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Tagged With "Dispatcher Phoenix"


Re: Linkedin Copier Sales Road Show - Chicago

Art Post ·
I wasn't sure what to expect from my buddy Larry today, wait..., let me take that back. Larry Levine is a true professional and I expected nothing less than the awesome presentation he gave. While, I'm an avid user of LinkedIn, I was able to walk away with addition nuggets that will help me garner net new accounts when using LinkedIn. Larry's done his homework, and it's shows in the presentation. Phoenix and San Francisco, get ready for some awesome content!!!
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of March 2009)

Art Post ·
Rules of thumb...sell nothing but the need for an appointment on a phone call or initial call. Also never "sell" during your fact-finding for several reasons: 1.) The fact-finding process gets interrupted or stopped. 2.) You come across like a dog salivating over fresh meat. 3.) You tip your hand and lose some of the thunder you will get from your proposal. 4.) You inspire additional questions and thought processes that the prospect will then discuss with competitors. read the rest in the...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of February 2010)

Art Post ·
I mentioned in the previous blog that we had our Kickoff Sales meeting for 2020 yesterday. Rather than drive the three hours home I opted to stay over night and leave first thing in the AM. 2019 was a very good year, I was back in President's Club for the 7th time, got me a $50 gift card for winning a contest at our branch. Maybe an old timer like me can win the Grand Prize next week, we'll see we have some talented peeps and all will be out for the glory. It's time to bring out the old dog...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of April 2015)

Art Post ·
For each of the next few blogs I'll be inserting some tips from what other dealers and sales peeps are doing on a daily basis from around the globe for staying relevant with their clients and prospects. 1. Promote yourselves and our business daily on social media Enjoy these incredible threads from 15 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Third Week of April 2005 Art Post · 4/12/157:15 PM . Built-in Wi-Fi in printers could make a tech's 4/18/05...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Third Week of February 2010)

Art Post ·
Still chatting about today. It was an awesome day for me. For something that I didn't think I would perform well in, let's just say I nailed it. Yes, there's still plenty of fight in this old dog when it comes to selling! Enjoy these threads from Ten Years Ago This Week! Océ and Konica Minolta revise production print alliance Guest · 2/17/1010:21 PM marketing manager for production printing at Konica Minolta Australia, told ProPrint the two companies will continue to sell OEM products under...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Last Week of February 2010)

Art Post ·
Recently we had a contest for all of the salespeople at Stratix. It was not a demo contest but more about telling the awesome Stratix story to our clients. There were judges and then group winners for each branch. The group winners would then have the face off. Years ago we had this contest and I failed miserably, I was so bad that I wanted to be shot. I have a hard time memorizing anything that has to be word for word, not sure what my issue is but I have an issue. This will make a good...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Last Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
There's a cool thread I did years ago about the history of the fax. We sold tons of faxes in the eighties and had a lot of fun doing it. It was not uncommon to sell multiple units along with boxes and boxes of thermal paper. There's also a cool thread about some fun that we had with selling fax machines. Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Konica Minolta Rewarded for Sustainable Investment Standards With Globally Renowned Distinctions Art Post · 2/24/1510:41 PM improve our...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2010

Art Post ·
Years ago I use to burn the late night candle pretty often. In some cases I would still find myself emailing a prospect at 2AM in the morning. In most cases the email was to schedule a meeting for later that week. Those late night emails was just something I was use to. It wasn't until one of my clients made mention of the email that arrived at 2AM. Of course he didn't see it until he arrived at work. But this client went on to tell me that he wished he had more sales people like me, meaning...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Third Week of January 2006

Art Post ·
It's Super Bowl Week!  Denver or North Carolina? I'm picking Denver because of experience and their awesome defense.   Take some time and review the threads from ten years ago.   Re: NCPG gets DMAP6 Cost Boston Mike · 1/24/06 8:55 PM Worked on my end at work and home. How does one sign up for this and are Jewish Temples allowed? Thanks -=Boston Mike=- Theo's back and you are all in BIG Trouble! Reply Re: NCPG gets DMAP6 Cost Old Glory · 1/25/06 9:11 AM The...
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Over the River, Through the Canyon of Hero's, it's off to Linkedin Copier Sales Roadshow I Go

Art Post ·
On April 15th, I'll be attending the LinkedIn Copier Sales Roadshow at Wells Fargo Connections New York in Manhattan. Now, my first thought was to get into NYC, the night before and then hold up the night in a hotel room, thus I could be bright and shiny for the 8:30AM start. However, my wife reminded me that we live in Highlands, and Highlands has a ferry service that travels to NYC every day, in fact the ferry will stop on the East Side at the 35th Ave Pier. Thus, the early morning of the...
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My Top Office Sales Traditions

