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Tagged With "Desktop shortcut to stored images on HDD"


Re: Aftermarket software the would eliminate NCR

Art Post (Guest) ·
Old Glory, more on the auto parts store please! How was this accomplished?

Re: Ricoh CW2200SP & CW1200 Brochure for jp

Kitz ·
Easier to read

Re: Sharp Announces New High Performance Workgroup Document Systems With Second Generatio

montecore ·
SSG that is good info....thanks for sharing but this is really not that hard. You can use google print to send a print job to workstation that is running google chrome and configured with the local printer. I have done this from my living room as a test to 3 different printers and walked into the showroom when I got to the office and went around a retrieved all the print jobs. This is a FREE solution once configured properly. I have not heard of Breezy before so will have to research that to...

Re: Sharp MX-4100N EOL Hard Drive Erase

mansart ·
Just remove HDD and replace with similar size drive. Sharp's system software is not on HDD. It is stored on EPROM's. When machine first boots with new HDD, machine will format and partition drive as needed.

Re: Aficio MP C305SPF

tkern ·
Has anyone been having board issues with the MPc305? Have two of them in the shop right now. Neither had the HDD option installed and both were scanning and printing. Would the HDD option have helped? Ricoh is slow to get a solution. Both units were at different customers.

Re: Aficio MP C305SPF

Art Post (Guest) ·
We noticed slow scanning and printing without the HDD also, dont know if we have had board problems with any though

Re: Transform 2013 updates

AC68 ·
Art, the info on HDD security or lack thereof is common knowledge in I.T. land. In the overwhelming majority of cases it requires direct PHYSICAL access to the drive. Notable exceptions would be: a) bad code (bugs) allowing remote access b) getting pre-loved kit off ebay or equivalent or returned as pickups when upgraded either way if you really wanted to be secure you can make your environment prohibitive to potential data thieves. Most companies i suggest don't put stock into the data they...

Re: MP 301 Mobile Printing Solution

txeagle24 ·
It's in both the Apple App Store Apple App Store & Google Play Google Play . For iOS, it will print all types of Office files as well as images. On Android, it only prints images, web pages opened in the application or text saved to the clipboard.

Re: Minolta (Monica) BETRL gives em 5 *'s

Art Post (Guest) ·
Minolta Co., Ltd. President Yoshikatsu Ota announced that the DiALTA Color series CF3102 and CF2002 copier-printer-scanners each received the "Editor's Choice Award" in the color copier category from Better Buys for Business and the "Five Star Exceptional Rating" from BERTL (Business Equipment Research & Test Laboratories). We are very proud that the CF3102 and CF2002 received the "Editor's Choice Award," matching the success of their predecessor, the CF2001, and the "Five Star...

Re: Lanier Launches SNAP

Old Glory ·
This may be different from something Ricoh is launching this month called gWare but it may be the same. It is embedded in the unit and sends User Code data to a central server. I know about it because of a 54 unit bid that was helped by this information. However, some things that was important for me to know and may be true with Lanier also: 1.) Must be GW Architecture machine...know 1018's or 1055's. 2.) 1022/1027 must have the HDD added. 3.) There cannot be anyother embedded software like...

Re: 1060 v Minolta Di551/Konica 7155 need help!

Lee ·
We are a Konica and Ricoh dealer and I am familiar with both products (moreso the Ricoh). They are both good machines, but the 1060 software is far better in most respects: Scanning Konica scans to the hard drive on the controller and then you retrieve it from the "box" with a piece of software called ScanTrip, 25.00 per seat. You have to know which box to pull the scan from. It's what I would call pull scanning. ScanTrip can be set to poll the machine periodicaly to see if there is anything...

Re: Cool New Feature on 2035-45

Old Glory ·
Quoted from the European Brochure: " Paper and Server-less Faxing The Aficio 2035/2045 greatly simplify your fax communications. Without an additional server, you can store incoming faxes in the systems memory and check the data on your PC before deciding to print, download or delete documents. All this can be done in a very straightforward way via the bundled Web Image Monitor and DeskTopBinder Lite software."

Re: Q & A for Minolta Di3510f

Art Post (Guest) ·
Question What types of scanning are available with the SU-3 Internet Fax/Network Scan Kit on the Di3510-2010 series? Answer Scan-to-E-mail, FTP, URL and Hard Disk Drive (HDD) plus IP Scanner and Internet Faxing.

