevant if we look for additional service reoccurring revenue. Managed Services taught me the importance of truly understanding the profitability of any deliverable from the day one sells it to the day the engagement ends. Successful IT Service providers understand the importance of continually managing...