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Tagged With "Higher Education Congress"


Re: Time in business requirements

CashGap ·
JasonR, you are on a roll. We could then mix the "bad" leases in a little at a time with pools of "good" leases, buy insurance on them, and sell those. We'd try not to think about the fact that those would be further mixed with more "bad" and "good" leases... To make this REALLY roll though, we'd need Congress to step up. Follow the pattern of the 90s, and punish any leasing company that insists on only writing leases with customers who can repay. Block the merges of those leasing companies,...

Re: RBS Continues to Dump Machines & Make Dealers Look Bad!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Here's some more on this: The attempt to reduce or to eliminate predatory pricing is also likely to reduce or eliminate com petitive pricing beneficial to consumers. --Harold Demsetz Predatory pricing is one of the oldest big business conspiracy theories. It was popularized in the late 19th century by journalists such as Ida Tarbell, who in History of the Standard Oil Company excoriated John D. Rockefeller because Standard Oil's low prices had driven her brother's employer, the Pure Oil...

Re: Gas Price Check

JasonR ·
First, that was pretty insulting. Second, let me clear up my person beliefs on this subject. I believe that gas prices fall around the time of an election. That's it. As far as the why and how of it, I don't know and I provided that information in response to your question. I think some of the confusion you have is in finding a motive for a price drop. The motive is that higher prices mean more anger at the incumbent. The incumbents in the elections we are looking at are the Republicans...

Re: Gas Price Check

Old Glory ·
Big oil profits are 8%. Would you be willing to take less? They have record profits because of record sales but the doom and gloom media won't tell us that. The problem is Congress. Allow drilling in ANWAR and the Gulf and supply would be larger than demand and costs would go down.

Re: Political Speeches

Old Glory ·
There really isn't very much you can blame "the current administration" for. You can blame the President if you are talking about bills that he has vetoed. Most everything else falls under the jurisdiction of the United States Congress.

Re: Political Speeches

JasonR ·
I have to disagree, the issues I believe make those Americans "unhappy" with the administration are directly tied to the administration. Iraq Rendition Torture Warrantless Wire taps of American Citizens All of these are the decision of the President, not congress.

Re: Political Speeches

Old Glory ·
I guess it is not totally unfounded to blame the President for Iraq but the decision was supported by Congress and the American People at the time. As far as the decision to stay, even the Democrats are backing off discussions of immediate withdrawal. Most Americans do not support the Cut-and-Run approach. I also don't feel that "most Americans" are against "water boarding" or Warrantless wiretaps of terrorists. If you choose to believe the polls, keep in mind how easy it is to push an...

Re: Political Speeches

JasonR ·
I agree with you on Polls, they can certainly be twisted to say anything they want. However, I'd have to disagree with everything else. The decision to invade Afghanistan, where the terrorists are was supported by Congress and the American People. The invasion of Iraq was not. Since we both think polls are meaningless, I'm not sure how we'd determine if most Americans are against anything. Your assertion that you don't mind spying or torturing Terrorists has a flaw, how do you know if they...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Enjoy the threads from 5 years a go this week! Topic Five Vendors Earn Winter 2014 BLI “Picks” in the A3 Color Category Art Post · 1/23/145:35 PM buyers. Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U .S.A., Inc. Konica Minolta bizhub C 364e Outstanding 31- to 40-ppm A3 Color MFP Konica Minolta bizhub C 454e Outstanding 41- to 50-ppm A3 Color MFP KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc. KYOCERA TASKalfa 5551ci (Also sold under the Copystar brand) Outstanding 51- to 60-ppm A3 Color MFP Ricoh Americas...

Artifex Software to Showcase the SmartOffice Family of Products at Mobile World Congress Americas

Art Post ·
NOVATO. Calif., Sept. 06, 2018 NOVATO. Calif. , Sept. 06, 2018 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Artifex Software, developers of the SmartOffice family of products, will be exhibiting at the upcoming 2018 Mobile World Congress Conference, being held at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA from September 12 – 14. Artifex will be located in the AppZone, West Hall booth #522. The SmartOffice mobile app for personal use enables you to view, edit, create, share, present and print Microsoft...

Toshiba Spotlights New Rugged Portable Printer at MODEX 2020

Art Post ·
Toshiba Spotlights New Rugged Portable Printer at MODEX 2020 Thermal Barcode Printer Produces High-Speed Labels, Tickets and Receipts On-the-Go ATLANTA, March 9, 2020 — Toshiba America Business Solutions will unveil its new rugged, lightweight and portable barcode printer at MODEX 2020 , March 9-12, booth 7324, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Toshiba’s high-speed (up to six inches per second) FP2 printer delivers best-in-class performance producing two-inch receipts, tickets...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the Third Week of May 2010

Art Post ·
Saturday night here is Jersey. Was a great day to get things done around the house. Enjoy these awesome threads from 10 years ago this week in the copier industry! Konica Minolta Contributes to Minimize Environmental Impact with a New MFP for Emergi Guest · 5/17/1011:27 PM design, and reduction of packaging materials. Having excellent eco-functions and featuring Simitri HD polymerized toner with superior image quality, Konica Minolta will provide this feature-rich 3-in-1 model -- printing,...

