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Tagged With "PowerPoint"


Re: Is Anyone using Ricoh slides or Value Prop for their presentations

Art Post ·
I'm really not using them in SMB appointments. Can anyone help AJ out??

Re: Is Anyone using Ricoh slides or Value Prop for their presentations

fisher ·
People buy from people......not power point slides. Ricoh loooooooves power point though. I love when their reps come out and go over the same set of power points that have been up on infoCenter for 2 months.

Is Anyone using Ricoh slides or Value Prop for their presentations

AJ ·
Is anyone using a Ricoh OEM based presentations for their sales calls? A while ago Ricoh came out with a corporate value proposition that talked about Challenges and Business Outcomes. It had information about the company but didn't start with it. If so, let me know your thoughts and feel free to share samples. All samples shared privately will be kept in the strictest of confidence. Questions I am trying to figure out: Does that presentation format make sense? How are people changing it to...

Toshiba offers dealers sales videos "storyteller"

Art Post ·
Toshiba offers its dealers sales videos Launched its StoryTeller presentation platform for its dealers Web-based platform for dealers to build sales presentations for their customers An online asset library with fully produced videos, animations, slide templates and other resources created by Toshiba’s marketing department Dealers can drop assets into a timeline, similar to adding and rearranging slides in PowerPoint Dealers can customize on-screen text and add in their dealership logos...