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Tagged With "Ernst Young"


Re: One BIG Take Away from the Top 100 Summit

Czech ·
This is a tough business and finding young blood who are willing to gut it out is HARD. I've been in this industry for 5 years now and every year the thought of quitting enters my mind. The reasoning to stick around has to be more than just about money. For me, lasting 10 years in copier sales is the equivalent to getting my "black belt" in "the art of selling." I already have the confidence to feel like I can do anything -- real estate, start my own business, etc... I've gone through the...

Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?

Jason H ·
Yes that means I have a lot of time left as well but I wouldn't wish this guys work ethic on any sales manager. He is the laziest person I have probably ever managed. He is pretty much just wasting oxygen in my office. He is a straight commission employee and a pain in the a$$. We put him on straight commission and let him do what he wants in a very rural territory because we are 99.9999% sure he is going to sue us when he quits or is fired. He has a long history of lawsuits against...

Re: I'm Past My Prime Just Like Paper

Rick Backus ·
Workflow is about process and information of which paper is just an element. There are unlimited opportunities to automate process and the movement of information through a business. Even if paper disappeared tomorrow workflow would still exist. Fear not young Jedi.

Re: I'm Past My Prime Just Like Paper

Czech ·
Don't rub this into us young bucks yet!! We're still moving boxes every day. The margins may not be what they were, but this industry still pays me well and damn is it exciting.
Blog Post

3 Things Sales Reps Need to Do To Help Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Levine ·
To everyone in sales, you can perform much better and become more successful, if you just learn to master with consistency the basics. Vince Lombardi , the great Green Bay Packers coach, once said that football comes down to only two things: Blocking on offense and tackling on defense, and those are the basics his teams spent 80% of their time on in practice. Many analogies have been made between sales and sports. It’s often been said the one key fundamental principle in sports is to focus...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
Fifteen years ago I was not blogging about our industry. Most of what you'll see below is threads from P4P'ers asking and answering questions. The Print4Pay Hotel forums offers our members the opportunity to post questions, answers, news or maybe you want to blow off some steam. If you do here's a link to our forums. Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Ricoh Demonstrates Its Dedication 1/9/049:25 AM manufacturing, distribution, use and the recycling of its products. Sustainable...
Blog Post

3 Keys To Help Sales Professionals Unlock The Digital Business Door

Larry Levine ·
Technology and sales enablement tools are not only helping sales professional's gain momentum in their marketplace, they're also changing the way they sell their services. Selling successfully in a digitally driven, highly networked and socially empowered business world takes a new mindset and skill set. Inside many sales departments there's a tug-of-war happening, a generational change and shift in sales thinking. Tenured, well-seasoned sales reps are watching tech savvy young professionals...
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This Week in the Copier in Industry, Third Week of November 2003

Art Post ·
My sales month ended today, thus allowing time for our beloved bean counters the chance to close the month on the calendar end of month. don't mind and I'm kind of use to it. I figure that closing the month early gives me two end of the month chances to close some orders. Of course one is our actual close and the other is calendar end of month. December this year is a little frightening since Christmas falls on a Tuesday. Which means most will not be working on the 24th. Thus December only...
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Selling Copiers in the Eighties with Roland Tolan

Art Post ·
Roland and I found each other about 6 weeks ago on Linkedin. Seems Roland and I have a similar background with selling copiers. We both started in the eighties. While I was on the East Coast and Roland was on the West Coast. We've never met but hoping our paths will cross soon! How did you find your way into the copier industry? In 1985, I was 23 years old. l was ready to join the sheriffs department in Los Angeles CA., my mom begged me not to do it. A friend of mine was a salesman at small...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the Last Week in April of 2010

Art Post ·
Interesting about what a difference 10 years can make in an industry. Just this week Canon profits will drop 80%. Ten years ago they had posted a profit that had tripled. Ten years ago clients and sales people alike were all concerned about latent images left on copier hard drives. Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Industry Notes for 4/25/10 Neal · 4/26/107:24 AM which has resulted in the opening of offices in 15 metropolitan areas in the last year - Rosetta...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the Second Week of May 2015