Re: Leasing and the credit crunch

John Roof ·
Go back a few years before that: There is a whole lot of finger pointing going on in the world of politics this week. For those of you who would rather stay in the dark, stop reading. I would never want to upset your political party's talking points and ruin your day. But for those who just enjoy history or want to understand how or why we got to this point in financial chaos: 1938 Roosevelt got through a democratically controlled congress Fannie Mae. 1970 Freddie Mac was created by...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Old Glory ·
I have some catching up to do on all these posts so this will be a lot of rambling. To SSG: Canadians (and NE US) are by nature, much more liberal than the rest of the USA so your views are not surprising...saying that CNBC is more pro Republican is like saying Hitler was more compassionate than Stalin. The whole "young children vs adult children" argument might be valid in a school board election but the president of the USA is the president of all people of all ages and so should their...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am not studied enough in American politics to be able to defend my personal views against obvious pro republican sentiment. I do feel that the Bush era Republicans paved the way for the financial melt down of the US banking and mortgage system. The Obama administration had no choice but to take on major amounts of new debt to try and contain the crisis. This was closely followed by the auto crisis forcing more huge amounts of debt to bail out the industry. Everyone knew at the time, the...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Old Glory ·
Bush asked Congress 17 times (starting in 2001)for an end to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as well as requests for internal audits. I feel the United Auto Worker Union is what took GM down. I disagree with your opinion about gridlock. More gridlock would have saved us from Obamacare. Gridlock can be a very good thing. I don't put any stock in polls, especially this far out. The wording of the questions and the demographics of the sampling can create just about any result you want to see and for...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

SalesServiceGuy ·
You can't seriously think the recent debt ceiling debacle, the loss of USA AAA Credit rating, the American public's lowest opinion of the effectiveness of Congress ever recorded somehow makes gridlock a good thing. I agree the poll thing is very momentary. After I made the post, I reviewed the source and it was a poll of 1,000 people. Also, I did take some time to read Fox News. I was shocked to read it as so politically one sided and very pro Republican. I then read a few articles from CNN...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Old Glory ·
You are assuming that gridlock made those issues worse. I contend that many things would be worse if it weren't for gridlock. Take the debt ceiling for instance. A law was passed that established that any increases in the debt ceiling would be offset by budget cuts. The Republicans, some of them anyway, wanted Congress to uphold that law under the belief that we can't keep going the way we have been. They fought valiantly but enough of them eventually caved. Incidently, the increased debt is...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Jrlz ·
SSG, I agree with you that the US Political scene is polarized. There is too much us versus them. Each side thinks their “guy” can do no wrong and the other side’s “guy” can do no right. I do not believe that the issues facing the US are the fault of just one political party. Poor leadership from both sides has created many issues. However, at a Federal level one party has been in control over congress and the white house during much of the latest round of problems. In addition, the state I...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

SalesServiceGuy ·
Also, please correct my less than great understanding of the USA political system but does not the Republicans control Congress and the Democrats control the Senate? Does not the Congress try and shoot down 95%+ of what the President proposes? and then does not the Congress pass motions that they know are crafted in a way that the Senate can only reject?

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Jrlz ·
SSG, Regarding, Obama saving the US auto industry. If we contend that the bailouts saved the Auto Industry, then some credit should go to President Bush who initiated the Auto Bailouts of GM and Chrysler in December 2007. More bailouts followed, but it was President Bush who started the process. . I would contend that the bailout was not the right thing to do; we should have let the free market work its process. Stronger companies are made through free market competition. Perhaps a new...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Old Glory ·
First of all, don't sell yourself short on your understanding of the US politica system. You have proven that you know more than probably 90% of the US. It is interesting how you paint the Republicans in a negative light when they oppose the Democrats but say that the Democrats have no choice but to oppose the Republicans.

