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Tagged With "Unified Billing"


Re: Canon and Konica Minolta Reps

Jason H ·
Thank you for the info Bill. I have another scheduled meeting with this guy Friday morning, if he doesn't cancel or postpone it again.

Re: Color clicks

BCarroll ·
JWS- Good luck getting your machine to count correctly! We went round and round with Ricoh and our rep about this. They swear it counts correctly, we know it doesn't. You are correct in that it can be application- dependent; some apps will click correctly, but Acrobat prints, when there are mixed originals, usually treat the whole job as color. I experimented with different drivers (PCL / PS3 / Universal PCL), but could never resolve the issue for our client (a church). BTW, the ame doc...

Re: Personal Property Tax

Old Glory ·
First of all, we don't have this problem because the lease company we use (Clune Leasing) doesn't charge property tax. However, the potential pitfalls: 1.) Using a rate that was to include it and then having the lease company deny it later. That happened to us with Marlin Leasing. Make sure to get documentation ON EVERY DEAL done this way that all property tax is included. 2.) Property tax is a percentage of the funding amount. Anything added to the lease that raises the amount of the lease...

Re: Personal Property Tax

Chuck ·
Let the leasing company bill it and that way the customer has an "audit-proof" deduction that can never be challenged by taxing authorities. Like business insurance and taxes on earned income, it is what it is, a cost of doing business that everyone HAS to pay. If another company says its included, force them to divulge the amount (often difficult)IN WRITING - yours will be on each bill.

Re: PPDM from Ricoh, Questions

Art Post (Guest) ·
bill w thanx Dan: Got the NFP installed on my notebook just a few days ago. just have not had the time to use it yet, I'm sure with he end of the month looming for us, I'll be giving it a go.

Re: Actual MPS Demand...

txeagle24 ·
I have a handful of these small accounts that bill between $500 & $1,000 but those are the ones where the cost-justification is more difficult, since I.T. doesn't spend much time troubleshooting such a small fleet. In these cases, it typically comes down to managing the fleet for a little more than they currently pay just for consumables.

Re: Daily Sales Philosophy

Art Post (Guest) ·
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Bill Gates (1955 – ) Cofounder and chairman of Microsoft

Re: matt espe quits

Art Post (Guest) ·
As Bill W told me this AM, maybe the view from 30,000 feet was something Espe wasn't about to fall in love with. I thought this was a dynamic move for Ricoh, they needed someone like Espe at the head of the wheel. Now, I'm thinking something is drastically wrong with either the current business model or the Ikon/Ricoh thingy. Time will tell. Would like to hear from others on this!

Re: Global Image Charge Wording

JasonR ·
The only thing I thought was strange here is "the minimum monthly payments are due whether or not you are invoiced". I wonder if I get a late charge for not paying the payment they forgot to bill me for?

Re: Global Image Charge Wording

CashGap ·
Our agreement says the same thing. Otherwise, no one who can utter the phrase "I never got the bill" ever has to make a payment, or we must send all invoices certified at extra expense. At a MINIMUM, you owe $311.15 EVERY MONTH. Pay it EVERY MONTH, whether you get an invoice or not.

Re: How will the earth quake in Japan affect...

Art Post (Guest) ·
The earthquake and tsunami that have roiled Japan so far have not caused sizable production or supply chain problems for the Rochester area's major employers. Eastman Kodak Co. has two production facilities in Japan that produce printing plates. The Gumma facility, two hours northwest of Tokyo, sustained minor damage in the disasters "and should be able to go back in production fairly soon," said company spokesman Christopher Veronda. "We believe that any impacts to the supply chain will be...

Re: Cloud Printing

SalesServiceGuy ·
I was in a small town last week at an six person Accountanting firm. They were using Cloud Computing for storage and document collaboration. They were concerned about the large amounts of paper documents that they had to store, retrieve and off site storage. They did not want to get a bigger office so they saw cloud computing as a way to get rid of filing cabinets. They liked the ability to be at a clients office and pull up their files at the customer's location. They liked the ability to...

Re: Ask Art "Email from MFP Solutions Blog Reader"

Chuck ·
[quote] Art those newsletters are duplexed so add another $135 for the second sides. Plus the MFP's color scanning will permit virtually cost-free emails of color listings to potential clients.

