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Tagged With "Print Audit Are you new to Managed Print"


Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler

Art Post ·
That's correct, it was discontinued in lieu of the new MP 501SP & 601SP

Re: What's the weirdest place you've sold a copier to?

Kiwispike ·
About to hit 17 years in the industry now so seen a few.. Sold a scanner to a strip club, I was new to the industry and just a teenager at the time - made the mistake of asking what they wanted to scan Had a "serviced" copier in a massage parlour (inherited the install base so I cant take credit for this) Sold/installed copiers/MFD's to both of the last two Prime Ministers offices/houses Installed a fax machine INSIDE a jail, there was a very dusty gap and some cables on the desk so I asked...

Re: Desktop Shortcut to Scanned Images via store to HDD in scanner

fisher ·
Its pretty strait forward. Default the scanner to Store File to HDD. At the PC create a desktop shortcut to Web Image Monitor. Have customer click on Print Job/Store File -------> Document server. They will be able to download the document. The real problem though is you are encountering a lazy IT guy. Any IT guy worth his salt will help you set up scan to folder.

Re: Kyocera finally launches color inkjet PPS

jredmon ·
Due to image quality, is recommended for transactional, transpromotional and direct mail applications.....Reminds me when I used to sell Riso and we made this disclaimer!!...Not great copy quality but if you are wanting something that is cheap and fast, we have it for you!!

Re: Kyocera finally launches color inkjet PPS

Art Post ·
That's a shame! Was really hoping to hear about some kick ass color print quality

Re: Kyocera finally launches color inkjet PPS

Kitz ·
Very curious if this will fly, I'm concerned over how long it took to launch and if there were issues of some sort. We are a Kyocera dealer so we will be hearing more about it soon.

Re: Kyocera finally launches color inkjet PPS

Ricoh914 ·
The vacuum lct looks like the Ricoh LCT. Any chance Ricoh will rebrand this like Kyocera did to the 8200 series?

Re: Kyocera finally launches color inkjet PPS

Art Post ·
Yup, agreed I heard from Kyocera peeps that many of the accessories are the same as the Ricoh accessories. I'd love to see the print quality on this printer. Kyocera send me some print samples!

Re: COVID-19 Impact on Dealers and the Channel?

Art Post ·
I was on the MPSA call today. Here's some points of interest I was going to post on another thread but will put it here for everyone. One major MPS company reported 29% decline in pages or revenue Another major MPS company reported a 71% decline Healthcare for one of those clients saw a 40% increase More inquires from clients in respect to file sharing and content Expecting continuing decline for another 30 days in revenue and prints First week of April they hit bottom and has stayed that...

Re: Saudi-Based United Carton Industries Company Invests in Digital with EFI Nozomi Corrugated Printer

Art Post ·
Ever since I saw the name Nozomi I was curious where it came from. I found this on wikipedia Nozomi ( Japanese : のぞみ , lit. "Wish" or "Hope," and known before launch as Planet-B ) was a Mars orbiter that failed to reach Mars due to electrical failures. The mission was terminated on December 31, 2003. [ citation needed ]

Re: Need HELP! Kyocera Color A3 question

dimaxusa ·
Top three points I make when against Kyocera. #1. Take them color samples from your device and any Kyocera because the color output is sub par on all units. If you don’t have access to one look in your crm for an account you co-exist with Kyocera in. Or the next time you have a knock out make some samples and keep them in a binder. If color quality is important to the customer it will be a win. Another point is showing them you get what you pay for, meaning 3 tier color is what they have...

Re: Saudi-Based United Carton Industries Company Invests in Digital with EFI Nozomi Corrugated Printer

David Lindsay ·

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Art Post ·
Monte I don't believe you are paranoid! The ecommerce is a real threat for sales peeps. In order to over come that we as sales peeps will need to wear additional hats to better serve out clients. Those as a trusted adviser, become more knowledgeable with cloud services, IT services, MSP, MSSP. It's my belief that we will evolve from just print to be able to consult on all aspects of business office. I would love to hear from others on this as well, this is a great subject for discussion.

Re: More than eight million pages printed by Coventry council in 2019

Art Post ·
okay, who is going to do the match for the cost per page and the US dollar cost?

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Jason H ·
@Monte very true! Very well could be when. I will say with car buying, a friend of ours just bought a new car online - paperwork done digitally, car delivered to her house, and either a 7 or 14 day period that if she didn’t like it or want it anymore they come back and pick it up no questions asked. I often times get caught up in what “I” do and how “I” buy and not how “others” buy.

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Jason H ·
We definitely are not out chasing them but we are much more versed talking about them and the benefits of buying them from us rather than the big box store. It has led to some very nice MPS accounts for us this past year. I don’t have a final count but I believe we added about 3 million new clicks this year from printer sales. Not breaking any records by any means but adding an extra 50k or so of revenue never hurts. And thanks to brother for having a minimum advertised price online for the...

