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Tagged With "Copier and 2 Servers"


Corona Virus Survey & Chinese Production for Copiers

Art Post ·
Are you concerned that there might be a shortage of copiers coming out of China due to manufacturing plants shutting down?

How Many Copiers Do You Sell Every Month?

Art Post ·
Give us your monthly average please

Color Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages)

Art Post ·
Color Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages) We'll have five parts to this please. According to the volume listed what is the cost per page that you charge for Segment 2 (21-30 pages per minute) color devices. For...

Black Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages)

Art Post ·
This poll is for A3 Black MFP devices only   We'll have seven parts to this please. According to the volume listed what is the cost per page that you charge for Segment 2 (21-30 pages per minute) BLACK devices.   All...

How long have you been in the copier industry?

Art Post (Guest) ·

Which is the best Sweet 16 matchup?

Art Post (Guest) ·

How many MFP's do you sell on average per month

Art Post (Guest) ·

First time New Appointments

txeagle24 ·
This goes somewhat hand-in-hand with the other poll I posted. Management is always pushing for more activity, especially with new prospects that are added to the pipeline.

End of 2011 Sales Quota Poll

Art Post (Guest) ·
It's one of those special times where we've got month end, quarter end and year end. Thus we'll have three poll questions. 1. What percentage of quota did you finish @ for December 2011? 2. What percentage of quota did you finish @ for the 4th quarter...

Sales Commission Comp Package

Art Post (Guest) ·
Please take the time to answer these few questions related to your comp plan. This is good to see how we are being compensated.

Copier Options & Accessories Survey

Art Post ·
I'm trying to get some input on accessories that are available for copiers. Most of the items below are not sold by our manufacturers (Ricoh, Xerox, Sharp, Kyocera, Toshiba, Canon, Lexmark, Samsung, Konica Minolta)

HP to Disrupt A3 Copier Channel? Survey

Art Post ·
HP is making a claim that with HP PageWide Technology and Samsung MFP technology that they will disrupt the A3 Copier Channel. We'd like to know what you think!

Linkedin Survey: Have You Been Vetted?

Art Post ·
Look back at the last 90 days of sales. Check your LinkedIn profile, we want to know how many of those DM's vetted you before you received the order. How many times you've been vetted with a recent sale

Linkedin Survey for Sales & Leads

Art Post ·
Would like to survey all to see if how LinkedIn is working for everyone. The below questions are: Appointments scheduled via Linked Qualified Leads Devices sold

Survey for "Cost Effective SaaSPrint Management"

Art Post ·
i s a highl y c ost effec t i v e pr i nt m a n age m e nt S aa S t ha t e n able s deale rs to ha v e diffe r e nt ia t ed c onv e rs a t i ons w i t h c ustom e rs add r e ss i n g t hei r pr i nt m a n age m e nt n eed s . C omm e r cial ov e rv ie w L ow up f ront c ost G e n e rous i n i t ial m a r gi n R ec urr i n g m a r gi n Y oy H u ge fea tur e s e t A bili ty to diffe r e nt ia t e vs ot he r deale rs s elli n g s a m e b un dle ( e . g . c op ie r + P a p e r C ut ) O v e r...

Which product do spend more time prospecting?

Art Post ·
Which product do spend more time prospecting?

Quarter 2 Quota Survey for 2022

Art Post ·
How did you do for second quarter of 2022? Did you hit or exceed your revenue budget this month? Yay, I got it, not by much but got it done, how about you?

Questions on Segment 5 & 6 Copiers

Art Post ·
Hoping you can help me out with these question. The responses will be open and you can input your answers, comments. Questions are for sales people and dealer principals that sell Segment 5 and Segment 6 copiers )70-90 ppm MFPs). This is an anonymous survey

Dealer Trucking Survey

Art Post ·
Does your dealership out source copier deliveries with a third party delivery service or does your dealership have their own trucks