Re: Q & A for Minolta Di3510f

Art Post (Guest) ·
Question Will the HDD support forms storage on the Di3510-2010 series? Answer No.

Re: Q & A for Minolta Di3510f

Art Post (Guest) ·
Question What types of scanning are provided by the SU-2 Network Fax Unit on the Di3510-2010 series? Answer Scan-to-E-mail, FTP, URL and Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

Re: Q & A for Minolta Di3510f

Art Post (Guest) ·
Question On the Di3510-2010 series, what functions does the HDD-6 Hard Disk Drive impact on the Di3510-2010 series? Answer The HDD-6 impacts printing, scanning and copy functions. From a printing perspective, the HDD spools print jobs, supports PostScript 3 Font Downloads as well as PDL file downloads with the PostScript Level + PCL Print Controller and is required when creating booklets with (SK-1 Saddle Kit) with the Pi3505e PostScript 3 + PCL Print Controller. From a scanning perspective,...

Re: Q & A for Minolta Di3510f

Art Post (Guest) ·
Question On the Di3510-2010 series, is the HDD-6 Hard Disk Drive necessary to perform Copy Reservation, the function that will allow me to scan up to 5 copy jobs? Answer In order to scan multiple copy jobs (up to 5) while the device is printing the copy jobs already scanned, the HDD-6 is absolutely required.

Re: 2090 Doc Server Application

Art Post (Guest) ·
Why not store this as one whole document. I understand that certain sections need to be updated, but ... The 2090 Document Server has the Editor capability. With this feature you can select ranges of pages to be deleted and then simply added by scanning in the new updated pages. Plus once you enter the settings for this entire job, they are kept, regardless of how you delete and add pages. But perhaps the greatest way to impact their productivity work flow would be to connect this system.

Re: 2090 Doc Server Application

wyzguynyuk ·
Hey Guys, Once again, thanks for all the help on this one. The bad news is that even though the system is connected and printing, my plan to store the tabbed sections individually and print the job as a whole to the doc server still did not work. I thought that I had worked around my problems by using DTB to combine the multiple sections and send them to the doc server as a single job and then apply print settings. However, DTB will not allow the user to print to the doc server. So, I'm back...

Re: How Can I Solve this Problem?

CopyFax Jax ·
Ok, I tested my theory and it does not automate the above scenario. The only thing that does work is to scan to folder and have a shortcut of the PS driver in the folder. This way, users could just select the PDFs they scanned, drag and drop to the PS icon, and collect the prints. Another thought, if the customer needs to scan mixed batches, I am assuming letter and legal, then why recommend an MFP that will not automatically separate the image sizes? Doesn't this lead to more time wasted...

Re: MP4500 Serverless fax dilema!

Jomama (Guest) ·
Even with only one line you can fwd to multiple email addresses. With a second or third modem you can configure them separately. However I dont know if you can configure a different set of forwarding points for each modem. I am thinking probably not as the service uses the same HDD.

Re: Weekend Notes from the copier industry!

Art Post (Guest) ·
WEEKEND MFP INDUSTRY NOTES 8-5-07 The following is a quick review of copier/MFP industry news from industry publications. - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for manufacturers to create a mandatory minimum selling price for their product. The case was decided regarding a store that sold women’s clothing, that ran afoul of the clothing manufacturer’s rules. Unknown if any copier manufacturers will adopt this policy. - A group in Australia at Queensland University, is claiming that...

Re: Sales Tips

Art Post (Guest) ·
Sales Pipeline: A sales pipeline is a very important concept in selling because it is the recognition of the origin and result of each sale. Each sale starts as a lead -- which is a phone number, a name, an email address, a referral or someone who walks into your store -- they are leads. From there, you qualify the lead, which means, you make sure this person is capable of becoming a customer -- either they have enough money or the right size outfit for your product. For instance, you might...

Re: c811dn storage of documents????

Jay ·
You can store prints by selecting "STORED PRINT" in the driver. The prints can be printed via the display on the printer or the WIM. You can change quantity but not finishing features.

