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Tagged With "Foxall"


How To Increase Your Close Rates When Pitching To New Prospects

Art Post ·
Dear Art, How many times have you been burned by a prospect? You spend a bunch of time at their facility, talking to them about their needs, and putting together a sound technology solution or plan... and after all that, the client says, "No thanks." Well, the sad truth is that 9 out of 10 times that prospect ends up giving his business to someone else! I have two things that can fix this situation for you. The first is some great advice about changes you can make today that will...
Blog Post

The power of Tigerpaw One Software — with James Foxall

Art Post ·
I sat down with James Foxall to find out how Tigerpaw is leaping into the office equipment space with a fully vetted product Well, there's one thing that James and I have in common, boy can we talk it up! So much, that this will be a two part interview. It’s unusual to find a 30-year-old company that still has the passion and entrepreneurial spirit of a startup, but that’s exactly what I found when I interviewed James Foxall, CEO of Tigerpaw . I caught up with James in-between his busy days...