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Tagged With "Popamora Point"


Re: Your Copier

Larry Kirsch ·
Welcome back😀 6 Reasons Why Flat Rate aka One Rate Will Change the Copier Industry Art Post 36 minutes ago I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see...

Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps

Larry Kirsch ·
Very interesting point of view. Always informative. Old adage. The more activity the greater the results. Plan your work. Work your plan. Have a great day.

Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps

Art Post ·
Ty Larry Kirsch

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Hello Art and the rest of the P4P members - Our industry association (ELFA), along with several independent law firms that represent many of our industry members are reviewing this legislation to determine the actual effects it will have on the industry as a whole and to provide guidance so that our members will be in compliance with the legislation. What we know at this point is that is you are involved in offering financing to businesses in California, you will be subject to this...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Old Glory ·
from today's Leasing News. Ralph Petta Reaction to Tom McCurnin's "Is the Disclosure Too Complicated? of SB 1235" [ ] From: Ralph Petta President and CEO Equipment Leasing and Finance Association 1625 Eye Street, NW * Suite 850 Washington, DC 20006 "Allow me to take exception and set the record straight with respect to Mr. McCurnin's statement in his September 21 article(1) about passage of disclosure legislation in California, SB 1235 that...

Re: "You've just WON Presidents Club, What Are You Going to D0 Now?"

Wallingford ·
"I Love Cold Calling!" Don't worry - I haven't lost my mind. (Yet.) Cold calling isn't fun. You know it and I know it. So why did I say that? Because I can remember countless times when I heard someone say, "Cold calling is fun!" In fact, I even did it once. It's true. Early on in my sales career, when I was going from job to job, failing by cold calling, and not understanding why it wasn't working - after all, my managers all said it would work - I began deluding myself into believing that...

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

EByers ·
Art, I like your general guidance to the initial poster, and I won't grade your writing since this isn't an English class. In regard to this brief post conversation, I think honesty is the best policy with customers and with ourselves. Yes Tim, they probably are in the top ten. However, the customer was asking which is the best. By rankings in the market place, the top seven do not include Toshiba. They fall within the bottom 7% of market share for shipments and the bottom 8.6% for market...

Re: Copier Scams Part Deux "Dude Where's my Copier"?

GrantW ·
Art, it's a part of the industry that I doubt you will get rid of. I would like to add my own "observation". I don't think that 99.9% of dealers do a good deal. If 99.9% was the case these instances would not even be noticed because they would be unheard of. I think the reality is that around 60-70% of dealers are OK. Another point is that the leasing companies do not give a damn about the state of the copier at the end of a lease. As long as the customer has made all the payments they're...

Re: Copier Scams Part Deux "Dude Where's my Copier"?

Old Glory ·
That's not really the point I was trying to make. The point is that a salesrep shouldn't assume anything as fact because the facts vary from dealer to dealer and lease to lease. That having been said, you are missing a big part of the lease equation and that is the "alternative forms of revenue" that comes at the end of the lease. Anytime a lease is ended effectively, the lease company loses the chance of an automatic renewal (evergreen clause), in some cases they lose the chance to sell the...

Re: Copier Scams Part Deux "Dude Where's my Copier"?

GrantW ·
I'm not sure if that has an equivalent in the UK. here we have the Consumer Credit Act. However, it only applies to consumers. Business to business isn't covered (except in a small number of cases). "I've almost never seen a disputed copier lease where the lessee wins. I'll admit I'm no expert in leasing however most of these agreements are rock solid." In my experience the reason why they're perceived as rock solid is because they are rarely challenged. If they're not challenged they'll...

Re: My Top 5 Secrets About Using Linkedin for Prospecting

Tom Koenig ·
Art One of your better articles!! Short, sweet, to the point and should be helpful to most reps. Thank You Have a Great Day Tom Koenig Sr. District Business Manager Northeast Region - Dealer Sales Division Ricoh Americas Corporation 5 Dedrick Place West Caldwell NJ 07006 cell - 570-439-2864

Re: Will H.P. Uber the Imaging Channel

Czech ·
This is a great article! One point that I disagree on is that HP will be entering the SMB market with this acquisition. What's the point? Dealers own the SMB market, and most dealers will sell whatever their customers already have. Where HP has the advantage is going into their national and global accounts where they dominate with MPS contracts on A4 devices. Finally, they can go back to the banks/governments/etc and kick out the Canon/Ricoh/Xerox A3 devices that are in there. And because HP...