Art Post ·
Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week! Sharp Earns Business Technology Association’s Art Post · 5/12/1510:36 PM manufacturers were also presented with 2015 Channel’s Choice awards. KYOCERA Document Solutions America received the award for its Outstanding Performance as a Secondary Product Line Provider. The company also received an award in the three-way tie in the Corporate Support performance category. Tom Walsh, vice president of the Western Division for Kyocera, accepted the...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One

Art Post ·
Over the years I've spent many days working from my home office. One thing I have going for me is that my office office is much bigger than my cube! Today was a little sobering since I'm not sure when I'll be back in the office, could it be two weeks, two months or the end of the summer? All uncharted territory for most of us in office equipment sales. Today was the first day of our marching orders to work from home. However, I did have to make a trip to the office to get a few addition...
Blog Post

Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
"Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser" Vince Lombardi Well... "Here is looking at you kid! I admit I have Bronco Nation running through my blood, albeit Boise State Orange. Was I happy the Broncos won, of course. Peyton Manning, whether winning or losing is a class act. Peyton Manning and Cam Newton two phenomenal athletes at polar opposite spectrums of their careers. By now who hasn't watched the video clip of Cam walking out on the media, I laughed to myself as I watched.
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Does Your Copier Dealership Offer A Bakers Dozen?

Art Post ·
It was the Eighties, we were in New Jersey, and I was leading the pack of six copier sales people.  We were all in our twenties, single and making oodels and oodles of cash selling plain paper copiers!  Station wagons, hatch backs, pickup trucks, copier guerney's, rolodex's, change for pay telephone calls, yellow page books, business street directory books, mucho phones, mucho demonstrations, delivering your own copiers, and training end users were the staple of the copier...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers “The Good Ole Days”

Art Post ·
  Selling Copiers “The Good Ole Days”   Pac Man, Space Invaders and Donkey Kong were cool, everyone was wearing Raybans, Nike Sneakers and Members Only jackets.   In 1982 I sold my first copier, I started in the...
Blog Post

Value of the P4P Hotel Forum

Jason H ·
As I sit here in my office this afternoon working away trying to close orders before everyone is gone for Thanksgiving I am reminded how thankful I am for the good things in life. Great family, Fantastic career, and great friends. I am also reminded...
Blog Post

A Funny Thing Happened while Phone Cold Calling Today

Art Post ·
What a day on the phones today, needed to pick it up a notch. I've got 16 or so opps that I need to move forward and most seem to be stalling out.   So, what do you do?  Simple, you make more phones and or stop ins.  Since, I'm back...
Blog Post

This History of the Fax Machine According to Art

Art Post ·
Go ahead, you can do it, no one will see you. It's ok to hug your fax, if you still have one.   Funny, just today, I was at an office and they told me about one of their principals that was still using a computer with a 3.5 floppy drive. He...
Blog Post

Twelve Days of Selling "Day 7"

Art Post ·
Who likes Mondays?  Back to the grind, had to update my CRM and then sync in the AM.    I had no appointments, thus the entire day was spent prospecting again.  Out of the six emails that I sent on Saturday, I was able to get...
Blog Post

Twelve Days of Selling "Day 2"

Art Post ·
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say On a bright Hawaiian Christmas day! I heard this today while traveling to the office. I love this song and every time I hear it, I'm reminded of Clark & Ellen Griswold, and Cousin Eddie! Yesterday, yes it was Sunday saw me take about 4 hours to plan Monday and to send at least 25 emails to prospects. Believe it or not I had two replies on Sunday! Neither one was a sale, but the email served as a seed planted and some...
Blog Post

Our Best Friends Name is Darby and He's a Dog!

Art Post ·
Darby........during the Christmas of 2003 my wife brought me a little furball with a wagging tail. This little furball with the wagging tail would grow to almost 200lbs, actually he weighed 198lbs today. Heis a mix ofa Rottweiler & Mastiff with brindle coloring. I was elated and never in my life did I have a dog this large or one that tested me for love, obedience and trust. He and I enjoyed many walks, many rub downs (oh how I loved to rub him down), it...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers "Bring Back the Eighties"

Art Post ·
Tonight I caught a award show on TV titled "Golden Gods Awards 2014".  On the screen was one of my favorite singers from the eighties.   OMG, it was Joan Jett! At 58 years old, Joan Marie Larkin was still rocking out. Just hearing the lyrics...
Blog Post

