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Tagged With "Microsoft Outlook"


Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's Managed Services provider in order...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

gwalters2009 ·
Originally Posted by txeagle24: I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's...

Re: Do Black & White Copiers Really Exist?

tkern ·
Um, you can use the Positive/Negative setting and it reverses the "colors" of black and white. I know,I know, still not copying/printing in white toner! ;-)

Re: Do Black & White Copiers Really Exist?

Art Post ·
great point!
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in October 2003

Art Post ·
In the office on Friday we had a chat about the manufacturers in the industry. My thoughts centered around KonicaMinolta and the great job they're doing with diversifying. Ricoh was at the bottom of the list. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week: Ricoh Offers Managed Print Services to Reduce Printing Complexity 10/2/0811:10 PM . In the past, printing was simple as everyone either shared one device or had a personal printer . Now the printing landscape is more complex with multiple...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in October 2008

Art Post ·
We're in to the last 8 weeks of the year. Prospecting that was done in July & August will now start to pay dividends and carry you through the end of the year. If you're just prospecting now for November and December then you're toast! Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 10/26/08 Neal · 10/27/087:45 AM WEEKEND MFP INDUSTRY NOTES 10-26-08 The following is a quick review of copier/MFP industry news from industry publications. Kodak ’s print controller...
Blog Post

Workflow Management Software Integration Improves Accounting Processes for Growing Business

Art Post ·
Growing autobody company, Carubba Collision, integrated their accounting software with a document management solution to optimize its accounting processes. The results: a corporate accounting department able to meet the demands of a growing business without additional staff. Established in 1955, Carubba Collision is the largest body shop conglomerate in upstate New York with 16 locations across 11 cities. The company is dedicated to assisting customers with insurance claims and works hard to...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Second Week in July 2008

Art Post ·
Ten years ago, it still seems like yesterday. Color MFP's were all the rage and third party solutions started to take center stage. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! RICOH ANNOUNCES NEW EFI COLOR PRINT CONTROLLER TO MAXIMIZE WORKFLOW AND PRODUCTIVITY 7/9/088:23 PM savings and productivity. The company's robust product portfolio includes Fiery( R ) digital color print servers; VUTEk( R ) superwide digital inkjet printers , UV and solvent inks; Jetrion( R ) industrial inkjet...
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Transitioning From Your Print and Copier Roots to Get Ahead of Competition

Art Post ·
Note from Art: This blog was not written by me, however, I received permission from FP to repost on our site, I thought this would be a good read for everyone. Enjoy! To quote Brent Hoskins, Executive Director and BTA Editor, “Our industry [business technology] has a rich history of significant transitions…the inherent nature of change is that new, lucrative opportunities abound.” I couldn’t agree with this sentiment more. Change means new opportunity and in the business technology industry...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Fourth Week in July 2008

Art Post ·
Last week seemed to be pretty interesting. I've been working on an order for about six months and was told the paperwork was ready to pick up tomorrow. As soon as I have the docs in hand I'll be writing about this, till then mums is the word. Weekend Copier Notes from 07/27/08 Neal · 7/28/0810:46 AM Russian investors are considering acquiring the company. - Kodak announced it has sold a NexPress 2500 production color system to Mailings Unlimited, a print and mailing house in Portland, Maine.
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3 Things Sales Reps Need To Ditch To Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Levine ·
New Year... New exercise plan, new diet, and new sales plans. The New Year is also a time to break bad habits. Habits, they're behaviors that impact the decisions we make about how to spend our time, our sales activities and resources. Think of sales habits in the same way. You accumulate experiences and knowledge over time which influences your outlook as well as your ability to effectively manage what you do on a daily basis. From the most tenured sales reps to the sales newbies,...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in November 2003

Art Post ·
So it was fifteen years ago that Ricoh launched the first GBC puncher. I remember it well, chads were evenly distributed through out the entire device! One of my accounts had to vacuum their GBC puncher once a week. Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Toshiba America Business Solutions Introduces the Flagship Model in its Workgroup Color Printer Line Boston Mike · 11/10/036:05 PM in TABS color printer product line. Boasting a powerful 600 MHz processor and 256 MB of standard RAM...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Second Week of April 2005)

Art Post ·
For each of the next few blogs I'll be inserting some tips from what other dealers and sales peeps are doing on a daily basis from around the globe for staying relevant with their clients and prospects. 1. We promote our brand, products & services daily and when we return and hit the ground running we might take the opposition out who may not make so much effort working from home… Enjoy these incredible threads from 15 years ago this week! Konica Minolta Cuts 05/06 Profit Target Guest ·...
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In Times Of Crisis, Sales Professionals Get Reacquainted With And Recapture Their Hearts