Re: Need Input for Color Deal

Shaja ·
I also agree that this situation calls for much more than just hardware. There are data issues and workflow issues here. Hardware is the last part of this equation. In addition to Old Glory's questions, Have they discussed where their data is coming from, what format it's in and whether it's proprietary? How clean is the data? Do they have any other delivery needs for the output (for example, archiving pdfs of the invoices, searchable archiving, faxing, emailing)? How do they currently...

Re: Ricoh Rumor!! New Strategy?

Deanw ·
Does the Sammy 6345 have a feature like tihe Ricoh/Savin DOcument Server where you can store documents for walk up access? If I understand right the Sammys are relabeled as Muratec, do you guys see a benefit for being a Muratec dealer vs. Samsung dealer (maybe see less Muratec in Staples)?

Re: Gas Price Check

JasonR ·
Snopes says: Origins: The two most important basic facts about this misguided scheme for lowering gas prices are: • It was written several years ago, when the world oil market was considerably different than it is today. • It wasn't accurate even at the time it was written, containing many gross statistical errors and exhibiting a severely flawed grasp of oil industry economics. Although the message quoted above doesn't address where (outside of the Middle East) we import oil from, many...

Re: Just got backfron Ricoh Connected - East Region

Boston Mike ·

Re: How can I fax forward to email?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Step-by-Step procedure for the B089/B093/B147/B149/B135/B137 1.Pre-program the Address Book Management for E-mail Addresses in the Web Browser. Be sure that you can e-mail to that location. 2.In User Tools --> Facsimile Features --> Reception Settings --> Forwarding to ?ON?. 3.In User Tools --> Facsimile Features --> Key Operator Tools --> Forwarding to ?ON? & add ?Receiver? (This was pre-programmed into Address Book Management). 4.In User Tools --> Facsimile...

Re: Need A FW-870

bandit41076 ·
what price are you at on the 870? Could you upgrade them to a 240 stand alone - plain vanilla would be MSRP of 12,261 vs 870 MSRP of 12,995. Add the HDD type 240 and they can sort, bringing MSRP up to 12,766 on the 240.

Re: Scanning with 4045

v-tec ·
Create the folder right on the C drive, that’ll make it easier to path (I use “NewScans”). Gave it permissions for everyone and create a shortcut to the desktop. The path should be (\\computername\NewScans).

Re: The Connection

Steven Breault (Guest) ·
This is very true, and all too familiar. Closing the deal is all about building the value proposition. We fail to do that, and we experience the customers rejection! With so many companies exploring electronic paper management, competing with solutions rather than with price better positions us to seal the deal. Try presenting the combined value of the digital copier and the Virtual Copier electronic paper management application as an integrated software solution. In fact, try it yourself...

Re: off-site backup

Jomama (Guest) ·
I have an Amazon S3 account and use Jungle Disk to Back up. I back up all my music, pix and docs on a regular basis. Once you do a back up it only backs up the changes. I store probably in excess of 10G and it costs me 2-3$ a month.

Re: Political Speeches

John Roof ·
I received this email from whoever about an article from Jay Leno. We all agree that we have the right to disagree with someone else. Read on........ Jay Leno wrote this; it's the Jay Leno we don't often see.... > > " As most of you know I am not a President Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but > this is not about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it seems to hit the > mark 'The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll > data I found rather hard...

Re: Vision News 08 Orlando

Art Post (Guest) ·
[b]Just got this from my /b]!! On December 1st, Ricoh will be launching an exciting, brand new, segment 1 color MFP call the Aficio MP C2050/2550 (20 and 25 ppm for color and BW). Some product highlights of this A3 size system are: An internal finisher with optional 2/3 hole punch Standard duplexing at nearly 100% of mainframe speed. Scan to email (w/LDAP), scan to folder (SMB, FTP, NCP), Network TWAIN and Scan to Media (USB/SD Card) Full color VGA/touch panel monitor 1,200 dpi Super G3 fax...

Re: Winter 2009

John Roof ·
Out of 22,500 customers for our local power company, there are 4,800 left to hook up, and unfortunately, I am one of those 4,800. The biggest reason we aren't hooked up yet, is the alleys in the neighborhood are littered with trees and limbs. The tree crews have to get in and clear the trees before the power company can come in. We have neighbors with gas stoves, so we have a means to cook food, and I have a gas fireplace, which is what has been heating the house. About 2,000 generators have...

Re: Storage of competitor's equipment during lease

Old Glory ·
Now-a-days there is no such thing as buy-out to Return...only buy-out to keep with a very high residual. We have stored equipment but the leasing company can never know about it. Marlin Leasing for instance sends it immediately to their legal dept for litigation if they find out. Far and away, the best answer is to fund the payments into the new deal and write the customer a check and have them make the payments and store the equipment.

Re: Storage of competitor's equipment during lease

txeagle24 ·
We do these all the time and occasionally have issues w/ the leasing company finding out that the equipment is off-site. How do you convince the customer to store the equipment themselves?

Re: Storage of competitor's equipment during lease

copyme ·
Thanks very much, I think the consensus is that the customer must store the equipment themselves either on-site. Or off-site if no room in which case they are not going to want to pay for that, so that has to be factored in to the lease, maybe $50 a month for a storage unit, then it must be taken out at lease end, prepped for shippment back, then shipped. Not sure how often folks are going to want to trust a dealer to take care of all that - has anyone done that and if so how often?

Re: MFP Wars "The Final Five"

Art Post (Guest) ·
COECO signs dealership deal By John Henderson Rocky Mount Telegram Friday, March 27, 2009 One of the oldest office systems companies in the country that is based in Rocky Mount has entered into an agreement to become an authorized Canon dealer. Carolina Office Equipment Company, known as COECO, was formed in 1921 by Grover Robbins out of a small office supply store in Rocky Mount. It has grown into a diversified digital office equipment company with stores in Clinton, Fayetteville,...

Re: Where Do You see the Copier Industry in 5 years????

Art Post (Guest) ·
I see 5 players left, I also see inkjet or some form of ink technology being the primary technology to print on paper. Looking through the other crystal ball, I can see the emergence of color flat panel displays for viewing, editing and routing documents thru a wireless networks and internet access. You will be able to have documents signed and fill out information right from the screen, this product will weighh no more than two ounces, will be about 1/4 inch thick and the size of a letter...

Re: Ricoh Introduction of the MP W7140 and MP W5100

Art Post (Guest) ·
Digitising your drawings has many advantages. It saves legacy documents for the future. It streamlines your workflow and speeds up the job turnaround. Capture, store and distribute documents efficiently with the Aficio MP W5100/MP W7140 Brochure Overview In the 1980s, Ricoh was the first company to market a digital and plain-paper wide format device. Since then, they have developed an impressive range of wide format products. We are proud to offer you the MP W5100/MP W7140 as the latest...

Re: Smart Web Monitor

Graham ·
Individual documents can be password protected on scan, but I don't know if you can view them from the web interface once they have been password protected. Why would a health care organization be storing sensitive docs like that on the document server when it is intended to store more generic forms etc...? I would think that they would rather scan them to files. GT

Re: Smart Web Monitor

John ·
Graham, They don't want to store them on document server, they only want to place them there temporarily so that they can retrieve them back to a computer and store them to file or cd, then delete those files. That process would require no software install such as Scan Router does. I believe you can view them and retrieve them even if they are password protected as long as you have the password. The main question is "can the 2035 be set (defaulted)to require a password for each scan before...

Re: Form Overlay on 2022/2027 Printing

bnosbod ·
There is a software called PlanetPress which holds an image on the mfp hdd which the variable data is then placed on for priting. It is posctscript driven and works great for invoices, bulletins anything varable data driven...

Re: New Ricoh MP C2003 & C2503

fisher ·
Brochure attached.

Re: Air Print for Metis

Old Glory ·
Go to the APP Store and search for "Smart Device Print&Scan"

Re: Air Print for Metis

Lauren ·
In the app store just type in ricoh and it will come up.

Re: Does anyone know of a Color MFD that works WITHOUT a Hard Drive?

Kiwispike ·
Just trying to think outside the box a little bit. Have you tried talking to them about secure disk technology out there? in HP land we have very secure hard disks and even service levels that guarantee destruction of the HDD I know you said MFP, but how about a Mono A3 and a A3 colour printer?

Re: Cover Sheet

v-tec ·
You can scan an original cover sheet with the company logo, pictures and name. Store it, and use it as a default.