Smart Copier Sales Person or Not So Smart with Lost Deals

Art Post ·
I believe I wrote this about four years ago and at that time I never used a real CRM system. Believe me, I fought it tooth and nail, four years later, I can't operate without it.  If I had once wish for a CRM program it would be that I could have...
Blog Post

BTA East Grand Slam 2013 "My Top Six Likes"

Art Post ·
Baltimore was awesome! The BTA event had excellent attendance by Office Equipment Dealers plus all of the vendors that I spoke to were in agreement that they thought the show was well attended and the quality of contacts and meetings were top...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (3rd Week of January 2004)

Art Post ·
I checked around for a few events and couldn't find much from 2004. Wish Ricoh would have had a Super Bowl Contest this year, well maybe not since the Super Bowl will be in NY and out in the cold.  I guess I'm kinda hoping for the mother of...
Blog Post

57 Days of Selling "Day 56" Only Hours Left Till the End

Art Post ·
Desire, Dedication and Determination is what drives sales people to succeed. Those "3 D's of Selling" is a feeling that comes from within, it's the special drive that propels us to succeed day in and day out. You can't teach it, you can't sell it and you can't learn it. I developed that special feeling early in my life. I was adopted at the age of four. Thus, I knew at an early age that someone had given up on me. The question that kept rolling over and over was, "why, did someone give up on...
Blog Post

Why Having A Business Plan Is A Must For A Major Account Copier Rep

Larry Levine ·
These two quotes by Benjamin Franklin, one of the most influential founding fathers of the United States, have played such a pivotal role inside the sales world today. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” and "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." I encourage you to set aside some time and think about these two quotes as a major account copier rep. If you would like some help check out What Is You Purpose, Plan And Goal For 2017 What is your plan to grow your business...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Mike Stramaglio

Art Post ·
I think the first time I met Mike Stramaglio (CEO/President MWA Intelligence) was at some National Ricoh event when he was President of Hitachi Koki Imaging Systems. At the time, I was with Jack Carroll (former principal of Century Office Products), I did not have to chance to speak with Mike at that event but listened carefully as Mike and Jack traded off a few stories about the Minolta days. After Mike had left, I asked Jack, "who was that?". Jack then proceeded to give me the low down on...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of May 2007)

Art Post ·
Seems ten years ago this week, I attended Rico Agenda in Dallas. Don't remember much from that trip. Thus it will probably be a decent read to view that thread below. Yikes, I had a bad link in the section for the Ricoh Agenda, working to fix that now. Points of the meeting were acquisition of Global by Xerox, the merge of Lanier & Gestetner brands for a new National Network for Ricoh. Topic Xerox 7665 v Savin 6045 copyme · 5/5/071:18 PM Just had a good account get talked into a free one...
Blog Post

Cognitive Dissonance and the Paper Poverty Mindset

Czech ·
Have you ever considered as to why copier reps fall short of achieving their goals? In fact, it is estimated that 67% of sales professionals fail to hit individual quota. (Source: The TAS Group ) Cognitive Dissonance could be the answer as to why you are not achieving your copier sales goals. Cognitive Dissonance is the mental stress we cause ourselves by holding two conflicting beliefs simultaneously. Subconsciously, this causes us to act towards maintaining both beliefs, often resulting in...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of November 2007)

Art Post ·
Every now and then I like to include a few tidbits about sales for everyone. Ask yourself, "what makes you unique and different?" from the other reps in your geo area. S uccess comes home to S. Jersey Copier Dealer! 11/5/074:14 PM accounts with 400 of the state's 600 school districts. But in 2004, Stewart was acquired by Global Imaging Systems. This year, Xerox bought Global, which lost the right to sell Savin. KDI "could never get authorized [to sell Savin copiers] because of Stewart,"...
Blog Post

Why Did We Build a Cloud Product Before Everyone Else?