Re: Why I Spent 30 Minutes Researching a Headset and What That Means to Copier Sales Reps

Art Post ·
Larry, good stuff. Just the other day I was at an appointment for an envelope press. It was an existing account, and before we could meet, they wanted me to send the pricing on three different models. I was somewhat reluctant, however, since it was an existing account, I caved. After a few follow ups, we had the meeting, which I thought was going to more about telling then what the system could do and can't do. After 20 minutes or so, the DM stated that she had done quite a bit of research...

Re: How Far Out On the Pier Are We?

Art Post ·
Ray Stasieczko Great point with the typewriter industry. Many of those typewriter dealers saw the writing on the wall and moved into the imaging industry. They survived, they flourished and they made the change to another product within the Office Technology Industry. There are too many brilliant dealers principals out there that will let themselves fail by staying on board a sinking ship. Those dealers will innovate because they have too in order to survive. Those that are not brilliant...

Re: Inbound Marketing For Sales Reps (and Sales Vets)

Czech ·
Art, That traffic is incredible. I think a large part of it is that you've been doing this for 10 years. Persistence as they say, is the key to success! (Imagine if everyone copier rep blogged and stuck it out for 10 years!) Are you the leads you receive local or nation-wide? I'd love to offer more tips but really I'm not the guy to do it. I can only point people in the right direction. Gary Vaynerchuk - Social Media Glen Allsopp - SEO Tim Ferriss - Productivity Frank Kern - Direct Response...

Re: Selling Copiers "What Would You Do"?

Art Post ·
Originally Posted by Iris: Hi Art, Even if you could convince him by offering a different model, some sort of guarantee or whatever, the question you should ask yourself is what happens if the problems return. Would you really want to have that standing between you and your cousin? Iris Exactly! The point is they are limited to only one dealer for one brand and the scenario isn't going to work. Thus, what is a sales person to do? I'm not going to try to convince him that all will be well...

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

Jason H ·
Larry I am in NC. Have been doing this about 10 years. It's all I've done since college. I love the industry, for the most part, and really am at a point I couldn't afford to leave it behind. We are a family dealer so running the company has always been my goal so I've neve freaky wanted to leave either. For the ones that are single source RFG, we use to be in the same boat. We added Samsung in 2009 so we have seen tej good and the really bad of SAMSUNG. We brought on Kyocera for a short...

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

Jason H ·
Yes Keith has a branch in our area but we don't run into them that much. Yes we stuck it out with Ricoh for as long as we could. We really took a hard look at the dealer/manufacturer relationship when the ikon merger happened and we saw pricing in our area that was worse than we see now. What broke the camels back was when we asked for support from Ricoh to gain some of the canon accounts that we had engaged and Ricoh told us point blank to walk away from the deals because we would never win...

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

This has been a great thread so far! We're a mid size dealer in central pa and have most of the directs knocking around in our area. TABS, KMBS, RBS, CSA, Xerox and now Global just bought a small dealership. In addition we have quite a few other Indy dealers like us. I whole heartedly agree with what some one said before about selling the value of your company, service and the relationships. I've also told customers point blank I cannot compete with the directs price so if that's all that...

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

Jason H ·
Had a deal recently that we were the incumbent and CSA came in and placed the exact same machine as we tried. Customer gave us the quote and our true cost was around 14,000 or 15,000 and they sold it to them around $9,000.00. Anytime CSA is in a deal there is a very small chance of winning. The only thing we have going for us is their service is very lousy so after the lost sale we usually pick up a service agreement at some point. Ricoh has been good about enforcing the rules of engagement...

