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Tagged With "building your network"


Re: The End Of The Day With Ray! The MP and the Refugees

Peter Ryan ·
Thanks for sharing your story with us. It puts things in perspective. Stay safe.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighteen of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
People always like getting free stuff. Two promo ideas 1). Offer 1-5 free color banner prints to your clients and prospects.. Many copiers can now print banners up to 12"W by 48" L . This feature is often not promoted. It costs you almost nothing but the customer might perceive as having value. It could be "Open for Business", "Happy Birthday," "Grand Re-Opening", whatever. The customer can dictate the content. You can add a little logo in the corner of the banner "supplied by ABC Copier...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighteen of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
Congrats on your two sales this week!

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighteen of Sales

Art Post ·
I like the second offer, yes people always like free

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

Art Post ·
SSG that's an awesome video! You can send links to clients, and direct them to your channel. It's a virtual demo that keeps on giving. Kudos I have some of the same issues with getting appointments through Linkedin, however I know of several peeps that use Linkedin as their only source for prospecting and they are doing well. I will keep working it since I have a Navigator account now

Re: The End Of The Day With Ray! Beware of the Predators!!

SalesServiceGuy ·
Which episode did you comment that everybody is trying to sell Document Mgt systems these days and why you think that is not the best idea? BTW, I purchased some eLearn courses on because of one of your SAT AM episodes. Thanks,

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
Although I am 60% on board with your move to A4 strategy, most of the rest of the stuff you are posting is "knocking it out of the park"! I would like to see a poll. As a business owner, during COVID-19 would you prefer? 1). No lease payments for 90 days 2). 1/2 price lease payments for one year The auto industry is pushing no payments for 90 days but I think business owners are more concerned about cash flow for the next year. I think the correct strategy is to offer as part of your...

Re: Special Announcement from Art

CONGRATS ART! So excited for you and your family! Sucks to have been knocked with the flue so close to the birth of your grandchild, but take the great with the bad. I know we've spoke about it before, but my wife's still pregnant as yesterdays due date came and went. Kid doesn't realize he's impeding on poppa's schedule to sell! Congrats and get better soon!

Re: Special Announcement from Art

Art Post ·
wOW, BIRTHDAYS ARE SO CLOSE! Putting up a picture soon

Re: Ask Me Anything

Sounds like I missed a good knowledge drop last week Art! Had a pretty good excuse, but love the topics discussed! I'm always learning and part of this ongoing learning is something from your blogs/emails that I throw in my knowledge bucket. Keep it up and I appreciate what you do!

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's Managed Services provider in order...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
No, Art. You're spot on. I haven't had many jobs outside the industry, but the majority of the old guard is so proud of the way they've always done it & receives so much validation from other dealers with the same mentality (via BTA, CDA, SDG, et al) that they often refuse to admit the need to change until it's practically too late. There are ideas & concepts that I brought up 3-5 years ago that were considered to be "interesting but not really necessary" that we're suddenly latching...

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

Art Post ·
Almost three years ago, I wrote the above blog. I want to do a 2015 version. Please either post here or go to the forums and write a short paragraph about how your company is giving back to the community so that we can post the 2015 version of "Those Magnificent Men (Women) and Their Copy Machines". It would be great to see how we all contribute. Please post below. I re-posted the older version on the blog tonight also. Here is the link for the forums.

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

gwalters2009 ·
Originally Posted by txeagle24: I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's...

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

David Broaden ·
Hey Art, Really admire your efforts in our industry and with your blog. Its been a long time resource to keep me updated in our industry. I will be celebrating 14 years at Martin Group, and was happy to see us represented in the list above. We are as enthusiastic as ever in supporting our communities, and below is a quick write up we refreshed to be current. Martin Group in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: Is a regional power house in the office equipment community. With 35 years in the industry, and...

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

bfox ·
Hey Art, what do you recommend to transport copiers… ie stairclimbers or general devices to move copiers around re installs etc.? Thanks for your help. bob

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Czech ·
I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business for their sales department.

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Art Post ·
Originally Posted by Czech: I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

txeagle24 ·
In my opinion, Net New is any revenue stream you did not previously have. Take over service of a competitor's equipment = Net New. Replace that machine purchased from a competitor with one of your own = Net New. Take over management of their print fleet or IT infrastructure = Net New. Replace those printers or computers, Net New. Time comes to renew those contracts at a lower or identical service payment= Upgrade. But, if their monthly payment increases, the difference between the old...

Re: Four Reasons Why I'm SO Excited about Print Audit Insight Dashboard!!

Art Post ·
ty John! Love your products! Can't wait to meet you and the gang in September

Re: How I turned $15 into a 24K Opportunity

Czech ·
Hey Art! I started using Aweber email software about 5 months ago. I send out a monthly newsletter with a customized template. People read it! Best part is that you always stay top of mind with your prospects. I actually exported my contact list from my CRM software and imported that into Aweber. Currently have about 100 prospects and customers in my email list. It's great! Much cheaper than a mailer.