Dr. Stefan Weinberger (Guest) ·
Welcome to Part 1 of our new mini-series of blog posts, “Leading in the Cloud”. Over the course of five posts, we’ll track DocuWare’s journey from a traditional on-premises software company to a market-leading cloud services company, all while staying true to our customers, partners and product vision. The first installment covers the signals we saw in the marketplace that initiated our move to the cloud – even though no one else was doing it. We Were Doing Just Fine Without the Cloud By...
Blog Post

A Couple of True & Not So True Humerous Copier Incidents

Art Post ·
Copier Humor! Just a short blog I found this evening on the old blog site. Thought this would give every one a few chuckles! Funny copier stuff is a recent thread on the P4P Hotel Message Boards . Like to share a few with everyone. Young Executive A young executive was leaving the office at 6 pm when he found the CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in hand. “Listen,” said the CEO, “this is important, and my secretary has left. Can you make this thing work? “Certainly,”...
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Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Chuck Parr

Art Post ·
I had the opportunity to meet Chuck many years ago, thinking it was at one of the first Ricoh dealer events I attended back in the nineties. Chuck was one of the speakers and I was floored by his public speaking ability. Somewhere during those few days I made it a point to introduce myself to Chuck and thanked him for the awesome performance. How did you find your way into the copier industry? When I graduated from college in 1972 I and a lifelong childhood friend and I started a small...
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Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Carl Little

Art Post ·
I've never had the chance to meet Carl Little in person, however Carl has been a long time member of the Print4Pay Hotel. Over the years I've been able to glean valuable knowledge from Carl with his posts on our forums. At the end of the blog we'll have the LinkedIn profile for Carl if you'd like to reach out to him. You could also post a response here if you like. How did you find your way to the copier industry? After graduating college in 1974 from a small college in Kansas & playing...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of December 2014)

Art Post ·
It's late Friday night on the 20th. I have one more selling day left in the month, which is Monday. I think I've hit my annual budget, however as we all know to well those numbers can change. Thus Monday I'll be back at it trying get one or two additional orders to make it happen. I picked up a nice order this afternoon for one of the new Ricoh IM 600SRFs. Yes, they had an A3 device and I sold them an A4, it was the logical and right thing to do. See that @Ray Stasiezcko Read these awesome...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Second Week of September 2014)

Art Post ·
Sorry for be late with these. Up half the night, figured I would do an auto post in the AM. Enjoy these awesome threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Industry Notes from 09/13/09 Neal · 9/14/097:47 AM running jobs. Canon now shipping the imagePRESS CR Server A7000, which is a relabeled Creo print controller for its imagePRESS C7000VP system. RJ Young Company, a Canon copier dealer in Tennessee, bought Photocopy Supply Company, a dealer in Nashville that carries Savin and Panasonic...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Third Week of September 2009)

Art Post ·
If you have some extra time make sure you check out Brian's post from ten years ago. It was pretty awesome. Print4Pay Hotel Member "Biggest Deal of My Life!" Enjoy these awesome threads from 10 years ago this week! Canon U.S.A. Announces Availability of The COPYblue MEAP Kiosk Version 2.1 Solution 10/20/097:46 PM Providing storefront and hospitality businesses with an opportunity to generate additional revenue from copying, scanning and faxing, CanonU.S.A., Inc., a leader in advanced digital...
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Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Ed Mclaughlin

Art Post ·
If you're reading this blog series for the first time you'll notice one of these icons . Clicking that icon will take you the collection of blogs that we've posted with our amazing industry veterans who were selling copiers in the seventies. I believe its important that we not only post these blogs but to also have them archived for our industry. Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Ed Mclaughlin Ed Mclaughlin is Executive Advisor with NEXERA, A BEI Services Company. In addition Ed was also...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of December 2014)

Art Post ·
For quite a few years I've been blogging about what it's like going into the last few months of the year for sales. I blog I'm fond of id "12 Days of Selling", which is based on the last twelve selling days of the year. It's daily account of who I met, how I prospected and how I was able to write the business that I needed. If you have the chance you can check them out here "12 Days of Selling". It's great content for newbies, and veterans. Look at these fantastic threads from 5 years ago...
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Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2020

Art Post ·
So was 2019 a good year or a not so good year for the imaging industry? If I'm thinking about my personal results then 2019 was awesome and one of the best ever. I think 2020 will prove to be one of the biggest years yet for change in our industry. Change is good, right? I'm sure there will be at least two or three bombshells with one of them happening in late January 2020 and then another in late March to early April 2020. None of my predictions came true in 2019 and that's because I didn't...
Blog Post

