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Tagged With "Dealer Sales Reps Owners"


Banner Ad for one of our Advertisers

Art Post ·
Please I need your help.  We lost our main contact at Contex and I need to go through another for renewal of the banner ads for the site.  I have a few questions.

Linkedin Survey: Have You Been Vetted?

Art Post ·
Look back at the last 90 days of sales. Check your LinkedIn profile, we want to know how many of those DM's vetted you before you received the order. How many times you've been vetted with a recent sale

What is the Hardest Part of Your Job When it Comes to Selling?

Art Post ·
Thought I would poll our peeps to find out what's the toughest with sales today

At your dealership do sales reps produce their own proposals or does

Deanw ·
Please take the time to answer these two surveys

1 Rate aka Flat Rate

Art Post ·
It's been more than a year since the 1Rate aka flat rate program from Konica Minolta. There's also been some dealers that have launched their own programs. Thus we and other P4P members would be interested in knowing how many time you're up against the 1Rate or Flate Rate program.

Is your margin on a software sale different for an on-premise vs. cloud-based version?

gap ·
Looking for feedback on if your dealership builds in different margins for software types.

Survey for "Cost Effective SaaSPrint Management"

Art Post ·
i s a highl y c ost effec t i v e pr i nt m a n age m e nt S aa S t ha t e n able s deale rs to ha v e diffe r e nt ia t ed c onv e rs a t i ons w i t h c ustom e rs add r e ss i n g t hei r pr i nt m a n age m e nt n eed s . C omm e r cial ov e rv ie w L ow up f ront c ost G e n e rous i n i t ial m a r gi n R ec urr i n g m a r gi n Y oy H u ge fea tur e s e t A bili ty to diffe r e nt ia t e vs ot he r deale rs s elli n g s a m e b un dle ( e . g . c op ie r + P a p e r C ut ) O v e r...

2022 Year End Sale Survey

Art Post ·
How did you finish the year. Did you met or exceed? We'd like to know! Hoping we all put up some great numbers. BTW it's anonymous

AI Survey for Dealers

Art Post ·
Wanted to see who is using AI in some sort of their sales selling. I know I am but would like to now who else. Hoping we can share what we are using it for to help us in sales

Dealer Trucking Survey

Art Post ·
Does your dealership out source copier deliveries with a third party delivery service or does your dealership have their own trucks