Tagged With "Japan's Toshiba Secures"
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
We do almost the exact same thing... anything but Canon, Toshiba, & Xerox. If I could get Reps to bring in 4 figure maintenance agreements, life would be spectacular!
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
We were staying away from Toshiba for a long time until we had a friend who could sell us parts, supplies, and give us manuals etc. those 4 figure contracts certainly do help. Seems few and far between but I'll take them when I can get them.
Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?
I pretty much never see anyone proposing Toshiba color equipment, so I haven't seen this. There are a few Kyocera dealers I've seen proposing their tiered color billing capabilities. What shocks me is that no Ricoh dealers have started marketing this. The Cxx02 series & Cxx03 series have the ability to report multiple tiers of color coverage for billing purposes, but in a market with 7 dealers + RBS selling RFG products I have yet to see a single dealer pushing it.
Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?
Very interesting. Has anyone else seen Toshiba MFPs selling with tiered CPCs? Art, how were these deals structured? I'm seeing more and more of this from Kyocera (and less and less from Xerox ColorQube), but I'm interested to see how billing evolves once metering/billing and accounting technology catches up. Thanks, Jake
Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?
Hi, we sell Toshiba in the UK. The current colour range can run with a two tiered counter already. We used to sell the Kyocera range with this feature it seemed to be good and won us business, but lost us money in service. When colour costs are dropping to 4p, the percentage of toner from the 4p is getting less. So to breaking this down into 3 tiers could seem marginal. But let say you could offer 1.5p for 2% coverage then 2.5p for 2-5% coverage and then 4p for above, you have now lost out...
Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?
In Canada, no such plan exits nor am I even aware the capability exists within Toshiba copiers. In my market, multi-tier pricing for color does not comes up in competitive pricing. For a 25 cpm, pricing seems to be holding steady at $0.010 Black and $0.070 color for single units. I have seen less and sometimes we move the cpc around a bit. For example, when we set up a copier we build the initial toner costs into our equipment costs. That gives us 32,000 colour pages to play with.
Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"
Seems my Blog about the million page test was not that well received with Samsung. They complained to ENX Magazine who then pulled the blog off their site. Whatever happened to FREE Press? They were not happy that I pointed out that they used "x" amount of tree's for a 1980's type test! Since Samsung spends money with ENX, ENX pulled the blogs and is not posting any of my latest stuff. You know what, as far as I'm concerned we here this finance stuff about Sharp, Toshiba and none of the...
Re: Question about Toshiba MFP's
Less than 5% of my Toshiba clients are not under a Maintenance Service contract. Toshiba sells lots of kits designed for trained service techs to install but not typical end users. Even those customers who prefer not to be invoiced for monthly meter reads we try to automatically collect the meter reads via email or fax and usually but them on copy blocks.
Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days
More than a few copier/ printers are manufactured in Thailand and the Philippines due to low labor costs. I do not know but I think these products tend to be more low end A4 and printer products. I think most A3 product is made in China. I can only speak for Toshiba but I know the majority of North American toner is made in North Dakota. As I am from Canada, I am hoping with fingers crossed that this very likely US tariff war with China will not effect us.
Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories
same here, I guess they will start their nonsense once USA stocks have been depleted. I just heard of a Toshiba dealer that won school business based on .0018 for black and .02 for color. hahaha!
Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories
I'll never for the life of me understand why someone would take that business.
Re: GR firm wins Muskegon school district's copier bid
I understand that these dealers are part of the RFG, but they are also dual line dealers. Advanced Imaging recently taking on Canon and Adams Remco using Toshiba, especially for bid situations. Not as familiar with Applied Imaging, but I believe they are Canon also.
Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh
[LIST] How much marketshare could KM lose? How does KM counterstrike? Is Sharp, Kyocera or Toshiba now willing to get out of the business Geez, KM may be right back to where they were 5 years ago!
Re: Scan in One City, Print in Another
CopyFax Jax. I think the ouput will look like an email with Headers, etc. txeagle24. All copiers are on the same WAN. I am quoting a Toshiba but I will test your suggestion. Thanks.
Re: #2 Riso Poll
Seems viable, it would be an answer to the Edgeline and HP probably could do well with it. You definatley need a superior sales force to sell this unit in the DM market place. Toshiba????
On all current Toshiba copiers with HDD, 128 Bit AES Encryption is offered standard but it has to be turned on by a Service Code. The cost is that it somewhat slows down the copier's performance. In my experience, 128 Bit is rarely turned on when I inform the customer of the trade off. Maybe I should just turn it on in the future and not tell the customer. The optional DataOverwrite kit is very rarely purchased by small Commerical customers but often by Gov't & Schools.
Toshiba does offer a HDD DeCommissioning program. Basically it costs the end user $300.00 and some paperwork and we put the old HDD in the customers hands.
I think that many used copiers available for resale still have the original dealer sticker on them. This would be the first step a lawyer would take to attach liability. It seems odd that either 3/4 or 4/4 of the copiers that the CBS reporter picked were Toshiba. Balanced reporting would suggest he should have bought a mix of machines. It also seems very long odds that 3/4 copiers the data expert examined had large amounts of personal data on them. The report seems a little contrived to me.
Re: Why in 2010 have we still not seen Solid State Drives (SSD) in copiers?
Toshiba announced today that they will go into volume production of 128 GB NAND flash memory around Dec 2010. Although primarily designed for things like smartphones and iPads, ths could be the future of copier storage devices.
Re: Why in 2010 have we still not seen Solid State Drives (SSD) in copiers?
Besides selling copiers, I sell Toshiba telephone systems. Toshiba has been using SSD in our voicemail systems for several years now. I would say they are 99.9% reliable.
Toshiba releases new Hard Drives that eliminate the need for Data Overwrite. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2...10/toshiba_sed_wipe/
Re: Marketshare
Ricoh and Canon both say they are number 1 in the US and they are both right depending on how you are counting. Canon includes its desktop MFPs that sell in retail and Ricoh includes all MFPs priced above $1,000. Both include products that sell through any channel, but Canon has far more retail products that skew sales share in its favor. By Ricoh's math, it is number 1 with a 23.1 US share, followed by Canon. Ricoh also stated that it had the #1 color mfp share in 2009 (7 straight years)...
Re: Industrial Label Printers
Both Zebra and Toshiba are significant players in this market. After more research, these products are widely available from PC distribution so margins will not be as high as I hoped. For the sake of a one day technical training course, you can be in this business.
Re: Toshiba Introduces the e-STUDIO™1355 Series for High-Volume Environments Requiring Su
Sure wish Ricoh would take care it's current dealers before giving our products to the competition. Will Ricoh be purchasing Toshiba soon?
Re: The Effect Currency Evaluations have on the MFP industry
Toshiba recently revealed that it actually profited from the strengthening of the yen that took place during the first half of its fiscal year through September. The company has apparently moved much of its manufacturing and product sourcing outside of Japan since 2009, resulting in the yen's rise positively impacting its earnings. Toshiba made 48 percent of its products in Japan between April to September 2009 and bought 45 percent of its components from Japan-based suppliers. By the same...
Re: The reason why Ricoh Bought Ikon
Geesh, so where does that leave the likes of KonicaMinolta, Toshiba, Kyocera and Sharp?
Re: The reason why Ricoh Bought Ikon
Art stated: "Geesh, so where does that leave the likes of KonicaMinolta, Toshiba, Kyocera and Sharp?" This specific Ricoh Press Release is a direct response to Konica Minolta acquiring All Covered, Inc. If you read carefully, there is no real newsworthy 'event' or 'announcement' in the Press Release, which is a statement in itself. The Press Release announces an 'intent' rather than an 'action' that has been taken. Sources tell me that this 'dog-and-pony' show was dressed up at an event held...
Re: Drum Yields
A short discussion about copier vs printer yields. The document is a bit old but the main points are still valid.
Re: How will the earth quake in Japan affect...
Toshiba HQ Bldg. in Tokyo is designed to resist earthquakes. Employees actually felt sea sick on the upper floors as the building gently swayed back and forth absorbing the shock waves. The elevators stopped woring. All Toshiba employees are OK and the earthquake had no significant effect on MFP production. MFP production is mainly in China. Toshiba has closed all non essential facilities to comply with Govt request. In Tokyo, there are now rolling black outs and interruptions to train...
Re: How will the earth quake in Japan affect...
Toshiba manages 17 of 55 nuclear reactors in Japan including at least two of the reactors at the stricken Fukushima plant. The reactors are all made by GE Version 1, which is an old design. Toshiba's share price has declined 26% in the last two days but recently rebounded 5%. Many Japanese workers are being asked to work from home to save electricity and transport. Commuter traffic in Tokyo is way down as low level of radiation in the city keep residents off the streets. Foreign Bankers are...
I agree with almost all of everyone's statements. The truth is its just going to get harder for each of the second tier guys to grow and succeed and considering that Sharp, Kyocera, and Toshiba all have plenty of options outside of printing it would not be shocking to hear if some of them left or sold-out in the next five years. However, the feeling I get is that each of them still has some fight left and although they all face some headwinds none are actively working on their exit strategy.
It will be a challenging time for Sharp, I agree, Ed was a very good leader and actually had a good grasp on technonolgy, he always knew the strengths and capabilities of the products and solutions. Regarding the new User Interface, dont be deluded by comments that it is going to a difficult learning curve, the display may look complex at first glance, but it is the most flexible system on the market. You can make it real simple for the end user and there are features that will blow you...
GMAN Never thought of that with either Ed or Pietrunti, either one may play well for Ricoh. More importantly I think the industry as a whole is struggling to find and identify new ways to make profit with the slow demise of the printed and copied page. Quietly Ricoh has launched a new start up and site for it's eWriter solution. It's an imprtant step for at least one of he manufacturers to identify the loss of clicks, thus the eWriter solution model is based on SAS (Software as a Service).
Now that we are hearing Mike Pietrunti will remain in our Industry and soon be announced at another manufacturer, the question is which one? As you hinted Art, Mike may have realized that "Toshiba, Sharp and Kyocera may get out of the industry all together" and he needed to move on to move up. Since SHARP will continue to be a periphery player in the Industry and Toshiba is managing their MFP business into it's decline, I put my money on Pietrunti surfacing at Ricoh, as the new VP of DEaler ...
Re: Taurus launch ( 651 / 751)
The link was pulled, it's a never ending battle that the information posted here helps everyone sell more equipment, whether you're with ricoh, sharp, xerox, canon, toshiba. We're all one band of brothers trying to make a living with selling solutions and equipment. Product knowledge lets us get ou point across.
That was a Toshiba. It was funny to hear this local dealer to say how National companies don't take care of their customers. Did you catch that?
I do not think that was a current customer of ProCopy. So I don't think it was something that they sold. It definitely was not a Canon, Ricoh, Konica Minolta, Xerox or HP. It could have been a Kyocera but I really think it was a Toshiba. Look at the copier as it is being hoisted into the air. It starts to spin and you can see the front. I think the blocked this on purpose so you could not see the make. But the box gives it away. I just replaced a Toshiba with a similar appearing shell.
Re: Billing For Banner Length Prints
Thanks Jason, This is a big help. For everyone's enlightenment: Konica Minolta - 11x17=2clicks, 11x18 to 11x27" = 3 clicks, 11x27 to 11x36" = 4 clicks, and 11x36 to 11x47" = 5 clicks. Toshiba - 11x17 = 2 clicks, 11x17.52 - 11x31.49 = 4 clicks, 11x31.3 - 11x47.24 = 6 clicks Best regards, Jake
Re: Everyone is always looking to bash who's on top!
Art - Your story and thoughts are both enlightening. While Ricoh should remain a dominant force in our Industry, they have many challenges as an organization. It comes down to leadership and culture, which are essential, even if you have a great product. Kyocera, SHARP, and Toshiba share a certain destiny when it comes to MFP products. They are managing the decline of their MFP business, which means they may soon wind up in the 'Other Vendors' category on future Market Share reports. I hope...
Re: Got A Situation! What would ou do?
You should be able to go to a broker and get another 50ppm Toshiba for dirt cheep. I'd swap the machine out or fix the existing one. No way would I roll the lease on the customer. Just be honest with the customer and do the right thing by them. One call to a competitor for a quote and you are toast. Make it a positive in the customer's mind. The customer will respect you more in the long run if youdo the right thing. Roll the lease and risk losing the customer forever.
Re: Got A Situation! What would ou do?
First what was the terms of the first lease? What was the payment? How many months left? When you leased the used Toshiba did you check new or used on the lease? Fisher is right take care of the customer and they will take care of you. Yo need to build that trust and respect back up because right now the customer thinks he got a lemon and you do not care. If he believes that you need to act fast otherwise he will shop you and that will be the end of that customer. Honesty is always the best...
Re: Got A Situation! What would ou do?
I'm working hard to fix this situation. They do not want another Toshiba and for my second option Samsung just shot me down. They wont sell me the new A3 Black and White. I've been selling their stuff for 6 years and this is the thanks I get. Say I'm to small. Any input on the Sharp MX-M453 or eed a suggestion on a 45 ppm print black and white volume about 8k a month need ledger Sorry. Once I get outside my norm everything becomes a blur Appreciate all your expertise
Re: Got A Situation! What would ou do?
I am a small independent been in business over 12 years. Main line is Toshiba with a secondary being Samsung. Both of ehich are not a option for this customer I can get Pretty much anything through association but I don't won't to do wrong to the customer I am looking for a good machine that will work well for them I am a service tech so usually working on different products is not a issue
Re: Canon shaking up the great white north
Toshiba Business Systems, Toshiba Toronto Direct, last Fall was awarded the Thames Valley District School Board for 1,200 copiers. This is believed to be the largest deal awarded in Canada last year. It was a steal from Ricoh and believed to increase Toshiba's Canadian copier market share to approx 15%.
Re: Canon shaking up the great white north
Art all the manufacturers are in Toronto Kyocera Mita Konica Minolta Toshiba Sharp Ricoh Xerox Canon Pitney Bowes (Sharp the sequel) I Don't know if there is A Muratec or Copy Star direct The funny part is Pitney and Ricoh HQ's share a parking lot. This was a Huge sting to Ricoh, they were the incumbent and for a very long time now.
Re: Toshiba 6550C Help!
Art, What kind of customer \ environment are you selling into? Toshiba has a pretty small market share, I will use that to introduce FUD. Vince