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Tagged With "Copier Rep"


Re: Marco Acquires New Jersey Copier/Printer Company

Art Post ·
Welcome to my market Marco! You are know the third MEGA dealer competing in my market place.

Re: Marco Acquires New Jersey Copier/Printer Company

livestrong ·
Art- the # of your competitors didn’t change , their fingers and toes are now a whole lot farther away from their head. I picture you as Yankee Doodle Dandy and they are the Red Coats. Perhaps they will be as successful as .....Danka or IKON or RBS/AOE or GlobalXRX or ....

Re: Marco Acquires New Jersey Copier/Printer Company

Art Post ·
Yup, I agree.

Re: Marco Acquires New Jersey Copier/Printer Company

Fuser ·
wondering if the MarcoClover tie-up makes service companies reconsider where they buy toner and printer parts from.. i am hearing a mix of response

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Art Post ·
@Jason H it's my understanding that Canon has a rep dedicated to Amazon for the ImagePASS mfp's already

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Jason H ·
ImageClass?? If so that’s throw away junk just like the HP’s etc. I believe that stuff has been sold online for some time now. We don’t sell that series due to the extremely high cpc’s

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Old Glory ·
Even if they meet a rep, that doesn't mean that they won't oftentimes turn-around and order online. Building relationships and providing solutions is all good and I have accounts that I am very tight with. However, when the day comes that all the business I get is only from those accounts, I will starve.

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

fisher ·
In a way its already gone to the internet and away from the outside sales least for stand alone printers and A4 devices. If all someone needs is a printer or an A4 to be used for basic printing,scanning and copying.....face it, they really don't need us already. If you've been at this a long time you probably remember the days when you sold a lot of A4 machines to small offices. 20 years ago if you needed an A4 you called a copier dealer. Those days are gone for the most part.

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

Jason H ·
@fisher I agree almost completely, but to play devils advocate I will say that we are selling more desktop printers now than we ever have before. Mostly brother, as we became a partner a couple years ago. I think people are looking for reps to show them a better way than just buying another HP off amazon, but the rep still has to have a higher level conversation with the client...not just hey buy your printers from us.

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

PatrickB ·
I believe it will be a mixed environment, just like with PC's and other peripherals. For the small number of placements, onesie-twosie, I see E-commerce and inside sales taking over the role of the outside sales rep. For the larger accounts a sales rep will continue to play a role.

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

John Saramak ·
In 10 years there WILL be outside sales reps, and many of them will be the committed, true professionals of today. The E-Commence platform have changed our business and how we do it. For example gone are the days when you could duck into a 15 story office building and cold call. But electronic format can still be your attention getter and facilitate your efforts in creating interest. I can buy anything on line and cut out the sales person. Try doing your own investing and getting the right...

Re: Quality Digital Office Technology

John-Austin Shepard ·
Art, we've got a rep that covers York / Gettysburg and he confirmed this. He said he heard it went down ~ 6 months ago and they started reaching out to clients towards the end of 2019 to let them know. Gonna be a big change as Quality had a lot of loyal clients (also were giving away service at rates like .003 & .032- > I've gotta imagine that'll change quickly)

Re: Ricoh Pro C5300

Kitz ·
I tried to get more details from my Ricoh production rep, he tells me more info will be available towards the end of the month and that was it, hoping for some big changes, especially in the LCT area.

Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It

WF ·
Question on this - do any of you that sell Lexmark get questioned about the ultimate ownership of the Chinese government? If so, what is it that you say to get them comfortable that they're safe?

Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It

Art Post ·
@Jason H curious if you can help with this question

Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It

Jason H ·
We are still a dealer but we have not sold a LEXMARK in quite a while. They eliminated the MPS Elite program we were own, or at the least removed us from that program. I never had anyone ask about the security due to the Chinese ownership but it’s a great point. Honestly, I have found their support, to us at least, to be very subpar. Our support from brother has been phenomenal the last 2 years. Most of my printer clients are replacing the lexmarks with the brothers as fast as they can.

Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It

WF ·
Taking a deeper dive, knowing that the U.S. DoD Inspector General recommends adding Lexmark to the banned list with Huawei (Lenovo and GoPro also), does that make you uncomfortable when pitching a Lexmark unit?

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
Call that KIP sales Rep again and make a deal with him. If you can get the deal with 2 KIP 9900s (those will replace the 4 Oce's), then you get to be a KIP dealer. He will also spend half as much in toner as those Oce machines just eat toner.

Re: Nsi Autostore

John Mooney ·
Art, the big thing is for Nuance/Copitrak do this you need external tablets, and people are pretty sick of ecopy. We embed right in the MFP for Ricoh, Konica, Canon and Xerox so even if there's too many months left in the current lease we can embed the software in the current equipment and then just move the license to your MFPS when it's time to change hardware. I just did that with a POA rep in Denver, the customer had Canons and when they're ready switch we'll move it for a very small...

Re: Need Kyocera Copier (dealer) Price List

Jason of RAM Copiers ·
Hi Art, I am with a Kyocera dealer and would love a premium upgrade. What exacly are you looking for?

Re: Need Kyocera Copier (dealer) Price List

Art Post ·
Hey Jason: Thank you for joining!! I have the Kyocera pricing I needed. However, I will need it again in the future. We can do something then. But, we have a promo for a Premium/VIP. For each competitive (recent) quote or proposal that you email me, I will comp you a FREE month for each one. Will that work for you? Art

Re: Color clicks

BCarroll ·
JWS- Good luck getting your machine to count correctly! We went round and round with Ricoh and our rep about this. They swear it counts correctly, we know it doesn't. You are correct in that it can be application- dependent; some apps will click correctly, but Acrobat prints, when there are mixed originals, usually treat the whole job as color. I experimented with different drivers (PCL / PS3 / Universal PCL), but could never resolve the issue for our client (a church). BTW, the ame doc...

Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints

SalesServiceGuy ·
Imagine a CMYK copier, except remove the CMY toner and developer and insert a new Erasable Blue (EB) toner and developer. Modify the copier so that when the Erasable blue toner passes back through the heat of the fuser, it de-colorizes the blue to white. A new rules based print driver can automatically makes software apps like emails auto print in blue plus provide a new counter to show how much paper, CO2 and money you saved. The previous generation product appealed to too small a section...

Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints

SalesServiceGuy ·
A good YouTube video showing the erasable copier in action.

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Art Post ·
These are two listing that I found on site: 8443.99.20 Parts of printer units of subheading 8443.32.10 specified in additional U.S. note 2 to this chapter 8443.99.45 Parts and accessories of copying machines; nesoi Subheading 8443.99.20 following parts of printer units of subheading 8443.32.10: (a) Control or command assemblies, incorporating more than one of the following: printed circuit assembly, hard or flexible (floppy) disk drive, keyboard, user interface; (b) Light source...

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Art Post ·
really surprised there's no chatter about this

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Jason H ·
I have heard from some of the secondary aftermarket suppliers wanting people to stock up before the tariffs take effect. Seems they are using it like any other bad news piece and trying to gain business now. I also wonder how this will affect the Japanese manufacturers.

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Jason H ·
Well today is the day. I still haven't heard one thing from any of our manufacturers about this....

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Art Post ·
same here, I guess they will start their nonsense once USA stocks have been depleted. I just heard of a Toshiba dealer that won school business based on .0018 for black and .02 for color. hahaha!

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Jason H ·
I'll never for the life of me understand why someone would take that business.

Re: Manufacturer Support on Bids

Jason H ·
I agree. My KM rep and his boss were in the office yesterday and I asked him why he didn't show any interest in this opportunity and he said because you are buying at the lowest I can give you right now and there is nothing else I can do from a support part. He said he gave it about a 3-5% chance of winning the account based on what he read and what he could do. I am ok with that as most of our bid opportunities are not set up around here for dealers to participate. They always have some...

Re: Senior VP wants P4P Access!

Shaja ·
Given that he tried to register with false info, I'm concerned. This is a business site, not a personal site where limiting the amount of personal information shared is an appropriate privacy measure. You'll recall that I already ran into a situation once on this very board a few years ago where I did not feel I could be candid because of a manufacturer's response. If a manufacturer rep wants to post, then he/she should be totally honest and above board with their information and their...

Re: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Copier Demo/Appointment

JW ·
Rep: What's your copier volume? Client: Well, uh, everyone in the office uses it.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Copier Demo/Appointment

bill w ·
Had a demo years ago on a fax machine. Had a big wheel from corporate wanting to do a ride along with a rep for the day. Customer wanted to see quality and asked one of their customers to send a test fax. As all the admin complained about the speed, the corp guy explained that a very detailed fax would take more time because of memory issues. As everyone crowded aroud the fax to innspect, a very vivid porn image was reproduced with striking detail. We made the sale

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Laxfan25 ·
Old Glory, you are way off-base regarding profitability to Ricoh on an $8,000 sale through the dealer or through their direct channel. When Ricoh sells to the dealer, the dealer is responsible for all ofthe end-marketing expenses related to the brick-and-mortar + sales rep expenses. When Ricoh (or other mfrs) run their own branches, there is a tremendous amount of overhead associated with that operation. Hence, this is one reason why Ricoh's dealer division, while smaller, was the only part...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Deanw ·
I think we make an error when we assume that Ricoh selling a machine to an end user for $8k is the same as Ricoh selling a machine to a dealer for $8k. When Ricoh sells a machine to a dealer for $8k they are done, when Ricoh sells a machine to an end user for $8k they have other costs, including paying the street rep and his manager so I don't think it is not true to say the $8k is the same to Ricoh from either source.

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Are we on the same wave length here?? Usually a 3-5 means that service and supplies are provided for three years, after three years the customer then has to pay for service, thus raising the cost to them. ie: $100 per month for 60 months includes 3 years of supplies and service for 100K, after the third year or whenever the supplies and service expire, the rep will come back in and refi the remaining 24 months with a new 3-5, they can usually sell this at a lower price that what the customer...

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Not only are the less than ethical copier sales people in the world, there are just as bad Lease sales people. When these two parties collude together the customers best interests are never at the top of the list. You cannot assume that the good Lease sales rep you work with has the same personal value system as the competition. You cannot assume that the good lease company you work with has a good local sales rep. You cannot assume that at the end of the lease, the Lease sales person you...

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Depending on the Lease vendor, they may provide cleverly designed Lease documents, with two payments streams on the document. The bad copier sales person fills in the agreed Payment #1 amount with the customer and leaves the Payment #2 line blank. The customer does not even see Payment #2 because it is blank. The customner signs the lease. Back at the office, this same sales person fills in Payment #2 with the Step Lease amount, and submits it to the Leasing company. Working with a less than...

Re: Time in business requirements

CashGap ·
The leasing company makes money when and if they are paid back, not when they lend the money! The rep is always free to cosign the loan if they think it's a BS issue but I think it would suddenly become a REAL issue at that point. After all, at that point we'd be talking about REAL money, not OPM. The leasing company is just wisely refusing all businesses under two years, then looking at the credit app and seeing that there is basically nothing on the app to support the loan, so they request...

Re: Time in business requirements

Art Post (Guest) ·
Cash Gap: Going back to the past and seems like you've been in the biz for a long time. There was a time when: If you were over 2 years in biz, 90% of the time no PG was required. The leasing companies that you did business with would not "cream" the apps, they would take the good, the bad and the ugly (well, sometimes with the ugly) Problem now, is that all leasing companies want the cream, and that's where I have an issue, if you want first dibs to our portfolio, don't cream the apps, and...

Re: A4 Page Volumes

M138 ·
I'm looking at a break point of around 10k/month, at that point, at least at my dealership, a3 is a lower tco. They [the samsung rep]say when you look at total volumes, 11x17 only accounts for like 3% of the global print volume. What I've seen is that its not accurate to extrapolate that only 3% of customers need it, it means that there is a wider group of customers that use it outside AEC, but they do a tiny amount of it. Even so, once you've got a feature that is used, even marginally,...

Re: A4 Page Volumes

Art Post (Guest) ·
The most important question to ask is "how much do you copy 11x17"? If the answer is none, then the next question is "how often do you print 11x17"? When the answer is quite often, well A3 is then a no brainer, however if the answer is rarely, then I'll bundle an 11x17 laser or ink printer. Based on under 10K per month, A4 will save the customer on the TCO over the term of a 5 year lease.

Re: Construction Paper through a copier

Berniedsc ·
Konica Minolta Rep is saying theirs will do it without problem. Our experience when asking Ricoh technical is not to do it. Causes premature wear and tear on the drums.

Re: Construction Paper through a copier

Art Post (Guest) ·
I dn't know of any mfp/copier where construction paper is recommened. I would find out the model number and do your own research and prove to customer that either the KM rep is not stating the truth or produce documentation that the Ricoh can do it. I'm better dollars to dougnuts the KM can't. How about hearing from some the KM reps we have on the forums? Please help?

Re: recent page views for P4P Hotel forums

Shaja ·
Here's a formerly more active poster delurking to say hello. Since we stopped selling new Ricoh and since I'm admin and not a sales rep, I don't have as much to contribute any more. But, I still check in out of habit - always nice to see some familiar screen names :-)

Re: New Samsung 11 x 17" Colour MFPs due Oct 01 USA

lep524 ·
Our dealer rep from Sammy was in late last week to discuss what we need to be able to handle the 11 x 17 release. In Canada they say it will be a 35 and 45 B&W and a 25 and 35 colour. Part of what they see is the ability to bid for larger deals where there is a need for SOME 11 x 17 but they can still do large part of deal with A4 product. He said they expect it for first quarter 2011. They know they are going to be an also ran in some ways but if they get the CPC in line then we know...

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

Shaja ·
I'm going to say something here from my experience of being a copier buyer BEFORE I started working in the copier industry. Yes, it's true, I was a client of the very dealership that I came to work for. You're not going to like what I have to say because you're sales reps and you trained to think a certain way. Please, for once, listen with an open mind to someone with experience being on the other side of the proposal. Ponder it, don't spin it. Most buyers don't care one bit what brand of...

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

yeti ·
Jack Daly said it best "People buy from people they like" I know a local RBS where the marketplace Manager let his #1 rep based on attitude Sure this rep sold but the Rep was not liked by his customers. Customers were purchasing from this RBS because they liked the Service Tech and Delivery guys. this showed me personally that its not just the sales guy who sales its everybody in the company.

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

fisher ·
A couple of thoughts based on my lengthy experience with both Sharp and Ricoh. Ricoh is far and away a better product. No doubt about it. As stated above buyers buy the dealership and the relationship with the sales rep in my experience not the brand name on the front of the box. Take it from someone who spent years explaining to customers who "Gestetner" was that had never heard of them........and now "Lanier". Finally, in this market I would urge extreme caution making any sort of...