Re: 10 Ways to Close Net New Business

John Saramak ·
I am looking forward to it too. Interested in the strategy of getting to the point where the prospect is ready to decide outside of their current vendor.

Re: Arrrgh! Toner Pirate!

Kyocera Guy ·
@ David, Good Point! That's what I was thinking.

Re: Ten plus Tips for Cold Calling in the Field

Old Glory ·
My thoughts, some of which repeat what others have said, maybe in a different way: I cold call for information, phone call for appointments to a large degree. What I would add to Czech's 4 point list is to ask who they call for maintenance. That usually tells you, not only the company, but the brand, and if the receptionist doesn't know, then they likely don't have many problems. I almost always separate fact find from presentation. Too many reps "get an answer" then "do some selling", "get...

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

wesmcartor ·
The difference in our iDaaS model is that volume DOES impact cost. Other flat rate model offer a rate with no impact on volume. Our program uses the current customer volume, service efficiency, margin expectations as well as our data on over 4 million devices to help remove the variables and concerns over switching to a no meter billing model. We can also adjust for color ratio's. So with the possible exception of print for pay, production and maybe some schools there is no reason not to...

Re: Why We Still Need Legacy Sales Skills

Tom Koenig ·
Art Here is my two cents worth. What goes around comes around in this world. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. If and when we get to the point of people totally taking out the human to human contact in the sales process, they will then begin to miss that same human to human contact, and start to look to regain it. Its my belief that we will begin to see that very soon in things like facebook. Its a great way to help stay in touch with people. But once people begin to use it to avoid each...

Re: Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

Kyocera Guy ·
I guess I will be the one who steps outside the box here and rock the boat a little. I'm not saying that this Blog is 100% correct but he has some good points. I am looking at my numbers from the year before...up 19% and thinking to myself what was the biggest change I made last year to get that kind of a bump. I made quite a few changes, I worked hard of course but I worked hard in 2015 too. One of the biggest changes I made that when interacting with my prospects I worked like I didn't...

Re: Do Black & White Copiers Really Exist?

Art Post ·
great point!

Re: Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

While that blog has some valid points, much like Art, I'm more inclined to think "when's the last time that writer took off their headset and actually pushed some pavement or had a face to face meeting?". While there is something to be said about not hard closing all the time, it's got to be done but with some skill. In my nine years doing this, each sale is different in that there are some customer that want to be hard closed and others that have their own way of making a decision. One...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers "The Rep that BS's the Prospect"

Art Post ·
I apologize for not being able to write as much as I usually do. December was a rather busy month, in fact the busiest December in years. Cheers to that! It all started a few weeks ago when received a lead (yippee) that was labeled "looking to lease a printer" . I wasn't excited about the word "printer". However, a lead is a lead and follow up has to be immediate when you get a new lead. The Call I was able to connect with the prospect that day on the phone. I was asked if I sold Canon, I...
Blog Post

3 Things Sales Reps Need to Do To Help Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Levine ·
To everyone in sales, you can perform much better and become more successful, if you just learn to master with consistency the basics. Vince Lombardi , the great Green Bay Packers coach, once said that football comes down to only two things: Blocking on offense and tackling on defense, and those are the basics his teams spent 80% of their time on in practice. Many analogies have been made between sales and sports. It’s often been said the one key fundamental principle in sports is to focus...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
Ten years ago this week and what was on our minds? It was the Great Recession. I remember it all too well. Many of my accounts were in the AEC market, remember losing almost 30% of that business because of bankruptcies, companies closing and companies just buying their device once they came to the end of the lease. Hope I never have to go through that again! Enjoy the threads from ten year ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 1/4/09 Neal · 1/5/097:19 AM According to survey of printshops...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
Some of these devices sure do bring back some memories. interesting news with Ikon, and I remember the DiALTA Color CF5001 very well! Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week! Konica Minolta Unveils DiALTA Color CF5001 1/6/049:19 AM Konica Minolta Unveils DiALTA Color CF5001 Konica Minolta Business Solutions U .S.A. Inc. has introduced a 50-page-per-minute (ppm) color printer /copier/scanner, the Minolta DiALTA Color CF5001, designed specifically for environments with high volume...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
There's a pretty decent thread below about relationship selling. It's ten years old and yes I found it some place on the web. Speaks about common ground with the client along with trust. Take the three minutes to read this thread. Relationship Selling – The Buy and Buy Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 1/18/09 Neal · 1/19/098:46 AM bundled with Kodak MarketMover, which is a package to assist printshop owners in marketing and selling digital output. The...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Enjoy the threads from 5 years a go this week! Topic Five Vendors Earn Winter 2014 BLI “Picks” in the A3 Color Category Art Post · 1/23/145:35 PM buyers. Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U .S.A., Inc. Konica Minolta bizhub C 364e Outstanding 31- to 40-ppm A3 Color MFP Konica Minolta bizhub C 454e Outstanding 41- to 50-ppm A3 Color MFP KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc. KYOCERA TASKalfa 5551ci (Also sold under the Copystar brand) Outstanding 51- to 60-ppm A3 Color MFP Ricoh Americas...
Blog Post