Larry Levine ·
Heart in sales, it's not a dirty word. Within the sales culture, an image of the heart is often associated with weakness or being too mushy gushy. However, the heart is strong and powerful, the driving force of life, one heartbeat at a time! Your ability to succeed becomes crippled when there's an unbalanced connection with your heart. Embracing a heart-centered approach to sales rests with your ability to stop, look inward, and reflect upon the course of action you know is the right one,...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of April 2015)

Art Post ·
Since the last two to three weeks have been less than perfect I figured we could reminisce when times were better. There's a cool little story about and event that took place in Jamaica while on a Presidents Club trip with Dr. Feelgood. That link is below! Enjoy these awesome threads from five years ago this week! Konica Minolta acquires printing business of Monotech Systems Art Post · 4/7/1510:05 PM NEW DELHI: In a bid to have direct interface with its customers, Japanese printer firm...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2010

Art Post ·
Years ago I use to burn the late night candle pretty often. In some cases I would still find myself emailing a prospect at 2AM in the morning. In most cases the email was to schedule a meeting for later that week. Those late night emails was just something I was use to. It wasn't until one of my clients made mention of the email that arrived at 2AM. Of course he didn't see it until he arrived at work. But this client went on to tell me that he wished he had more sales people like me, meaning...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-One of Sales

Art Post ·
I guess the day is not over until it's over. Tonight I received text from a good industry friend of mine with some rather bad news. Seems two calls went out to two groups of employees from Canon. Those that were on one call were laid-off with no future employment, those on the other call were furloughed and hopefully will be getting their jobs back at some point in time. My source could not tell me how many were affected but stated "a large group of employees, each call was no longer than 15...
Blog Post

How I turned $15 into a 24K Opportunity

Art Post ·
Fifteen stinking dollars!  That was all it took for me to get in on a $24K opportunity!   If you're a P4P'er (Print4Pay Hotel) member, you're aware that once a week (Sunday nights, except in the summer), I send an update of the past weeks...
Blog Post Premium

Workflow is Nice and Provides a Ton of Business Benefits "Part Two"

Art Post ·
It's my pleasure to introduce our first quest blogger for "What is Workflow?"  Doug Gruver has been doing this Document Management/Workflow longer than I've been doing copiers.  For me, Doug is my "go to" guru.  Enjoy! Wikipedia has several definitions of “workflow” – look it up. Workflow Management is the sub-definition that best describes what we in the it/content management business call workflow.
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Twelve Tips on How to Return Leased Copiers

Art Post ·
Over the years, I would say that ninety percent of my clients leased their copiers with an option to buy the copier at the end of the term. Most of these leases had a buy out option for FMV (Fair Market Value). The general idea of an FMV lease is...
Blog Post

Two severe Windows vulnerabilities addressed, another two unpatched

Art Post ·
Windows users might have noticed that on the morning of Nov. 13, they were greeted with a large number of updates for their systems. This is all too common of a problem for IT departments as they scramble to patch servers, desktop computers and...
Blog Post

The past, present and future of cybersecurity

Art Post ·
Protecting enterprises with cybersecurity tools has been a long process, one filled with failed attempts, confusion and human error. Furthermore, many new infrastructure-as-a-service offerings are attempting to provide IT departments with high-levels...
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Sophisticated hacker group FIN4 strikes Wall Street

Art Post ·
Imagine receiving an email that claims another employee is talking about you in a public forum, and forwarding a link to the forum as proof. It looks legitimate enough, as the email is from a longtime client with whom you recently discussed business....
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago First Week of August 2004

Art Post ·
Scientists speaking at a news conference on natural disasters raise the alarm that the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma , Canary Islands , could erupt at any time, sending a 250 km 2 . rock crashing into the Atlantic Ocean and producing a...
Blog Post

5 Really Cool New Features with Docuware 6.6

Art Post ·
For someone like me, who has been a copier geek for all of my copier career, the insight I received the other day from Steve Behm, Vice President Sales, Americas, about the pending upgrade of DocuWare 6.6 was awesome.    As many of you...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (2nd Week of November)

Art Post ·
Ten years ago Ricoh released the first GBC stream puncher in the industry, it was interesting to say the least. Many of us poked fun at the chads that were scattered within the first GBC stream punch units.  We actually had to dispatch...
Blog Post

Do Black & White Copiers Really Exist?

