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Tagged With "Toshiba Memory"


Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

txeagle24 ·
I pretty much never see anyone proposing Toshiba color equipment, so I haven't seen this. There are a few Kyocera dealers I've seen proposing their tiered color billing capabilities. What shocks me is that no Ricoh dealers have started marketing this. The Cxx02 series & Cxx03 series have the ability to report multiple tiers of color coverage for billing purposes, but in a market with 7 dealers + RBS selling RFG products I have yet to see a single dealer pushing it.

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

Jason H ·
Ricoh hasn't even made us aware that those systems can do that.... I don't ever hear of anyone talking about the tiered rate. I wonder if, for once, everyone is on the same page and wants to keep it at a full page of color cost regardless. I hope it stays that way.

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

txeagle24 ·
Our Ricoh SSS told us about it. I'd love to be the first one to push it & make everyone else react. Plus, it would improve profitability if we could charge a higher rate for higher page coverage.

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

GIntel ·
Very interesting. Has anyone else seen Toshiba MFPs selling with tiered CPCs? Art, how were these deals structured? I'm seeing more and more of this from Kyocera (and less and less from Xerox ColorQube), but I'm interested to see how billing evolves once metering/billing and accounting technology catches up. Thanks, Jake

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

Calums ·
Hi, we sell Toshiba in the UK. The current colour range can run with a two tiered counter already. We used to sell the Kyocera range with this feature it seemed to be good and won us business, but lost us money in service. When colour costs are dropping to 4p, the percentage of toner from the 4p is getting less. So to breaking this down into 3 tiers could seem marginal. But let say you could offer 1.5p for 2% coverage then 2.5p for 2-5% coverage and then 4p for above, you have now lost out...

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

Art Post ·
Jake Not sure, I got this from one of our branches. I will try to get additional detailed info on Thursday of this week, hopefully a quote also.

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

GIntel ·
Thanks Art. Very interesting. - Jake

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

SalesServiceGuy ·
In Canada, no such plan exits nor am I even aware the capability exists within Toshiba copiers. In my market, multi-tier pricing for color does not comes up in competitive pricing. For a 25 cpm, pricing seems to be holding steady at $0.010 Black and $0.070 color for single units. I have seen less and sometimes we move the cpc around a bit. For example, when we set up a copier we build the initial toner costs into our equipment costs. That gives us 32,000 colour pages to play with.

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

Art Post ·
SSG How have you been? Thanx for the response, I had heard of this tiered cpc for color happening in another state and just wanted to confirm.

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

SalesServiceGuy ·
1). The new e4508LP uses the heat of the fuser to decolorize the blue toner to clear. The seperate RD30 erasing device is still available and presents a few advantages. 2). The MSRP does not include the seperate RD30 erasing device nor is it needed. 3). Not yet available. 4). Not yet available but probably. 5). Not yet available. 6). Regular 20 lb bond paper works fine. 28 lb bond paper will produce a better erase. 7). 45 cpm is the speed of black only. 35 cpm is the speed of the erase...

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

Art Post ·
thank you!! So, I guess the erasing will count as a click. Thoughts?

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

SalesServiceGuy ·
I do not know yet. The product is not yet released in my area until mid August.

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

SalesServiceGuy ·
There is an all inclusive cpc charge for the Erasable Blue toner. The cost per copy analysis suggests that if on a 60 month lease you do not expect the the customer to erase more than 210,000 pages (3,500 pages per month) you can forget the parts cost and charge the same cpc as for Black at around $0.010 per page with a decent profit. There is no charge other than the users effort to recycle pages printed with erasable blue. If a sheet of paper costs $0.010 and Erasable Blue costs $0.010 you...

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

Art Post ·
SSG, ty for this. In order to erase the blue toner, does the device count a click for that?

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

SalesServiceGuy ·
There is no charge to erase pages. A 3rd paper drawer would probably be useful. Letter/ Legal/ Erasable. The number of erased pages are recorded and displayed in the useful Paper Re-use Report which describes sheets of paper saved, CO2 saved and money saved. The Eco-MFP can erase pages at 17.5 sheets per minute.

Re: Question about Toshiba MFP's

SalesServiceGuy ·
Less than 5% of my Toshiba clients are not under a Maintenance Service contract. Toshiba sells lots of kits designed for trained service techs to install but not typical end users. Even those customers who prefer not to be invoiced for monthly meter reads we try to automatically collect the meter reads via email or fax and usually but them on copy blocks.

Re: Question about Toshiba MFP's

Art Post ·
Ty, SSG!

Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints

SalesServiceGuy ·
Imagine a CMYK copier, except remove the CMY toner and developer and insert a new Erasable Blue (EB) toner and developer. Modify the copier so that when the Erasable blue toner passes back through the heat of the fuser, it de-colorizes the blue to white. A new rules based print driver can automatically makes software apps like emails auto print in blue plus provide a new counter to show how much paper, CO2 and money you saved. The previous generation product appealed to too small a section...

Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints

SalesServiceGuy ·
A good YouTube video showing the erasable copier in action.

Re: Toshiba Introduces Powerful Desktop Multifunction Printer Trio

Art Post ·
Anyone have info on these new models?

Re: Leads, Do you get them?

Art Post ·
is everyone already on vacation?

Re: Leads, Do you get them?

exit148 ·
I don't work for a dealer but I am convinced that unless the deals are in a real remote area, 98% of the leads are going to the direct ops.

Re: Toshiba Launches 23 Newly-Engineered Multifunction Printers

Art Post ·
I guess if you win just one award then you can state "Award Winning". Check it out a 300 page document feeder. Please correct me if I'm wrong, however you can't match Pantone colors without a color rip, right?

Re: Toshiba Ships Newly Designed and Engineered Multifunction Printers

Art Post ·
Looks like a really sweet looking unit, however is this really the spec for the paper support through the paper trays? 12" x 18" 140 lb index automatic duplexing from the drawers I like the 300 page document feeder also. I don't see an option for a fiery, is there one available?

Re: Lawsuit fines Toshiba and other tech companies for price-fixing conspiracy

Art Post ·
from the same company that brought us the submarine technology scandal back in 1987

Re: Toshiba in Talks to Sell PC Unit to Taiwan's Asus

Art Post ·
yesterday it was this headline: Toshiba on Wednesday announced plans to sell 95% stake in its TV business unit to Hisense Electric for approximately $114 million. Today it's the PC business, tomorrow?

Re: Toshiba plans to sell US nuclear division Westinghouse and raise £4bn

Art Post ·
I guess the fire sale is under way @fullspeed

Re: Toshiba slashing stake in Shibaura Mechatronics

Art Post ·
The fire sale continues

Re: Detroit Tigers Select Toshiba Official Copier Provider     

Art Post ·
Put a Tiger in Your Copier! oops, that was EXXON or was it ESSO

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

Art Post ·
I've got the yield of the blue toner @21,500 pages. Can anyone supply me with the cost of the blue toner. This is erasable blue toner.

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

Art Post ·
Ok, I was told today that there is no MSRP for the toner, however I was able to get dealer cost and confirmation that the stated yield is 21,500 pages. I'm going to double the price for the MSRP, thus the cost would or should be in the area of $187 per cartridge. Which means based on 5% coverage the cost per page for toner only is .00869 I also needed to do some research on paper cost. I'm going figure in 35.00 per case since the erasable system should be placed in colleges, universities,...

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

Art Post ·
Here's another question. When using the erasing mode does that count as a click?

Re: Toshiba inks deal to sell chip unit to Bain-Apple group for $18 billion

Art Post ·
And the soap opera continues with Western Digital seeking an injunction to stop the sale

Re: Toshiba sees annual loss of almost $1 billion after tax related to chip unit sale

Jason H ·
How many corks are needed to keep plugging the sinking ship......

Re: Toshiba Wins Best-in-Class Awards in Annual Dealer Survey

Art Post ·
See, I do post good stuff about Toshiba also

Re: Toshiba to pay 2 utilities $2 billion for nuclear reactors

Art Post ·
Will there be any cash left after Toshiba completes the chip sale?

Re: Western Digital won't seek management role in Toshiba chip business: sources

Art Post ·
Wow, this may almost come to an end by August 31st

Re: Toshiba Introduces Cloud Service Offering

Art Post ·
Seems neat, is anyone using this yet? With the recent hacking of cloud services, do you think IT people would want to have this in place, especially with banking, insurance, retail, DOD & PIV?

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Art Post ·
WTF? Now Xerox is offering "flat rate"? Toshiba charging per student? Would love to hear from others on this

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Art Post ·
Toshiba charged ABSS $8.34 per student per quarter, or more than $750,000 a year, while Xerox charges a flat rate for unlimited black-and-white copies of $49,953 per month for 59 months, or $599,436 a year.

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Art Post ·
First Ive heard of this and it's concerning that this is in a school district. wish I had more details. The school district is in North Carolina curious if there is an open records act there, would be great to see the t's & c's. @Jason H is this something you can get?

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Art Post ·
Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Art Post ·
somebody needs to get a copy of these documents so that we can understand more about this program. Any takers?

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

JustinLen ·
This will certainly have an effect on the dealers. I’d love to see what that actually entailed.

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Art Post ·
Yup would love to have a copy of that agreement

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Tom T ·
The last paragraph says it all as do most last paragraphs in news stories. Thanks Common Core! What a disaster.

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Art Post ·
@Tom T help me understand more about common core please

Re: Settlement of schools’ copier contract ‘spends to save’ with Xerox (flate rate program)

Tom T ·
It’s a federal change on how kids learn things like math. It’s largely unpopular and has basically made education worse.