Art Post ·
There was a recent Print Audit thread on linkedin that asked "What are your Office Traditions"? I responded with one that we have a sales genie, in fact we just started the sales genie thing when I came back from the Photizo Transform Conference in...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Second Week of November 2007)

Art Post ·
The one thread below reminded me of a recent appointment with a healthcare account. So, much for FAX is DEAD, right? Seems health care still needs and loves faxing. I'm guessing it's because faxing is still the most secure way of sending a document or maybe it's because it's just easier compliance for HIPAA. What ever the reason, FAX is NOT Dead with healthcare. On a recent healthcare install, I was asked if our Ricoh device could do a fax broadcast with the LAN Fax. I stated yes in can, and...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago The First Week of November 2006

Art Post ·
One of the more interesting threads below is from Gordon MacKay from Queensland, Australia. Gordon posted a thread in reference to his existing dealership and his past experience in the copier industry. It was awesome to re-visit this thread. Gordon, if you're still out there, shoot us a reply. That thread is here Japan's Konica Minolta 11/5/06 6:42 PM multifunctional models, especially in Europe," company director Yasuo Matsumoto told a news conference. Konica Minolta also raised its...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Last Week of October 2009)

Art Post ·
There's a really awesome topic from ten years ago titled " Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?". I went back and read it several times, and realized that 2009 was the start of the great recession. Somehow we survived, but recently I've heard some grumblings in the AEC industry and they are not good Enjoy these awesome threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Industry Notes from 10/25/09 Neal · 10/26/093:34 PM - network based authorization, authentication and accounting -...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Last Week of December 2009)

Art Post ·
The time was about 4:30PM on the 23rd of this month. I had just left the office and was on my way home after submitting three orders that day. I had another verbal on an order and was waiting on docs to come to me. If I did receive the docs I could process from the home office. It was the end of a very good year. I had a short chat with my VP of Sales in the car about the day. A great comment was made about my "drive" and that meant a lot especially at this point in my sales career. Great...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for December 8th 2019

Art Post ·
December 8th MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling. We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional...
Blog Post

Bank Achieves AP Process Improvement with Cloud-based Digital Workflows and Secure Document Storage

Art Post ·
Bank Achieves AP Process Improvement with Cloud-based Digital Workflows and Secure Document Storage Southeast National Bank implemented DocuWare, a modern document management solution, to digitize its own accounts payable process. The results: invoice approval time dropped from one week to a few hours positioning the company for future growth without the need to add staff. Southeast National Bank (SENB) is a regional bank with 5 branches and 65 employees, offering a full range of banking...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Third Week of August 2007)

Art Post ·
Not much here this week. However, I dug these dates up and stuff that happened ten years ago this week! Enjoy! Aug 14 Coordinated bombings in Yazidi communities in Iraq kill at least 500 people, the second-deadliest terror attack of all time Aug 15 An 8.0-magnitude earthquake off the Pacific coast devastates Ica and various regions of Peru killing 514 and injuring 1,090. Aug 21 Hurricane Dean makes its first landfall in Costa Maya, Mexico with winds at 165 mph. Dean is the first storm since...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of August 2014)

Art Post ·
Pretty exciting day for P4P Hotel today. I received our video for promoting the P4P Hotel over social media. I'll be uploading on YouTube in the next couple of days and will then post on a blog. Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago this week! New bliQ Time Saving Tricks, Training Sessions, Equitrac Express, ECM Solution.. Art Post · 8/21/1411:02 PM important to you, we’ve got that covered too, with analysis on both printed and copied output. You’ll also find out the value each model...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of June 2014)

Art Post ·
What's so special about June? Well, the end of June marks the half way point in most of our calendars for sales. Where are you with your goals, and your quota. The end of the year is now a mere 180 days away. Extra hard prospecting now will fill your funnel for the remainder of the year. Enjoy these threads from five years ago this week! Konica Minolta South Africa's new print management solution reveals significant cost savings Art Post · 6/4/1411:00 PM possibility of controlling access to...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of July 2014)

Art Post ·
Just a thought for everyone today. Today marks the last week of the month. I'm had sitting on some 25 plus opportunities and for many reasons (not losing) most have moved to August and September. I'm still short to get to my quota, but I look at this like this. I still have 25% of the month left, and when I don't see the movement then it's time to do some additional prospecting. Thus an old dog like me will be knocking on doors in between two appointments tomorrow. BTW, it's suppose to be...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Last Week of July 2014)

Art Post ·
Yesterday marked the end of the month for me. Thus we have seven months in the books and so far 2019 has been awesome. August brings us those "dog days" of summer and many objections due to vacations, not enough time, get back to me after Labor Day or you can't get anyone to respond. I get it, and I've adjusted my habits over the years. August needs to be one of the biggest prospecting months in the year. The time you spend prospecting in August will pay HUGE dividends moving into the last...
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OMG, it's a Brother "Part 2"