Re: Selling Copiers “The Good Ole Days”

Tom Koenig ·
Come on Art, admit it. After 30 years of the good old days you would have been bored out of your mind. It is fun to look back on though. Sent from my iPhone Please excuse typos Thank you and Have a Great Day > On Nov 18, 2015, at 12:07 AM, "Print4Pay Hotel" < > wrote: >

Re: Slumps Happen... 3 Tips To Beat the Sales Funk

Czech ·
Great stuff Larry. A sales slump means you've fallen in love with the result more than the process. It's not a slump if you love selling and working with your clients.

Re: Slumps Happen... 3 Tips To Beat the Sales Funk

Art Post ·
The only tip I know of is to work your ass off. Slumps are directly related to not working hard. The hardier you work, the luckier you get!

Re: Are Copier Sales Reps Asking the Right Questions

Old Glory ·
As you said, this blog wasn't meant to cover all the bases but your comments about brand loyalty and brand/service provider loyalty are only true if the decision maker has been the same for each decision. If you aren't talking to the owner, you may be talking to a totally different person than the one that made past decisions. You need to know that before you decide whether to pack your bags and walk away. Also, in a leased equipment environment, the decision to stay with the same brand and...

Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps

Larry Kirsch ·
Very interesting point of view. Always informative. Old adage. The more activity the greater the results. Plan your work. Work your plan. Have a great day.

Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps

Art Post ·
Ty Larry Kirsch

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

George KRebs ·
Thank you for sharing the blog, Art. I must admit to not putting two and two together. I appreciate your thoughts. George Krebs Shore Business Solutions

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
George You are welcome!

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
I suspect that you are retired from the copier industry and do not have to earn commissions each month to support your family. As an active sales rep, I do not have the luxury of hoping that things will run their course when I have budgets and quotas to meet each month. The people who are going to be adversely effected will be US copier sales reps with a higher cost of goods.

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Old Glory ·
What about the term "Free Trade" do you not understand? You argue the advantages of lower lumber prices for Americans while disputing the value of lower dairy prices for Canadians. Free trade suggests that the market should decide what is best for the consumer. Free trade would also suggest that your exorbantly high taxes really shouldn't be a factor. We should probably leave the health care debate out of the equation. I for one would rather have what we have than what the Canadians have,...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
You can call it whatever you want tariff/ tax but if your cost of goods increases by up to 10% this fall solely due to actions by the Trump Administration we will see if you feel the same by Jan 2019. You seem a bit naive in thinking that a tariff is not a tax. I am sure Ricoh will not share you opinion on selling less new equipment in favor of used gear.

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
Trump is doing the right thing. As far as Ricoh is concerned, I couldn't care less of their opinion. It's all about putting food on the table for our families.

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Tom Koenig ·
Good Luck Old Dog!!! I've got $10 says you get your $200K

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
You're too funny! Make it $20 and we got a bet!!

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Tom Koenig ·
Your on

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 3

Larry Kirsch ·
Best wishes with this one. Appears your efforts are going in right direction. Looking forward to hearing the outcome. Larry K

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 4"

Kyocera Guy ·
Thanks Art for sharing your 57 days. Gives a great prospective. I'm going to reach out to Copier Solutions about adding the locks to my arsenal.

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 4"

Art Post ·
awesome, glad you are enjoying them!!

Re: Top Ten "Why Copiers Should Have Warning Labels"

Art Post ·
Ty Jason! Had fun with this!! Ty for the email about your rep, that was very humorous sale!! Maybe post in on the forums?

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 10"

Kyocera Guy ·
I know feast or famine right? I feel your pain but luckily not this month.

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 10"

Art Post ·
ty! I've had feasting for three months, now it's time for payback

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Kyocera Guy ·
Quick question Art. I am starting my pipeline for 2017. I have a goal set but my question is what % of that goal should I already have in my pipeline before the year starts to hit my annual goal for next year. Just your thoughts.

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Czech ·
Art, how do you create a funnel of 180k each and every month? What constitutes an "opportunity" in your mind: a) A customer who is actively looking for a solution you offer or B) Someone that you've determined (not the customer yet) has a need for a solution you offer?

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Art Post ·
Never ever stop prospecting is the key. Always adding and subtracting. I would say on average I keep about $100K of deals I think can close in 30 days. I focus on 180 because 2/3rd of them will either roll, or lose. 90% of the time, I will wait until the first contact to determine if that appointment is an opportunity. Once it's in the funnel, I then determine when it may have a chance to close. If's it's more than 50% it's going in the 30 day close funnel

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

JeffR ·
Art, You had mentioned a monthly customer contact email that you do—you were going to send a copy of that—where can I find it? Enjoying your 57 Days of selling—learning a lot! Sue

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Art Post ·
Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

SalesServiceGuy ·
What is even more scary is how your commission cheques will fall in $ value if you only sell A4 copiers. The copier/printer market is not getting any larger and if a commission sales rep focuses on selling lower $ value A4 boxes, they are going to have to make a lot more sales calls and sell a lot more boxes to earn the same money.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Kyocera Guy ·
Maybe not such a bad thing. This makes shorter term leases with less interest more attractive and therefore leases can be turned faster as long as your not padding your leases to begin with.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Hello Art and the rest of the P4P members - Our industry association (ELFA), along with several independent law firms that represent many of our industry members are reviewing this legislation to determine the actual effects it will have on the industry as a whole and to provide guidance so that our members will be in compliance with the legislation. What we know at this point is that is you are involved in offering financing to businesses in California, you will be subject to this...