Re: MPS And Profit

txeagle24 ·
There are a number of factors that impact start-up cost for MPS clients. In the traditional "copier" world, prior to putting machines under contract we would inspect them, perform service to bring it up to spec and bill the client. In MPS, we just put them under contract, so the start up cost can be virtually nothing or cost an arm and a leg depending on the condition of the machines that are being placed under an MPS Agreement. Another factor is how much toner the client has on hand prior...

Re: Q. How does your company handle networking charges?

Jomama ·
My rule is, if they need more training, or something wrong or inconvenient with the way I set up the print scan, I'll make it right, no charge. If they add a workstation and want it configured,if they changed their router/switch, decide (after 60 days or so) they need a different configuration, or some O/S related problem, that is chargeable. A case in point, a customer called me saying his can scan to folder icon has disappeared from his desktop. I suggested that the cleanup wizard has...

Re: Color Print Control

txeagle24 ·
We default every color device we install to black & white. Are we losing some revenue on CPP contracts as a result? Of course we are. Is this money the client would spend if they were not covered under a toner-inclusive agreement? No, because there would be no black and white documents that would accidentally use color toner. If part of our value proposition is to help a client reduce the expenses associated with managing their printing systems by creating a strategic outsourcing...

Re: MOM Sues OSU for $1M over COMDOC Secret...

Art Post (Guest) ·
An office-company filed a lawsuit against Ohio State, saying the university wrongly awarded a potential $24 million printer and copier contract to a competitor. Modern Office Methods filed the lawsuit on Sept. 26 in the Court of Claims, requesting that OSU set aside its recently awarded contract with ComDoc, Inc. and rebid it. According to the documents, Modern Office Methods said a ComDoc employee met with an OSU employee, unknowingly to the other top-two competitors, Modern Office Methods...

Re: Kodak & Possible Buyers?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Legg Mason’s Bill Miller has been a long-time owner and defender of Eastman Kodak. Now, even he’s abandoning ship. As Deal Journal colleague Dana Mattioli is reporting, Legg Mason Capital Management sold all of its Kodak stock. She reports: “Legg Mason sold some 11 million shares in the Rochester, N.Y.-based imaging company in the third quarter and the remaining 7.9 million shares last month. Earlier this year, it owned 32 million shares.” As of the end of June, Mr. Miller’s Legg Mason...

Re: SP5200 Series. What's your plan???

fisher ·
Better just give the prospect a $100 bill and walk away than to quote low and get killed on a service contract. But then again we don't increase service contracts annually like most in our industry do. We sell against that practice very successfully.


Art Post (Guest) ·
Being introduced in NJ. I'm going to get a copy of the bill to see who is responsible. I would say that the leasing company owns the machine and it should be there's (my opinion), however will it fall to the end user? Probabaly,would be a good question for a poll though. Art

Re: Proximity Card Reader

montecore ·
Good job! If they are using MIFARE cards you should be good to go. Just make sure you get a sample to test. Remember just because it reads the card does not mean it will track for bill back purposes. That is where a software solution comes in. I forgot to ask what Canon model are you considering? Make sure it is an advance series. Do you have access to Canon ISG Central? They is an entire presentation on AAProx that you should definitely know the in's and out's BEFORE you meet with the GM.

Re: Proximity Card Reader

montecore ·
Thanks for the update. Who said they were compatible with MIFARE cards? Magnetic strip cards is what I figured the hotel was using. Those work by a different mechanism. As Vince mentioned you can look at UniFlow but that might be a pricey option. You can also add a credit card/bill/coin-op solution for the business center. This is an easy way for walk up traffic. That way it keeps the front office people out of the equation to cash out guest. When you mention cloud printing what type are you...

Re: Proximity Card Reader

Emie_gran ·
I had gotten the name of the type of card from the GM and I called the card manufacturer and the Technican I spoke with said the cards were MIFARE. My understanding of the cloud solution would allow guests to login to their google docs or sharepoint account for direct prints. What other options are available? The hotel's mainframe is on a program called OPERA. I like the credit/card/bill/coin-op solution, I hadn't thought about that. Additional food for thought.... Are there any card readers...