Re: USA Presidential Poll

SalesServiceGuy ·
Is not the US political process set up in a way that a new bill has to be introduced in and approved by Congress, then pass through the Senate and be signed by the President before it can become law? I was recently watching two interesting CNN biographies of both Obama and Romney that showed each person in a positive light. I learned a lot of good things about Romney. But there was a point where Obama and Boehner were deadlocked on some big political issue. The two men eventually reached...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Jrlz ·
SSG, I saw an interview with Bob Woodward last night. He wrote a new book and talked specifically about the Obama and Boehner deal. His investigation discovered that after an agreement was reached that Obama, on advise from those close to him, went back to Boehner and asked for more tax increases. He did this becuase, in Woodwards opinion, Obama was more interested in not looking weak rather than agreeing to a compromise. Why is it that if the Republicans dont give into everything than they...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Jrlz ·
I can justify the oil depletion allowance. It is a form of depreciation built into the tax code. Also, billions in profits in a fiscal quarter is great, not terrible. Why is profit bad? Profit helps companies to grow, create more jobs, buy more equipment again creating more jobs, and pay dividends to share holders. An MFP dealer can use depreciation on their inventory. In addition at this time of year many companies will use the depreciation allowance to justify end of year purchases,...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Jrlz ·
Valid point. I think we need an amendment becuase no congress can bind future congresses, so even if we had a group of rational adults in and they passed commonsense budgets and laws, in 2+ years a future congress could undo the whole thing. Perhaps, as part of the amendment if congress and the white house failed to produce a budget all the law makers would not get paid, including thier staffs. Extreme, but I think we need something extreme if we are going to turn things around. If you ran a...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Chuck ·
Art, dig a little deeper in your research of the USPS and you'll find that they DO NOT receive taxpayer money. The only reason they are financially in trouble is because Congress in 2006 required them to PAY FORWARD 75 years worth of Retirement and Medical benefits for future retirees to the tune of $5.5 BILLION per year for the next ten years (ending in 2016). Now I ask are FedEx or UPS or your dealership's Principals ORDERED to pay forward future retiree benefits for 75 years?

Re: USA Presidential Poll

Art Post (Guest) ·
Chuck: I agree with the 550 foreign bases, there is no need for that many. My son is to be deployed to Afganistan in June of 2013. Not one country has ever won in Afganistan, it is what is is a tribal nation that relies on growing poppy for revenue. It will be probably be the same in 100 years from now. There's not much we can do there, and the "mayor of kabul" does not have influence beyond the city limit. As far as military, CHINA is building and will continue to build as long as they have...

Re: USA Presidential Poll

JasonR ·
I also served in the Army (but was never deployed) and am for a sensible cut in the military budget. Heck, even the Defense department is for a cut in defense spending (they self-identified $136B of cuts that congress then failed to cut). Seems those most eager to not appear "soft on defense" are those against the cuts.

Re: USA Presidential Poll

bill w ·
The fact that the democrat and republican parties are essentially the same these days are an incentive to shake things up with Trump. The latest congress was elected to stop Obamas shredding of the Constitution, and they have done nothing. Might be time for a businessman to eliminate some of these massive federal agencies and put us on a more fiscally responsible track. Trump has stirred up a hornets nest with immigration, we cant continue to have open borders. The media propaganda machine...

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

JasonR ·
Not supported by the facts. [Quote]Fourth, where in the United States Constitution does it give the federal government the power to take over our healthcare system or any other industry? This among many other things our government is doing is completely unconstitutional.[Quote] Hrmm. The powers of the government in the constitution are largely decided by EXCLUSIONS such as "Congress shall pass no law abridging the freedom of speech". In the absence of such a restriction, I believe the power...

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

Former Member ·
I know we are not talking about the Canadian system, but I believe we should compare systems that have already been operating under a national health system so we know where we are heading. (Slippery slope argument - scare tactict) Canada and many Europeon countires have been operating under a national system for many years. The numbers I provided on cancer survival rates are not from Fox News by the way. (ok then, where are they from?) It is clear you back a government plan, (Actually, I...

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

Art Post (Guest) ·
So does this mean as an employer I could dump all of my healthcare expenses on the government? On CNN tonight they just reported that there will be a 35% surcharge for the new plan, meaning us will have deductables and still have to pay out 35%? Not for nothing, however I think since this affects all of the people of the entire nation, the nation should vote on it, let Congress do their work and come up with three different plans, give us six months to look over every plan and then let the...

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

Former Member ·
As I said before, misinformed. Palin's claim sounds a little like another statement making the rounds, which says that health care reform would mandate counseling for seniors on how to end their lives sooner. The truth is that the health bill allows Medicare, for the first time, to pay for doctors' appointments for patients to discuss living wills and other end-of-life issues with their physicians. *This happens to be the same provision the Republicans voted for in the Prescription Drug bill...

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

Former Member ·
Do you have a link to this story? This is the first I have heard of such a surcharge. Heard it on CNN

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

Old Glory ·
First of all, I don't think anyone is saying that the plan calls for "Death Panels" only that the government is going to decide what treatment you will or will not get which could amount to the same thing. Secondly, the $45,000 value for one year of life is real in Great Britain, not misinformation. Don't assume that just because CNN didn't say it, that it is misinformation. With the Orwellian acronym NICE which stands for the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence...