Art Post ·
It's been a little bit more than a week since I posted OMG, it's a Brother! That blog detailed how I took an @Ancestry DNA test and found out that I have a biological brother living in Arizona. The last week has been a roller coaster of emotions (it was a tough week to focus on selling copiers), my brother and I have had quite a few phone calls, shared some pictures (facebook) shared some laughs and shared some of our earliest memories about growing up in New Jersey. Twenty Miles Get this,...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the First Week of June 2015

Art Post ·
Enjoy these awesome threads about the copier industry 5 years ago this week. TOPIC Konica Minolta Launches New Dispatcher Phoenix Features for Educators ART POST · 6/5/1510:58 PM . Konica Minolta has won numerous awards and recognition, including placement in the Leaders Quadrant on the G2014 Magic Quadrantartner for Managed Print Services (MPS) and Managed Content Services (MCS). Konica Minolta has been recognized as the #1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier Market by Brand...
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The Week in Copiers 15 Years Ago

Art Post ·
You may have noticed I've changed the titles of these blog this week. The slug was too long for Google thus the above will be the new format moving forward. Enjoy these great threads from 15 years ago, better times indeed The Week in Copiers 15Years Ago RICOH INTRODUCES IS760/IS760D IMAGE SCANNER Guest · 6/8/055:04 PM , management and output of documents. Ricoh’s line of document management devices include, color and black & white digital imaging systems, facsimile products, printers,...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for July 5th, 2020

Art Post ·
MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling. We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional options for asset...
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The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week In August 2015

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week In 2015, the 3rd Week of August For the last three weeks I've been held hostage with binge watching Black Sails. There were four seasons and I'm in the last season and about halfway through to the end. Pirates, Nassau and the British Empire proved to be an enjoyable story line for me. However on last nights series I heard this line, "I'am determined to be better today than I was yesterday". What can I say but that's enough motivation for next week...
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The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago for the last week of September 2015 Opportunities are on the rise along with many potential orders for October. Even though our Governor extended the State of Emergency for another 30 days I'm seeing a lot of activity poised for the end of the year. All is not lost and there is everything to gain, we just have to have the desire to want it. Enjoy these cool threads from 5 years ago this week Konica Minolta enters industrial printing market Art Post ·...
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MSP, MSSP & IT Industry Notes for November 15th, 2020

Art Post ·
November 15th, 2020 MSP, MSSP and IT Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have...
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MSP, MSSP and IT Notes Industry January 24th, 2021

Art Post ·
January 24, 2021 MSP. IT & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have...
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The Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago First Week of February 2006 I thought I would mix it up a bit and post some historical points of interest for the first week of February. Rock singers Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash. (1959) The board game Monopoly first went on sale.(1935) Astronaut Alan Shepard hits three golf balls on the moon. (1971) The Beatles come to the U.S. for the fist time. (1964) "Alan Shepard is the only person to hit a golf ball on the...
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The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago The First Week of March 2011 I have great news today! Every day that passes now is a day closer we get to spring and the end of the pandemic. One year and so many curve balls have been thrown at our industry, it's truly been curve ball after curve ball with the lockdowns, the pandemic, and recently the snowstorms. After seeing so many curve balls in row these curve balls are no surprise anymore and we have adjusted like any hitter in baseball would. Dealers...
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The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago First Week of April 2006 Fuji Film thoughts........... Mega dealers could align with Fuji and relabel their own mfp’s, solutions and supplies. Those mega dealers can then further their brands via Fuji, in addition Fuji would not need a large operation in the US market place. Xerox partners with or buys Ricoh? Xerox needs and OEM, Ricoh made mention they want to align with others players to boost revenue and profits. Enjoy these awesome copiers threads from...
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The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago Third Week of April 2016 Not much to day on this one. It's Saturday in the AM and there's much to be done at the home for summer. Enjoy your weekend! Here's the awesome copier threads from ten years ago this week Multifunction Black & White and Color printer/scanner/copier/fax machine. Art Post (Guest) · 4/22/1111:35 AM Solicitation Number: RFQ-DNC-11-0002 Notice Type: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation Synopsis: Added: Apr 20, 2011 3:15 pm Combined...
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The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago Last Week of April 2016 Tough week this week along with a tough month. Being under the weather for a full week does not help, but rather than calling out sick I stuck to the plan. In the end the I was not able to eat the bear this month. However May looks to be stacked! Enjoy these awesome copier threads from 5 years ago this week Why I Am Now a Social Selling Believer Art Post · 4/26/1611:12 PM Why I Am Now a Social SellingBeliever by Print Audit Last week...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago First Week of July 2016 Wow, I just re-read the blog I posted from 5 years ago this week. It's the first thread below, maybe a had just a bit too much tequila that night! Enjoy our awesome copier threads from 5 years ago this week! What does the future hold for the likes of Ricoh, Canon, and KonicaMinolta? Art Post · 7/7/1611:45 PM What does the future hold for the likes of Ricoh, Canon, and KonicaMinolta? Managed IT Services, 3D Printing, Medical...
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This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago Third Week of September 2011 The end of a great week and one more left in September for me. This will end the 3rd quarter for 2021 with one quarter left for the year. I am still amazed at has fast the months travel buy and can only think it like would time past just as fast if I was on a deserted tropical beach Enjoy These Awesome Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago! RICOH UNVEILS FIRST-EVER IPAD APP DESIGNED TO FOCUS ON DRIVING COMMERCIAL...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago First Week of November 2006 Last night I had the opportunity to record a "Better Call Art" with Kevin Hoverman and one of the talk tracks we engaged for a couple of minutes was about our tenure and what we go really good at besides copiers. My first thought was that I've also become a professional driver with logging 25k to 30k worth of miles for forty years. What else did you get really good at besides being the copier professional? Enjoy These...
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IT, MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for November 1st 2021

