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Tagged With "Confidence"


Why Confidence is Essential to Sales Success

Art Post ·
Why Confidence is Essential to Sales Success By Charles Rodney, Aug 29, 2017 11:21:31 AM About a year ago my 11 year old daughter (at that time 10) asked me “why am I a salesman?” I told her “because when you are a salesperson, you control the money you make!” She looked confused so I rephrased it. “If you want to make more money you just have to work harder.” You determine how much money you make, not your boss or employer. She then asked the tough question as most kids do: “What do you...

Equipment leasing industry report

Art Post ·
Equipment leasing industry report Research published by Equipment Leasing & Finance Association Confidence index down from 50.3 to 40.1 in October, 2023 22.2% of leasing executives say business conditions will worsen over next 4 months 7.4% believe US economy is poor 38.5% believe economy will worsen