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

I’m a little late to this party but had the thread open since it was posted. As a 35 year old i straddle the “millennial” and old school gap (in my opinion haha). There is value of ordering things online that can be commonly used or even basic electronics. But if it’s anything above basic, I still believe talking to someone even if on the phone, pays dividends. We recently bought a new vehicle for my wife and explored for weeks online our options, the new vehicles options, what the price...

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

grizzlyadams ·
I'll chime in. Like TML I'm in my early 30's and have been selling copy hardware for nearly 10 years. I think good sales people as a whole are quickly becoming scarce. Millennials don't seem to like to interact with others if they don't have to and as most "print" decisions move to IT, online buying is already what they know. Overall it is a convenience factor, they don't have to submit a form to a website and wait a couple days for salesperson to try and up-sell them to an A3 MFP. They...

Re: RISO ME9450 Questions

Kevin Foley ·
Aside from RISO's SF5130, all of their duplicators now come standard with a network card for network printing. However, printing from MAC OS requires ordering a Mac Driver which requires a license key ordered from RISO - doesn't cost anything to order. Also, RISO's Mac Drivers are always behind with current Mac OS versions. They haven't released a driver compatible with OS X 10.15 even though it's been about 6 months since 10.15 was released. Sorry I'm late to the party.

Re: RISO ME9450 Questions

Art Post ·
@Kevin Foley Thanks so much for this and this does help me!

Re: Print Copy Tool versus Plotworks

jdicarlo ·
John, The PrintCopy Tool compares pretty favorably to Plotworks. I attached two documents to this post. The Product Support Guide lists differences between the two products. The PowerPoint has screen shots of all the settings in PrintCopy Tool. I hope this helps.

Re: Ricoh Kodak Replacement

Art Post ·
I've heard of nothing, but if you go on the Ricoh Japan site there were a couple of cool looking black only print devices.

Re: Konica Minolta enters industrial printing market

Art Post ·
this is awesome!! Niche devices are the wave of the future for the industry!

Re: Kyocera 6500i Mobile Print Question

Kyocera Guy ·
Yes. Kyocera Mobile Print is available with all Kyocera printers and mfps. This is a free app on google play and lstore or Itunes depending on if it is a droid or apple device that you are using. This is an onsite solution that uses your wireless network. 100% free is the key for this PRINT/SCAN app.

Re: Global Imaging aquires Conestoga Business Solution

Art Post ·
Global Acquires Pennsylvania-based Conestoga Business Solutions - Tuesday, July 07, 2015 Global Imaging Systems Acquires Pennsylvania-based Conestoga Business Solutions; Bolsters Xerox’s Presence in SMB Market LANCASTER, Pa., July 6, 2015 – Global Imaging Systems (GIS), A Xerox Company, has acquired Conestoga Business Solutions, an award winning, independent office equipment dealer in the Pennsylvania region. The company will offer the full range of Xerox office and printing technology, and...

Re: Target GP Margins

txeagle24 ·
Across the board, I probably average 12-15% margin above whatever markup management puts in before my "Sales Cost" is published. For printers & desktop A4 devices, I just want to get a bunch of them in the field running pages & making money, so I sell most of them at my Sales Cost. That recurring revenue stream & volume in numbers is more valuable than making a few extra dollars on the hardware. On larger A4 MFPs, I'll typically have a 20-25% margin, because I typically propose...

Re: Target GP Margins

Jason H ·
tx I agree. Our owner, who happens to be my father, is still trying to do things like its the 80's. We hold our own in a major market but we do not have the growth I want. It is tough to get him on board with anything new age as this is an industry he has made truck loads of money on doing it the same old way year after year.

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
Jason, Talk to KIP again I have never heard of KIP asking dealers to stock machines(maybe one for the demo floor). Plus KIP is releasing the new 800 series next month and these machines look like they should be good sellers. 8 full color "D"s per minute and 10K less that the Oce colorwave. We sell or have sold all the major lines of wide format, KIP, Oce, Ricoh, even going back to Xerox. All our sales reps and techs prefer the KIPs. GR

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

Maxima1 ·
The Epson argument has been going on for years. I brought one product in as a complement product and direct print production sales fought for Epson devices as part of the portfolio. I wouldn't allow it. However, with Vellek in charge of all product marketing, a lot changed. Overall profitability on Epson to Ricoh is about 7-9%. Plus there is no way to lock a customer into a toner inclusive deal when they could by it anywhere on the web. Losing proposition for Ricoh, winning for Epson. I ran...

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

chops ·
I'm wondering how the new KIP 800 series are doing. Many of my existing base w/ 5 year old + Ricoh's are asking if Ricoh will have something similar soon. Sounds like they won't? I can't believe that they aren't doing any R&D on it !!

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
KIP 800's are doing great!!! Every single customer that has demoed it has ordered one. We have installed 6 and all are running great with no issue, we another 12 on order. Only bad part is it is taking weeks to get them. We may never place a "new" monochrome machine again.