Re: Marlin Does Not Disclose Possible Loss Of Evergreen Payments

Kevin Clune ·
I’m surprised that there isn’t more leasing chatter because there seems to be a growing awareness of how most leasing companies make their money. The member who correctly analyzed Marlin’s profits was right on the mark. Not many leasing companies are public entities but when they are one can glean a lot of info from their 10Q’s and 10K’s. The leasing industry vigorously defends evergreen to its detriment. Whenever a state bill is introduced to restrict or outlaw evergreens they send someone...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

CashGap ·
Agreed. The client (is it a municipality?) either took a risk knowingly "Eh, flood insurance, who needs it" or unknowingly (incompetence). They now have a loss. But, this is the trend... I made a bad decision, is there someone with the last name ", Inc." who can be coerced or compelled to pay the bill? Fixed that for you...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

fisher ·
So, do you think it would be ethical for the leasing company to go after full stream of payments plus residual in the case I described??? I don't begrudge the leasing company a fair return on their outlay of money but to want the full stream plus residual 4 weeks after funding is excessive. That's making 40% interest on their money for a one month investment. Would you be happy as the leasing partner???? I doubt it. Keep in mind your reputation as a salesperson is attached to how your...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

CashGap ·
Well, of course. We all understand that there is NO question of ethics, both parties signed a contract and agreed to obligations. Both took on risks. Now one party has experienced those risks. Is GA entitled to what the contract says they are entitled to after 4 weeks, or only after 5? Five is pretty short... maybe they get what the contract says after 15 weeks, but not 14? Or maybe they get what the contract says if the contract goes to term but they eat it if anything bad happens prior to...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

CashGap ·
Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

Re: KonicaMinolta's New App Display for MFPs!

Old Glory ·
Interesting...Couldn't we actually do something like this using our inbedded browser option? We can set a web page as the home page right? "Mr. Customer, how would you like to lower your copy bill next month by $100? All you have to do is allow ABC Bank's website to be displayed on your copier for the next 4 weeks. Just follow these three easy steps and then take a picture of the display on your copier and email it to us." What about industry specific advertising. A mortgage company...

Re: 3800 CMF Problem, need help

Art Post (Guest) ·
From: Lee Sent: 6/11/2002 9:40 PM Still puzzling over this problem and wish I had one in the demo room to test. Here is something else I found. In the Product Support Guide, the explanation of the meter is as follows. With SP5-930-1 set to ON, B&W pages after a color page have been printed are counted as B&W. This document goes even further with an example of Page 1=B&W, Page 2=Color, Page3=B&W, Page 4=B&W, Page 5=Color. With Meter charge Mode ON, the counts for the above...

Re: Konica 50cpm color madness

copierdude ·
Yeah we are a tri-line dealer and carry the Konica Product as well as Ricoh and Toshiba which gives us a nice variety. This Konica Color Force 50 is probably the best quality I have seen off a 50 ppm color system. It is a production system though. Konica is warning us not to sell it unless the customer gurantees a minimum volume which has not been set yet. So you need to take into perspective the 5-6 cents per page is all relative to volume as well. That is service, supplies, and anything...

Re: Big, Big News from Xerox!!

Art Post (Guest) ·
May 1, 2003 - Xerox Partners with Industry Specialists to Develop Solutions for New Digital Office Products NEW YORK, April 30, 2003 – More than a dozen ready-to-go business solutions that will help customers increase productivity and transform their workflows were unveiled today by Xerox Corporation (NYSE: XRX) and its Premier Business Partners. The new or improved solutions couple the industry expertise of partner companies with the productivity benefits of Xerox office multifunction...

Re: Aficio 700 Needed!

Old Glory ·
Office Equipment Group has not come through with promises to me in the past but on 8/29 they advertised two units: AF700 with LCT and Finisher - 488K - $4,800 AF700 with LCT, Finisher, NIC, and Print - 143K - $6,645. However, in their fax dated 9/16, these units are no longer listed. I give them here for representative pricing purposes. They carry lots of Ricoh so you might give them a call. Rick Howe - President 800-261-9179 (ext 225). Again be careful. I don't mind telling you or you...

Re: Mailbox Unit on 1075

Gregory (Guest) ·
Great tidbit on the moisture absorbant bags, Art! I never thought of that. I wonder if our techs suggest that? Bill, I have one mailbox unit in the field, on a 1060 and have not heard a thing on it. And it went out at the launch of the 1060.