Art Post ·
Ok, today was the day that the straw finally broke the camels back! I just ran across an article titled "How to print content in black & white colors on Microsoft Edge". I was expecting to read about some printer or copier that was capable of printing the color white. What I wasted my time on was an article on how to print black from Microsoft Edge. White is still a color the last time I checked. In fact the writer of the article stated that in order to print black you need to select the...
Blog Post

12 Tips on How to Return Leased Copiers

Art Post ·
Over the years, I would say that 90 percent of my clients leased their copiers with an option to buy the copier at the end of the term. Most of these leases had a buyout option for FMV (Fair Market Value). The general idea of an FMV lease is that the customer has no intention of ever owning the equipment and they will return it at the end of the lease. Also means lowest lease payments. Most leasing companies have been and still are very aggressive with FMV rates (interest), however most will...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Last Week of April 2007)

Art Post ·
One item that stands out this week is the launch of the Ricoh fax 1180L. Just a few weeks ago, one of my clients wanted a fax machine. No print, no scan, just a fax. Too my surprise, Ricoh is not offering a stand alone fax anymore. I had to sell one of the smaller A4 devices and I was not happy about it, since the client was coming from a high end fax device. Instead of being able to write an order for a few thousand, it was more like $800. GRRRRR! Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Second Week of November 2004)

Art Post ·
So here's a thread where my first thought was, gee that was a long time ago! In most cases I'm thinking time is flying buy. Canon buys Oce, really that was a long time ago! Enjoy These Awesome Threads from 15 Years Ago this Week! UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh 11/16/097:44 AM Minolta Holdings, which is in a business alliance with Oce. "Konica Minolta procures high-end production printing machines from Oce, while Oce procures lower-end machines from Konica Minolta,"...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Third Week of November 2009)

Art Post ·
Dang, it's been ten year since Canon bought OCE. Interesting that it took ten years to finally retire the OCE brand. Ten years ago I was blogging about the War for A4, I also find it interesting that the war has been going on for 10 years now, and finally people are starting to pay attention. Enjoy These awesome threads from ten years ago this week! UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh 11/16/097:44 AM Minolta Holdings, which is in a business alliance with Oce. " Konica...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Last Week of October 2009)

Art Post ·
There's a really awesome topic from ten years ago titled " Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?". I went back and read it several times, and realized that 2009 was the start of the great recession. Somehow we survived, but recently I've heard some grumblings in the AEC industry and they are not good Enjoy these awesome threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Industry Notes from 10/25/09 Neal · 10/26/093:34 PM - network based authorization, authentication and accounting -...
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Managed Print Services! A 59-Billion-Dollar Business by 2025!!! Is MPS still a BAD INVESTMENT?

Ray Stasiezcko ·
It seems like those who benefit from convincing resellers of the glories regarding Managed Print Services. Keep raising the outlook. Are people really buying this nonsense? Well, we do hear the testimonials from those who invest or have temporarily invested in the channel's future, putting a whole lot of faith. In what I describe, as the delusion of MPS 2025. I recently attended an event for resellers, and yes, there was a Managed Print Services presentation. The presenter seemed to validate...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of September 2014)

Art Post ·
Had a pretty cool thing happen yesterday. I was visiting one of my existing accounts because they had a question on one of their higher end printers. The owner of the company then told me about a call he received from another business owner asking about how he likes his copiers. I was given the contact name and the company, since that company was only a few minutes away I was on my way. Stopping in un-announced is always a little dicey. The DM was in the office and I had to wait a bit, and...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Second Week of December 2004)

Art Post ·
My apologies for not blogging as much in recent weeks. It's that end of year thing, and I'm still looking to hit some numbers/ I suffered a set back (kinda ) today when a client told me there was a new rule in place for purchases above ten grand. Yeah I know what that means, competitive quotes need to be gathered. It happens and I understand what I don't understand is why I can't catch a break every now and then. Seems the month, the quarter and the year is going to come down to the wire...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Second Week of January 2003)

Art Post ·
Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week. Konica Minolta Corportaion Lee · 1/9/0310:22 AM of business in matured markets such as Europe, the U .S. and Japan. Both cameras and consumer imaging products and services serve to propel the brand image of the new corporate group. Medical and graphic imaging products and measuring instruments place effort into securing stable profits and achieving ongoing development. Common Function Companies Technology Center By integrating the technologies...
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This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago, The First Week of February 2008

Art Post ·
Really, has it been only ten years since our MFP's incorporated color scanning? Seems like we've had it forever. One of the threads from this post tells about the Ricoh MP4000 which came with standard color scanning. For me 2008 marks the start of the Great Recession here in the US. Most of my business at that time was in the AEC market. Thinking back, I lost almost 40% of my accounts to the Great Recession, some just closed up shop, while others went out of business. Far as I'm concerned I...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Second Week in May 2003

Art Post ·
Very cool thread from Boston Mike below. From all of the threads about the Color MFPs, I think we can say that 2003 marked the beginning of the road for color MFP's. Fifteen years later color MFP's are common in the office today. Margins continue to erode along lower cost devices. CANON Displays New Products At Digital Solutions Forum In Chicago 5/9/034:12 PM Printing Other products which made their debut at the show include the Canon imageRUNNER 110M with MICR print capability, IO Corp.
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Last Week in April 2003

Art Post ·
Yeah! Mets move to 11-1 on the young season! Whoohoo! So many threads below, so many members sharing information. One of the popular threads is about the document server. I still talk about the benefits of the document server to clients when proposing the Ricoh devices. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Topic BTA selects Kyoita (Kyocera Mita) 4/28/038:01 PM us. We appreciate it very much." While KMA received the top award — based on receiving the highest overall average ranking...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in April 2003

Art Post ·
Cool thread here for everyone, you should check this one out. Sometimes you cannot satisfy a customer, no matter how much customer service you provide, and how well the system operates. Case in point...We have had this customer for 8 years, and had sold them a Savin 2527, and a Savin 4027sp as the latest series. They had a 48 month lease contract with full service, and had been happy up to 3 years ago, from what they say. I received a letter they sent to the leasing company stating they did...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (First Week of January 2003)

Art Post ·
I'm elated that the Print4Pay Hotel can now offer data going back to 2003! Can you believe it 15 years of press releases, posts from members, answers from members. There is no other copier industry site that can offer this! Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week! Rioch Press Release 1/7/035:09 PM by Xerox . "We are managing to move forward in a very difficult environment," says Tatsuo Hirakawa, Ricoh 's deputy president. "Despite the generally gloomy global economic outlook,...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Second Week of August 2004)

Art Post ·
Still watching the Mets doing this blog in advance. Enjoy these awesome threads from 15 years ago this week! Konica Minolta Q1 profit down 8/8/049:41 PM printers have also boosted the quarterly earnings of Canon Inc , Ricoh Co and U .S.-based Xerox Corp (XRX), which said its profit more than doubled and raised its outlook for the full year. Konica Minolta said that sales in its mainstay copier and printer division fell 4.1 percent to 144.06 billion yen, hurt by a rise in the yen and price...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Last Week of July 2014)

Art Post ·
Yesterday marked the end of the month for me. Thus we have seven months in the books and so far 2019 has been awesome. August brings us those "dog days" of summer and many objections due to vacations, not enough time, get back to me after Labor Day or you can't get anyone to respond. I get it, and I've adjusted my habits over the years. August needs to be one of the biggest prospecting months in the year. The time you spend prospecting in August will pay HUGE dividends moving into the last...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Second Week of May 2003)

Art Post ·
Nice thread here from my good buddy Mike. This is from 15 years ago and he writes about how the members of the Print4Pay Hotel were able to help him secure a nice copier order! P4P Saves the Day Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week! CANON Displays New Products At Digital Solutions Forum In Chicago 5/9/034:12 PM Printing Other products which made their debut at the show include the Canon imageRUNNER 110M with MICR print capability, IO Corp. 5755 Host to Net Gateway for host-based...
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MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for May 30th, 2020

Art Post ·
May 30th, 2020 MSP & MSSP Industry Notes Sponsored by Arcoa Group ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling. We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional...
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The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week In 2015

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week In 2015 Wow I remember writing this blog like it was yesterday I Don't Walk Away from Many Opportunties But this One was Crazy! It's a great read and the comments from our members are super. It's all about sharing information and ideas. Enjoy these most popular threads from 5 years ago this week Konica Minolta Participates in PrintPack + Sign and Office Expo Asia Art Post · 7/28/1510:20 PM shift and the need for increased productivity and efficiency.
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Sales Professionals Know What They Are Prospecting for, Do You?

Larry Levine ·
What is the purpose of prospecting? How would you define prospecting? Prospect is from the Latin word prospectus which means a "view or outlook." What is your outlook or view when it comes to prospecting? Ask many in sales this question and you will hear a resounding, "to find deals." Or, they may say something such as, "to convince people to give them an appointment." Unfortunately, many believe if they go on enough appointments and talk to enough people then everything will work out fine.
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The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago for the last week of September 2015 Opportunities are on the rise along with many potential orders for October. Even though our Governor extended the State of Emergency for another 30 days I'm seeing a lot of activity poised for the end of the year. All is not lost and there is everything to gain, we just have to have the desire to want it. Enjoy these cool threads from 5 years ago this week Konica Minolta enters industrial printing market Art Post ·...
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The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago the first week in October 2015 Looking back on all the threads during the last 18 years. I wished I would have started doing this back in the early nineties. By 2022 we'll have at least 20 years of the copier industry captured and indexed for those that need to know more. Enjoy these threa Konica Minolta Appoints Sam Errigo as Executive VP, Sales and Business Development Art Post · 10/4/152:03 PM RAMSEY, N.J.—October 1, 2015—Konica Minolta Business...