3 Things All Sales Reps Must Get A Grip With When Selling In A Digital Business World

Larry Levine ·
Technology and automation are not only helping today’s sales reps gain momentum in their marketplace, they are also changing the way sales reps sell their services. Selling successfully in today’s digital world takes a new mindset and skill set. Inside a vast majority of sales departments there is a generational change happening. Many tenured, well-seasoned sales reps are now watching tech savvy young sales reps gunning for them as they take their business to the next level. Regardless of...
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The Ten Yen Trip

Art Post ·
I guess this could have been my first blog! Back in 2002 I wrote a journal while on a Ricoh sponsored trip to Japan. I found it today buried in the forums when I did some searching on threads from 2003. It does bring back awesome memories and I thought it might be a good read for all. Please enjoy and feel free to comment at the end in the reply section June 4, 2002 To Japan and Back: Tales of a “Sell the Solution” Winner “Sell the Solution,” a successful nationwide sales contest organized...
Blog Post

Attention Sales World: Somebody Is Marketing Your Company Who's Marketing You?

Larry Levine ·
Marketing is more than just advertising and selling products, solutions or services. Marketing addresses all aspects of growing a business's client base as well as attracting new clients to their business. Highly effective marketing is a necessity, a make or break for some businesses. It's really impossible for businesses to be successful without good marketing and sales techniques. This is what brings dollars through the business door. Marketing is more than simply letting people know about...
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A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to The Copier Demonstration

Art Post ·
This is a repost from our old blogspot site from back in 2010. Just thought it would be a good share for everyone. If you have some funny story to share, please feel free to add! A few months ago I was driving to South Jersey for an appointment, hence I started to think about all of the copier demo's I did in the old days and some of the funniest things that happened with either the demo and or an appointment. With that I thought, let me put this out to the Print4Pay Hotel Members and see...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Last Week in April 2003

Art Post ·
Yeah! Mets move to 11-1 on the young season! Whoohoo! So many threads below, so many members sharing information. One of the popular threads is about the document server. I still talk about the benefits of the document server to clients when proposing the Ricoh devices. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Topic BTA selects Kyoita (Kyocera Mita) 4/28/038:01 PM us. We appreciate it very much." While KMA received the top award — based on receiving the highest overall average ranking...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of August 2014)

Art Post ·
Pretty exciting day for P4P Hotel today. I received our video for promoting the P4P Hotel over social media. I'll be uploading on YouTube in the next couple of days and will then post on a blog. Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago this week! New bliQ Time Saving Tricks, Training Sessions, Equitrac Express, ECM Solution.. Art Post · 8/21/1411:02 PM important to you, we’ve got that covered too, with analysis on both printed and copied output. You’ll also find out the value each model...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Third Week of September 2014)

Art Post ·
Alright, I'm ready to start the first day of the last week of the month for me. Thus far it's been a struggle trying to get prospects to move forward with an order. I'll admit that Labor Day, the golf event and BTA has taken it's toll this month. Those four days are 20% of the month. Thus I plan to be up at 5AM tomorrow and hope to be at the office around 6AM. Hoping the extra hours can make up for some of the time I lost. Enjoy these awesome threads from ten years ago this week! Topic Color...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Third Week of September 2004)

Art Post ·
It's late Sunday, watching the Mets vs Dodgers and it's 2-2 in the top of the ninth with one out. Dodgers just got a double with one out. Hoping we can win this game. Mets need to win out to have a shot to make the last wild card spot. Enjoy these top threads from 15 years ago this week! Topic Muratec says "TALK TO ME" w/the 2830! 9/16/044:50 PM The new Muratec flagship features an interactive voice guidance system, single-pass duplex scanner, touchscreen control panel and affordable...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of September 2009)

Art Post ·
Labor Day Weekend is upon us. There's only a few things on my mind tonight, first is to get finished with the updates for the site. Secondly a little worried about my friends and colleagues in Florida. The last one is the end of the third quarter and the end of the month. Not this month but September. I'm like WTF, it's not even the first on the calendar month and I'm jonesing already. We close our month early, I've got a decent pipeline, but most of its 50/50 at best. In addition I've got a...