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
We are getting $.03 per sq ft. That is less than the monochrome machines, this is why I don't see us placing anymore new monochrome machines. We will place some refurbished ones to the customers that have to go low budget. Not only that it blows the Oce Colorwave away. We have a customer who makes these 20 ft full color GIS aerials that cost him $21.00 each to run on the Oce (his numbers not ours) we ran them on the KIP at a cost of $1.76.

Re: Nsi Autostore

Art Post ·
this is a net new for me, at the end of their current lease. First meeting with them is tomorrow. Not sure of the existing devices yet

Re: Sharp M623

Art Post ·
ty, thanx, our company dropped BLI with the new increase

Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I call Bull ****! At least for our industry, the copier industry! This may be true of a commodity (like envelopes, or coffee, or even a PC) but copiers, really MFDs require a lot of attention, both before and after a customer buys it. This article seems to be written by an old brick & mortar company that successfully transitioned to internet sales. This will work for any company that drop ships their products. And I agree that the MFD manufacturers would LOVE for this to be, or...

Re: Question: Xerox technicians

Art Post ·
I can confirm a new offering. Xerox has a new program for signing on new dealers and not putting them in the Global or Agent bucket. These dealers can then be trained to use thier own technicians. I will check with my source about them using Xerox techs.

Re: Ricoh MP C306SPF Can't print

jswinberlin ·
I think that has always been the way it works.

Re: W6700sp help!

Art Post ·
Got it, what we use is an exit tray that is sold by "Copier Solution Shop". The new exit tray will allow "e" size documents to exit to the front of the W6700 and they don't have to use the rear exit. I believe it will stack 50 or so. All of my clients love and their has never been a complaint. Here's the link https://www.copiersolutionshop...put-tray-rot-1.html, I will check for a video. I thought I posted one in the "pic's" section of this site.

Re: Around the World with Ricoh

Art Post ·
Ricoh Selects Juniper Networks to Modernize its Group-Wide Network Infrastructure TOKYO, Aug. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR ), an industry leader in automated, scalable and secure networks, today announced that Ricoh Group has successfully implemented Juniper Networks' high-performing solutions to modernize and simplify the operations of its core networking and security infrastructure that supports approximately 500 locations and 34,000 users in Japan. Ricoh Group...

Re: Mac to Print via PCL

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, There is a built in Generic PCL Print Driver in the MACs now. Vince

Re: Mac to Print via PCL

Art Post ·
Nice, great info Vince!

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

SalesServiceGuy ·
1). The new e4508LP uses the heat of the fuser to decolorize the blue toner to clear. The seperate RD30 erasing device is still available and presents a few advantages. 2). The MSRP does not include the seperate RD30 erasing device nor is it needed. 3). Not yet available. 4). Not yet available but probably. 5). Not yet available. 6). Regular 20 lb bond paper works fine. 28 lb bond paper will produce a better erase. 7). 45 cpm is the speed of black only. 35 cpm is the speed of the erase...

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

SalesServiceGuy ·
There is an all inclusive cpc charge for the Erasable Blue toner. The cost per copy analysis suggests that if on a 60 month lease you do not expect the the customer to erase more than 210,000 pages (3,500 pages per month) you can forget the parts cost and charge the same cpc as for Black at around $0.010 per page with a decent profit. There is no charge other than the users effort to recycle pages printed with erasable blue. If a sheet of paper costs $0.010 and Erasable Blue costs $0.010 you...

Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints

SalesServiceGuy ·
Imagine a CMYK copier, except remove the CMY toner and developer and insert a new Erasable Blue (EB) toner and developer. Modify the copier so that when the Erasable blue toner passes back through the heat of the fuser, it de-colorizes the blue to white. A new rules based print driver can automatically makes software apps like emails auto print in blue plus provide a new counter to show how much paper, CO2 and money you saved. The previous generation product appealed to too small a section...

Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints

SalesServiceGuy ·
A good YouTube video showing the erasable copier in action.

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Art Post ·
These are two listing that I found on site: 8443.99.20 Parts of printer units of subheading 8443.32.10 specified in additional U.S. note 2 to this chapter 8443.99.45 Parts and accessories of copying machines; nesoi Subheading 8443.99.20 following parts of printer units of subheading 8443.32.10: (a) Control or command assemblies, incorporating more than one of the following: printed circuit assembly, hard or flexible (floppy) disk drive, keyboard, user interface; (b) Light source...

Re: Canon reveals new imageRunner range

Art Post ·
What's new & different with these devices?

Re: Compensation Question

Czech ·
I get paid strictly on GP, but I would be unopposed to a bonus structure for this model. 90% of my sales are new business, so I sell anywhere from 4 to 7 machines per month with 1000 to 2000 GP in each one.

Re: Rumor has it that...

Bill Siderys ·
Rumor has it that Canon is not going to take the new game changer product through the BTA dealers. Not good.

Re: Canon's new 75PPM A4 MFP series

BCarroll ·
CPP is very low for the AIO unit. This is a new engine, so overall service costs are estimates only at this time. Canon looks to have a winning combo on their hands. Where's Ricoh and KM in this segment?