How Well Are You Creating Visibility? My Journey To Outbound 2019!

Larry Levine ·
Those close to me, who know the real me, know I have no problem asking for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's an opportunity to expand your horizons. I'm simply amazed by the amount of people who simply fail to ask for help. I've made it my mission to educate, engage and excite all those inside the sales world. Sales leaders and their sales teams must stand up, unite and transform how they go to market in a world full of sales mediocrity (I'm being nice). I believe every...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
It's been a hectic week for me. Had to spend a couple days in PA for meetings, coupled with the end of the month. January was nothing but a bummer. That's what happens when you cram everything in for the end of the year. One item I was happy with was my commission check. Back to rebuilding the pipeline. Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week. Weekend Copier Notes from 1/25/09 Neal · 1/26/096:56 AM server, which is a relabeled Konica Minolta PRO C 6501. This certification is based...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Last Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Dang, there's a ton of content here! Check out the blog series for 31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales #25 of 31 , there are 31 in total and I'm trying to get them all in a collection for us. Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago 4thWeek of January 2004 Art Post · 1/26/142:19 PM the new product.http://support. ricoh .com/bb/html/dr_ut_e/rc2/model/ c 32_38/ c 32_38en.htmJG Toshiba America Business Solutions Introduces The...
Blog Post

5 Reasons Why Those in the Copier Industry Should Be a Print4Pay Hotel Member

Art Post ·
We've all heard the expression, it's not what you know it's about who know. The larger your network, the more access you have to opportunities. Almost twenty years ago I created the first and still the only web based forums for copier industry professionals (not a tech forum). Over the years I've been able to lean on others in the industry to get information that I need to close orders through the Print4Pay Hotel forum members. Sometimes it's competitive info, pricing, what's good, what's...
Blog Post

Value Prop Out of Alignment? Disruptors bet on that

Ray Stasiezcko ·
It seems when looking at disrupted industries you see the familiarity of a false sense of comfort. When products decline in need, they also decline in value. Those two things are tied together. Value propositions are hypnotic; they can hijack the common-sense of reality during market shifts causing the disease of Product-Centric Thinking. The speed of innovation disrupting a deliverables current circumstances continues increasing. Today innovation not only changes the customer’s desired...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in December 2008

Art Post ·
Enjoy these awesome threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 11/30/08 Neal · 12/1/087:06 AM . to strengthen its sales network in the U .S. after losing IKON to Ricoh . - Canon announced it has sold an imagePRESS C 7000VP production color system to The Processors, a printshop in Irwindale, CA. - Kodak announced it has sold a NexPress S2500 production color system to Evergreen Printing of New Jersey. - More details on Memjet Technology, the company that promised to...
Blog Post

Architect in New Jersey Adds Ricoh MP W7100

Art Post ·
front view It’s not often that you can place a Ricoh MP W7100 in the field. In most cases the Ricoh MP W6700SP is more popular because of the lower price point from the Ricoh MP W7100. It’s also about the print speed too. The W7100 will print at ten pages per minute. The Ricoh MP W6700 prints at 6.7 pages per minute. Our existing client had an older Ricoh W2470 (owned) and the Ricoh W5140 (end of lease) in place. However, their volume has increased to about twenty thousand square feet a...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
One of my goals for this year is to garner more leads. You can do that with generating educational documents. I wrote this blog a few years ago, hope this helps. 31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (2 of 31) Enjoy the threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (2nd Week of January 2004) Art Post · 1/12/143:32 PM it... Ricoh Dealer Meeting 1/8/04 9:48 AM Topic by Boston Mike Ricoh Dealer Meeting - Las Vegas, NV...
Blog Post

6 Reasons Why Flat Rate Service Program Will Change the Copier Industry

Art Post ·
I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see the industry evolve over the last 38 years! Back in the early eighties their was only one plan for a copier maintenance agreement. We included "x" amount of...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in September 2013

Art Post ·
Konica Minolta and Komori Debut World's First 23"x29" Digital Inkjet Press at PRINT 13 Art Post · 9/5/137:08 AM today's highly competitive printing marketplace. Delivering a high level in print quality coupled with impressively fast make-ready and open systems architecture, Komori presses help printers achieve the higher productivity and efficiency levels essential for increased margins and business growth. Komori America Corporation headquarters are in Rolling Meadows, IL with sales and...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Third Week in September 2003

Art Post ·
BTA National Event was last week in NYC @ the Stewart Hotel. With members and vendors I heard there were 345 attendees. That's a great showing! What was the most popular talked about theme behind the scenes? Yup, it was the One Rate or Flat Rate. More to come on this during the week. Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Fuji-Xerox merges 9/17/038:48 PM Fuji- Xerox merges internally Byron Connolly, CRN Wednesday, 02 April 2003 Fuji- Xerox will audit its printer -distribution channel...
Blog Post

Change is Good, Especially When it Comes to Scanning Documents with Copiers

Art Post ·
Change is good, right? I'm going to change is even better. Being the same old you and doing the same old thing when presenting copiers can be prove to be a bad thing. Everything is changing at break neck speed in our industry. Thus last week I thought I would change it up a bit. Instead of providing the same old boring talk track of speeds and feeds. I opted for making one short power point presentation (5 slides) that centered around scanning workflows. There were no pictures of copiers, no...
Blog Post

Sales Professionals: Develop The Courage To Ask YOUR Clients For Feedback!

Larry Levine ·
The consummate sales professional, runs their own business. They do their best to appease their clients, satisfy their needs and keep them loyal to their brand. How can you be sure your efforts bring about the desired results? If you fail to continually find out what your clients actually think about you and your service, you'll never be able to give them the best customer experience they deserve. It's their opinions about the experience they have with you that is helpful information to use...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in October 2003

Art Post ·
In the office on Friday we had a chat about the manufacturers in the industry. My thoughts centered around KonicaMinolta and the great job they're doing with diversifying. Ricoh was at the bottom of the list. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week: Ricoh Offers Managed Print Services to Reduce Printing Complexity 10/2/0811:10 PM . In the past, printing was simple as everyone either shared one device or had a personal printer . Now the printing landscape is more complex with multiple...
Blog Post

The 3 P's A Sales Professional Takes To Heart To Help Them Crush Sales!

Larry Levine ·
As humans we're wired to seek out meaning and purpose in our lives. Nowhere is this ever so important than in sales, as this is where we spend much of our waking hours. I'm a firm believer that having a purpose matters more now than ever before. A sales professional thrives on being a part of a purpose. They live for becoming part of something that really matters, something that really makes a difference to the lives of their clients and prospects. In chapter 6 of my new book, Selling from...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week in November 2003

Art Post ·
Do you count how many selling days there are in every month? Do you minus those days for the corporate meetings, or hour the hours that you may leave early or get in late? They all add up, now with the Holiday Season upon us, November and December will offer the least few selling days of the year. Are you ready? Enjoy these awesome threads from 15 years ago this week! Xerox claims chip innovation Boston Mike · 11/3/038:38 AM , even on flexible surfaces. Xerox researchers in California then...