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

CashGap ·
"Let me get this straight. We’re going to maybe have a health care plan written by a committee whose head says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, signed by a president that also hasn’t read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?"

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

Jrlz ·
CashGap - That has to be the greatest summary of an issue I have ever seen. Kudos

Re: Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?

Art Post (Guest) ·
I agree with what I heard on the news today. One lady stood up and declared that if the plan is so good then all members of congress, and the senate should have the same plan!!!!!

4th of July Independance Day

Art Post (Guest) ·
As the Fourth of July draws near..........over 200 hundred years ago America was a colony of the British Empire. Tyranny & Heavy taxation, limited freedoms and colonial censorship were the order of the day. We were able to proclaim our freedom and fight for what we believed in. We had help to win our freedom back then. France gave us ships, money and troops and moral support to stay the course. Let us not forgot that our freedoms and independence does not come with our cost. Lives have been...

Fax At Your Own Risk

Art Post (Guest) ·
FAX AT YOUR OWN RISKImpending legislation would have put dealers who send faxes customers and prospects at risk. But a united front has saved the day for now.By Scott CullenThere’s nothing like the threat of a lawsuit to get one’s...

Canon U.S.A. and The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Come Together t

Art Post (Guest) ·
BRONX, N.Y., May 20, 2009 – Tonight, Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging; and The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) will once again take the field to help raise greater awareness of issues related to locating missing children. It will be Canon’s sixth annual promotional night at Yankee Stadium, when the Yankees take on the Baltimore Orioles. During a pre-game ceremony, Mark Haga, executive vice president and chief financial officer, Canon...

Former HP CEO Fiorina Targets Boxer's Senate Seat

Boston Mike ·
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina enters race to oust Barbara Boxer from US Senate seatBy GILLIAN FLACCUS Associated Press WriterGARDEN GROVE, Calif. November 4, 2009 (AP) The Associated Press Post a Comment Font Size PrintRSSE-mailShare this...

Leasing Update - Section 179

Art Post (Guest) ·
Now is the perfect time for your customers to lease equipment. Congress recently extended the section 179 expensing section included in the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009. Section 179 allows small businesses to expense up to $250,000!! of the cost of equipment and accelerate the depreciation on the equipment placed in service this year. This effectively allows your customers to acquire your equipment at a significantly lower cost. Equipment must be placed in service during...

Canon U.S.A. to Showcase Document Scanners and Check Transport Solutions at Healthcar

Art Post (Guest) ·
ATLANTA, Mar 01, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in advanced image capture and workflow solutions, will showcase the precision, versatility and benefits of its digital document scanners and check transports at the 10th annual...

Canon U.S.A. And The National Center For Missing & Exploited Children Commemorate 15

Art Post (Guest) ·
Canon U.S.A. And The National Center For Missing & Exploited Children Commemorate 15 Years Of Sponsorship Annual Fundraiser Reception and Celebrity Golf Tournament Held in Las Vegas Jan 13, 2012 LAS VEGAS – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) held their Annual Canon Customer Appreciation Reception and NCMEC Celebrity Golf Tournament, January 11 and 12, in Las Vegas to celebrate their...

Americans Send 1.2 Million Cards to Military, Families and Vets through Red Cross Hol

Art Post (Guest) ·
Americans Send 1.2 Million Cards to Military, Families and Vets through Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes ProgramAmerican Red Cross and Pitney Bowes thank thousands for sending heartfelt cards for delivery to US troops at home and abroadJan 11, 2012...

Xerox Corp. may be an attractive acquisition target for larger technology companies

Art Post (Guest) ·
By Alistair Barr, MarketWatch NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Xerox Corp. may be an attractive acquisition target for larger technology companies, Alexander Roepers, head of Atlantic Investment Management, said Wednesday....

Weekend MFP Industry Notes 11/21/10

Art Post (Guest) ·
Weekend MFP Industry Notes Newsletter11-21-2010- Street pricing seen recently in the print for pay market:o Demo Canon imagePRESS C7000VP w/Fiery/bookletmaker/LCT/cover inserter for $128,000 with color clicks @ $0.05 and no minimums....

LCA Bank Corporation Receives $2.7 Million of Capital

Art Post (Guest) ·
Press ReleaseLease Corporation of AmericaPhone: 800.800.8098 • Fax: 800.736.02183150 Livernois Road, Suite 300, Troy, MI • Email: marketing@leasecorp.comLCA Bank Corporation Receives $2.7 Million of Capital From Small...