Art Post ·
Sponsored by November 1st, 2021 Arcoa Group Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have the expertise, certifications, and...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago First Week of January 2017 After a small Christmas, New Years and the end of 2021 Sales Event I'm ready to get back to more of our regular schedule. However I'm off to the Executive Connection Summit on the 16th and returning on the 19th of this month. I'm sure I'll have a ton of interesting information and can't wait to share it with our members. Enjoy These Awesome Copier Threads from Five Years Ago Cooperative contracts awarded to 4 copier and...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago Last Week of July 2007 sponsored by Today marks eleven months since I had my stroke a week before Labor Day. A day does not go by that I don't remember that I am blessed with a wonderful loving wife. Kathy was the one who picked up that I was not able to speak for a few minutes and then when I did I was having issues. After ten days in the Hospital and eleven months later I go for my echo cardiogram. If all is well then I've notched another...
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Lead for Managed IT Services in California

Art Post ·
see attached file
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Fifteen Years Ago Third Week of August 2007 sponsored by Is Product Discounting the Way to Go? Sure, you want the business, but is discounting the way to go? Studies have shown that once the reduced price goes away, so may the customer. Better to slowly build a base of customers who really want your product "at the regular price" and who will stay with you due to your service and expertise. Enjoy The Great Copier Threads from Ten years Ago This Week Weekend...
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Today's Hacked Update 9/1/2022

Art Post ·
Someone Hacked Largest Taxi Service In Russia, Ordered All Available Taxis To the Same Location According to Twitter user @runews, someone hacked the largest taxi service in Russia, Yandex Taxi, and ordered all the available taxis to an ... Hackers hit Italian oil company Eni's computer networks - Reuters Italian oil company Eni's computer networks were hacked in recent days but the consequences appear to be minor so far, the company said on ... Hacking device can secretly swipe and tap your...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago Second Week of September 2017 sponsored by Some of you reading this have probably been in sales longer than I’ve been alive. If that’s the case, some of you are really, really old! Some of you reading this could be new to a career in selling and looking for ways to increase your wins. Either way, you are lucky enough to be in one of the most incredible careers you could have hoped for. No 2 days will be the same, the money can be phenomenal,...
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Lead for fleet of Copiers in Arizona

Art Post ·
see attached file
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This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago Last Week of September 2017 sponsored by For me, tomorrow is he first sales day of the last quarter for 2022. With 75% of the year complete, net new has evaded me and it's not because lack of effort. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you, in my case the bear has been taking me to lunch each and every day this year. Something is going to change....... I'm looking for help, I need to reach out to KM, Toshiba and HP...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Art Post ·
sponsored by One of our members emailed me an interesting proposal that brings back memories of the 3-5 days. Basically it meant the client would sign a 60 month lease and that included service and supplies. At the end of 36 month the service and supplies would end. Thus the clients costs rose substantially, and most of those clients were not aware of the tremendous increase at month 37 of the lease. I've asked or permission to post here, hoping I can get that for everyone Stay tuned! I'm...
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This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago First Week of November 2012 sponsored by Just happened today and I tried to explain the pit falls to a current client that's believes working with a new vendor was advantageous because of unlimited page for black and color prints. Thus I thought i's time again to renew the pitfalls of many copier leases. You can view the rest here I'm looking for help, I need to reach out to KM, Toshiba and HP principals. I'm willing to offer free Premium/VIP...
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MSP & MSSP, IT Industry Notes for November 13th, 2022

Art Post ·
MSP & MSSP, IT Industry Notes for November 13th, 2022 Sponsored by November 6th, 2022 Arcoa Group Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing...