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Tagged With "Clash of Clans"

Blog Post

How Copier Reps Can Rise Above the "Bad" Times

Art Post ·
My apologies it been some time since my last blog because I've been busy with enjoying as much of this beautiful summer as possible. Fall is rapidly approaching! Over the weekend I was able to achieve the status of Titan 1 for Clash of Clans. Yup, I'm kind of old to be playing on-line games, in fact I'm the oldest in my clan. For those of you that are not familiar with Clash of Clans, it is one of those on-line games that you could sink a small fortune into if you want to be one of the elite...

Re: How Copier Reps Can Rise Above the "Bad" Times

Larry Kirsch ·
You will. Good article. As usual thank you for your continued support. Have a great day...