Re: Shame on GE Capital

Graham ·
I have had the SAME problem, I have a customer who is so angry about this call center in India. He is a big time All American guy with Flags and Proud to be an American all over his wall. You should have heard him when he got a collection call from someone in INDIA, when he had not even recieved his first bill yet. GE Confirmed that this is indeed the case. Graham

Re: Weekend Notes from the copier industry!

Art Post (Guest) ·
WEEKEND MFP INDUSTRY NOTES 8-5-07 The following is a quick review of copier/MFP industry news from industry publications. - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for manufacturers to create a mandatory minimum selling price for their product. The case was decided regarding a store that sold women’s clothing, that ran afoul of the clothing manufacturer’s rules. Unknown if any copier manufacturers will adopt this policy. - A group in Australia at Queensland University, is claiming that...

Re: Is It Just Me?

Bill S (Guest) ·
Keep the music if it sounds like P___

Re: B&W vs. Color pages

dmurrah ·
here you go

Re: Republican Presidential Primary Poll

copyaction (Guest) ·
I'm a conservative too, and I didn't approve when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, and I don't approve the Rudy cheated on 2 of his 3 wives.

Re: 2238 cpc

Art Post (Guest) ·
Phil: There are many threads on the hotel that are pertinant to your question. go to your find button, then click it and then enter: Take a look at these: Is there anyone out there selling CPC on the 3800 and the 3800 CMF units? We have ran over several scenarios of how to bill it so the customer can use the CMF as a primary B/W copier as well as color and none seem to work out all that well for either the customer or service.... Anyone doing this? If so, how are you billing it and pricing...

Re: 2232/2238 Meters

Graham ·
The system is setup to do two different things... You can have it count by developments or by copies... If it counts by developments then a color copy is 3 color and 1 black and a black is 1 black. It should not do a process black unless you specify it to do so. On the other option a color is one click and a black is one click. This is a function that your setup or service department needs to specify at the time of setup. It depends on wheather or not you bill by developments or by click.

Re: 1060 and Twain driver

Ted ·
If I'd have thought about it more, I would have said the same thing. I had a customer that had the internal Firewalls turned on in XP, and nothing would work. I could have enabled the ports as Bill indicated or disabled the personal firewall. They chose the later and everything now works fine. Let us know what you find out incase it is something different. Who knows, one of us may run across this in the future.

Re: Notice to All Copier Employees

Art Post (Guest) ·
Subject: Redistribution Experiment Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed. Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, and again I laughed as he had given away his political preference -- just imagine the coincidence. When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I...

Re: Notice to All Copier Employees

Dan Morgan ·
Thanks for the laugh Art. Your last statement is priceless....

Re: Color printer 12 x 18 thru paper deck

txeagle24 ·
Any idea if Lexmark has any? We currently do Lanier, HP & Lexmark but not Oki, although we have a few in the field. What Oki would fit the bill?

Re: Network Charges?

Neal ·
i agree, if the customer makes changes that require you to go out and reconfigure or re-install then they should expect to be charged for the service. We offer blocks of time at reduced rates if a customer needs it, but when it comes to single calls to reset, then we bill by the hour plus the trip charge.

Re: inside sales rep

Bill S (Guest) ·
We have a majority of our reps designated as inside sales. You do have more flexibility in hiring and the pool of people is larger.

Re: Pay Plan

Bill S (Guest) ·
Here's the current problem: Profits are dropping on the front end and as the pay goes so do the good reps that produce large profits per person. To keep the reps at the dealership, make the program a long term program. The idea behind commissions on the cpp is to chase the clicks. I have heard many people say they sold a MFP to replace a printer and copier. I just don't see those Hp's leaving the customers site. Sure, a few are out but not a great many. Also, have you ever seen a copier rep...

Re: Pay Plan

Bill S (Guest) ·
It sounds like commission on the service contracts is a good idea if you can make it happen. Thanks for the help.

Re: Scan to email

Bill S (Guest) ·
Could it be that someone else manages their e-mail service. They may have a filter that will excludes certain e-mails (i.e. no subject, ect.) . This could also be the case with an internal e-mail. If you can send outside the company it should work. I think IT should be able to provide the rest.